By Isabel Cerrada, Irene Aguilar and Melanie Petrecca: Human Resources Presentation 1St Term Ad1A

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By Isabel Cerrada, Irene Aguilar and Melanie Petrecca


The Coca Cola Company is one of the biggest manufacturers, distributer and
marketers of beverages in the world. Coca-Cola was invented by pharmacist
John Stith Pemberton in 1886. The Coca-Cola formula and brand was bought
in 1889 by Asa Candler who incorporated The Coca-Cola Company in 1892.
Besides its namesake Coca-Cola beverage, Coca- Cola currently offers more
than 500 brands in over 200 countries or territories and serves 1.6 billion servings
each day.

After 70 years of success with one brand, The Coca-Cola Company decided to
expand its range of flavours. Fanta, originally developed in the 1940s, was
introduced in the 1950s, before Sprite followed in 1961 and Fresca in 1966.

 Relationship with the communities, listening and attending to any
 Freedom of association and collective bargaining.

These points correspond to one of the FAYOL theory.

CENTRALIZATION: how close are the employees of the decision-making process

INITIATIVE: employees must have the necessary level of freedom to create and
carry out plans.

 Prohibition of forced labor.

 Prohibition of the child contract.
 To promote equal opportunities.
- (Compliance) Comply with the laws regarding salaries, schedules
and additional hours.

-Location of safe and healthy work. This point follows another theory of FAYOL.

ORDER: Workplace facilities must be clean, orderly and safe for employees.

 Maintain security in the area of violence, harassment or intimidation.

Nº8 in "Best Workplace España 2009", arranged by the Great Place to Work

Nº15 in "best company to work".

2nd best company, certified by former students in the Business School.

Nº5 in better company according to directors of Human Resources.

Nº6 best company for university students.

According to the Randstad Consultant, better managed and with better

financial position in 2009.

And other awards.

 Information for personal and professional development, reflected in the
theory of FRIEDICK WINSLOW TAYLOR, the company is responsible for
training the staff as best as possible. This point also coincides with FAYOL,
at the point of division fo work, because the workers are specialized.
 Parking parking reserved for people with mobility restrictions and
pregnant women.
 parking for everyone.
 Medical service.
 Physio service
 Travel agency with discounts for employees.
 dinning room.
 gym
 appropiate dress-code.
 This type of work environment is also based on DUGLAS MCGREGOR'S
THEORY following the Theoty And: focuses on the internal mechanisms of
motivation, assuming that they have a natural drive to contribute and
take ownership of their work.

 Safety of life and accidents

 health insurance
 Safe for relatives
 free drinks and food help

These benefits are reflected in the modern contemporary human resources

organization. It retains the best talents with the attractive compensation
packages or develops them in talent development programs how iniciatias
solidarias y eventos.

HERZBERG´S FACTORS THEORY: Factors which when adequate in a job,

pacify the employees and don´t make them dissatisfied.

 extension of paternity leave
 flexible schedule
 January reduced on Fridays
 interruption of vacation due to temporary disability

This type of flixibility with the benefits and the previous point make the hygiene
and motivational factors

The Ministry of Equality promotes the "Foundation for diversity", a project where
Coca-Cola promotes:

 To avoid discrimination
encourage the integration of people with diverse profiles
 include the principles of equality and respect for diversity among the
values of the company.
 establish mechanisms that allow the conciliation of the work and
personal life of the workers.
According to FRIEDICK WINSLOW TAYLOR, this company is reflected in
theory factors such as: the company is responsible for training the staff as
best as possible.

 There is an almost equal division of the work and the responsibility

between the management and the workmen.

Coca-Cola also follows some of the points that follow the theory of HENRY
FAYOL, some of these factors are:

 DIVISION OF WORK, the workers are specialized.

