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Music Class Participation Rubric 2018-2019

(Grades 1-8)

Mark ✓+ ✓ = -

Descriptor Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaching Expectations Establishing Expectations

Indicators Participation exceeds “Good” Every student should achieve a Participation deviates from the Participation shows extreme deviation
standard in one or more of the “Good” rating for every class period by “Engaged” standard in ​one​ or more of the from the “Engaged” standard in ​two
following ways: showing the following indicators following ways: or more of the following ways:

● Enthusiastically participates in ● Actively participates in group ● Is off-task during individual or ● Refuses to participate/Off-task
group activities and individual activities group activities or does not behavior disrupts activities
participate and disrupts other students
● Singing, playing, or ● Makes an effort to sing, play, or
movement shows exceptional move as prescribed ● Does not follow directions for ● Off-task behavior during
mastery of skills singing, playing or movement singing, moving, or playing
● Makes an effort to respond to (singing in a silly voice, using disrupts the activity
● Responds thoughtfully to teacher and classmates by instruments improperly, etc.)
questions or offers creative answering questions or offering ● Responds to teacher or other
suggestions suggestions ● Demonstrates poor students with inappropriate or
sportsmanship by expressing disrespectful responses.
● Demonstrates good ● Demonstrates good difficulty sharing, arguing with
leadership by helping or sportsmanship by taking turns classmates, or making negative ● Demonstrates poor
encouraging others, sharing effectively or being supportive comments regarding the sportsmanship by expressing
positive or constructive of classmates performance of the class difficulty sharing, arguing with
feedback about class classmates, or making
performance, or sets a ● Uses materials appropriately ● Misuses classroom materials negative comments regarding
behavioral example for others the performance of the class
to follow or of individual students

● Misuses classroom materials

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