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The art of advertising is quite complicated than an ordinary person would

normally think. Each company from different industries try to constantly
outdo one another. A successful modern advertising campaign has to be
multi-layered, and these days, social media is as big a part of the process as
more traditional TV and print ads. But sometime all we need is nothing but
a perfectly executed print ad. It plays an irreplaceable role in
advertisement strategy. First of all, it is clear that having a print advert
published is not so expensive, even cheaper than an advertisement
campaign on TV or on other social media. More ever, it is easy for
customers to store and use when they need. Furthermore, customers
would have time to see the advertisement and get a deeper understanding
of the message.
With the purpose of finding out what techniques are effectively in print
ads, we conducted a study on 107 males and females which are classified
by range of ages (from 18 to 25, from 26 to 35 and over 35 years old). We
found that because of the psychological effects of genders and ages, each
technique work with different audience groups.
In this report, we will show you the main theoretical basis we used. Next is
the general data we received from the survey we published and our
analyzed one. Some conclusions and findings is then made according to it.
Last but not least, we will have a few more discussion about the limited
knowledge and condition of conducting the project, and the unwise
method of questioning.
We start our project with some search on the types of attraction in print
adverts. After “googling” we find out that there are 7 main methods to get
people attention on the paper and remember it, in some way, which is:
 Humor Appeal
 Weasel Word
 Bandwagon Appeal
 Emotional Appeal
 Product Comparison

 Romance & Sexiness Appeal
 Slogan
 Celebrity Appeal
(*) Explanation
 Humor Appeal: The Humor Appeal persuades people to like a brand,
product, service, or idea by making them laugh and feel good.
 Weasel Word: This is a misleading advertising tool where the viewers
are tricked into believing in something. Words and phrases are used in
order to create the idea that some important opinions or ideas have been
 Bandwagon Appeal: The Bandwagon Appeal attempts to persuade
people by making them feel that a product or idea is popular and that
everyone else is doing it. The idea of the Bandwagon Appeal is to make
people feel like they’re missing out or falling behind if they don’t join the
crowd and be a part of the trend.
 Product Comparison: Comparison advertising focuses on presenting two
or more products with various specifications. Here, the products are
pitted against one another and the negative characteristics are shown.
Whether or not the facts or truth is presented, the benefits of a
particular product promoted.
 Romance & Sexiness Appeal: This technique focuses on the enchantment
from the models’ expression. The idea is to make people get positive
feelings about the product and suggest that the purchase or use of a
product or service will.
 Slogan: Define a short phrase which enthuses people into acting in the
way that you seek. Keep it simple. Use the slogan all over the place. Use it
in speeches.
 Celebrity Appeal: The Endorsement Appeal attempts to persuade people
by using celebrities or credible people to endorse their products. The
idea with the endorsement strategy is to convince consumers that the

people they trust and admire use a certain product, so consumers
should, too.

Respondents were people in all type of age and gender, with 3 groups of
age: 18 – 25, 26- 35 and over 35; 2 groups of gender: male & female.
Responses were from anonymous and voluntary people.
The Respondent are divided into 6 groups by gender and age because:
1. Different gender have different personality and mental so they would
react or respond to those methods differently.
2. People at different age have different work to do and target to focus,
therefore impact the effectiveness of marketing methods. From 18 to 25
years old, they are still dependent in financial, and are also the youngest
group whose interest extends in all areas of society, and they are influenced
by the environment and the society, internet for example, is a messy whole
of information mixed between true or false. From 26 to 35, they start
having career or maybe children, so they start to “think” and become wiser,
lead to affection on the way they see the advertisement and level of
understanding the message. Lastly is people over 35 years old, most of
them have stable source of finance and family, therefore they have more
time and start to care more about what they saw, understand deeply the
message, which bring the awareness about advertisement to a new level.
Our idea is to find out, in general, what is the most effective method that
was used in printed advertisement, in term of age and gender. After doing
some research on what our generation is like, and how are they different
from the previous generation, we have a first hypothesis is that: Youngster
tend to be attracted with humor, however the older is more impressed with
bandwagon and romance or sexiness of the content. We will conduct our
research in order to figure out if we were right or life is not easy like that.
Then we have a discussion to choose advertisements on the internet and in
real life and created a survey which will help us verify our hypothesis. In
the survey, we questioned the respondents how attractive the adverts
were. Also, in each advertisement there is a main method that the author

used, and we will have another question to ensure that the respondents
were attracted by the main method.
After checking 3 times for some other mistakes like grammar, the suitable
word we use, avoiding framing, etc. we bring out the survey, including 2
questions about level impression & what causes of 40 different kinds of
ads. We test our hypothesis in all type of age and gender, in detail, we
separate it into 3 range of age which is from 18 to 25, from 26 to 35 and
over 35 years old; and two different gender.
In the next step, we will collect all those data from the survey and have
some more discussion on the approach to analyze the data to support our
hypothesis. In addition, if we were right, then we will prove it with the
knowledge we know. However, if we were wrong, we will then discuss
again to figure out why.
After analyzing data, we concluded the result, it was quite different from
our initial hypothesis. We discuss the logical connection between our
collected data and social psychology about how to be persuaded. The
detail findings and conclusions will be presented below.

