Writing A Thesis Statement

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Every paper you should have a main point, a main idea or central message. The
arguments you make is your paper should reflect this main idea; the sentence
that capture your position on the main idea is called thesis statement.


Determine what kind of paper your are writing.

• An analytical break down an issue of an idea into its component part,

evaluate the issue and idea and present this breakdown and evaluation to
the advance

• An Expository paper explains something to audience.

• An argumentative paper makes a claim about a topic and justifies claim

with evidence your thesis statement should be specific. It should cover only
what you will discuss in your paper and should be supported with specific

Question to Ask when Formulating your thesis statement.

• Where is your thesis statement:

You should provide a thesis early in you essay in the introduction or in longer
essay in the second paragraph in older to establish your position and give your
reader a sense of direction

In order to write a successful thesis statement:

• Avoid burying a great thesis statement in the middle of paragraph or late in

the paper.

• Be as clear and a specific as possible avoid vague words.

• Indicate the point your paper but avoid sentence structure like “The point
of my paper is …”

2. It your thesis statement specific:

Your thesis statement should be as clear and specific as possible normally,

your will contrive to refine your thesis as you reveries your arguments, so your
thesis will evolve and gain definition as your obtain a better sense of your
argument is taking you.

3. Is your thesis statement to general?

Your thesis should be limited to what can be accomplished in the specified

number of pages shape your topic so that you can get straight to “meat” of it
being specific in your paper will be much more successful than writing about
general things that do not say much.

4. Is your thesis statement clear?

Your thesis statement is no exception to your writing; it needs to be as clear

as possible. By being as clear as possible in your thesis statement, you will
make sure that your reader understands exactly what you mean.

Unless you are writing a technical report avoid technical language, Always
avoid jargon.

• Avoid vague words avoid abstract words such a “Society” “ Values” or “


• Compare original thesis with revised version which is more clear than
original thesis.

Original Thesis:

Although the timber wolf is timed and gentle animal, it is being

systematically exterminated.

Revised Thesis:-

Although the timber wolf is actually a timed and gentle animal, it is being
systematically exterminated because people wrong fully believe it to be fierce and
cold blooded killer.

5. It your thesis statement original:

Avoid generic arguments and formula statement. They work well to get a
rough draft started but will easily bore a reader keep revising until you thesis
reflect your real ideas.

Use your own words in thesis statement; avoid quoting, insightful, crafting
an original and memorable thesis makes a distinct impression on reader you will
lose credibility as a writer if your become only a mouthpiece or a copyist; you will
gain credibility by gaining the reader with your own ideas and words.

A well crafted thesis statement reflect ideas. It signals a writer who has
intelligence, commitment and enthusiasm


To test your ideas by distilling then into a one sentence or two.

• To better organize and develop your argument.

• To provide your reader with a “guide” to your arguments.

How Long Does it need:-

A thesis statement focuses your ideas in one or two sentences. It should

present the topic of your paper and also make a comment about your position
in relation to the topic your thesis statement should tell your reader what the
paper is about and also help guide your writing and keep your argument
focused .

Good VS Bad Thesis Statement:-

It’s worth reiterating that a strong thesis statement is specific.

For example :

Saying European travel is a good way to spend your summer” is not specific
enough why is European travel good? But
“Solo European travel require independence which in the end bolsters
personal confidence”

This is much more specific, strong and targeted



“Everyone should exercise”

Why should ? what is in it for me


Americans should add exercise to their daily morning routine because it not
only keeps their bodies at a healthy weight but also reduce the risk of high
blood pressure.

Finding your Pont of View:

A good thesis statement developed from the point of view of the reader. Be
very careful you are not developing a topic that is of interest to go alone. This
is a harsh yet necessary question to ask yourself will my readers have any
reason to care about what an writing?

A thesis statement is powerful on two foots. First, it allows the reader to

get excited about what specifically in coming their way second, it stand as the
point of reference of your entire paper.

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