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Christian Qsar


The Bearer

Today is the day before Christmas, that means tomorrow, I get wonderful
presents and gifts! The only terrible thing about Christmas Eve is that my mom
and dad make my sisters and I go to bed at eight o’clock! As I was getting ready
for bed, I tried to think of what my parents got me. “Could that be the Xbox I
wanted, or the phone I wanted?” I thought as I was trying my hardest to fall
asleep. If you knew me, I have always wanted an Xbox since it came out, but I
was never allowed to get it until just last month. I have been wanting it from then
to now. Anyways, around ten o'clock, I finally made it to sleep.

It is twelve-twelve at night and I was woken up to the high pitched noise of

my old, rickety, door opening, very slowly. Behind the door was something
growling; it sounded hideous, gruesome, odd, and creepy. As I looked towards
the bottom of the doorway, I saw sharp and stinky hair stick through the little
space under the door. I did not want to even take a peek at whatever was lurking
behind that door. Just thinking about what was behind that door frightened me. I
tried to hold back the door as hard as I can, and I think it worked. The door
stopped opening and I went back to bed.

Soon enough, I’m waking up to another high pitched noise. This time I am
almost sure it is my dog, it sounds exactly like him. Then, it started growling
louder and louder, until my dad screamed at me to “QUIET DOWN!”. I put my
pillow over my head and tried to go back to bed. I still could not. Now I am getting
super annoyed. I cannot get any sleep because of this thing. I am about to jump
out there with my pistol at shoot that thing.

At this point I am done with this monster. I grabbed my pistol, slammed

open the door, and there was my dog. I assumed he wanted sleep with me
because my dad kicked him out of his room. My dog hates me, so I am very
surprised he wanted to even go into my room. After all the commotion, we went
to sleep. Then, of course, my dog wants out. So I let him outside and went back
to bed.

At three o’clock in the morning I woke up, again, to the thumping sound of
something on the stairs. “It is probably my dad”, I thought. I told him goodnight,
but he did not respond. I said it louder and he still did not respond. After that I
went outside and I saw the hideous, gruesome, odd, and creepy brown-haired
figure on the stairs that I thought was there before. If that saw me, I was pretty
sure I would be dead. I ran into my room, grabbed my gun and slammed the
door. Five seconds later, I heard the same thumping getting louder and louder.
My door came crashing down and before it saw me, I ran out of my room and into
my mom and dad’s. I told them and my sisters what had happened and the next
thing my mom, dad, sisters, and I knew, we were on our way to my grandparent’s

My sisters and I are sad because we do not have the presents that were
under our tree anymore. Even worse, we could not tell anyone about this
because they would not believe us.The only thing we could do now is sleep until
Christmas morning. After we woke up from sleeping for one hour, we went
downstairs. Then we noticed the presents that were under our tree from last night
were there! We can have Christmas again! After that, we all ate and had an
amazing Christmas.

After Christmas break, we had to go to school. My sisters and I loved

having no absolutely homework over the break. We also both hate Mondays.
During school, I went to open my locker and there was a note that said ‘I will
come for you’ on it. It also said ‘The Bearer; on it. My guess is that ‘The Bearer’
was the monster from Christmas. In the middle of class I went to the bathroom
and as I was coming out, I saw what looked like our school mascot, a bear. As I
came closer and closer, it was the Bearer. The second I noticed, I ran the other
direction back to my class.

When my sister and I came home to our grandparents we all packed our
belongings, and moved back to our home. Towards the end of the day, we talked
about ways we could take down the monster. Also, I thought about making this a
story for a fictional narrative assignment I have to do in my language arts
because no one believes this is true. The only thing is, I cannot have violence
and gore in it. I will just leave out those parts. Anyways, I turned on the news and
the title was “big bear terrorizing the city”. Now everyone knows about the
Bearer. There was even a website dedicated to last seen locations of the Bearer.

The next day, I woke up very early so I decided to watch the news. The
title was “The so-called Bearer was interrogated and took into custody!”. When I
was done, I ate my breakfast and went to school. Now the trending topics and
what everyone was talking about is the Bearer. There were theories if it was just
a man in a suit. There were also other theories on if he had superpowers.There
were so many theories, no one could keep track. Anyways I found another note
in my locker. It was a love note. Then as I dug deeper there was a note that said
“This is not over, The Bearer.”. Now I was scared, I had that to worry about on
top of the two tests I had today. I totally forgot about the tests, I did not even
study! They were very difficult and I knew I would get a terrible grade. When I
came home, I was, to no surprise, grounded. I had to check my grades. I got a D-
on one test and and F on the other. Now I had to go after school for about 2
hours to make up both tests. Of course I had to go tomorrow when I had a
friend’s birthday party and my soccer practice at that time. I studied the rest of
the night for the retake tomorrow. Anyways, I got the grades back and I got and A
both of them. Other than that everything was going well with the Bearer situation.
In conclusion, perseverance and choosing the right side will always win. If you try
hard enough, you will succeed.

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