We evaluate the average attractive level of all method by having the
respondents rate the advertisements in 1-to-5-points-scale. Now we will
present you our result in analyzing the data of our survey, we separate into
6 group which is:
Female from 18 to 25 years old:

Level of attractveness to female

from 18 to 25 years old of 8 methods
3.5 3.55
3.4 3.47 3.47

3.31 3.29
3.2 3.18
or d l l t
or on ea on ea ga
m W ag p ri s p o
Hu l W Ap a Ap Sl m
se nd al
p s rse
ea Ba on C om n es d o
ot ct xi En
u Se
Em od d
Pr an

Comments: According to this data, female at the age of 18 to 25 are more

likely to be attracted by celebrity in advertisement. It is fit with our
Reasons: Young women today have the opportunities to access to the
internet and social media, even more they go online every day. They catch
the information about celebrities posted on the internet for many times,
even they accidentally see them or not. The repetition of celebrity creates
the memories that they may recognize the famous faster than other groups.

Female from 26 to 35 years old:

Level of attractveness to female

from 26 to 35 years old of 8 methods
4.00 4.39 4.24
4.09 4.13 4.15 4.15
2.50 2.72
or l l
d on ea on ea ga
n it y
m W ag p ri s p o br
Hu l W Ap a Ap Sl e
se nd al
ss C el
ea Ba on C om ne
ot ct xi
u Se
Em od &
Pr c e

Comments: It can be seen in this chart that in this range of age of female,
celebrity is no more an effective method. Other method is quite at the same
rate, but to find out which one is the most effective, it is weasel word.
Reasons: Women in this range of age have many issues to deal with such as
financial problem, housework, their relationships in big families. They
always busy doing those task, so they rarely go online and read about
celebrities. When thinking for their life, in this case is decision to buy
something by looking at the advertisement, they will be attracted with
tricky words.

Female above 35 years old:

Level of attractveness to female

over 35 years old of 8 methods
or or
d on al on al ga
n i ty
um ag pp
e is pp
e o br
H lW W A ar A Sl le
se d l p s Ce
ea Ba
a om s
W tC ne
ot c xi
u Se
od d
Pr an

Comments: As we can see, slogan, this time, becomes the most effective
one, and that surprise us. We thought female at older age would care more
about the quality which is presented in product comparison and
Reasons: Most women in this age group are married, so they do not have
much time to care about entertainment programs. So their understanding
of celebrity is not so much so they will not care about the image of
celebrities in advertising but they will only care about product comparison
and information about products is always the top concern, especially

Male from 18 to 25 years old:

Level of attractveness to male

from 18 to 25 years old of 8 methods
or or
d on al on al ga
n i ty
um W ag ppe ri s ppe lS o ebr
l W lA pa sA Ce
ea nd a om s
Ba on tC ne
W t xi
o uc Se
rod nd
P a

Comments: With male in the age of 18 to 25, we have seen an interesting

case. They seem to be attractive with all methods we are testing, and
humor is the one with a little higher rate. This is highly unfit with the
prediction we made at the start of our project.
Reasons: Men from 18 to 25 are at the stage of being excited with
problems. They feel interesting because the humor factor used in ads are
suitable for that range of age. Also, this group always have a strong desire
to conquer and challenge themselves. Therefore, they are easily attractive
to slogan or weasel word. Moreover, that they tend to spend lots of their
time to go online creates their large knowledge of celebrity.

Male from 26 to 35 years old:

Level of attractveness to male

from 26 to 35 years old of 8 methods
or or
d on al on al ga
ri t
u m W ag ppe ri s ppe lS o b
H l W lA pa le
se nd a sA Ce
ea Ba on om ne
W t tC xi
o uc Se
rod nd
P a

Comments: It is clear that emotional appeal have the most powerful

attraction on male from 26 to 35 years old.
Reasons: Men 25 to 36 are attracted to emotional appeal because images
of emotional arousal can always be noticed because each person always
has a lot of personal feelings that can receive empathy. The humorous
advertising images in the survey are more relevant for men than for
women, so men's interest in these ads is also higher and humor is also
good. more attention. The product comparison also caught the attention of
this age male because it is the age range for which everyone is interested in
product information.

