In School Community Service Reflection

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In School Community Service Reflection:

The in-school community service that I did was in the Teachers for Tomorrow program.
In my junior and senior year I was given the opportunity to volunteer in elementary school
classroom and help the teachers and students with whatever they needed. Ms. Tiernan directed
the class and was the supervisor during February through May of both school years for about an
hour every other day during the class period. I participated in this because I want to become a
teacher in the future and this allows me to go into the classroom and experience it firsthand. I
also did this because I love working with children and through this program I get to talk to the
kids and even get to teach them.
This community service has allowed me to grow as student because I have been able to
understand the other side of teaching. I have seen through this that teaching is very difficult and
that it very important to appreciate our teacher because we do not see everything that happens
behind the scenes. This program has given me college credit, and I will be able to skip the first
few classes of teaching and be able to move on to other teaching classes faster. This will help
me hopefully earn my master’s degree faster. Through this community service I have gained
more confidence in teaching from giving my own lesson. I have also been able to gain more
confidence in talking to children because I am able to communicate with them more often.
I chose to do this community service because I love teaching and I wanted to see if I
actually had a future in teaching. I learned that it is very important to be patient while teaching
because you are working with children who might not know what is going on. I have also
learned that it is very important to be flexible in the classroom because the children are always
going to be unpredictable. This is information is going to help me in the future because I will
one day have my own classroom and I will know even more about children from this
This community service has helped me realize that I actually do want to be a teacher and
I am more excited than ever to have my own classroom in the future. I have also learned that it
is very important to remember that everyone has a life outside of school and that you never know
what someone could be going through. In my daily life, I will always be nice to everyone
because it never hurts to be a nice person. This experience has also allowed me to have a new
perspective on school as whole because I was able to see the students and teachers side of the
classroom. I will carry this new perspective into my own classroom, so that I have better
understanding of the children’s actions.
The Teachers for Tomorrow program has allowed me to be in the classroom and
experience what a teacher has to do in their every day job. From this experience, I learned that I
actually want to become a teacher and become the best teacher I can be. I also learned that it is
very important to understand that everyone has a life outside of school. It is important to be kind
to everyone because you may never know what they are going through. This community service
has made me grow as a person and made me learn skills that I will use in the future as a teacher.

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