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Economics (Code - 07)

srefens (6ts-o r)
:3 Hours Nt.Nl. : 150
?Trrq , g dt efiro-f,fl 3i6' tso
Notc: i)Attcmpt fivc qucstions. All qucstions carry cqual marks. Qucstiou nunibcr I is cclrupulsory. Ansu'cr any
trvo questions l'rom Part I and two questions ll'otn Part IL'l'he parts of the sanre qucstions nrust bc answ'ered
togcthcr and must not bc intcrposcd betwecn answcrs to othcr questions.
ii) In case of any discrcpancy in the lrnglish and llindi versions. English version rvillbc takcn as final.

*e,i) qis qQa 6d otr zraft d 3i6 lraratt qQa riwr r smtr anrr r S d qed aer snrr z i
d qe* 6I srrE tr u6 qea d z+aft siefr 6T Tdr tteF ?TrE ir tr6 q?a S siei rrr rtr{ Rrt qea d 3ie}
d erq a i qrir
ii) qR 3iffi E?i ffi ft-d-{sr fr +t$ RRirrft d, d si*,ff ft-€q sift-fl nrdr qrgdrr I

Q. I Writc notes on any fbur of thc fbllorving: (4x7.5=30)

BE d m-* Erg tr{ f},{uft ftRrS r

(a) lndifl-erence cun,e and consutler equilihriunt.

de{efil To aql sqar}mr Tigd-d
(b) Price and output detcrmination by Monopoly fimr
troft-or$ rn-d arer +ta-d aefl 3ror<ET ol BEfuq
c) "'frade is engine of econonric grorvth".
qrqn eilft16 iigk tnr gu-a E r

(d) Hanod modcl of growth

dqk 6T tEs drsd
(e) Strategy ofJan-dhan yojana in lndia
ersa d qa-tra-qtq-ar 61 ?"rffft
(0 Role and growth of capital goods industrics in India.
ancd fr {daTd e-€ ratrr 61 eft6l aar dgk
Part -l (anor- t )

Q. 2 Explain various fypes of costs in production. Nanate the transition of a firm from short-run cost curves to (30)
long-run cost curves.

s.qrqzT frfar-q u-.Dr{ d drqd1 of

fr qrsr Efffril$ r ffi s-d S 3riq-o-rd-d apra aoJ n ftffia
arun aol q{ ?i@-qq o} errgrg$ r

Q. 3 What do you mean by classical theory of employment? Horv has Keynes improved upon the classical (30)
theory? Explain in detail.

n-d-drru A qfrk Riqia * sTrq6'r tgr sTferqrq B a fu-s q-s'rr ottr e sftk kaia w gqre r€d
fu-qr t? kffirt qfo erwr dffir
Q. a (a) Discuss the role of public finance in a developing economy. (15)
Rrors$-a ter * Mrd o1 aiftror of qM o1ffi r

(b) Examine the principles and incidence of taxation. (15)

6?r}qr + ftr€id d€n 6?rEnd EFr qseiq otftni r

07tcsn4 t. Cont.

Parl -ll (eml-z)

Q. 5 (a) Analyse the changing sectoral pattern of national income and its implications in the Indian economy. 65)
3{rq rrem-qn * qMa t
soq den strrftq s{+qaten fr frtrdrd or frcesur qffffi
ff+ | '
(b) Throw light on causes and consequences of regional disparities in agricultural groMh of the Indian economy. /, a\
e{rreq s{dqfl*eTr fr {fu gFA fr e}frq frqrdlsil A 6rwil aen coTrd rr{ g6rcl srftr}r trry

e.- 6 Discuss theemergence of cooperative federalism in India in view of the recommendations of the Fourteenth Finance
Commission of India and other fiscal measures of the government of India in recent years.
sT1-gd + ffi frd 3{r+dr +t ffifr ?Tzr aET + sd fr arred sa5r{ + ffiq sqrd +} EFIT
Ts* gi e{rrd * s6ffi drdrd d soq w qRqqf dftr$ r

Q. 7 (a) How do you view changing pattem of foreign trade and Balance of payments in India? (15)
' emd fr ft?eft dnqr .TqT Urrdrd rigfi{d + {d-dA soq 6} sTrq fu-{T q-ot-{ tst t a
(b) What types of inferences can be drawn from the public expenditures in India during the last few yea'"t (15)
frura gu Ed t *
fma e+na fr #o'-qq l6-s rors Erknd Fro"r& * * *tA ?a

07/cs/14 2.

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