PAC Guidelines - Revised

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Revised PAC Guidelines:

1. All projects to be submitted to the PAC web portal through

2. Application division should undertake large projects. Minimum duration of all New
Projects should be 60 Months.
3. Application team should check with other States/Groups for the similar projects to avoid
duplication of work. They should also get vetted the project proposal by the sector head at
NIC HQ (wherever available). The State Coordinator need to be informed regarding the
4. Maintenance projects costing below 20 lakhs will be approved by HoG/SIO in the PAC
5. Projects costing 20 lakhs and above will be reviewed by PAC and recommended for DG’s
6. Proposal should have the costing for Development, Testing, Deployment Environment etc
wherever applicable.
7. DR (Disaster Recovery) and BC (Business Continuity) to be provisioned in case of critical
8. Roles and responsibilities of all Stakeholders to be specified in the proposal.
9. Timelines to for each milestone to be included in the proposal.
10. Data Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights need to be clearly specified in the
11. Once project is submitted to PAC, small projects will be routed through Software Quality
Group (SQG) and large project will be routed through Technical Advisory Group (TAG).
12. All application development to follow GuDApps and Software Quality guidelines and
13. PAC shall review the progress of work of all the projects from time to time.

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