Foreign Trade of The DPRK - 02 - 2019

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Draft Beer
Mild and exhilarating!
Rich in fresh flavour of barley and aroma of hop!

Ponghwasan Technology Company

Add: Pothonggang District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Tel: 0085-02-18111-341-8218
Fax: 0085-02-381-4410

Juche 108 (2019) No. 2 (451))
2. February 8 Vinalon Complex
4. Efforts to Consolidate Self-supporting Foundations
of Chemical Industry
5. Manpho Economic Development Zone
5. Hyesan Economic Development Zone
8. Methane Gas Generator with Float-type Cover
9. Natural Fluorine Water
10. Jindallae Mobile Phone Factory
13. Kangnyong Ponghwa Mine February 8 Vinalon Complex
13. Integrating Flow Meter for Home Use
13. Cleansing Towel Editor: Kim Yong Sik
Photo: Jon Son Il
14. Functional Drinks Applied with Molecular
Article: O Hae yon
Processing Technology Yun Hyok
14. Processed Apricot Stone Products

The quarterly journal “Foreign Trade of the

16. Promising Granite Mine DPRK” is available in English, Russian,
French, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese
18. Paekhwa Commercial Joint versions.
Venture Company Please visit
20. Products of Chongchun

6 Pharmaceutical Factory
21. Wild Honey of Mt Oga
Published by the Foreign Trade
Publishing House
Add: Sochon-dong, Sosong District,
22. Hamju Daesong Cutlery Pyongyang, DPR Korea
24. Regulations on Customs in

Economic Development
27. Systematic Parallel Inverse OF THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S
28. Taeha Trading Company P.O.Box 89
Add: Jungsong-dong, Central District,
30. Fermented Soybean Drink Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Tel: 850-2-3815926

31. Traditional Soybean Foods Fax: 850-2-3815827
E-mail: micom @
32. New Bioactive Products E-mail: micom @
February 8 Vinalon Complex It has developed a new catalyst for the production of
acetic acid, and normalized the production of vinalon, vinyl
vinyl acetate for industrial use, polyvinyl alcohol, agro-
chemicals and disperse dyes.
chloride and caustic soda at a high level. Vinalon fibre produced by the complex is 7.0g/d in tensile
February 8 Vinalon Complex in the outskirts of Hamhung so as to ensure close ties between production processes. It is now pushing ahead with the technical reconstruction strength and over 75% in the degree of whiteness.
in South Hamgyong Province turns out organic and It also exerts considerable efforts into further consolidating of machines and processes by employing energy- and February 8 Vinalon Complex
inorganic chemical products including vinalon and carbide. the Juche orientation of vinalon industry and developing labour-saving methods, while improving the quality of Add: Hungdok District, Hamhung, South Hamgyong
The complex gives precedence to the supply of raw new chemical products that are conducive to the economic products and increasing the variety. Province, DPR Korea
and other materials and fuel, organizes production and construction and the improvement of the people’s living The complex’s typical products include vinalon, Tel: 0085-02-18111-381-6141/6146
manages equipment and technology in a scrupulous way standards. carbide, caustic soda, hydrochloric acid, acetic acid and Fax: 0085-02-381-4410/4416

Foreign Trade of DPR Korea

2 2019.No.2 3
Efforts to Consolidate Self-supporting Manpho Economic Development Zone

he Manpho Economic Development Zone in Jagang mineral water highly efficacious in the treatment of chronic

