DLP in Empowerment

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Educational Technology 2

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will able to:
1. Discuss the different steps in creating a BlogSpot using a Word Press
2. Create a sentence using acrostic word BlogSpot
3. Value the importance of BlogSpot in Education

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Online Platforms in ICT Content Development
Reference: Empowerment Technologies (Innovative Training Works, Inc.)
Materials: instructional materials, laptop, projector,marker,tape
Values Integration: To develop their knowledge and skills.
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Initiatory Phase
1. Opening Prayer
Please all rise for the opening
(The students will all rise)
Student A, kindly lead the
(Student A will lead the prayer)
Oh God who by the light of the holy
spirit did instruct the heart of thy
faithful. Grant us by the same spirit that
maybe truly wise and ever enjoy his
consolation through Christ our Lord.
2. Greetings
Good afternoon Class!
Good afternoon Sir!

Before you sit, kindly pick up

the mess under your chair.
(The students will sit after they picked
up all the mess)
3. Checking of Attendance
Is there any absent today?
(The student will response)
4. Review
Now class before we start on our
lesson, let’s have a recap on the
previous topic?

Student A, can you tell our last

It’s all about Creating an Online Quiz
Exactly! Then what is Online
(The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Student B
Online quiz allows you to build a page
on your site where your users can
answer a series of multiple-choice
questions and receive a mark based on
their answers.
Very good! What have you
learned from the previous topic?

Yes Student C
(The students will raise their hands)
Very good! Let us move on to
the next lesson.
( Student C will answer)
5. Motivation
There are different pictures that
I posted around this classroom.
Try to analyze those picture and
after 1 minute I will call some
students to give their ideas. Is
that clear?
Yes Sir! (The students will analyze the
(After 1 minute) Who has an
idea about those pictures?
(The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Students D
The picture shows the different social
Other idea?
Yes Student E
Sir I think those pictures shows social
media brings together the news,
trends, and best practices.
That’s great!
Another idea? How about you
Student F?
Those pictures are a kind of utility that
we can communicate and also to cope
up some information.
Very good! Those picture shows
computer- mediated technologies
that allow the creating and
sharing of information, ideas and
other form of expression.

A. Developmental Phase
1. Activity
We are done on our activity
now, let us have another activity,
I will group you into two, the
first group will be the students at
my right side and the second
group will be on the opposite
side. The group 1 represents
“team social media” while the
other group represents “team
bloggers”, you are going to list
the advantages of each platform,
I will give you 3 minutes to do
this activity then choose one
representative who will
Discuss in front. Is that clear?
The group who will excel will Yes Sir
receive two points in addition to
your quiz later, but before that,
here are the criteria. (The
teacher posted a criteria)
Cooperation 30%

Group work 30%


Explanation 40%
(After 5 minutes) Time is up! (The students will do the task)
You may now post your work in
front. Who is the representative
of group 1? Discuss your work.

(The group 1 representative will discuss

Very good! Let’s give them a 3 their work)
Who is the representative of
group 2? Discuss your work.

(The group 2 representative will discuss

Very good! Let’s give them 3 their work)
(The teacher will announce the
Good job everyone! I hope that
you enjoyed the activity because
it has a connection with our
topic for today.
Who among you knows our new
topic for today?

Yes Student F (The students will raise their hands)

Our topic is all about Online Platforms

in ICT Content Development

2. Analysis
Today, we are going to discuss
the Online Platforms ICT
Content Development.
Online Platforms that you use in
ICT Content Development such
as Social media and Blogging
The first one is Social media
Platforms. Kindly read. Student

Social media, Websites like Facebook

allow you to create not only personal
accounts but also pages and groups
where you can share content.
Ok! Thank you. In your own
words, How can you define
Social media Platforms?
Social media Platforms is the collective
of online communications channels
dedicated to community-based input,
interaction, content-sharing and
Very good!
Social media Platforms is the
collective of online
communications and it provides
the activity to create social
media websites and services
such as Facebook, LinkedIn and
etc. Is that clear?

Kindly read Student H Yes Sir

Blogging Platforms,, Website like

WordPress, Tumbler, and Blogger focus
Thank you! Student H When we on content and design.
say Blogging Platforms is the
software or service that you use
to publish your content onto the
internet in the form of a blog.
How Blogging or blogs can help
in the field of education?
Student I?

Very good!
Can you read the Content (Student Iwill answer the question)
Management System?

Yes Student E

(The students will raise their hand)

Content Management System (CMS) is

Do you have any idea? a computer application that allows you
Yes Student A to publish, edit and manipulate,
organize and delete web content.

Sir Content Management System is a

Exactly! computer application that supports the
Now I’m going to teach you how creation and modification of digital
to create a BlogSpot using Word content.
press. But before that, What is
Word press? Do you have any
Yes Student J
Sir WordPress is a free blogging
Very good!
One of the most popular
blogging platforms is a Word
press, wherein it allows you to
create your blogs for free.

First, open your web browser

and type on the address bar the
word www.wordpress.com then
hit the enter button.