 REMUNERATION: emplyee satisfaction depends on fair remuneration
for everyone.
 CENTRALIZATION: how close employees are to the decision-making
 SCALAR CHAIN: employees should be aware of where they stand in
the organization´s herarchy or chain of command.
 ORDER: the workplace facilities must be clen, tidy and safe for
 EQUITY: managers should be fair to staff at all times, mainteting
discipline and acting with kidness.


 "Plan Precio Feliz" the workers distribute material to poor people.
 Blood donation campaign.
 Cleaning of the Henares River, by volunteer employees.
 "Torneos navideños" for employees and family to promote sports.
 Sort of tickets for different events.

MASLOW´S HIERARCHY, The Coca-Cola company follows this theory. First we

must meet the basic needs of each person and finally we can provide the best
potential. That is why Coca-Cola is also concerned about the needs of others,
creating these solidarity initiatives and events.

These plans are reflected in WILLIAM OUCHI´S THEORY of motivation like mutual
trust between employees and the strong bond between organisation and

T h e o r g a n i z a t i o n h a s t w o o p e r a t i n g g r o u p s c a l l e d Bottling
Investments and Corporate. There are also operating groups divided
by different regions. E a c h o f t h e s e d i v i s i o n s i s a g a i n d i v i d e d i n t o
geographic regions. By allowing d e c i s i o n s t o b e m a d e o n a
more local level, the organization can quickly respond
t o changing market demands, and higher -level management
c a n f o c u s m o r e o n l o n g - t e r m planning. It is important that each
function of the company is able to share up information quickly with
each other.
This balance is essential, because it allows employees som e flexibility,
but also gives the organization some predictability. The blending of
both types of structures seems to be ideal for the organizati on.
Flexibility is essential when trying to appeal to such a vast number of
independent markets, however, h i g h s t a n d a r d i z a t i o n i s i m p o r t a n t
to remain efficient in production.


President: Highest authority, he is in charge of controlling and manage

the activities of the parent companies and subsidiaries. The president of
Spain is Marcos de Quinto.

General Manager: directs, plans and coordinates the general activities of

the departments and also he represents the company. The general
manager from Spain is Fernando Amenedo.

This chart will appear in the power point in English and not it Spanish.

The Commercial Department plays its role of key centre of business operations.
The Commercial Department is responsible for the implementation of effective
markets, management of optimal sales tools, development of latest products
and all these activities are under the strength analysis of accurate data. Also
finds out how to access the markets as a final goal in the best conditions of
competitiveness and profitability.

The Sales Department always tries to satisfy the customer and consumer needs
by improving the engagement level with them, implementation of effective
markets at stores and maintaining its sales schedules to reach the Coca-Cola's

By the cost and value optimization strategy, they always try to purchase the
best products at the cheapest prices. They connect both internal and external
customers by maintaining and improving our business relationships with good
partners and meeting our departments' needs by fully and timely providing
standard products/ services as required.

The commercial, sales and purchasing department director is Ricardo Sandoval

in Spain.


Thanks to the supply chain department, Coca-Cola's products have been

produced and supplied with quality and consistency while maintaining a safe
and good operation for environment and community. By the partnership
among Departments of Planning, Preparation, Production, Safety, Quality,
Logistics and Project; The Supply Chain Department always ensure to provide
market growing demands with full products, timely and fully delivery the lowest
cost and highest quality products to customers, and ensure the infrastructure
and system effectiveness for a good management of asset cycle.

James Quincey is the supply chain department director.


The Finance Department assists the company in making number-based

decisions by providing accurate information about financial statements,
analyses and consultations. We turn such numbers into meaningful information
for useful analyses as well as consultations, besides, we ensure a close
management, risk control and insurance, and full processes to minimize risks
and maintain the system sustainability.

The Finance Department always aim to perfect services, providing with full,
accurate, promptly financial information and improving processes to
continuously raise the whole system the service quality.
Jorge Jaudenes is the finance department director in Spain.


