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Aliana Vazquez 3/5/19

In the passage “Under the feet of jesus by Helena Maria Viramontes there is a great
character development and lesson learned by Estrella the young girl.Through the novel the
development of Estrella’s character is reflected on the principle of self learning and her
understanding of what the purpose of reading is. Estrella has faced multiple haships and was
judged and ridiculed based on her appearance and race , this not only made her question the
value of herself but made her question if her mother's effort was enough. She is a hispanic child
by the Name she is given and the people who she confines in. The development of Estrella is
seen as she is angry in the beginning of the novel where the tone is serious and spiteful. Words
used to create this tone surrounded ideas of anger and hate in line 10” For days she went silent
with rage”. This line shows how she struggled with finding meaning in reading as well as
learning the alphabet. Through the passage Estrella was seen as a child who was dirty and
even a teacher had pointed out her appearance to be not worthy or good enough. “But some
teachers were more concerned about the dirt under her fingernails”. Estrella is a migrant child
and the teachers were focused on her appearance rather than helping Estrella understand and
help her with the ability to read.

Estrella’s anger because of her inability to comprehend the materials taught in school
was the main reason why she felt so confused. The metaphors used and figurative language
compared her confusion to a tool box with all the metal parts inside of it with no purpose, name
or significance to her. The development of Estrellas character goes deeper in understanding
how words she once did not understand how to read were so impactful on hurting her. Lines 38-
40” Estrella realized words could become as excruciating as rusted nails piercing the heels of
her bare feet”. Here in this line the character then realizes the meaning or words and the hurt
one can feel when hurtful things are said to one. Through The novel Estrellas hate and
confusion kept growing because of the lack or support she received in the classroom by those
trusted to help her the most. Estrella becomes aware of evil in the world and also becomes
more frustrated when unable to find meaning in reading and the alphabet she cannot
understand. The tone of the passage changes and focuses on two main things which are the
anger and confusion Estrella feels as well as the problem of racial indifference when the
teacher's point out how dirty the child is and how her status as a migrant child leads her to the
back of the classroom to sit in a desk that is strictly “reserved” for Estrella as well as any other
migrant child. Estrella felt as if things were kept from her and stated this in line 12 “ Estrella
hates when things were kept from her” the style or words in the beginning used showed
resentment to things she could not comprehend and to an alphabet she could not “decipher”
meaning she could not understand or crack the code. Figurative language was used in line 27”
Estrella often wondered what happened to all the things they boxed away in tool chests and
kept to themselves”. The information Estrella lacked the teachers kept from her and she was
aware of this and a very smart girl without necessary means.

Another example of how character development is present and used to describe

characters changes in the novel would be “perfecto flores” with a man who’s name was used to
describe a job well done is demeaning to have only heard that name when he is performing a
job. Estrella’s perspective on these letters she could not understand is changed by this man.
Flores was able to show Estrella the importance of the tools and that they were not just pieces
of metal in a box that would confuse her or impair her ability to get a better understanding of the
world around her. Lines 61-62 show the importance of how Flores took time and gave Estrella
the tools names and the function and purpose of each tool. This helped Estrella perceive things
in a positive manner and helped her view the importance and significance of everything and
how everything has a purpose no matter how small it may be. This change and development of
her character went from angry and frustrated to a young girl who was open to learn and wanted
to be taught about the things she did not comprehend. The help of Flores impacted Estrellas
perception on her situation as well as her ability to learn what she thought she would not over
come with a simple help of a tool box . Lines 68-70 show the connection and importance of this
tool box to Flores “ Tools to build,bury, tear down, rearrange and repair,A box of reasons his
hands took pride in.” this was what Estrella needed to be able to understand that what she may
find challenging she can overcome and how with patience and the willingness to learn she was
able to learn the importance of certain tools she was given.

The most important line that showed the development and process of understanding of
Estrellas character was the last lines that has figurative language in line 70 “ She lifted the pry
bar in her hand, felt the coolness of iron and power of function, weighed the significance it
awarded her, and soon she came to understand how essential it was to know these things. That
was when she began to read.” this line showed her growth and the strength in her mind to not
let stereotypes, confusion and fear of the unknowing to keep holding her back. Instead she used
her insights to what she wanted to learn and was inspired by a simple tool box and was given
the tools she needed to read. Her ambition as a young girl was seen when she was able to see
the importance of everything and how it could benefit her.

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