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Stefanie Young

Story Three

The biggest game of the year for the Cubs is tonight and it on our Chicago feild. Senior

year is here and things have been going pretty great. With all of Jeff’s help I earned a baseball

scholarship to the University of Michigan, and him and Grayson are still the only people that

know about my cancer story. Moving to Chicago is definitely the best thing that I have ever

done. Grayson, and I get to sit in the first row above the dugout at the game tonight to cheer on

Jeff and his team. Winston is taking us and Jeff hire another guy as a bodyguard to be sure that

were safe. Rosie doesn't like going to things like this since what happened at the party, so she's

not going to the game with us. Were at the field and Jeff calls me down to do our daily pitching

routine and I get to do warm ups with the team. It's almost time for the game to start and

Grayson and I follow Winston to our seats. After the national anthem is played I hear, “Hudson

Porter please make your way to the field.” Jeff comes out from the dugout and watches as I walk

down the steps with the bodyguard. Jeff stops me and whispers, “You're throwing the first pitch.

Make it great.” He smiles and gives me a pat on the back then I run for the pitchers mound.

When I get there the batter is ready at the home pate and I stop and take a look around the

stadium. Everything I've wanted is here , this is my dream and I survived to see it happen. Jeff

stands at the side of the field watching me with a proud expression and his hands on his hips. I

notice that even Grayson is happy about it even though his Dad never like that he wouldn't play

baseball. I can hear both Grayson and his dad cheering, then all the sound fades and I pitch a

strike. Jeff has to take over now and runs to the mound filled with excitement telling me how

proud he is then sends me back to the stands. I make it to Grayson and he gives me a high five,
jumps out of his seat and hugs me. Winston didn't say much as usual, but he did smile and give

me a high five. It's a good game so far, the Cubs are beating the Tigers and were almost to the

last inning. Grayson and I decide to go to the food station and get something to eat. We get up to

get our food and Winston stops us and offers to get it so we don't miss anything. We let him get

our food but the body guard stays with us. GRayson and I are put on the Jumbo screen and the

mascot tries to get us to dance with him, I guess it just for entertainment so I get up and join.

Grayson gets up, “I cant believe Im doing this with you.” He laughs and we all dance for the

jumbo screen. In the middle of that a bomb goes off in the center of the field from underground,

directly underneath Jeff. Everyone tries to leave as fast as possible, there's people on the phone

with 911, fights over who gets out first, and screaming everywhere. Grayson charges for the

blown up field where his dad once stood but the bodyguard and I have to hold him back. News

helicopters begin flying over the stadium, and Im starting to hear sirens outside. Grayson is

freaking out fighting to get through the bodyguard and I and he isn't going to give up. My phone

rings, when I look I see that its Rosie calling, I know she was watching the game at home. I cant

answer it, I have to take care of Grayson right now. Jeff is for sure dead. The bomb was planted

directly below his feet and nobody could have survived that. The bodyguard finally lifts grayson

and carrying him out while he kicks and screams trying to get through to the field but it doesn't

work. Without Jeff here our lives will never be the same, but he has made a major difference.

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