Foundations of Chemical Industry

Province of the DPRK is one of the similar zones gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, chronic enterocolitis,
established in every province of the country to chronic hepatitis, obesity and arteriosclerosis, and beautiful
positively contribute to the national economic development scenery of the Amnok River.
and improvement of the people’s living standards and also Various production and consignment processing bases will
The government of the Democratic People’s Republic of perfume and other chemical goods from ingredients of plant expand economic exchanges with foreign countries. be established in the zone by employing manpower of nearby
Korea is pursuing its economic policies to consolidate the resources, and recycling waste materials and by-products The zone is aimed at building an integrated EDZ combined factories and enterprises and abundant forest resources in
independence and Juche character of the chemical industry from factories and enterprises, thereby expanding chemical with modern agriculture, tourism and trade. Jagang Province.
and push ahead with its modernization, thus achieving steady goods production. It covers some areas of Mitha-ri, including Poldung Island The zone’s agro-stockbreeding base will be provided with
progress. The DPRK has solid foundations for satisfying the demands on the Amnok River, and Phosang-ri in Manpho, Jagang production and scientific research establishments for breeding
Since the early days of building a new country, the for chemical materials from light industry, agriculture and Province, thus being 3.9km2 in total area. superior strains, and producing fodder and modern farming
government of the DPRK has made persevering efforts other sectors of the national economy. It is situated 18km away from the Manpho Bridge, 70km from machines and facilities. Advanced farming methods and
to establish an independent, comprehensive and modern It is equipped with the greater part of branches of modern the Wiwon Bridge, and 165km from the Junggang Bridge. It has machines as well as cutting-edge agricultural technologies
chemical industry, and ensures the sound development by favourable traffic conditions with roads connecting Manpho to and superior breeds will be introduced.
chemical industry and advanced it as the basic orientation of
properly balancing inorganic and organic chemical industries Kanggye, Junggang, Jasong, Sijung and Wiwon respectively, A service base will also be built for the investors.
its development to rely on local resources.
and large-scale and medium- and small-scale chemical and railways to east and west coastal areas. The mode of development is joint venture between corporate
Accordingly, the DPRK developed the basic chemical
industries. A wharf to be built on the shore of the Amnok River according bodies of the DPRK and foreign investors, or wholly foreign-
industry that makes effective use of coal, limestone and
The government of the DPRK inspires February 8 to the development plan will offer a favourable condition for the owned enterprises, and its period is 50 years.
other raw materials abundant in the country and established
Vinalon Complex, Namhung Youth Chemical Complex, marine transport between the DPRK and China. The investors shall be provided with preferential treatments in
Juche-oriented vinalon fibre and chemical fertilizer
Hungnam Fertilizer Complex, and other large and small It has the Jangjagang Power Station some 10km away for their economic activities, and their vested rights and interests,
industries, and synthetic rubber and synthetic resin
electric power supply, and rich water resources of the Amnok and personal safety be protected by law.
industries. chemical producers in the country to further achievements
in production. River.
It made constant efforts to develop chemical industry fed
In the Mitha-ri area, including the Poldung Island, will be
by local resources, despite the difficult circumstances, so By closely combining scientific research with production,
built an international service base combined with tourism and Korea Economic Development Association
that the foundations for vinalon and fertilizer production raw and other materials needed in light industry and
trade, and in the Phosang-ri area a modern base specializing Add: Taedonggang District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
were firmly laid, the prospects for producing basic chemical agriculture, including artificial fibre, resin and rubber
in farming, stockbreeding with a food production cycle and Tel: 0085-02-18111-381-5912
goods from local resources became brighter, and new, useful products, agro-chemicals, chemical fertilizers, proteins and
herbs farming. Fax: 0085-02-381-5889
chemical goods were developed from the same materials. assorted feed, are produced in sufficient amounts, and quality
It is planned to develop tourism in the zone with Mitha E-mail:
At present the government of the DPRK is giving further chemical products urgently demanded in the people’s living
spurs to normalizing the production of chemical goods are continuously turned out.
urgently demanded in economic construction and the Production of basic chemical goods, such as salt, carbide
improvement of the people’s living standards by making the and benzene as well as highly active and long-lived catalysts
most rational and effective use of the country’s resources. developed by its own efforts, technology and resources, is on
a steady increase.
Hyesan Economic Development Zone
The Seventh Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea put

forward the tasks to be tackled by the chemical industry; The government of the DPRK maintains a policy on he Hyesan Economic Development Zone is to be built into the mining and forestry machines and timbre processing, have been
introducing advanced technology into equipment and base specializing in export processing, modern agriculture, under deliberation or are in progress.
it should build new chemical goods production bases
tourism and trade, within the period of 50 years. Export processing establishments for natural resources
fed by local resources under a long-term plan, establish a processes of the chemical industry to reduce power
It includes some areas of Sinjang-ri in Hyesan, Ryanggang abundant in Ryanggang Province, such as silver, copper, lead,
C1 chemical industry based on coal gasification, create a consumption and remove pollution. zinc, magnetite, iron sulphide and magnesite, will also be set
Province, and faces across the Amnok River Changbai County,
carbonization process using brown coal, perfect the sodium It is also pressing ahead with the building of new chemical Jilin Province of China. up.
carbonate industry with glauberite as its starting material, and production bases fed by local resources. At present it is The zone has favourable conditions for carrying in and out of When a ring tourist road linking the Mt Paektu area, the Mt
directing big efforts to establishing C1 chemical industry manpower and materials, because the Hyesan-Changbai Bridge Chilbo area, the Naegok hot spring and Lake Samsu is built, it
place the production of such chemical goods as methanol,
linking the DPRK and China, Hyesan Airport, Hyesan-Pukchong will attract many tourists.
synthetic fuel and synthetic resin on a highly Juche-oriented and developing glauberite-fed industry and artificial fibre
Road and Hyesan Youth Railway Station are near the zone. A Koryo medicine factory is to be built for the cultivation and
basis. industry, while stepping up the construction of a phosphate processing of highly efficacious medicinal herbs rich in the area.
The zone is 60km away from the Naegok hot spring, a famous
The DPRK abounds with coal, limestone, magnesite, fertilizer factory. radon spa, and 110km away from the Mt Paektu area now under The EDZ will be expanded in keeping with the increasing
graphite, silica, rare-earth minerals, glauberite, potassium It is also promoting diversified technical exchange and the development as a promising tourist area. investment into it.
feldspar, nepheline, apatite and other mineral and plant economic cooperation in the field of the chemical industry Lake Samsu within the zone provides not only a picturesque The development project will be undertaken in the mode of joint
scenery but also abundant water resources for electricity production, development between DPRK enterprises and foreign investors
resources that are economically profitable and also used as with foreign countries on the principles of friendship and
a major factor in promoting the economic development of the zone. or of independent development by foreign investors.
starting materials in chemical industry. mutual benefits as well as credit-first principle.
It is planned to establish in the scenic Lake Samsu area
Active measures are taken to solve scientific and The government of the DPRK is making continuous districts for ecological tourism and sports tourism, fully provided Korea Economic Development Association
technological problems arising in the development of the efforts to put the country’s chemical industry on a highly with amusement and welfare service facilities, shops, restaurants Add: Taedonggang District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
country’s chemical industry by relying on local resources. Juche-oriented and modern footing and further consolidate and hotels. Tel: 0085-02-18111-381-5912
Projects of building modern bases for clothing, textile, linen Fax: 0085-02-381-5889
At the same time, considerable efforts are made to build its self-supporting foundations for its stable and sustainable
processing and other light industry goods, as well as for producing E-mail:
up bases of producing alcohol, fibre, paper, dyestuff, development.

