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Christian Qsar


The Bearer

Today is the day before Christmas, that means tomorrow, I get wonderful
presents and gifts! The only terrible thing about Christmas Eve is that my mom
and dad make my sisters and I go to bed at eight o’clock! Anyways, every year
we read stories on the night before christmas. This story was about a mythical
creature named ‘The Bearer’. No one could understand why, but the Bearer will
go into someone’s house at random, then hunt them down. The Bearer was
never successful because he never had used any weapon but his hands and he
walked ridiculously slow. After that scary story, I would most likely have
nightmares tonight.

As I was getting ready for bed, I tried to think of what my parents got me to
get my mind off that story. “Could I be getting the Xbox I wanted, or the phone I
wanted,” I thought as I was trying my hardest to fall asleep. If you knew me, you
would know that I have always wanted an Xbox since it came out, but I was
never allowed to get it until just last month. I have only wasted all of my free time
everyday researching it and what it could do. I have always wanted Tom Clancy's
Ghost Recon Wildlands. Tom Clancy games always had high ratings and were
very fun. I could have gotten it on my computer, but it was not powerful enough.
The only game I have right now is called Fortnite and I do not even like it.
Anyways, I have been wanting a Xbox from then to now. Finally, around ten
o'clock, I finally made it to sleep.

It is twelve-twelve in the morning and I was woken up to the high pitched

noise of my old, rickety, door opening, very slowly. Behind the door was
something growling; it sounded hideous, gruesome, odd, and creepy. As I looked
towards the bottom of the doorway, I saw sharp and stinky hair stick through the
little space under the door. I did not want to even take a peek at whatever was
lurking behind that door. Just thinking about what was behind that door
frightened me. I tried to hold back the door as hard as I can, and I think it worked.
The door stopped opening and I went back to bed.

Soon enough, I’m waking up to another high pitched noise. This time I am
almost sure it is my dog, it sounds exactly like him.
When I confirmed it was my dog, my dad screamed,“QUIET DOWN
JACK!” to me.
I told him, “It’s just the dog, dad!”
Back at me he said, “Well then quiet down the dog!
“How?” I said.
“Take him outside smart one!” he shouted.
“Gosh, you can be so dumb sometimes, you know that?” My dad said.
I could tell he was furious, so I went out into my back yard and took him
out. Of course my dog just had to go out the back door. After chasing him for
what felt like forty-five minutes, my dog and I came back inside. I put my pillow
over my head and tried to go back to bed. I still could not. What seemed like five
minutes later, I hear my dog again. At this point I am done with my dog. I
slammed open the door, and there was my dog. I assumed he wanted sleep with
me because my dad kicked him out of his room. My dog hates me, so I am very
surprised he wanted to even go into my room. After all the commotion, we went
to sleep. Then, of course, my dog wants out.
I said to my dog, “Come on, go outside Charlie,” then I let him outside
again and went back to bed.
At three o’clock in the morning I woke up, again, to the thumping sound of
something on the stairs. I just tried to go back to sleep. Creaking, the old,
squeaky wood block in my wall started to open. Getting louder and louder as
sweat dripping down my neck the thump...thump...thump was getting scarier and
scarier. After that I went outside and I saw the hideous, gruesome, odd, and
creepy brown-haired figure on the stairs that I thought was there before. Blazing
right back into my room, I am almost sure he did not see me. If that saw me, I
was pretty sure I would be dead. I was getting less and less worried as the sound
got quieter. Then I realized the sound was coming right down the hall, from my
mom and dad’s room! I had to find another way to tell my mom and dad. Five
seconds later, I heard the same thumping getting louder and louder. I stood right
next to the door with my bat with fear getting greater and greater. My door came
crashing down and before it saw me, I ran out of my room and into my mom and
dad’s. Fortunately, it ran very very slow, or at least, in the story. I told them and
my sisters what had happened. I said, “We need to find a place somewhere
away from here to go to.”
My sister asked, “how will we get out in the first place?”
“We will sneak out this window right here,” said my dad pointing to it.
My mom added, “We need to be as fast as possible.” She was looking at
my dad.
“Only necessities,” said my other sister. “We don’t need like 12 pairs of
My dad asked, “Where will we go once we are outside?”
“To you parents most likely,” my mom said. Luckily, my grandparents live
in the next block over from our house so we could practically walk there. After
that conversation, we finally made it out of the window. My sisters and I are
furious and frustrated because we do not have the presents that were under our
tree anymore. Even worse, we could not tell anyone about this because they
would not believe us.The only thing we could do now is sleep until Christmas
morning. After we woke up from sleeping for one hour, we went downstairs. Then
we noticed the presents that were under our tree from last night were there! We
can have Christmas again! After that, we all ate and had an amazing Christmas.

After Christmas break, we had to go to school. My sisters and I loved

having no absolutely homework over the break. We also both hate Mondays.
During school, I went to open my locker and there was a note that said ‘I will
come for you’ on it. It also said ‘The Bearer; on it. My guess is that ‘The Bearer’
was the monster from Christmas. The Bearer I saw on Christmas looked exactly
how it was described in the story. I had to go to sleep though since I had school
tomorrow. In the middle of class I went to the bathroom and as I was coming out,
I saw what looked like our school mascot, a bear. As I came closer and closer, it
was the Bearer. The second I noticed, I ran the other direction back to my class.
The Bearer was smart not to come into my class. If he did, he would be known.

When my sister and I came home to our grandparents we all packed our
belongings, and moved back to our home. Towards the end of the day, we talked
about ways we could take down the monster. Also, I thought about making this a
story for a fictional narrative assignment I have to do in my language arts
because no one believes this is true. The only thing is, I cannot have violence
and gore in it. I will just leave out those parts. Anyways, I turned on the news
and the title was “big bear terrorizing the city”. Now everyone knows about the
Bearer. There was even a website dedicated to last seen locations of the Bearer.
The next day, I woke up very early so I decided to watch the news. The
title was “The so-called Bearer cannot be found anymore!”. Any website
remotely related to the Bearer was misteriously taken down. When I was done, I
ate my breakfast and went to school. Now the ‘trending’ topics and what
everyone was talking about is the Bearer. There were theories if it was just a
man in a suit. There were also other theories on if he had superpowers. There
were so many theories, no one could keep track. Anyways I found another note
in my locker. It was a love note. Without thinking, I threw that away.
Then as I dug deeper there was a note that said “This is not over, The
Now I was scared, I had that to worry about on top of the two tests I had
today. I totally forgot about the tests, I didn't even study! They were very difficult
and I knew I would get a terrible grade. I was so caught up with my new xbox
and the Bearer situation I forgot about the tests! When I came home, I was, to no
surprise, grounded. I had to check my grades. I got a D- on one test and and F
on the other. Now I had to go after school for about 2 hours to make up both
tests. My teachers luckily, let my retake the test for full credit. I studied the rest of
the night for the retake tomorrow. Anyways, I my test grades back and I got an A
both of them. In my last class, I was just sitting there until I heard the door creak
open. I jumped because it sounded just like the creak of my door at home. I tried
to play it off cool, but that never worked for me and I got some weird looks from
around the room but I did not care. Then I thought I was hallucinating because I
thought I heard the same thump...thump...thump… of the Bearer I heard at my
house. Next, you will not believe it, The Bearer walked through that door. Twelve
seconds later, after the screaming stopped, the police rushed in and shot the
bear with a tranquilizer dart. When I got home, the news said the bearer was put
in jail in a special cell. Also my mom said I was not grounded anymore because I
was able to get an A on both test makeups. I am so glad I studied and did well on
these tests. Also nobody has to be terrorized by the Bearer again.

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