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Poem Reflection:

This artifact is from my AP Literature class in my senior year. This assignment was a
poetry project that had us writing poetry of many different styles. The poems that I wrote in
here were about my life and the nature around me. I chose this artifact because it is something
that I am very proud of and I worked very hard on. I also chose this artifact because it helped me
learn more about poetry and helped me improve my poetry writing skills.
This artifact allowed me to grow as a student because it allowed me to showcase a talent
for writing poetry that I did not know that I had. This artifact also allowed me to incorporate
things in my life in metaphors in the poems which was interesting for me to do. The skills that I
learned in this project helped me to understand how authors incorporate their own personal lives
into their writing. In this project I alluded to my own life without even realizing it which makes
me understand how there is always a deeper meaning in a text even if the author did not intend to
put a deeper meaning. From creating this artifact I became more confident in poetry writing and
in more styles of poetry. In the past I have always written free verse poetry, but this allowed me
to explore other styles of poetry like haikus and ballads.
I chose this artifact because it was one of my favorite projects from this year. From this
artifact I learned how important poetry is and how poetry can be a way of expression. In future
English classes I will have a better understanding of reading and writing poetry. In the future I
also hope to write more poetry because I realized how much I enjoyed writing poetry for this
project. This project has also allowed to read poetry from a new perspective and to cherish
poetry with a new understanding.
From this project I have come to the understanding of why other people write poetry.
Some of my friends write poetry and make songs out of the poetry because it allows them to
show their stories through art. I have seen how much my friends enjoy writing poetry that I want
to start writing poetry more often, so that I can look back on the poetry and understand how I
was feeling at a certain time in my life. I have learned from this project that it is important to
appreciate every form of poetry and writing because it is a representation of the emotions and
experiences that that person has experienced.
This poetry project has made me grow as a person, writer, and poet. I learned that
writing poetry is an important art form that should be read and understood. I also learned that
poetry helps people to express themselves and allows the reader to have a window into the poets
mind. I learned how important it is the write poetry by yourself with no pressure because you
are able to learn more about yourself and your feelings about certain things in your life. Poetry
is an amazing form of art that should not be taken for granted or forgotten about.

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