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The PASSION TEST My top passions are:

START: Spend a few

minutes to consider the
open-ended phrases on
these pages. Then write
your simple, honest
responses in the circles.
If you feel your responses
missed the mark the first H
time, repeat the test until
it feels right. You might RT
find your responses
1 2 3 4
varying greatly (from
Zumba dancing to
reading autobiographies If I had a week to One thing you’d I’m the one
to rock climbing, for
My dream as a do anything
example), and that’s OK; never guess about everyone calls for
just complete the phrase child was... I wanted to do,
as honestly as you can. I would... me is... when...
REFINE: Now you’ll trim
your list to the top five
activities that will make
your life fulfilling. Begin
with your first completed
Phrase 1 and compare it
with your response for
your completed Phrase 2. Discover
If you could have one or
the other, which would Your Passion
you choose? (If it’s not
clear, close your eyes
and imagine you’re living
A l l s uc c es sf u l people have 5 6 7 8
passion and have learned to
Phrase 1 full-out and
Phrase 2 is nonexistent. make decisions based on what
If I received the If I entered a talent
Then imagine you’re really matters to them. Even My fantasy career Time freedom for
living Phrase 2 full-out Nobel Prize, show, I would
when others tell them they’re would be... me means...
and 1 is absent. Which
cra z y or declare that a goal
it would be for... perform...
feels better?)
Put your finger on the i s i mp o s s i ble, t he y fol lo w
circle you choose and their hearts—their passions.
continue to 3; repeat the
process through the last
circle (you’ll probably
need to use both hands).
Wherever your finger
ends up after that last
circle is your No. 1
passion. Write that one in
the first blank line at the
top of the opposite page
and draw an X through 9 10 11 12
that circle. Now repeat
the process four times,
always skipping the
What gets me The things people I feel something If I starred in a TV
passionately out show in which Janet Bray Attwood
marked-out circles as you always compliment akin to a “runners and Chris Attwood
compare your reponses of bed in the I taught a skill,
in each circle, and write
morning is... me on are... high” when I’m... it would be... are co-authors of
down the last one in the the New York Times
blank lines. best-seller The Passion
You’ve just discovered Test: The Effortless
your top five passions. Path to Discovering
Your Life Purpose

58 Success SEptember 2013 Success september 2013 59

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