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Convincing the Populace​ / 28

Name : ____________________________
Areas of Assessment:
8.1.2 - Appreciate how a society’s worldview can foster the choice
to remain an isolated society
8.1.3 - Appreciate how models of governance and decision making
reflect a society’s worldview
8.1.4 - Appreciate how a society’s worldview shapes individual
citizenship and identity
8.1.5 - How did the shogun use the feudal system and the hierarchical
social classes to maintain control of Japan?

So far in this Unit we have been looking at how Japan developed their worldview, according to a number
of elements, including ​Geography, Values, Societal Structure, Knowledge, Beliefs ​and ​Economy.​ We
are now looking at the reasons why the ​Tokugawa Shogunate​ decided that it was in the best interest of
Japan (or do you think it was the ruling class?) to close off the country to outsiders.

To represent your understanding of the reasons behind this decision you will be constructing a poster that
might have been created by the Shogunate to outline the bans. Make sure to include the following pieces
of information:

a) Why is the ​Shogunate​ banning Christianity?

i) Make sure to paint ​Christianity​ in a negative way, as if you were trying to convince the
population it is ban worthy.
ii) Make sure to create an image that represents this banning.

b) What ​Technology​ is the ​Shogunate ​banning? Why?

i) Make sure to paint this technology in a negative way, as if you were trying to convince the
population it is ban worthy.
ii) Make sure to create an image that represents this banning.

c) List the ​Terms of the Exclusionary Laws

i) Make sure this is visually appealing so that passerbys understand what is expected of them by the

d) What are the ​Exceptions ​for outsiders?

i) Who is allowed to visit, but what extra rules apply to them.
1) Ex. ​“You may see Dutchmen in Nagasaki, but they are only to be on Deshima Island. If
you see them elsewhere or talking with the common people, alert the authorities”

e) What are the ​Punishments ​for those who break these laws?
i) Make sure that you are ​Specific​ in this answer.
ii) Make sure you create an image the represents this punishment.

f) Include a title for your poster. Make sure it is eye catching, and adds the term, or idea, of ​Sakoku.
Exceptional (4) Acceptable (3) Approaching (2) Poor (1)

Title Title is evocative, and Title is engaging. Title is muddied or slightly Title is muddied and
engaging. Incorporation of Incorporation of ​Sakoku​ is confusing. Incorporation of confusing. Incorporation
Sakoku​ is very well done. well done, but might be Sakoku​ is incomplete, or of ​Sakoku​ confusing.
slightly confusing. partial

Christianity Banning of Christianity is Banning of Christianity is well Banning of Christianity is Banning of Christianity is
incredibly well explained, and explained, and painted in an slightly confusing, and very confusing, and
painted in a convincing, appropriate light. reasons why are limited reasons why are not
negative light discussed

Technology Banning of New Technology is Banning of Technology is well Banning of Technology is Banning of Technology is
incredibly well explained, and explained, and painted in an slightly confusing, and very confusing, and
pained in a convincing, appropriate light. reasons why are limited reasons why are not
negative light discussed

Exclusionary Exclusionary Laws are all Exclusionary Laws are almost Some Exclusionary Laws Few Exclusionary Laws
Laws included, and approached in a all included, and approached are included, but are included, and but
way which is approachable for in a way which is connection to the people is understanding for a
a Tokugawa Commoner understandable for a limited in nature. Tokugawa commoner is
Tokugawa Commoner confusing and muddied.

Exceptions Exceptions are all included, Exceptions are almost all Some Exceptions are Few Exceptions are
and approached in a way included, and approached in a included, but connection to included, and but
which is approachable for a way which is understandable the people is limited in understanding for a
Tokugawa Commoner for a Tokugawa Commoner nature. Tokugawa commoner is
confusing and muddied.

Punishments The Punishments for breaking The Punishments for breaking The Punishments for The Punishments for
these laws are accurate and these laws are accurate breaking these laws are not breaking these laws are
evocatively described. all listed, and descriptions limited, and descriptions
may be confusing. are confusing.

Propaganda Student demonstrates clear Clear utilization of multiple Many elements of Few elements of
Elements ability to utilize elements of elements of Propaganda is Propaganda are not Propaganda are
Propaganda.Poster is evident, but some issues exist considered, and little is considered, and very little
compelling, and evocative in convincing the audience. done to convince the is done to convince the
Double Weight audience. audience

Images All images are carefully All images are well All images are somewhat Image are confusing, and
constructed, and easily constructed, and somewhat confusing, and may be very difficult to relate to
relatable to their connected relatable to their connected difficult to relate to their the content.
Double Weight concept. concept. content.

Comments Grades

___ / 40

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