4 Foreign Trade of DPR Korea

Samwon Trading Company
The Samwon Trading Company engages in the production and sale of
fruit and meat as it has large fruit and pig farms and processing factories in
the suburbs of Pyongyang on the bank of the Taedong River.
The Taedonggang Combined Fruit Farm produces tens of thousands
of tons of fruit by establishing a production cycle of fruit-farming and
stockbreeding and introducing advanced organic farming methods. By-
products from fruit farm and fruit processing factories are sent to the
Taedonggang Pig Farm to raise pigs of superior strains.
The Taedonggang Dried Fruit Slices Factory and the Taedonggang
General Fruit Processing Factory have established germ- and dust-free
production lines in conformity with domestic and international ISO 22000
certifications to produce scores of fruit products, such as dried slices, juice,
syrup, jam, vinegar and wine, as well as functional cosmetics like perfume,

shampoo, conditioner
and emulsion.
It has solid material and technological
foundations and conducts multifarious
activities to turn out a wide range of products
with natural raw materials, the company looks
forward to a brighter prospect. Samwon Trading Company
The Samwon Trading Company strives to maintain its business principles Add: Mangyongdae District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
of highest quality and perfect, kind services and improve business activities Tel: 0085-02-18111-341-8075
while expanding international exchanges and cooperation on the credit-first
Fax: 0085-02-381-4410
and mutual benefit principles.

6 Foreign Trade of DPR Korea

2019.No.2 7
Methane Gas Generator Natural Fluorine Water
Korea, known as a land of beautiful scenery with

with Float-type Cover picturesque mountains and rivers, abounds with mineral
water resources good for health and longevity.
Mineral water from natural springs contains ideal amounts
of dissolved calcium, magnesium, hydrocarbonate, fluorine
ion, and other ingredients.
Recently, natural springs containing fluorine were found in
many parts of the country.
Fluorine water is known worldwide as highly efficacious
in relieving fatigue, restoring energy and treating vascular
and osteoarticular diseases such as hypertension,
The Land and Environment Protection Company has arteriosclerosis, cerebral thrombosis and hemorrhage, and
myocardial infarction.
developed a new type of methane gas generator, a gas Therefore, in many countries mineral water is produced
tank made of concrete and soft PVC sheets. artificially by adding expensive sodium fluoride to drinking
Its installation cost is low, and it is comfortable to water.
The Korea Jinhung Trading Company produces mineral
build and use. It also generates more methane gas per water with the fluorine content of 0.7mg/L by filtering fluorine
cubic metre than the previous ones. water in natural form.
Its cover is composed of plastic pipes and soft PVC The company’s product is mildly
sheets, and floats on the fermentation water to collect alkaline in pH value, and contains a
large quantity of dissolved minerals
methane gas. When it is exposed to the sun, it can and moderate and equal amounts
ensure the fermentation temperature of over 15°C even of trace elements. Its hygienic and
in winter. epidemiological quality and taste are
The PVC sheets of the cover can last 15 to 20 years. The natural fluorine water of the
Biomass including animal excrement and agricultural company has no adverse effects on
by-products are used as the raw materials for the human health, however long it would
fermentation. They are replaced every six months or be taken, and promotes health of the
one year, which are then used as fertilizers. The raw water with a condensed
The gas tanks with the float-type covers can be content of fluorine is used to produce
constructed to have 3, 6 and 20 cubic metres, and their ordinary mineral water with the fluorine
content of 0.7mg/L.
numbers and volumes can be increased according to Natural fluorine water
fuel consumption of the users. of Korea is welcomed as
The methane gas generator with float-type cover won a health drink in the 21st
a national patent in 2017. century.

Land and Environment Protection Company

Add: Mangyongdae District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Tel: 0085-02-18111(381-8340)
Fax: 0085-02-381-4410, 381-4416

Korea Jinhung Trading Company

Add: Taedonggang District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Tel: 0085-02-18111-381-8675

8 Foreign Trade of DPR Korea

2019.No.2 9
Jindallae Mobile Phone Factory

Jindallae mobile phones are good- production capacity of hundreds The factory’s technical staff are exploiting new markets and acquiring
looking in shape, diversified in colour, of thousands of phones has a full competent to work out designs for advanced technology.
high in quality and comfortable to assortment of equipment and processes frames and circuits and develop
use. They have such applications for manufacturing LCD, assembling operation systems and core Mangyong Technology Trading
as fingerprint, image and speech motherboard, packing and testing. technologies needed in manufacturing
recognitions. Dust-free working environment of functional and intelligent mobile
Add: Mangyongdae District,
They are produced at the Jindallae the factory conforms to international phones.
While channelling its efforts into Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Mobile Phone Factory located in standards, and all the production
Mangyongdae District of Pyongyang. lines are controlled by the integrated putting production on a normal footing, Tel: 0085-02-18111-341-8209
The factory with an annual manufacturing system. it is improving market research, E-mail:

10 Foreign Trade of DPR Korea

2019.No.2 11
Kangnyong Ponghwa Mine
Kangnyong Ponghwa Mine, situated in Kangnyong County, South Hwanghae Province, produces
magnetite concentrate.
It has a satisfactory assortment of equipment and processes needed in ore-dressing and mineral
production, including a dressing plant with crushers, grinding mills, grizzlies, selectors and so on.
As its open pit with a mineral deposit of millions of tons is located in the limestone area, it is easy to
mine mineral ore without blasting. It is also near the dressing plant, a favourable condition for prompt
Suitable methods and technical processes are applied to ore dressing for the maximum recovery,
so as to increase mineral production with a little manpower and also extract titanium and other
valuable minerals.
The magnetite concentrate produced at the mine has a grade of 63% with 0.005% of sulphur.
The mineral products of the mine, for their high qualities, are enjoying a great demand at home and
also being exported.

