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unit 4.

activities 2º ESO
1. Write sentences with the words below. Use the comparative or
superlative form.
1. Mount Everest / high / mountain in the world
2. motorbikes / dangerous / cars
3. The British Museum / popular /museum in London
4. Spain / sunny / Norway
2. Complete the sentences with LESS... THAN or THE LEAST and the
adjective in brackets.
a) Albania is one of ___________ countries in Europe (expensive).
b) An adventure holiday is ___________ a beach holiday (relaxing)
c) Female birds are ___________ male birds (colourful)
d) My friends thinks history is ___________ subject at school (interesting)
3. Complete the sentences with the words below.
1. Spain is ___________ of France.
2. Crocodiles live in rivers, lakes and ___________
3. We enjoyed the beautiful ___________ as we were hiking in the
4. You can only find ___________ in cold climates.
5. Italy is ___________ of Spain.
6. We saw many kinds of colourful fish near the ___________.
4. Write questions for the answers below.
1) A: ______________________________________________________-?
B: No, I didn't like the movie
2) A: ______________________________________________________-?
B: She was studying English.
3) A: ______________________________________________________-?
B: She was studying English.
4) A: ______________________________________________________-?
B: No, I don't think he'll finish the exam on time.
5. Choose the correct answer.
1. Sara is going / will go / won't to go to Paris next week.
2. If she were younger, she would travel / will travel / travel more
3. Nat used / didn't used to / used to play tennis when she was younger.
4. While they were sleeping, it started / was starting / were starting to rain.
5. If you come soon, we watch / will watch / watches the game.
6. How many / much / far money have you got?
7. We didn't eat / don't eat / ate in the hotel because it was too expensive.
8. She is more better / better / the best than me in English.

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