Simply Happy

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Simply Happy

Excerpt from Simply Happy by Sage Davis

As I lay here under the stars watching the shadow of our tiny planet cross over the even smaller
Moon, I can't help but wonder why humans think we are the center of the universe. How can
they believe that in this Infinite Space in which we float we are the only we? Yet there is one
other problem I have found, and I'm not sure of the exact reasoning, however, humans are so
self-centered they think they are the only ones but not enough so to save their only planet. Now
you may have read the whole journal or just this portion but all review for you anyways. I tend to
think about the future, the bigger picture. The if: so statements so to speak. Which is why I am
baffled by the carelessness of humans. We can't look at our dying planet, dismiss our
differences, And come together to save it. My goal in life is to change this. I want to change the
world. Said with jazz hands because no one seems to really take that sentence seriously. I want
to change the world but there are so many ways to do that. I could be the first woman on Mars.
The president (I hope not), find another water-bearing planet. I have time because I'm so
young, I have time, well news flash, people my age don't. We have to balance School, sports,
family, extracurricular activities, friends, mental stability, and we need to decide within the next
year what we want to do for the rest of our lives. how we want to change the world. We have
LINK to help us but what if what we have wanted to do, we don't really want to do? What do you
do then? I'm not sure yet but I'll let you know if I figure it out. We have so little time to decide, we
have to get started early. My parents raised me to pay attention to the bigger picture, I think
outside the box, be you, be creative, chase your dreams. Well, start running kids. Anyways, I
live my life always and I mean always think about how every decision I make will affect my
future. I focus on the future but I don't want to. It stresses me out. I start to worry when there is
the rabbit hole of not knowing what to do with myself. To do well in this world you need to have
a high GPA, good test scores, people skills, and drive. School provides you with sometimes not
even that. so far it seems I have lost all of my drive and motivation, I'm isolating myself, my
grades are dropping and my test scores are pretty terrible. Now maybe school is used to weed
out the weak and Tucson surprise that would make me weak but I don't believe that theory. I
don't know what I believe yet here I am trying to write it down, put it to words even. School is
hard, it's absolute s***. It kills your creativity, causes you to question everything you believe in
and even though. Sometimes is a good thing, it is terrible when you stop believing in things I no
longer stand for anything. If you stand for nothing what will you fall or? - Hamilton. What do I
stand for? I stand for our planet. I stand for humans. Not people. People are assholes. Humans
are animals. Beautiful creatures that use their brain create tools, homes on North Bend Road,
Connections. They make anything their habitat. I stand for humans because there is a drive to
have change and Natural Curiosity. I don't stand for the brain-dead Monday in living, the
apathetic people who stand for nothing or just one thing. What do I write next? I have no clue. I
live my life in the future just as this world has taught me to. I make every decision based on how
it could affect my future. I do all I can to give myself the best odds of getting into the college I
want. I have to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life today and there is just no time to
breathe. It used to be simple... as did this picture but if I hadn't told you, you wouldn’t know that I
just kept adding things, making it more confusing and harder to understand. You may never be
able to tell what I intended to do in the beginning, or if I even had any intent. What I am getting
at is the past has happened and unless you specifically tell someone about it, they will never
know. Athe same goes for the future. Whether you go into it having no intent or all of it, it
doesn’t matter. Merely the time that you breathe in. Each page flipped is a story told, words
written, and drawings are drawn. All happened in the past. Though we need to remember the
past to understand the story and avoid the same mistakes, focusing on the deleted and
misspelled words will do you no good. As I lay here under the stars watching the cars fly by, the
city still alive, the shadow of the Earth crosses the moon. I can see the families all together
watching the moon through telescopes on the roof with blankets and pillows to keep the kids
comfy. I wish to focus on the present, enjoy the current breath I have in my lungs separately
from my next breath. Take it one day at a time. I wish to live my life one adventure at a time as
Chris McCandless did in “Into the Wild,” one journal at a time as Nao did in “A Tale for the Time
Being” and as Simon is doing right now. I am setting the journal down along with the pen so I
can enjoy the night listening to the sounds of the city with my new found philosophy. I have
been up for 27 hours and I’m finishing with tears in my eyes. Maybe not literally but it adds
drama. I hope that I didn’t miss anything and now that you know how I think, I hope that you all
enjoyed the ride.

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