8.3 Guided Reading - 120408688

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3 Guided Reading – Coming of War

Key Terms and People:
U.S.S. Constitution
Embargo Act
Non-Intercourse Act
Battle of Tippecanoe
War Hawks
James Madison

Violations of Neutrality
What dangers did American ships face on the high seas?

The overseas trade, violent storms, pirates.

How did Great Britain’s actions on the high seas affect its relationship with the United States?

They captured American Ships to look for war supplies.

Why did Congress pass the Embargo Act?

They hoped that the embargo would punish Britain and France and protect American merchant ships
from capture.

How did the Embargo Act affect Jefferson’s popularity?

It damaged Jefferson's popularity and strengthened the Federalist Party. Angry merchants sent
Jefferson hundreds of petitions demanding the Embargo Acts repeal.

How successful was the Embargo Act?

Not so successful.

Conflict in the West

Who was Tecumseh, and what did he want to accomplish?

He was a Shawnee chief. He hoped to unite the Native Americans of the northwestern Frontier, the
South, and the eastern Mississippi Valley.

Why did Great Britain want to help Native Americans along the western frontier?

They saw the opportunity to slow America's westward growth.

How did William Henry Harrison view Tecumseh?

He called him "one of those uncommon geniuses which spring up occasionally to...overturn the
establish order."

What was the effect of the Indian defeat in the Battle of Tippecanoe?

The defeat destroyed Tecumseh's dream of a great Indian confederation. He fled to Canada.

Call for War

Who were the War Hawks?

Several young members of Congress

Describe the views of the opposing sides in the war debate.

War Hawks: Leaders wanted to put a stop to British influence among Native Americans, wanted to
invade Canada and gain more land for settlement

New England Federalists: People there wanted to renew friendly business ties with Britain instead of
fighting another war, feared that the United States was not yet ready to fight powerful Britain.

What did the United States risk by declaring war against Britain in 1812?

The independence of their nation

Who is the President during the War of 1812?

James Madison

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