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Discourse and Practice New Tools for Critical Discourse Analysis Theo van Leeuwen OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD Osfoat University Pros. Ie, pal Osfont iver objet in esac, hula, and edcation Osfost Now York Auckland Cape Tose Dares Sans Hom Kong Karachi Kuala Carypar Madi Melbourne Mexico City | Nasobi Row Delhi Shanghat Lap With ofices in Argctina Austin ral Chile Crsch Republic France Gresee Guatemala Thangary aly Japan Pola Portugal» Singapore Sout Korea Switrland Thai Turkey Ukraine Viet ‘Copyright © 2008 by Oxford University Press, Ine Pablishse by Oxon University ros, In us tats Semi, Now York, New York 10016 www ‘Osfon i ested ade nith oF Oxon University Press Ail ights rd, No part of this publication maybe eps Stor in a eival stm, or rama. lest rehareal, phates ing econ ‘wt the por permission of Oxia Unversity Library of Co sn-Pbliaton Dat ss Cala Lowen, Th san Discourse and practice now tls fr crite dscousse alysis! Tho van Lacuwen Py em—iOxtn sues in socolnguistcs) ISBN 978.019 512330.6:978 0-19 82351 3 HK) 1. Critical scours analysis. |. Tih Paz 433 2008 40rd 2yn7023000 ostasaent Printed inthe United Stes of Amerie sonal ise pane Discourse as the Recontextualization of Social Practice Toa tris captes.1eiscuss the cenal idea ofthis book ts conception of discourses scontextuatlized social practice, Hhen introduce the elements of social practices and their recontextualizations. In subsequent chapters, I deal with most of these elements in greater depth 1, The Supersedure of Meaning by Function Max Weber (1977) described “rationalization” as a form of social organization in which s ted toward meanings, values, and beliefs, but toward strategies, no longer toward the questions “Is it wwe?” “Is it good?” but toward the questions "Does it work?" “Does itachieve its purposes?” As a result, rationalized social action is proceduralized. turned into a step-by-step method through intricate legalistic rules that aim at achieving the purpose of the action more efficiently and economivally. In rationalized social interaction. itis therefore no longer consensual presentation which binds the members of society to} procedures, Meaning loses its bearings and becomes fragmented and helerogeneous. Social action becomes increasingly regimented, homogenized, and proceduralized. This is what Zijderveld (1979) culled the “supersedure of meaning by funetion in modernity.” Icisnot difficult t think of examples. [a universities. « plurality of Viscourses is permitted. Marxist philosophy ean be taught side by side with total quality manage- ment and social biology, No unifying doctrine or belief is needed to guarantee the cohesion of the institution, But there are increasingly many rules to specify how all of these subjects should be taught, and these are inereasi | action is no longer orie ether, but common practice, ‘one size hits all” rules that

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