Jangsusan Trading Company

Add: Rangnang District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Tel: 0085-02-18111(18222, 18333)-341-8023/8170
Fax: 0085-02-381-4410(4416, 4427, 2100)

Integrating Flow
Meter for Home Use
This instrument is used to measure the volume of water
flow by converting water stream into electrical energy.
It is small and easy to operate, and can be used with low
Cleansing Towel
Technical specifications
① Measurement error at rated voltage: ±1%
② Life of battery: 6 years The cleansing towel, a patented product, removes from
③ External size: Φ42×h25 the facial surface physiological secretions, dust and waste
④ Internal diameter of pipe: Φ11 materials of makeup, thus preventing skin diseases and
⑤ Data display: 1m3 (10L is a measuring unit before making facial skin soft, tight and clear. So it substitutes for
coming to 1m3) several cleansing cosmetics.
It is made of vinalon fabric by means of looped knitting
Jinung Trading Company The cleansing towel is welcomed by consumers.
Add: Taesong District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Fax: 0085-02-381-4410 Phyongbuk High-Tech Products Company
E-mail: Add: Sinuiju, North Phyongan Province,
DPR Korea
Tel: 0085-02-18111-381-0508
Fax: 0085-02-381-4410

Foreign Trade of DPR Korea

12 2019.No.2
Functional Drinks Applied with
Molecular Processing Technology
Munsubong Trading Company
Processed Apricot Stone Products
Add: Taedonggang District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Tel: 0085-02-18111-381-6133 Fax: 0085-02-381-2210 Chonggyechon Technology Trading Company
E-mail: Add: Ryongsong District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Tel: 0085-02-18111-381-6141 Fax: 0085-02-381-4416/4410

The stone of apricot, widely used as a material for - Apricot Stone Cough Pill
Koryo medicine, is distinctively bitter in taste. The pill is used as a cough suppressant in treating
The Chonggyechon Technology Trading Company bronchial asthma and bronchitis. It is also effective
developed various health foods with the apricot stones in loosening the phlegm, preventing hypertension,
by applying the latest refining technology to minimize senile arteriosclerosis and hyperlipemia, and treating
the adverse effects produced when taking the raw stone cerebrospinal diseases.
or exceeding the recommended dosage. - Apricot Stone Oil
The new health foods of processed apricot stone It is good for retarding autoxidation and treating
are rich in pharmacological substances and have no burns.
bitterness in taste. The above-mentioned products obtained the DPRK
As they contain substances favourable for promoting patents.
human immunity and growth, including vitamin B17,
an anti-cancer material, the processed apricot stone
goods are effective in stimulating cell regeneration
and invigorating health, treating respiratory troubles
and constipation, beautifying skin and
retarding aging.
- Apricot Stone Nutritive Tea
The tea contains highly absorptive
amygdalin found in apricot stone and
other essential nutrients. A regular
drink of the tea is good for preventing
cancer and promoting nutrition.

- Aloe Nutritive Drink including bronchitis, liver cirrhosis, thyroid gland and throat, malignant
Aloe is known to have bitter and pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, lymphoma, leukemia, thrombocytopenia,
repulsive tastes and result in possible cystitis, heart failure, hypertension and hemoptysis, pleuritis, pulmonary and
toxicity when it is consumed in quantity. cancerous troubles, and also protecting liver abscess, liver ascites, cholelithiasis,
However, the company has produced skin. cardiac and brain infarction.
aloe nutritive drink by applying molecular The drink is good as daily food
processing technology to remove its - Cactus Nutritive Drink and tonics for those with cancers and
toxicity, be safely absorbed through The drink has been produced to obstinate diseases, including pleuritis,
intestinal systems and remarkably eliminate toxicity inherent in cactuses, bronchiectasis, hemoptysis, terminal
enhance aloe’s medicinal effects. generate anticancer function group and oedema and cirrhosis.
The new product retains unique scent harmonize several antioxidants. It is administered several times a day,
of aloe plant while tasting honey and tea. It is mainly composed of aloe emodin, 30 - 40ml each time, and as much as
It is safe for long-term administration anhalonine, anti-cancer alkaloid, possible in case of severe symptoms.
and also has new pharmacological resveratrole, mannitol, anti-cancer No contraindications have been found
effects. oligosaccharide, saponin and so on. so far.
It is effective in treating and preventing It is efficacious for treating cancers These functional drinks are patented
chronic and obstinate diseases, in brain, stomach, breast, pancreas, by the DPRK.
Foreign Trade of DPR Korea
14 2019.No.2
Promising Granite Mine

he Osoksan Granite Mine, which has strict control and quality management
been in operation for over 30 years systems and is stepping up its technical
in Ryonggang County, Nampho, is upgrading, which is of great benefit in
known for its rich deposit of quality continuously increasing its productivity.
granite. The Osoksan Granite Mine with solid
The mine has made strenuous efforts to foundations for production, rich granite
increase the quarrying of original blocks of deposits and water sources, has bright
granite in the Mt Osok area while processing prospects for development.
them into quality masonry goods in various The mine’s granite products have high
sizes. degree of whiteness, tensile and compressive
With an annual production capacity of strengths, so they are very popular at home
masonry products of several hundreds of and abroad.
thousands of square metres, the mine strives
to upgrade its processing machinery and Ryugyong Construction Trading Company
equipment and introduce advanced methods Add: Central District, Pyongyang,
into practice. It has applied a new method to DPR Korea
stone processing so as to ensure a high degree Tel: 0085-02-18111-381-6130
of precision in shape and measurement. Fax: 0085-02-381-4416/ICC-410
It has put all its production processes under E-mail:

