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Jenna Vincenty-Cole

Cady Mounts


January 22, 2019


When I first took this class I didn't realize how much writing there

would be. It isn't a strict class and we our encouraged to follow our

creativity to write numerous amounts of stories. The more we write the

more I can feel my writing improve. I have always been self conscious

about my stories and their contents but as I continue to write I find myself

more willing to expand my stories.

Even though we write a lot I still tend to struggle with a few common

things. The biggest thing I struggle with is detail. I have always been able to

write long stories but there isn't very much detail throughout them. Or, I will

start with a lot of detail and then the longer more story is the more I begin

to lack it. I tend to get bored of writing sooner than others, so I focus more

on the length and meeting the requirements than the contents of what I’m

writing. I also have the habit of ending my stories in the middle of a thought

rather than taking the time to completely write the story to its proper ending.
It's another thing that naturally happens as I continue to focus only on the

length and requirements rather than how it sounds.

Since we have been writing so many types of stories and given many

different prompts I have managed to expand my writing abilities. I have

learned to view certain things from many different perspectives and learned

to write different versions of stories from the same prompt. The way my

mind writes compared to others in the same class is very different. I tend to

think of that as my weakness but have come to realize that that is one of

my strengths as a writer. Most students would have similar stories because

of their similar thought processes but since I view them differently my

stories are more unique and rare. It's a story that you will read and notice

that it's not like all the others. I am more comfortable with taking a more

challenging outlook through my characters point of views. I have also

learned how to properly write through different versions of perspectives.

When I started out I would stick to the third person point of view, but the

more I write the more comfortable I get with writing in first and second

person narrative.

This portfolio is an accurate representation of my growth as a writer

because you have different stories from all sides of my thought process.

The pretest story shows how little I knew I was capable of writing and the
farther back you get into my portfolio the more you can see I have learned

to expand on my writing.

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