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3rd Grading

Health IV

A Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH IV (Health)

I. Objectives:
1. To define the meaning of immunization.
2. To know the importance of immunization.
3. To identify the beneficial effects of immunization.
II. Subject Matter:
Skills: 1. Defining the meaning of immunization.
2. Knowing the importance of immunization.
3. Identifying the beneficial effects of immunization.

Reference: Dazzle 4, pages 220-222

Materials: Manila Paper, Cartolina, Instructional Materials
Strategy: Cooperative Learning Approach
Values Integration: “Health Awareness”

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities
B. Lesson Proper
1. Drill/Review

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

Good afternoon class! Good afternoon Ma’am!

How are you today? We are fine!
(The teacher will ask the pupils The previous lesson was all
about the previous lesson.) about germs, common
children’s illnesses and protection
against germs

2. Motivation

The teacher will present pictures

of a syringe and a boy taking a
vaccination drop.
The teacher will then ask the pupils
to describe what they see in the
pictures presented.

C. Presentation of the lesson

The teacher will ask the pupil’s to get their book and open on pages 220 and let
the pupils read the selection silently.
Comprehensive check-up:
1. What is immunization?
2. Why is it important for us to be vaccinated?
3. What are the different vaccines mentioned in the book?

1. Discussion

Based from what the pupils have read, the teacher will discuss the meaning of
immunization, why is it important for children to undergo vaccination, and the
beneficial effects of immunization.
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
The teacher asks the pupils Immunization is a way of protecting
to define immunization. us from certain kinds of diseases.

Why is it important for So that children can avoid being

children to be vaccinated? infected by serious illnesses.

What are the beneficial effects Every vaccines have different effects
of the different vaccinations? and protection against certain
2. Generalization
After a thorough discussion about immunization, the teacher will ask the pupils
to recall the meaning of immunization, its importance, and beneficial effects.

D. Application
The teacher will let the pupils do a board work activity by identifying what
vaccine is recommended for treating certain kinds of diseases.

1. MMR Vaccine protects against measles, mumps, and German measles.

2. Influenza Vaccine gives the body protection against flu.
3. Varicella Vaccine protects against chickenpox.
4. DTP Vaccine protects against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis.
5. HAV or HBV Vaccine protects against hepatitis infection.

IV. Evaluation:
a) Why do children need to be immunized or vaccinated?
V. Assignment:
Answer “Let’s Apply” on page 222. Write it on a sheet of paper.

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