Foreign Trade of DPR Korea

16 2019.No.2
Joint Venture
Inaugurated in October 2013 as a joint venture
company with Hong Kong Shuguang International
Group Holdings Ltd. and Zhongzhou Lanheng
Commercial Co. Ltd. of China, the Paekhwa
Commercial Joint Venture Company majors in the
sale of goods by agent and on order.
It deals in various kinds of foodstuffs, finishing
materials, daily necessities, furniture and others
produced by local industrial establishments, and
sells them at Pyongyang Yokjon Department
It also engages in the sale and delivery of
goods on order.
It informs producers of consumers’ opinions
about their goods so as to further improve the
quality of their products.
With a view to turning Pyongyang Yokjon
Department Store into a service complex
with restaurants, beauty parlour, barber’s,
sauna, sports and amusement facilities, it has
carried out a series of projects and made some
achievements to this end.
While strictly adhering to its business strategy—
prompt supply and sale of ordered goods, and the
credit-first principle—the company is directing great
efforts to promoting exchange and cooperation with
foreign countries.

Paekhwa Commercial Joint Venture Company

Add: Central District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Tel: 0085-02-18111-381-8685
Fax: 0085-02-381-4410/4416

18 Foreign Trade of DPR Korea

2019.No.2 19
Wild Honey of Mt Oga
Honey, a health food, arouses the appetite, induces a good sleep, promotes digestion,
strengthens blood circulation and metabolism, enhances immunity, acts against cancer
and retards aging.
The Kubongryong Trading Company has produced quality goods with wild honey
collected from Mt Oga in the northern alpine region of the country.
Wild honey from Mt Oga has unique flavour and aroma and contains excellent
health-promoting properties, so it is ranked high among other wild honey products.

It is composed of more than 300 ingredients, particularly 60 odd substances, including
glucose, fructose, vitamins, proteins, minerals, enzymes, organic and inorganic acids,
and 18 amino acids that stimulate metabolism of the body.
of Chongchun peppermint oil and honey, the pills
Its unique flavour and aroma and effective medicinal properties are credited to rich
flora resources in the natural forests of the Ogasan Nature Reserve.

Pharmaceutical Factory are used to treat acute and chronic

gastritis and indigestion.
- Bupleurum falcutum Liver-
Wild honey products of Mt Oga are packed in elm kegs to preserve their natural

The Chongchun Pharmaceutical system, activates immune protecting Pill Kubongryong Trading Company
Factory under the Unwon Trading system, removes the source of Pills made of extracts from Add: Kanggye, Jagang Province, DPR Korea
Company engages in the production weakness, and maximizes the Artemisia messerschmidtiana and Tel: 0085-02-18111-381-9999
and sale of health foods and physical functions. Therefore, it parsley, astragalus, adlay, licorice, Fax: 0085-02-381-4462
medicines that influence the function is administered for the treatment cultivated Angelica gigas, and
of immune system in human body. of acute and chronic hepatitis, honey, are administered to treat
- Unicolon Pill liver cirrhosis, biological senility, acute and chronic hepatitis, liver
Unicolon pill, which obtained diabetes, cerebral thrombosis, cirrhosis, and toxic hepatosis.
domestic and international cerebral arteriosclerosis, fatigue - Simjang Pill
patents, contains as its main relief, autonomic imbalance, thyroid Simjang pills are efficacious
ingredients Kaesong Koryo insam, disease, bronchitis, skin disorders, for neurocirculatory asthenia
chlorella, fruits of Amur cork gynaecological diseases, and such as cardiac neurosis, as
tree, roots of licorice, Artemisia radiation insult. they contain extracts from fruits
messerschmidtiana, and honey - Insam and Eleutherococus of Crataegus pinnatifida, Salvia
found in Korea with distinctive senicosus Liquid mileriorrhiza, rehmanniae rhizome,
seasonal changes. It is known as With insam, extracts from the licorice, jujube, dried sclerotium of
highly efficacious in curing such barks of Amur cork tree, licorice Poriacocos, and honey.
obstinate diseases as and Eleutherococus senicosus, Medicines and health foods of
cancer, diabetes, cerebral chlorella, sugar, and honey the Chongchun Pharmaceutical
thrombosis, cholecystitis, as main ingredients, the Factory are sold at the Chongchun
and chronic and acute liquid is good for activating Pharmacy. They prove effective in
liver disorders. immunity, retarding preventing and treating diseases of
Unicolon balances autoxidation, and removing immune system, so they are much
the central nervous poisoning. favoured by the people.
- Soche Pill
Mainly composed of Unwon Trading Company
extracts from rhizome Add: Moranbong District,
atractylodis and Pyongyang, DPR Korea
orange peels, Tel: 850-2-18111-381-5928/5929
medicinal Fax: 850-2-381-4125
leaven powder, E-mail:

