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amplitude - The amplitude of a periodic variable is a measure of its change over a

single period.

equlibrium - a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces

frequency - number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time

oscilliation - the repetitive variation, typically in time, of some measure about a

central value (often a point of equilibrium) or between two or
more different states. The term vibration is precisely used to describe
mechanical oscillation. Familiar examples of oscillation include a
swinging pendulum and alternating current.

period - duration of time of one cycle in a repeating event, so the period is

the reciprocal of the frequency
For example, if a newborn baby's heart beats at a frequency of 120 times
a minute, its period—the time interval between beats—is half a second.

resonance - phenomenon in which a vibrating system or external force drives another

system to oscillate with greater amplitude at specific frequencies

vibration - mechanical phenomenon whereby oscillations occur about an equilibrium

The oscillations may be periodic, such as the motion of a pendulum—or
random, such as the movement of a tire on a gravel road.


abundance - ability to do what one need to do when one need to do

symbols of abundance: money, trade, free gift, synchronicity,
imagination/inspiration (conduit of communitaction between physical and higher

action - knowing; every moment of your life that you can, every opportunity
that presents itself out of every option that you have at every moment, whatever
are you capable of acting on at any moment, no matter what it is, pick
the one, pick the option that contains the highest amount of excitement. No matter
what it is. Act on it to the best of your ability, until you can act on it ( as far
as society/law allows). No further. Then look around for other options
that contain highest amount of excitement, no matter how disconnected from previous
(excitement tells you its connected). To the best of you ability, taking
it as far as yo can. Keep doing that every moment that you can. ACT WITH ABSOLUTE
ZERO OF ASSUMPTION, INSISTENCE (to prevent making it conditional) OR EXPECTATION AS
TO OUTCOME OF IT. Give outcome positive meaning because its fundamentally
neutral ( eg I dont prefer it - non judgmental discernment, and what you can do
with it to make something good of it);
seeng more clearly what you do prefer by learning what you dont prefer.
It doesnt matter what happens, it only does matter what you do with what
Highest excitement - driving engine as well as organising principle (hieghest
excitement first). Vibration, the translation physically of communication with your
higher mind,
guiding you into fulfilling your purpose of being yourself
You know you can handle it, otherwise you wouldnt have done it. You don't
have more than you can handle. Overwhelmed means beliefs out of alignment with who
you really wanna be.
Action is the language of physical, not talk. ACT on your passion is
strongest prayer you can possibly give (attracting relevant vibrations helps
everyone by bringing that energy to the world)

addiction - attempt to fill some sort of emptyness with substitute (the point is
to train to get it on demand on will; not expternal dependency)

balance - state of being able to choose intentionally from positive and

negative options without invalidating other choices

belief - definition; is before thought, we can only thought about definition

already there -> thoughts, emotions, actions ( they can reinforce belief and seem
like they cause it but
that is not true )

channeling - particular altered state, expressed in brain as gamma state (40-100

cycles/s); any time doing what you love to do or deep meditation is usually
channeling state; perfectly natural and common

clarity - asking right questions to examine your beliefs about 'what you
getting out of the behaviour that you are exhibiting'

consciousness - self-reflection, self-awareness (by knowing what is not-self)

cosmic awakening - realisation you actually are that dimension of reality you
previously thought you existed in; world is projection of self in order to have
experience of space-time reality;
to experience idea of change and self-discovery (timeless state
means no change); in order to experience discovery of self from different
perspective idea of forgetting who
you are is applied in linear space-time framework; structure and
framework never changes, only perspective of it changes. perspectives are infinite

crystal skull - skeleton key permission slip for all human personalities

definitions - dont use or create negative definitions (emotionally loaded as bad,


delegation - doing with assistance of (an)other; participating in something through

delegating someone or something to do the job (cord drill in hand or another
person); initiating is doing

feeling - reflection of belief in something to be true (red. in regard to


frames - static snapshots of everything; they are all experienced and only seem
as potential

hesitation - no

I - being that choose to incarnate on earth

impulsivity - holding onto fear based definition; anxiety

integrity - Thoughts and emotions aligned

judgment - can be negative or simple discernment; even negative can be used for
separation that is necessary for some sort of experience
knowing - knowing and behaviour are synonymous. Knowing is more powerful than

losing control - impossible, can create experience of losing control but he is

controlling that (belief system that you can be out of control)

laws - 1. you exist (cannot stop, because non existece doesnt exist by
definition) 2. everything is here and now 3. the one is the all, the all are the
one 4. what you put out is what you
get back 5. everything changes except 1-4

love - frequency of egzistence itself, meaning you are unconditionally

(free to be what you truly are)

meaning - everything has no meaining and perception of it depends how you define
it even subconsciously

motivation - immediate and automatic movement toward something one believes to be

in his best
interest, and away of contrary. If doing something undesired ( what
would I have to believe is true about doing this, that makes me believe this is
benefitial to me ? )

multivese - expression of existence from certain point of view in space and time,
but its simpy reflection of all that is (god, goddess, whatever); existence itself
(self-aware; consciousness, everything in it is made of it and
reflection of it; nothing outside is but its all that is; many variations, aspects,
reflections which on of them is universe

negativity - serves in positive ways if allowed to; attracting something you dont
prefer to see more clearly what you prefer instead; allow it to remind you that is
not what you prefer until you
finally go where you should; rubber band analogy (more you pull rubber
back, the more fast and further you go to opposite when you let go)

needs - air, water, sleep, nutrition, environment, connection (reflection) ...

numbers - the perception of certain proportions… in nature that represent

certain vibrations.

oversoul - sends urging to be yourself

pain - resistance to being your natural self

permission - any tool, technique, ritual, object that according to one's belief
system will
slips allow to circumvent that belief system

polarity - positive nad negative; trinity - balanced point between polarities

resistance - insistence; pushing thoughts away they will come back, because there
is no outside. Say 'no, I choose something else' as often as it takes to make
obsession fade away

signature - your unique signature in life is attracting all time what you need in
life; you dont need learn what to attract but to stop getting in way (negarive,
fear based beliefs)

superposition - everything exist at once at the same place

synchronicity - things coming in perfect timing, non causal connection but by


telepathy - tuning in to vibration of another to have similar thoughts

thought - you cannot have positive thought out of negative state (go to positive
state and create solution from that level)

timing - timing is correct when there is understanding of question being asked

worry chart - is there soemthing you can do about it ? So dont worry. There is
nothing you can do about it ? So dont worry.

" language was sang before it was spoken - resonance; chants, spells - spelling -;
allows control of matter " - red. experiment with finding resonance pitch of
singing to each other

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