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Details on local May, 03,2019, Vol.21 No.

content absent from
Guyana’s first EITI report
-Minister Trotman promises improvement

Belt and road projects must


be subjected to transparency,
economic assessment leader

MV Kimbia recommissioned
Dr. Karen after $488M renovation
is new

Murdered: Nalinie Persaud

Sole-sourcing of
Education Min. blames
exercise, textbooks…

National Printers for irregularities

but fail to address paying high prices
A wonderful Caribbean movement

Architects and the stalwarts who have

worked very, very hard over these
decades to establish and institution
globally recognized as fine, in every
possible way.

We do not take this lightly that

Caribbean people have come together
This is a wonderful Caribbean moment. with a single purpose and of single mind
A wonderful moment along the way of to achieve excellence. This is an
our development. There have been example of success in the building of an
many such moments over these past indigenous institution dedicated to the
decades, but you will all agree this furtherance of our nation hood and our
afternoon is very special. It is very sovereignty but it reflects also the
special because it gives us the confidence of the Caribbean people, our
opportunity to give thanks to the commitment and vision for the children
as well as the adults of the region.

It reflects the quality of leadership that this institution has had over these
decades, not only those responsible for the functions of the board but also the
managers, the executive and all workers who have made this institution one in which we
are all very proud: but we must also make special reference to the commitment of our

We have discussed and approved a number of syllabuses. Some of these are in relation
to contemporary discourse, such as the health and nutrition of Caribbean people.

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