Foreign Trade of DPR Korea
2019.No.2 21
Regulations on Customs It shall issue customs registration certificate to the
approved business.
Declaration of personal belongings may be done in

in Economic Development Parks

Article 15 (Application for change of customs a written or oral form as fixed by the customs office.
registration) Article 22 (carrying in or out foreign exchange)
In case items of customs registration including Foreign exchange in EDP shall be carried in or out
category of business and term of existence have based on customs declaration.
Decision No. 157 of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly
been changed, businesses shall apply for changed Article 23 (Use of materials carried in)
of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea registration to EDP customs office. Materials carried into EDP shall be used for
October 12, Juche 106 (2017) Article 16 (Party concerned to customs stipulated purposes.
registration and procedures) It they want to change the purpose of use of
Chapter 1. General Chapter 2 Customs Registration and Customs registration and procedures in EDPs shall materials carried in, businesses shall obtain approval
Article 1 (Mission) Formalities be conducted by relevant businesses. of EDP customs office.
These regulations shall contribute to protecting Article 9 (Customs registration) A business shall have a customs declarer
the security of the country and developing its Businesses in EDPs shall register with the customs responsible for customs procedures and cooperate Chapter 3 Customs Inspection and
external economic relations by establishing a office controlling the relevant EDP (hereinafter called with customs work. Supervision
strict order in customs registration, procedures EDP customs office). An agent authorized by the relevant investor may Article 24 (Objects of customs inspection)
and inspection and imposing and payment of Article 10 (Customs registration date) complete the necessary customs procedures in Cargoes, means of transport and personal
customs duty in economic development parks Businesses shall register with the customs office EDPs. belongings to be carried into or out of EDP shall be
(EDPs). within 14 days after it received business registration Article 17 (Entry and exit of materials) inspected by customs office.
Article 2 (Application) certificate or operation license. Businesses in EDPs may freely carry in and Cargoes, means of transport and personal
These regulations shall be applicable to businesses, Article 11 (Submission of application for out materials for its production and management belongings shall not be carried into or out without
branches or offices (hereinafter called businesses) customs registration) activities within the range of approved category of customs inspection.
as well as DPRK citizens, overseas Koreans and Businesses that want customs registration shall business. Article 25 (Inspection of materials carried in
foreigners (hereinafter called individuals), who submit its customs registration application to the Branches and offices shall carry in and out only the and out)
frequent EDPs. EDP customs office. materials authorized by head office. Customs inspection of materials carried into and
Article 3 (Establishment of customs office) Article 12 (Document to be attached to customs Article 18 (Declaration of materials to be carried out of EDP shall be undertaken by EDP customs
Customs office shall be established in entry/exit registration application by businesses) in or out) office.
points and other necessary places in EDPs. In case of submitting customs registration In case of carrying in or out materials, businesses Article 26 (Supervised transport of materials
Article 4 (Return system of carrying in and out) application, businesses shall attach following shall prepare an electronic document on declaring carried in and out)
Carrying in and out materials in EDPs shall be documents: materials to be carried in or out showing the names Materials carried into and out of EDP through
done by return system. 1. Copy of the business registration certificate or of the articles, standards, quantity, price, places border passage point shall be transported under
Article 5 (Preferential duty system) operation license; of departure and arrival, place of origin, purpose of supervision between the customs office at border
Preferential duty system shall be enforced in 2. Financial security by bank; usage, consignor, consignee and the like, and submit it passage point and EDP customs office.
EDPs. 3. List of customs declarer; and to EDP customs office. They may prepare and submit Destination of materials transported under the
Article 6 (Simplification of procedures of 4. Other document requested by EDP customs a written document in unavoidable circumstances. supervision of customs office shall not be changed, and
customs formalities) office. A bill of relevant materials shall be attached to the they shall not be loaded or unloaded during transport.
The State shall simplify the procedures of Article 13 (Documents to be attached to declaration document. Article 27 (Provision of conditions for
customs formalities to ensure prompt passage of customs registration application by branches Article 19 (Time of declaration of materials to supervised transport)
materials. or offices) be carried in or out) In case of supervised transport of materials carried
Article 7 (Contrabands) In case of submitting customs registration Businesses shall submit the declaration document in and out, relevant businesses shall transport them
Goods which can cause hindrance to the country’s application, branches and offices shall attach of materials to be carried in or out to EDP customs by means of covered wagon or container furnished
security, people’s health, establishment of healthy following documents: office 24 hours before relevant materials arrive at the with condition for supervised transport.
social and moral life and environmental protection 1. Copy of registration certificate of the branches or customs office passage point. In case of cargo in bulk, it may be transported by
shall not be carried into and out of EDPs. offices; Article 20 (Transmission of declaration normal truck.
Contrabands shall be fixed in detailed 2. Financial security by bank; document of materials to be carried in or out) Article 28 (Inspection place of materials to be
regulations. 3. Operational proxy letter of head office; and EDP customs office shall correctly examine the carried in or out)
Article 8 (Application of relevant laws and 4. Other documents requested by EDP customs declaration document of materials to be carried in or Customs inspection of materials to be carried in or
regulations) office. out submitted by businesses and transmit it to the out shall be done at the entrance point of EDP, and
