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Presentation/Social Engagement Assignment:

 Students will be allocated to groups of 3 students.
 Each group will be allocated a class from Scoil Chaitríona Senior School Renmore (age 8-12).
 Students will review the Health Behaviours in School Children and National Diet and Nutrition Survey results.
 Upon review of these documents, students should pick out 1-2 issues and that they feel are likely to be relevant to school
children in Scoil Chaitrion in Renmore.
 Your job is to prepare a 20 minute in-classroom workshop for primary school children about the issues you have chosen
from the report with the goal of changing health behaviours. Your workshop must be interactive and evidence-based. It
should be tailored for the age group that you have been allocated. You must produce a worksheet for the children to
complete during the workshop or to take home after the workshop.
 The assignment will be graded on:
o Workshop background work (proforma sheet attached - group submission) 5%
o Workshop audio recording (use phone and submit mp3 recording – group submission). Essential criteria*
o Activity sheet developed for children to fill in during workshop or take home (group submission) 5%
o Reflection (individual submission) 5%

 For this task, students should use concepts from topics such as Changing Health Behaviours and Health Promotion, as well
as information gained from Human Nutrition & Metabolism.

 *Students who do not participate in the roll-out of the health promotion workshop will receive a 0 grade for the whole

Background Reading:

Health Behaviours in School Aged Children (Ireland)

To date, HBSC Ireland has collected data from 49,268 school-aged children aged 10-17 years across the Republic of
Ireland. The report describes the self-reported health status of children in Ireland over time in relation to key indicators:
health behaviours, health outcomes and the contexts of their lives. Internationally comparable trends data are also included.

Trends in Health Behaviours, Health Outcomes and Contextual Factors between 1998-2014: findings from the Irish Health
Behaviour in School-aged Children Study.

The National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) (UK)

The National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) rolling programme is a continuous, cross-sectional survey. It is designed
to collect detailed, quantitative information on the food consumption, nutrient intake and nutritional status of the general
population aged 1.5 years and over living in private households in the UK. The survey covers a representative sample of
around 1000 people per year. Fieldwork began in 2008 and is now beginning its eleventh year.

It has just released its latest report on health behaviours in the UK.

 Students should have an intimate knowledge of the Irish food pyramid, and healthy eating guidelines for the age group
they are dealing with. Many useful resources can be found on
Background Information on Scoil Chaitríona

Scoil Chaitríona has a junior school (4-8 years) and senior school (9-12 years). It is located less than a 10-minute walk from GMIT
and educates approximately 800 children from the local area on a daily basis. It has a multicultural student population including
many students for whom English is not their first language. Children from Scoil Chaitríona recently participated in Science Week
at GMIT.

It is classed as a Band 2 Deis School which indicates that it's considered educationally disadvantaged with children at risk of not
completing an education programme due to financial or social hardship. To support this, the school receives additional supports
such as 3 English as Second Language Teachers and 9 Special Educational Needs Teachers.
Background Work (5%)

Group Members (full name):

Class allocated:

Number of children

Age of children:

1-2 Issues selected from HSBC or NDNC:



Background information on the two health behaviours selected.

Goals of the nutrition/physical activity workshop:

By the end of this workshop, the children should be able to….

Lesson Plan:

Description of GMIT student/educator Description Scoil Caitríona Children activity

Clearly plan and explain everyone’s role.

Set up





Clean up
Personal Reflection (5%)

Your reflection should follow the SES/PHN formatting guidelines and be 2 A4 pages in length.

Critical reflection is descriptive, analytical, and critical.

Your reflection might follow the following headings:

 “Lessons Learned”
o What went well?
o What didn’t go well?
o What would I do differently next time if I had to do something similar again.


 “What? So What? Now What?”

o What happened/what did I learn?
o So what does that mean for me (in the context of other learning I’ve done in class?
o Now what am I going to do about or with the thing that I’ve learned.

Reflection should be descriptive, analytical and critical. To add analysis to your reflection, within the “lessons learned” or “What?
So What? Now What?” structures, consider asking yourself some of the following questions to deeply reflect on the experience.

 Ask why something did or did not happen.

 Ask what was good, why? What was bad, why? Neither good nor bad, but interesting, why?
 Think of alternatives; what else could have happened? Why?
 Look for other points of view – do you think the children or teacher experienced the same thing?
 Look for hidden assumptions in our attitudes and beliefs
 Look at something as a collection of parts (component) but also as a set of qualities (values and judgments)
 Look at the opposite viewpoint in order to challenge it
 Ask who might be advantaged and who might be disadvantaged by these responses and actions.
Rubric – Community Learning Assignment

Distinction Merit Grade 1 Merit Grade 2 Pass Fail Marks

1.1 2.1 2.2
70-100% 60-70% 50-60% 40-50% 0-40%
Background work 5%
Appropriate justification of the activities.
Evidence-based intervention.
Workshop Roll-out (essential criteria)
20 minute workshop delivered to children
Content appropriately pitched at the correct age group
Children engaged throughout
Key messages are evidence-based
Worksheet 5%

Content appropriately pitched at the correct age group

Key messages are evidence-based

Reflection 5%

Reflection displays appropriate depth to result in personal


Total Marks

It will not be possible to grade students who do not participate in the workshop roll-out. Students who are absent must arrange an alternative assessment.

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