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Albakova 1

Milana Albakova

Holly Batty

English 101

28 May 2019

Short Reflection

Looking back at my final draft, it was kind of a mess. I was not used to writing college

level papers. I was used to the standard five paragraph essays we wrote in high school. There

were a lot of mistakes in my original essay. The MLA formatting was wrong and there were a lot

of grammatical errors. I talked about many good points in my essay about the struggles of a

working college student but the flow of my essay was a little off. I would talk about the effects of

working on college students nutrition then their mental health and back to nutrition all in one

paragraph.The biggest problem I had was that the essay was just one big paragraph when it

would have been better for me to break it into separate paragraphs discussing specific points,

therefore, I got points off for organization. I did not have the right heading and one inch margins.

My ideas were not fully developed because I would talk about an issue but transition into other

points without finishing the first. I could have added more details and opinions to support my

argument. To revise my essay I refromated it to MLA, revised some grammar issues, and broke

the essay down into paragraphs talking about specific points. I now feel that after revising, my

essay flows better and the structure makes it easier to understand my points. Now i know better

how to structure my paragraphs and what is needed from my writing in the future.

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