Customs work in EDPs shall be conducted in Article 14 (Examination and approval of customs office at the border passage point where the designated point of departure or arrival.
accordance with these regulations. customs registration application) relevant materials are to be carried in or out. Article 29 (Inspection of personal belongings)
Items that have not been stipulated in these The EDP customs office shall examine the customs Article 21 (Declaration of personal belongings) Personal belongings shall be inspected as
regulations concerning the EDP customs registration application within 5 days after its receipt Persons going into or out of EDP shall declare his follows:
work shall be subject to the relevant laws and and notify the relevant business of approval or or her personal belongings to customs office. In case 1. EDP customs office shall inspect personal
regulations. rejection. of a group, personal belongings may be declared belongings of individuals going into and out of
Foreign Trade of DPR Korea
24 2019.No.2 25
EDP from other places of the DPRK; and 4. Carrying in and out personal belongings exceeding Chapter 5 Penalties and Complaints Article 44 (Administrative or criminal penalties)
2. Customs office at border passage point shall duty-free limit; and Article 42 (Detention and fine) In case grave consequences have been caused
inspect personal belongings of individuals going 5. Other cases stipulated separately. EDP customs office can detain by force materials, owing to the breach of these regulations, businesses
into and out of EDP through border. Article 36 (Payment of customs duty) means of transport and personal belongings carried and individuals shall be subject to administrative or
Article 30 (Customs inspection method of Customs duty shall be paid according to the in and out in violation of these regulations. criminal penalties, corresponding to the severity of
personal belongings) payment notice of customs duty issued by EDP In case of intentional violation of these regulations, the violation.
Personal belongings shall be inspected by means customs office. fines shall be levied. Article 45 (Complaints and settlement)
of machines. After receiving the payment notice of customs Article 43 (Confiscation) Any complaint concerning customs work in EDP
In case they cannot be inspected by means of duty, businesses and individuals shall pay customs Materials carried in illegally shall be confiscated. In shall be filed with EDP customs office and other
machines or something strange has been discovered duty to the designated bank and submit the bank this case, means of transportation used for illegal act relevant organ.
during inspection, they shall be inspected in the way receipt to EDP customs office. shall be confiscated, corresponding to the severity of The organ shall conduct investigation and settle
of opening them. Article 37 (Standard price of levying customs the violation. the complaint within 30 days from its reception.
Article 31 (Supervision by customs office) duty and calculation of customs duty)
EDP customs office shall supervise and control Standard price of levying customs duty shall be
so that duty-free materials and products made from the EDP arrival price in case of imported materials,
them are not dealt with illegally. and the EDP retail price of goods in case of personal
Article 32 (Customs sealing) belongings.
If necessary, EDP customs office may seal the Customs duty shall be calculated according to the
cargo supervised by customs office or its warehouse,
container or transport means.
Article 33 (Provision of condition for customs
preferential tariff rate in the relevant period.
Article 38 (Currency for paying customs duty)
Customs duty in EDP shall be paid in designated
Systematic Parallel
Inverse Converter
supervision) currency.
Businesses and individuals in EDP shall provide Article 39 (Return and additional payment of
conditions necessary for customs inspection and customs duty)
supervision. Businesses and individuals that have paid excess
customs duty can ask EDP customs office for
Chapter 4 Customs Duty and Charge returning the exceeded amount of customs duty
Article 34 (Objects exempt from customs duty) within the year when customs duty has been paid. In This device is designed to increase the working
Objects exempt from customs duty are as follows: this case, EDP customs office shall examine it within efficiency of solar panels as well as automatically transmit
1. Materials for the development and construction in a month and return or reject it. surplus electric power to distribution system, without
EDP; In case customs duty is not paid or paid less, EDP using batteries.
2. Materials necessary for production and customs office can additionally levy relevant customs
management of business and export goods; duty within 3 years from the day of passing through Technical specifications:
3. Materials carried in and out for the purpose customs office. Output: 10kW
of processing trade, transit trade and barter Article 40 (Preferential reduction of or Panel’s voltage: 200 – 350V
trade; exemption from customs duty) System frequency: 36 – 62Hz
4. Office goods and daily necessaries for In case goods introduced with the latest science Mains voltage: 320 – 400V
investor; and technology and agricultural produce and their Output current harmonic: lower than 5%
5. Materials carried in and out temporarily for the purpose processed goods, which are all produced in EDP, Efficiency: above 96%
of international goods show or exhibition; and are to be sold in the territory of the DPRK or goods
6. Other materials stipulated separately. produced in EDP according to the production contract Ryonggwang Jongthae Electric Technology
Article 35 (Imposing of customs duty) with the State are to be carried into the territory of J.V. Company
Customs duty shall be imposed on following the DPRK, relevant businesses can enjoy reduction Add: Taedonggang District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
cases: of or exemption from customs duty. Tel: 0085-02-18111-381-8498
1. Selling imported materials, carried in duty free, Procedures for reduction of and exemption from Fax: 0085-02-381-4410
in EDP or in the territory of the DPRK outside customs duty shall be designated by the central E-mail:
EDP; customs guidance organ.
2. Importing service materials for management Article 41 (Customs charges)
activities by such businesses as hotel, restaurant Businesses shall pay customs charges, including
and shop in EDP; those for issuing customs registration certificate,
3. Selling goods, produced by imported raw and customs inspection on holiday or at night and custody
other materials, in EDP or in the territory of the of cargo, to EDP customs office.
DPRK outside EDP, instead of exporting them to Customs charges shall be fixed by the State pricing
other countries; organ.