The most essential foundation of the company, the HR Department always

ensures to achieve human goals in business operations by HR and
organizational structure Planning, Attract and Develop Talents, Manage HR
Policy, Administration, Schedules and other staff activities. By strategic
connection and partnerships, the HR Department is able to well and effectively
recruit, develop and retain its Human Resources; Create and maintain a fun,
good, safe and effective workplace to maximize the human and organization
potentials as well.

Blanca Gómez is the Human Resources department director of Spain.


IT is a combination of business operations, creation of renovation and

technology to build a competitive advantage in the continuously changing
and developing world. They keep their system continuously and effectively
operating by maintaining and continuously responding to problems and ensure
that applications and personal servers are fully present, and they are
responsible for infrastructures of all plants as well as designs and applications of
latest services.
Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose
as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions
and decisions.
 To refresh the world
 To inspire moments of optimism and happiness.
 To create value and make a difference.

Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of
our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue ac
hieving sustainable, quality growth.

 People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the

best they can be.

 Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that

anticipate and satisfy people's desires and needs.

 Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together

we create mutual, enduring value.

 Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build

and support sustainable communities.

 Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of

our overall responsibilities.

 Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization


Our Winning Culture defines the attitudes and behaviors that will be required of
us to make our 2020 Vision a reality.
Our values serve as a compass for our actions and describe how we behave in
the world.

 Leadership: The courage to shape a better future

 Collaboration: Leverage collective genius

 Integrity: Be real

 Accountability: If it is to be, it's up to me

 Passion: Committed in heart and mind

 Diversity: As inclusive as our brands

 Quality: What we do, we do well


 Focus on needs of our consumers, customers and franchise partners.
 Get out into the market and listen, observe and learn
 Possess a world view
 Focus on execution in the marketplace every day
 Be insatiably curious

 Act with urgency
 Remain responsive to change
 Have the courage to change course when needed
 Remain constructively discontent.
 Work efficiently


 Be accountable for our actions and inactions
 Steward system assets and focus on building value
 Reward our people for taking risks and finding better ways to solve
 Learn from our outcomes -- what worked and what didn’t

The stakeholders for The Coca-Cola Company as stated in the company’s

Corporate Responsibility Review are:
 Shareowners
 Employees
 Bottling partners
 Governmental agencies
 Suppliers
 Retail customers
 Consumers
 Local Communities
 NGOs

What allows an organization to continue to operate for over 125 years, and along
the way, become one of the most globally recognizable brand names? The ability
to adapt and find new markets has helped Coca-Cola become an icon of the
American culture. Coca-Cola was invented in 1885 and since The Coca-Cola
Company’sincorporation in 1892; a strong focus on growth and marketing
has existed. Besides traditional advertisements in the local newspaper, the
company’s founder, Asa Candler, distributed thousands of coupons for free glasses
of Coca-Cola so that many more people would be inclined to taste the product.
He also distributed countless souvenirs that depicted the Coca-Cola trademark
logo. The Coca-Cola Company was eager to take advantage of new markets,
and expansion efforts quickly led to Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines
Before long, Coca-Cola was being sold in Europe. The Coca-Cola Company
turned what many would view as a threat, into an enormous opportunity. In 1941,
the company’s president, Robert Woodruff made an order to provide American
troops with Coca-Cola, regardless of where they were, and what it cost to the
company. During the war, 64 bottling plants were set up in Europe and the Pacific.
This not only allowed American troops to acquire a taste for the drink, but it left
Coca-Cola with a solid foundation to greatly expand its operations overseas. Over
time, The Coca-Cola Company has remained adamant about staying in the non-
alcoholic beverage industry. Besides soft drinks, The Coca-Cola Company sells
energy drinks, juice drinks, sports drinks, tea, and water. The current focus of The
Coca-Cola Company is still that of growth. The current objective of the
organization “is to use our formidable assets-brands, financial strength, unrivalled
distribution system, global reach, and a strong commitment by our management
and employees worldwide-to achieve long-term sustainable growth”.

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