Employee Record Blank Form 2018

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Personal Particulars Update

New Hired - Please complete all necessary information below, if applicable
Updates - For providing changes, please fill in your name and position, as well as the blanks that has changed ONLY, sign, date
and send Update Form to Admin for record.

Name :
(English) (Chinese)
Date of
Position :
Employed :
HKID no. or Date of
: Sex :
Passport no. Birth : (dd) (mm) (yy)

Address :

Telephone :
(Mobile#) (Home#)
Marial No. of
: :
Status Children
Spouse * Spouse *
: :
Full Name HKID No.
* For tax purpose only

Payroll Account # Please submitted together with a copy of the Bank passbook OR ATM card

Bank Bank Account no.

Emergency Contact
Contact Contact
Relationship :
Person (1) : Number :
Contact Contact
Relationship :
Person (2) : Number :

Employee Signature : Date :

hr\ver1\11052018 Path: C:\Users\Zacki\Documents\HR\Employee Record Blank Form 2018.xlsx

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