26 Foreign Trade of DPR Korea

2019.No.2 27
Trading Company

Taeha Trading Company with its legal address in Pothonggang District

of Pyongyang engages in the development, production and sale of various
kinds of functional building materials and energy-saving products.
Functional building materials of the company, such as high-performance
waterproofing materials, concrete admixture, anticorrosive paints,
decorative paints, coating paints and heat-insulating materials, are of
superior quality and well received by users.
The company also manufactures a variety of energy-saving products,
including electric radiators and plasma water-heating devices, on order.
Strict quality management, quality guarantee and credit-first are the
principles observed by the company, and it strives to strengthen
close cooperative ties with local and foreign enterprises for its
sustainable progress and new products development.
Several products of this company obtained the DPRK

Taeha Trading Company

Add: Pothonggang District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Tel: 0085-02-381-18777-8525/8113 Fax: 0085-02-381-5274 E-mail:
28 Foreign Trade of DPR Korea
2019.No.2 29
Traditional Soybean Foods
Fermented Soybean Drink The Korean people have long used like starch, dextrin, maltose, glucose, Sindok Trading Company
soybean in their dietary life. They Vitamins B1 and B2, linoleic acid Add: Pothonggang District,
used it since several thousand years and lecithin. Pyongyang, DPR Korea
The soybean, known itself as a highly nutritious food, obtains either new or ago to produce soybean paste for A regular diet of the fermented Tel: 0085-02-18111-381-8690
spices. foodstuffs, which contain sufficient E-mail:
stronger functional components in the course of fermentation, so it is widely
The Taedonggang Foodstuff amounts of above-mentioned
used in health food production. Fermented soybean products are originally substances, is very good for health
Factory turns out a variety of soybean
produced by fermenting the heated soybean. foods, such as malted soybean paste, and longevity.
The Korea Songsan Economic and Trading Group peppered bean paste, vinegared hot A renowned research institute
has recently developed a drink, which is made by pepper paste, rice peppered paste, published a report after an in-depth
bean paste for vegetable-wrapped analysis of the Korean soybean
adding lactobacillus to raw soybean and then
rice, and fermented soy sauce, by paste that it is specially effective in
fermenting them. lowering high cholesterol levels,
applying advanced technology to the
This new kind of drink contains Vitamins C, B2, traditional method. inhibiting cancers, retarding aging,
B6, B12, PP, E and A, lysine, dextran, essential In the course of fermentation preventing cerebral thrombosis and
amino acids, and minerals. are produced essential amino haemorrhage, promoting digestion
As it is effective in anti-cancer and detoxifying acids, such as lysine, tryptophan, and neutralizing poison.
methionine, arginine, phenylalanine Fermented soybean products are
activities, reducing enteric bacteria, and revitalizing
and isoleucine, and other substances very popular among the customers,
immunity, it is good for prevention and treatment of as they retain unique tastes, are
several diseases, including difficulties in digestion appetizing and promote health.
and urination, diabetes, mastopathy, hypertension,
cerebral thrombosis, nephritis, tuberculosis, and
It also promotes growth of children,
supplements vitamins, retards aging,
increases regenerative power of skin,
relieves headache from excessive drinking,
and treats sleep disturbance and

Korea Songsan Economic and Trading Group

Add: Mangyongdae District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Tel: 0085-02-18111-8339/8393
Fax: 0085-02-381-4388

Foreign Trade of DPR Korea
2019.No.2 31
New Bioactive Products Energy-saving Transformer

ir transformers produced by the Ryugyong Electric
Appliances Factory are well commented for their
high economic effectiveness and eco-friendliness.
Unlike the other type of transformers using oil as an
insulating substance, they use epoxy resin of high insulation
grade, so they are safe, pollution-free and durable. They are
small and light, and highly resistant to moisture, lightning
and overload.
This kind of transformer also saves much electricity as it
reduces no-load or short-circuit losses markedly. As it has
functions of automatic temperature control and switching-
off, it is safe to operate.

As research into the phenomenon of human body by generating a large biological resonance technology
of biological resonance produced quantity of anion. into foodstuff industry, agriculture,
by electromagnetic waves emitted The bioactive radiator, once put into livestock farming and other fields
by an organism is being intensified the water, emits strong electromagnetic so as to develop a larger number of
worldwide and its functioning on waves. These waves break up the bioactive health-promoting products.
living organisms has been clarified, hydrogen bonds with high degrees
the range of its application to light of association and produce anions in Samnyon Technology
industry, agriculture and medicine large amounts in water. The water is Trading Company
becomes wider. changed to have smaller molecules Add: Taedonggang District, Technical Specifications
A variety of bioactive products to be easily absorbed into human Pyongyang, DPR Korea Capacity Weight Height Length Width
developed by the Samnyon body. Tel: 0085-02-18111-381-6133 (KVA) (㎏) (㎜) (㎜) (㎜)
Technology Trading Company are The bioactive radiator produces Fax: 0085-02-381-4416 ICC, 427
good examples of the application of surprising effects in activating 400 1 550 1 000 1 100 900
biological resonance technology. organisms in other fields. 315 1 310 980 1 060 800
Bioactive radiators, bioactive- Bioactive-radiation medical cards 250 1 120 940 1 050 770
radiation medical cards, medical and medical waistbands are portable
waistbands and other bioactivators of and user-friendly, and their intrinsic
the company are made by applying structural and combinative features Ryugyong Economic Exchange Company
cutting-edge technology to the make bioelectric currents and Add: Rangnang District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
processing of scores of minerals with biorhythm harmonious without relying Tel: 0085-02-18111-381-4435
high radiant intensities. on external energy sources like light. Fax: 0085-02-381-4427
They act on physiological activities The company strives to introduce
Foreign Trade of DPR Korea
32 2019.No.2 No. 13627
Kumgang Engines
Kumgang-brand petrol and diesel engines are
simple in structure, and they consume less fuel as
the maximum ratio of expansion improves thermal
efficiency and their miniaturization reduces friction

Korea Kumwon Trading Company

Add: Rangnang District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Tel: 0085-02-18111-381-4105
Fax: 0085-02-381-4720

No. 198095

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