Male above 35 years old:

Level of attractveness to male

over 35 years old of 8 methods
or or
d on al on al ga
n i ty
u m W ag ppe ri s p pe lS o ebr
l W lA pa sA Ce
ea nd a om s
W Ba ton tC i ne
o uc Sex
Em od r
P r
c eo

Comments: In the last group, the data shows that both emotional appeal
and romance or sexiness is the most effective method.
Reasons: Men over 35 are people with careers, experiencing many ups and
downs in life, so they are people who have many feelings of empathy, as
well as they will pay attention to images romantic, images are very

In general, if we compare the effective of each method to 6 group of people,
we can see that:
 Humor, bandwagon, weasel word, product comparison and romance and
sexiness appeal have the most effect on female from 26 to 35 years old.
 Emotional appeal and slogan have the most effect on female above 35
years old.
 Celebrity has the most effect on female from 18 to 25 years old.
 It looks like these methods work more with female than male, especially
male from 26 to 35 years old with the lowest attractive rate in almost all
mentioned methods.
 Last but not least, females seem to care about price tag more than male if
the advertisement have one, and females from 18 to 25 years old are the
type which care most.
While working with data in detail, we have found some interesting fact:
 Celebrity seem to work well (the high rate has proved that), but it is
fluctuated. We have seen the data of celebrity rate is 0 twice. We think
that if the celebrity is not well known, the advertisement would not have
effect. Furthermore, our survey did not spread so far, so our respondent
may not like the celebrity, or they don’t know them. Therefore, it is one-
sided and invalid in other groups of people.
 This “find out” affected all our data and so sad for us. If you may know,
Vietnamese have an old thinking which is higher score means “better”.
This old thinking nowadays still exists in mothers more than fathers
(because fathers is restricted and mothers often soft and show their love
to the child more). Therefore, in the group of females over 35 years old,
they often give top score and bring all the data of this group up, higher
than all others.

Throughout the implementation process, the research group was faced to
some subject and workforce issues.


The research group was negligence on the intensive level of evaluation

needed to perform research on the subject as well as less importance to
understanding the specialized knowledge of marketing and consumer
The lack of professional knowledge led to difficulty in combining the
knowledge from many sectors (such as the use of subject knowledge of
social psychology to explain "How the marketing techniques used the
principles to impact behavior and the psychology of people viewed print
ads?"). From which also leads to the complexity of the questionnaire to
obtain consistent and accurate data serve for researching purposes.
 The survey form was too long due to the inexperience of the research
group in making questionnaire. Some questions having no value in
strengthening or negating hypothesis make data collected perturbed.
 Although the question structure would have illustrated the characteristics
of each marketing technique, in essence they still haven't really shown to
be clearly the nature of them. Sometimes there is the same content in two
seemingly different questions in a certain print ad.
 Most print ads which our team collected and analyzed are from foreign
countries (America and European areas). Only some of the print ads are
designed to serve local advertising purposes. Cultural differences between
Vietnam and the others may have caused low- effect and efficiency for
respondents in accessing content and messages.

Respondents are the source for data therefore we did focus on how the
question were asked to optimize the advantages of object diversity such as
gender, age, personality, religion, etc.
Due to the error in the presentation of questionnaire, it already had
affected the advantage on respondents as:
 The form of questions was too long that required spending a lot of time to
fill up (usually seen only from five to seven units then logged out). As a
result, they not serious on the survey. Though our prediction was based on
available studies and community perception, we could not collect the most
effective data because our survey did not spread so far. For this issue, we
just gave you more information in Some more "find out".
 The form of questions was too long that required spending a lot of time to
fill up (usually seen only from five to seven units then logged out). As a
result, they not serious on the survey.

As a team gathered all the freshman with little academic knowledge and
practices, difficulties is unavoidable thing happening during the study from
coming up with the idea to certain subject, predicting the prediction and
making questionnaire to analyzing data collected and proving the theories.
After we have completed our research and had a completed report, we
decided to go on a discussion and give each other some comments to
improve and find out a smarter way for the next time.
 Teamwork was not effective and efficient

Now that the schedule of members on our research team were different
from each other, we decided to hold on online meeting to save time. But it
did not work as we were expected. We do not have enough experiences to
set up a perfect online meeting time. We paid less attention on our jobs
than usual.
Another problem is that sitting in front of the computer for hours causing
fatigue, we may do not focus much on what the others were presenting.

Disagreements sometimes arose but could not be solved immediately;
created the misunderstanding among them and slow down the process.
 Choosing subject problem

The next problem is that we have chosen a wide subject and it requires
specializing knowledge and the quantity of task. That choosing such a topic
is a difficult for us - which are first year students - will not be treated as
nothing but dispiritedness.
Sanderson, Catherine A. (2010). Social Psychology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.
Google search (finding ads).


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