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Chemistry for environnement :

L’extraction des matières premières, le transport des matières premières, la préparation, la

distribution émettent du CO2

Empreinte carbone : emission de co2 par les activités humaines.

The role of the functionnal unit :

Which stages are there in an LCA compliant with ISO standards ?

LCA studies comprise four phases:

I) goal and scope definition

II) inventory analysis (life cycle inventory, LCI)

III) impact assessment (life cycle impact assessment, LCIA)

IV) interpretation (life cycle interpretation)

In which stage of the LCA the FU has to be declared ?

- In goal and scope definition, there is the functionnal unit requirements.

What is the role of the functional unit in an LCA ?

- To define a product system, it is necessary to begin with a quantified description of the

performance requirements that the product system fulfils. This quantified description is
called the “functional unit” of the product system. The functional unit provides the reference
to which all other data in the product systems are normalised. The functional unit is the
central hub of any life cycle assessment, since it provides the reference to which all other
data in the assessment are normalised.

The ISO standard states that an LCA is an iterative procedure. What is the meaning of this
statement ?

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