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PAVA Template Guidelines

► The PAVA (Primary Activity Value Analysis) deliverable is used to further understand a client’s business and processes by assessing key process topics
side by side such as strategy, approach, performance measures, systems, and resources. The PAVA template can be used to assess the client's current
state and future state business.
► A Current State PAVA is developed to understand a client's current business and processes by quickly identifying areas where further analysis is needed.
It is used to identify conflicts between strategy, approach, performance measures, systems, and resources.
► A Future State PAVA is used to refine and develop future state business processes that support the company's strategy. It identifies performance
measures, systems, resources, etc that support the future business processes.

Setting Up the Worksheet:

►The worksheet is currently setup to follow a standard PAVA template, however it can be modified as needed based on the project.

► A PAVA is typically compiled through facilitated / brown paper sessions with key stakeholders in which the walk-through of structured discussions on
specific process (current state or future) topics are conducted. These topics include; strategy, approach, KPIs, and systems among others. The columns are
outlined on a big piece of brown paper and as the audience discusses, the facilitator captures items under the appropriate bucket. Some audiences will walk
through one item at a time whereas others follow conversations that cause the facilitator to choose the appropriate column.
► Refer to the Appendix A and Appendix B sections below for specifics on preparing for and conducting PAVA sessions and for delivering results.

Use the following as a guideline for populating the template:

► Purpose: Statement that express the stated or unstated manner of what drives the client on how they perform a specific activity.
► Example(s): To equip newly hired employees with a common problem solving approach and tool set so that they can be effective once staffed.
► Notes: It may take some effort to get the client to articulate & remember—they may not operate with a strategic focus.

► Purpose: Statements that express the specific activities / approaches to “realizing” strategies previously articulated.
► Example(s):
o Conduct a semi-annual training course run and delivered by existing practitioners
o Eat our own dog food: these are the tools we use on client projects
► Notes: If people are being honest, the approaches they outline will begin to identify potential opportunities.

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[Standard Placement for Client Logo if OIC approved]
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PAVA Template Guidelines

Content (continued):
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) / Metrics
► Purpose: Statements that express what is measured to manage, optimize and control this activity.
► Example(s): Evaluations on job performance.
► Notes: The following should be asked:
o Does anyone actually make decisions with this information? How often?
o Are all these measures equal?

Sub Processes
► Purpose: The sub-process(es) that make up the activity under discussion.
► Example(s): Planning, Dry-Runs, Facilitate Session, Evaluate
► Notes: This should tie to the Process Framework deliverable, if developed on the project. During a current state assessment, this will assist with
identifying processes for Brown Bag Sessions.

► Purpose: The principle resource types involved in the activity under discussion including the numbers and locations by type.
► Example(s):
o Training owner & helpers
o Facilitators
o Trainees
o Big rooms for sessions & break-outs
► Notes: It helpful to capture volumes, numbers by type and location.

► Purpose: The systems that are used to perform the activity under discussion.
► Example(s): Skill Soft, Portera
► Notes: During a current state assessment, this will provide visibility into some sub-systems that may need to have interfaces built or may be eliminate
with a to-be solution.

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PAVA Template Guidelines

Content (continued):
► Purpose: What works well, what needs to be improved.
► Example(s): Break items into B’s and C’s:
o “How to” and “I wish”
► Notes: Benefits & concerns highlight what to change and what to preserve:
o It helps to remember what is going well
o During a current state assessment, it provides an opportunity to seed some concerns and get the client to be explicit in expressing their needs (try to
capture action-based statements, e.g., “I wish that we would…”).

Cost Drivers
► Purpose: Identify situations that cause this activity to cost a lot more.
► Example(s): Attendance, number of facilitators, duration of training, trainee participation, advanced planning.
► Notes: Types of cost/effectiveness elements:
o Special orders
o Confusing email communications
o Inexperienced employees

Regulatory Compliance:
This section and tab is used if the deliverable involves information related to an organization’s compliance with government regulations such as Sarbanes-
Oxley (SOX), HIPAA, etc. Typically, documents related to process, data, and security could have regulatory related components, e.g., SOX if a company is
publically traded.

If there are no regulatory compliance considerations for this document, please indicate this on the worksheet.

Appendix A - PAVA Approach

Develop PAVA Session
Determine PAVA sessions and attendees for each item:
· Define session objectives
· Determine meeting approach
· Determine decision-making process
· Establish roles & responsibilities (all PAVA’s should include a facilitator and note taker)
· Identify participants
· Set date, time & location

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PAVA Template Guidelines

· Send “save the date” meeting notes

Construct PAVA Tables
Determine columns to be covered in each PAVA session and information capture method:
· Recommended columns are defined in “Section 4. PAVA Column Definition” of this document
· Information Capture Methods; the columns can be outlined on an excel spreadsheet, word document or on a big piece of brown paper. As
the audience discusses, the facilitator captures items under the appropriate column.

Conduct PAVA Session Walk Through

With session attendees, walk through the development of each PAVA column, documenting any discussions on chosen information capture method:

· The audience brainstorms items such as the strategy, approach, benefits, metrics etc… of the <specify current or future state> process
· The columns are outlined on chosen capture method (excel, word, brown paper) and as the audience discusses, the facilitator captures items
under the appropriate bucket
· Some audiences will walk through one item at a time whereas others follow conversations that cause the facilitator to choose the appropriate
Summarize and Distribute Results
Document key findings, summarize results, and distribute to attendees.
· Summarize the PAVA results and findings in a chosen method (Excel, Word, PowerPoint..) that works best to suit the client’s needs

Appendix B - PAVA Preparation

Setting the Stage
· Reconfirm session objectives
· Reconfirm meeting approach
· Reconfirm decision-making process
· Clarify roles & responsibilities
· Confirm participants
Logistical Planning
· Identify logistical needs
· Arrange catering (if applicable)
· Arrange security access to location (if applicable)
· Send notification of meeting details
Final Preparation
· Develop agenda
· Contact “key” participants
· Review background materials

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PAVA Template Guidelines

· Prepare data capture methods
· Prepare meeting room
· Send agenda and meeting handouts

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Revision History
Revision Comments Revised By Revision Date Version

Deliverable Approval
[Two methods exist for obtaining formal acceptance of deliverables: 1) this Deliverable Approval table contained within the deliverable itself or 2) a
separate Deliverable Signoff Sheet. Review the project's Project Management (PM) Plan to confirm the deliverable acceptance method to be used
on the project, and retain or remove this section as appropriate.]

Approver Name Title / Role Signature Date

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Primary Activity Value Analysis (PAVA)

Strategy Approach KPI's Sub-Processes Resources Systems

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[Standard Placement for Client Logo if OIC approved]
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Value Analysis (PAVA)

Benefits/Concerns Cost Drivers

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PAVA Regulatory Compliance

[The Regulatory Compliance tab is used if the deliverable involves information related to an organization’s compliance with government regulations such
as Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), HIPAA, etc. Typically, documents related to process, data, and security could have regulatory related components, e.g., SOX if
a company is publically traded.

If Regulatory Compliance is a requirement for your client but there are no Regulatory Compliance considerations for this document then indicate that none
exist in this section.]

Compliance Topic Compliance Details

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Open and Closed Items

[This tab can be used to document open items that will impact the completion of this deliverable. These open items may prevent the client from signing
off on this deliverable. Issues should not be tracked in this deliverable. Issues should be tracked in the Issues Log.]
Item Status Item Requiring Action or Issues Log ID Responsibility Target Resolution Closed Date
ID (Open or Resolution (if applicable) Completion
Closed) Date

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