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Second Semester 5 Year B.B.A., LL.B. Examination, JunelJuly 2017

(Old and New Batch)

Duration : 3 Hourç Max. Markç : 100

Instructions : 1) Ançwer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining queçtionç.

2) Q. No. 9 carrieç 20 markç and the remaining queçtionç
carry 16 markç each.
3) Ançwer çhould be written either in English or Kannada

Q. No. 1. Explain Peter Drucker theory of modern management. Markç : 16

ee¤oa b’¸a’ oa æv’o’ æa’sea’ ev’tæ’wt ewt oe’v’7’s ev’&e.
Q. No. 2. Explain barrierç to communication. Markç : 16
u’ou’a’t u’ow‘eo’& o’sv’ æb’w’w‘n’$’7’s ev’&e.
Q. No. 3. What iç controlling ? Explain eççentialç of an effective control
çyçtem. Markç : 16
eðsoe’¸s gow’o‘e7’s c u’&wtv’sat& eðsoe’¸s v’˛v’u‘.ðs æv’o’˛a’e‘n’$’7’s ev’&e.
Q. No. 4. Explain formal and informal organiçation çtructure. Markç : 16
™u’wt&a’ v’se’s0 æ7™u’wt&a’ u’o2¤7t v’˛v’u‘.ðs7’s ev’&e.
Q. No. 5. What iç Delegation of authority ? Explain the proceçç and
importance of delegation. Markç : 16
æ&ato’ e6sen’ gow’o‘e7’s c æ&ato’ e6sen’w’ u’¸&¸6s v’se’s0
v’sæ’e’,n’$’7’s ev’&e.
Q. No. 6. What iç planning ? Explain importance and limitationç of planning. Markç : 16
6set7‘ gow’o‘e7’sc6set7‘ðs v’sæ’e’,n’$’s v’se’s0 ewoa’7‘n’$’7’s ev’&e.
Q. No. 7. Explain variouç techniqueç of forecaçting. Markç : 16
v’ss7’ owte7’ eea’ e’oe’¸n’$’7’s ev’&e.

Q. No. 8. Write a çhort note on any two of the following : Markç : 2x8=16
a‘$’a7’ ðwv’çwtw’o’s go'b'a¹ e2s $u’¸9 wo‘æs& :
a) Internal çourceç of recruitment.
7‘ev’satåðs æoe’&a’ v’ssen’$’s.
b) Typeç of interview.
u’ow’o’t7’w’ u’¸ato’n’$’s.
c) Maçlow'ç theory of motivation.
v’wu‘sDeo’v’o’ u‘¸eo’wt ewt oe’.
Q. No. 9. Ançwer any two of the following : Markç : 2x10=20
a‘$’a7’ ðwv’çwtw’o’s go'b'a¹ ➢ e’0&e :
a) Explain different levelç of management.
ev’tæ’w‘ðs eea’ æ’oe’n’$’7’s ev’&e.
b) Explain general principleç of adminiçtrative management.
æb’Fe’ ev’tæ’w‘ðs utv’tå¸a’ e’e’,n’$’7’s ev’&e.
c) Explain the factorç determining decentraliçation.
ea‘eo&¸ea’o’sw’ v‘see‘ u’¸çtv’ eeo’sv’ æoo’n’$’7’s ev’&e.

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