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Web & SMS based Weather Foreeasting and Agro Advisorl

Gramin Krirhi Mausam Sawa

(Funded by lMB, MoES, Gol) Dept of Agricultural Meteorology

€€S ehfiqnna Aqrieultnrel Unioilnif4, ?{iaart

16T Support i

Nafr"r,el lnldur,ufut Cerrfpn

Haryana $tate Center, District Unit Hisar
e r FErees ating &Affs*dviEerlca u s i n g \&eisncLSM-S b a s e d a d v s o ry a n d
!ff eath i

.i alerts through NIC gateway are providing morc lcad time to the farmer
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community by minimizing farm loeses duc to abnormal wcather eonditions and
increase in farm productivity with thc cffieicnt manag€mcnt of day to day farm

il Weather Foreeasting & Agro Advisory by GKMS (eCSHAU,

t Wcathe r Foreeast & va ue added Agro Advisoryto
I > 7500S farmcrs of stcte Harya na
t 5MS alerts of kVcather Foreeastf ng and Agro Advlsory t6 reglstered fermers
il 5MS in Hind or Engllsh (Bilinguai)
tl Loeation spee ifie (Distrlet \rVise)
il SMSgatewayof Nle
t Free of eost of anynumbcrof $M$
t BilingualanalytiealWcb bascd Dashboard
t Daily Weather bullctin on web in Hindi/Engltsh
il Farmcr'sdataoRGovernmcnt Web$crvcr
f, Website Passcd through stringent seeurity audlt proeedurc

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m Online and offlinc registratien of Farmcrs at frcc of eost

il Ontine feedbeek from the f*rfficrs and farnrers eornmunity
Il r, rr,r u r.,/,/,e rn. r,..,,,r tt s,,'rr tt rr r ]l r,.,1r rr r{ .,rJ,,uv r r I
Wch & liNlS hascd We*thcr Fonec*sting and Agro Advisorl,




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Dr. L.S. Rathore, DG Meteorology,

IMD (GOl) presenting award to
Scientists of Department of
Agricultu re Meteorology CCS
Harya na Agricultu re U niversity,
Hisar for Excellent Agromet
Advisory Services to the farmers of
the State.

TD-CCSHAU f, Historical data of Max & MIin TErnperature of past )fears avaifabfe with cCS
tlsq rg Egqra-* erm*rq{qflir Harya na Agriculture University; Hisar
qrq 6ira q antsr* erEo qsnfqd am
E Graphical analysis of the day tel"nperature (Mlax and M[n temperature with
q-&-q-S *
qq-q 6fi+1 qeT normal temperature as per past data)
qrsnF+a, ero n{q?
@ u-S"e n Cu rrent temperature graph
* qreT {fr *t, vu-a u-r a1"g rrg
t*'.Ci n Last month temperature Graph

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