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Campaigns of World War II Rubric

Criteria 4 – Exemplary 3 – Accomplished 2 – Developing 1 – Beginning


 Does a full share of work or  Does an equal share of work  Does almost as much work as  Does less work than other
more  Assigns roles, but roles are others group members

 Assigns a clearly defined role; not clearly defined or  Assigns roles, but roles are not  No effort made to assign roles
group members perform roles consistently adhered to adhered to to group members
effectively  Group seldom solves its  Group settles problems and  Little attempt to solve
 Group tries to solve its problems as a team and asks gives up easily problems; gives up easily
problems by itself without classmates or teacher for help
seeking outside help
 Takes initiative in helping the  Works agreeably with  Can be coaxed into meeting  Did not meet partner(s) at
group get organized and partner(s) concerning with other partner(s) agreed times or places

setting times and places to organization and times and  Somewhat organized ideas.  Lack of organization; choppy
meet places to meet  Barely accomplishes the job and confusing; format difficult
25%  Product is well-written, well-  Product is mostly well-written, to follow
researched, and easily well-researched, and easily 
understood. understood.  Does not accomplish
 Highly productive in  Accomplished basic assignment
accomplishing assignment assignment
 Student makes use of all  Student makes use of most of  Student only minimally uses  Does not utilize resources
teacher-provided research. the teacher-provided teacher-provided research. effectively

 Goes above and beyond to research.  Rarely does the assigned work;  Relies on others to do the work
20% research information  At times, takes initiative to find often needs reminding
 Always does the assigned extra information
work without having to be  Usually does the assigned
reminded work; rarely needs reminding
 Student is on task, using time  Student is mostly on-task,  Student is generally off-task Student is mostly off-task.

wisely, and assisting group getting work done in a timely and fails to complete work in
30% members as needed. manner. a timely manner.

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