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Saying goodbye to a friend

Is like ​stabbing yourself in the heart

And twisting the knife repeatedly
To almost tear it apart
Letting a friend leave
Is like walking over bits of glass
Knowing that life has
Reached its ultimate impasse
This is how ​I’ll feel
When you make your exit
I will miss you from the innards
Of my ​every living bit

In this poem, the speaker is a young girl struggling with letting her friend go and
saying goodbye in a very dramatic way. This is represented in lines 1, 2, 5, 6, and 11. In
line one, she talks about saying goodbye which is hard for the speaker to say. Then in
lines two and six, she talks about how she feel letting this friend go while number five
leads into that saying that letting a friend leave feels like walking over bits of glass. In
this short poem, there is a story about a person who has recently told their best friend
that they were going to move away and she is still trying to process the shock of their
words. This represented in lines 7, 9, and 10. In number 7 it says that she know the life
of their friendship has reached a roadblock. Then in number nine and ten it represents
them telling the person that she’ll feel in pain when they leave from the initial shock of it
all.This piece is directed at people who have lost their best friend and are saddened by
their departure. Demonstrated in lines 2, 3, 6, and 11. Each of these lines describe how
she feels about losing her friend in very exaggerated detail by using words like stabbing,
twisting knife, bits of glass, etc. The purpose of the poem was to create a heartfelt
message you could write into cards. Then the subject is loosing your friend and it is
stated right at the beginning of the poem. In the poem, the tone is heartbroken and in
pain from her friend leaving. This is demonstrated in lines 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, and 12. In
lines two through six, it sets the mood that she is in anguish by her friend leaving and
then is shifts to sorrow in eight through twelve because it shows that she is no longer in
pain, but still sad.
Our ​memories​ will play
Like a ​film reel
Whenever I will think
Of you a great deal
One happy scene
Will play after another
As I ​reminisce the time
That ​we’ve spent together
You will have gone far
But ​nostalgia ​will stay
Dear friend, I’ll miss you
In each and every way

In this poem, the speaker is an elderly woman who is at a wake. This is

represented in line 1, 2, 5, 7, and 11. In those lines she talks about how she will
remember all the good times they had like a film reel or a happy scene. The poem is
based on a sad occasion which is the death of this woman’s best friend. In the lines 3,
4, 10, and 11 she says that she will miss her friend very much and think of her always.
This poem is directed to people who are mourning and this is shown in the lines 10 and
11 by saying that she’ll miss her friend. The purpose of the poem is to remember those
who have passed. Even though they’re dead they are not forgotten. Their memories will
live on. The subject is about remembering the good times you have with your friends. In
the poem, the tone is reminiscent. This is represented in lines 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, and 11
because each of them say about the nostalgia that she will have when she thinks of her
friends which she says will be often and like happy scenes.
Goodbye Teen Years
It's strange
how childhood felt
like a train ride
that would never stop
like reading a book
with an infinite number of pages

But now you're 19-turning-twenty

and the train has finally
come to a definite stop
the tracks have changed its path
and you've reached the end
the epilogue

It's time to move on

move along and grow up
step off that train
and on to the ​next adventure
close that book
and ​start a new chapter

Be brave and brace yourself

for there is more to come
beginnings can be daunting
because it also means
saying goodbye to a life
you've lived and loved.

In the poem, the speaker is a man turning 20 years old. This is said in line 7 where it
says “but now you’re 19-turning-twenty.” The occasion is the celebration of his birthday and
looking towards his future. This is represented in lines 7, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, and 24. In lines,
13-24 is saying goodbye to their teenage years by using words like lived and loved. The poem is
directed at those transitioning into being an adult. In lines 2, 11, 12, 14, 17, and 18 it all says
about how he’s saying goodbye to his teenage years and being ready to move on while still
being sad. The purpose of the poem is to learn about the closing of your childhood life and
move on. This is said in lines 13, 14, 16, 18, and 20. In all the lines they say about moving onto
to new chapters and new adventures. In the poem, the subject is about growing up and it is
introduced in line 7 where it says he’s turning twenty. The tone of the piece is sad, but hopeful
for the future. This is represented in lines 11, 13, 14, 18, 21, 23, and 24. In each of these lines,
they talk about the new book they’ll create and how it’s time to grow up.

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