Motivate 3 Test U3 Basic

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3 Progress Test Basic

Name: __________________________________________________ Result: __/100


1 Write these words under the correct picture.

across down into out of through towards

1 ______________ 2 ______________ 3 ______________

4 ______________ 5 ______________ 6 ______________

Score __/6

2 Choose the correct words.

1 I walk over / through a bridge on my way to school.

2 Then I walk along / through a small park.
3 After that I go out of / across a busy street.
4 Then I walk along / down the river bank.
5 I go under / out of another bridge.
6 Finally, I arrive at the school and go into / up my classroom.
Score __/6

3 Choose the correct words.

1 The film was excited / exciting .

2 I have a difficult exam tomorrow and I am very worried / worrying .
3 It’s very late and I’m tired / tiring .
4 This book is really interested / interesting .
5 She was surprised / surprising when she passed the exam.
6 Our neighbour plays loud music all the time. It’s really annoyed / annoying .
7 We saw a frightened / frightening film last night.
8 The match was really bored / boring . It finished 0-0.
Score __/8


Motivate! 3 Test Material, © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013

4 Complete the sentences with when or while.

1 I was walking to school _______________ I met my friends.

2 _______________ we were playing tennis, it started raining.
3 What were you doing _______________ I saw you?
4 _______________ they were having dinner, the telephone rang.
5 _______________ she was talking to her friends, her dog ran away.
6 We were watching a DVD _______________ the teacher came in.
Score __/6

5 Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I _______________ (have) dinner when my friends arrived.

2 She lost her keys while she _______________ (run) in the park.
3 They _______________ (swim) when they saw a shark.
4 When I saw you, you _______________ (talk) to your teacher.
5 It _______________ (not rain) when we left home.
6 When our parents came home we _______________ (not do) anything.
Score __/6

6 Choose the correct words.

1 While I walked / was walking home from school, I saw an accident.

2 When I saw / was seeing the accident, I called the police.
3 The police arrived / was arriving very quickly.
4 While they talked / were talking to the driver, an ambulance arrived.
5 While my sister tidied / was tidying her room, she found her homework.
6 She was very happy when she found / was finding her homework.
Score __/6

7 Complete the sentences with was / were or did.

1 Where _______________ you go yesterday?

2 Who _______________ you talking to when I saw you?
3 What _______________ your brother doing when you came home?
4 When _______________ they finish school on Friday?
5 What happened while you _______________ walking home from school?
6 Why _______________ your friend walking so slowly?
Score __/6

8 Choose the correct words.

1 I look / am looking for my passport at the moment.

2 He always wears / is wearing a suit to work.
3 She was buying / bought a new dress on Saturday morning.
4 She was wearing / wore it when I saw her at the party.
5 The teacher isn’t smiling / doesn’t smile today.
6 While my uncle lived / was living in America, he learnt English very well.
Score __/6


9 Read the text and circle T (true) or F (false).

Motivate! 3 Test Material, © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013

My name’s Jason. Something really strange happened to me while I was on holiday with my
two friends, Tom and Joe, in Ireland last summer. We were camping near a beautiful lake in
the middle of the countryside. It was more than 10 kilometres from the nearest village and we
didn’t see anyone for several days. The weather was beautiful, we went swimming in the lake
and played football in a field next to the lake. Suddenly, the sky went black and it started
raining. It rained for six hours. Everything was wet and we couldn’t sleep in our tents. We had
to look for somewhere dry to sleep. Then Tom saw an old building in the distance. We walked
towards it and saw that it was empty. The door was broken and we went inside. It was dry
inside so we could sleep on the floor. In the middle of the night, I heard a strange noise. I
looked at my watch. It was midnight. Then I saw a man climbing through a window. I shouted
and the man ran away. My friends woke up and I told them what happened. We were very
worried but in the end we fell asleep again. In the morning when we woke up we saw that there
was no window in the place where I saw the man. It was a very frightening experience!

1 They were camping near a lake. T/ F

2 The lake was near a village. T/ F
3 They played tennis in a field next to the lake. T/ F
4 Jason saw an old building in the distance. T/ F
5 They slept on the floor. T/ F
6 Jason heard a strange noise. T/ F
Score __/6

10 Read the text again and choose the correct answers.

1 Where did the three friends go camping?

a) in Scotland b) in Ireland
2 When did Jason hear the strange noise?
a) midday b) midnight
3 What was the man doing?
a) he was climbing through the window b) he was running away
4 What did the man do when Jason shouted?
a) he ran away b) he woke up
Score __/4


11 Complete the sentences with suddenly, meanwhile or then.

1 I was walking home from school. _______________ I heard a loud noise. It was a car crash.
2 I called an ambulance and _______________ I called the police.
3 A doctor was helping the driver. _______________ the police were asking people questions.
4 We were looking at the car. _______________ I noticed a little dog inside the car.
5 I opened the car door. _______________ I picked up the dog.
Score __/5

12 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 My friend was cycling / cycled to the city centre on Saturday morning when he saw an accident.
2 A man was lying / lay in the road.
3 My friend called / was calling an ambulance.
4 The ambulance came quickly and took / was taking the man to hospital.
5. The police asked / were asking people questions when the ambulance came.
Score __/5

Motivate! 3 Test Material, © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013

Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10

Motivate! 3 Test Material, © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013

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