Again,what is www? (The students will raise their hand)

Yes Student P World Wide Web Sir

Second, you can create your

BlogSpot by clicking the “Start
Blog” button.

What does the word template (The students will raise their hands)
Template is a form, mold, or pattern
Yes Student K used as a guide to making something.

Very good!

What is theme? (The students will rise their hand)

Yes student L Theme is the subject composition or

Very good!

Third, the site will ask you to

choose a theme for your site.

What do you think the Fourth (The students will raise their hand)

Yes Student B I think Sir creating a domain.

Very good!

What is domain means?

(The students will raise their hand)
Yes Student O
(Student O will answer)
Very good!

Fourth, you need to create your

domain, for example
jhoywordpress.com. You will
type you r chosen domain on the
“enter a domain or keyword”

Fifth, after choosing your

domain click FREE icon. It will
lead you to “Pick a Plan”. So
you need to select FREE.
What do you mean by
username? (The student will raise their hand)

Yes Student B
Username an identification used by a
person with access to a computer,
network, or online service.
Very good!

Sixth, fill the form with the

required information such
legitimate email address, your
desired username and password.

Seventh step, you already have

your account, and all you have to
do is customize your site.
So after clicking the “Site Title”.
And after you customize it, you
need to click the “SAVE” button
for your site to be more

As a future teacher, do you think

these Platforms can help the (The students will raise their hand)
student in learning process?

Yes Student M
(Student M will answer)
Very good!
Yes of course, students can share
their content in the following
Platforms given. They can use
this platform in sharing their
presentations with their
classmates and teacher.
Are you ready to know the steps
in creating a blog? Yes Sir
But before that, what is blog? (The students will raise their hand)
Yes Student Z Blog is personal journal or diary.

Very Good!

We finish to create a BlogSpot

now the next that we are going
to do is to create a blog.

Why blogs is considered as an

online journal?
(The students will raise their hand)
Yes Student J

It is because you are allowing to voice

Very well said Student J out your feelings and you can share
your thoughts and experiences that you
First step to create a blog, click had.
the “WRITE” button on the
upper right.

Second step, you have now a

freehand whatever you want
to write on your blog. You
need to indicate your chosen
title you can also customized
whether it is Italicize, Bold or
so whatever. It’s depends on
you and after that write a
description about your chosen
title and now you can publish
it by pressing “PUBLISH”

Third step, after you publish

your first blog, you can
preview it if you want by
clicking the “PREVIEW”
button or edit its content any
Do I make myself clear?
Yes Sir
Did everyone understand the
steps/ procedure?
Yes Sir
That’s great! I hope everyone
learned a lot today.

3. Abstraction
Before we start our
Activity today, I put some
invitation letter under your
chairs. So, I want you to find
the invitation letter
underneath your chair then
read the question aloud and
(The students will find invitation letter)
Okay class who among you
got an invitation letter.

Who got the first question?

Please read the question and
discuss your answer.
First question:
Differentiate a blog, BlogSpot, blogging
and blogger.
(The students will discuss his/her
Very well said! Student K
Who got the second
Please read and discuss your

Second question:
Which platform is superior? Why?
(The students will discuss his/her
Very good! Student M
Let us have a last question.
Student L

The third question is, As a future

educator, how can you use BlogSpot in
field of education?
Excellent! Student L (The student discuss his/her answer)

4. Application
Now we are all done on our
discussion let’s move on to
our next activity. For your
next activity you are going to
create a blog. Same group.
For the Group 1 you are
going to make a Poem about
Social media and create your
own title and for the Group 2
you are going to make a
Jingle about BlogSpot and of
course with title. I will give
you 3 minutes to finish your
work. Is that clear?

But before we start, here is

the criteria: Yes Sir
Cooperation 30%
Creativity 30%
Explanation 40%
Your time starts now.

(After a minute) Time is up,

you may now take your sit, (The students will do task)
Group 1 proceeds in front
and post your works. Aside
from me, group 2 will also
rate your works and Group 1
will also rate the works of
Group 2.
(The teacher will give the
rate card of the Group 2 to
judge the work of Group 1)

Next, Group 2 post it on the

wall. (The teacher will give (Group 1will post their works)
the rate card of the Group 1
to judge the work of Group

Very good!
I will tell you the result of the (Group 2 will post their works)
activity next meeting because
we are going to have a quiz.
IV. Evaluation
Directions: Rearrange the following steps in chronological order by numbering them
from 1 to the last number of steps. Write X if the step does not belong. Write your
answer on the space before each item.

A. Posting using WordPress

Preview you post
Choose format
Click the “Write” button on the upper right
Disable Auto-sharing
add the title and then add the content of your post
Publish your first blog

Key to answer:
1. 4
2. X
3. 1
4. X
5. 2
6. 3

V. Assignment
Make an actual BlogSpot using Word Press, and make a blog about the disadvantages
and advantages of Social media and Blogging. Submission until tomorrow.

Reference: Empowerment Technologies (Innovative Training Works Inc.)

Detailed Lesson Plan
Educational Technology 2

Online Platforms ICT Content


Prepared by:
Leonard Sanjuan Casonete

Prepared to:
San Francisco Parish School

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