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Micropost arrays : Permit cell attachment.

Application : Micropost arrays for measuring stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte contractility.

Microcontact painting : PDMS via replica molding and the patterns are exposed to the ink and stamping
(tamponner). We use a ink of the pattern and you attach antibodies. I don’t understand the functionning
of Microcontact painting.

The use of microdevices likes microfluides pretty famous trendy and used. Technologies differents to

Microfluidic based formation of lipidic vesicles : in order to form liposome. Formation of lipids
vesicules by pulsed jetting methods. With can encapsulate nanomaterials.

Sensors based on metals : Gold nanoparticules. Sensers widely used for the technique pathologies.
Gold nanoparticules can be conjugated with a single strand DNA. When you have the other
complementary chain, there is a strand interaction between the two chains. When the strand will
complex the other strand ==> Gold have different properties. Impedance of the system qui change.

Depending of the quantity of drugs, the impedance change.

Approch of diagnostic :

Another interesting application consists in biosensors ; in patient treated for cancer sometimes it is
very difficult to find if the tumor is undergoing metastasis or not. We have to measure first of all the
number of Cells that we have in the blood (large volume and tiny number of cells). A good option will
be passing the Blood Stream in a microchip containing micropores with antibodies that specifically
bind cancer cells ; only cancer cells can adhere and we can verify the number of accumulated cells by
standard fluorescence technology.
Microtechnique are used to understand the behaviour of metastatic cells in presence of ECM.

Microfluids is one possible approche. Both type can be integrated. you can screen all this drugs at
the same time.

using complex structure for tissu engineering to trigerring the morphogenious macroorganes.
Complex tissus of differntes celltypes in order to mimic in such a way the tissue.


Microcontact printing : you maintng the shape of the mold. Yhe cimex we use a ink of the pattern,
you wan stamp n a flat attach antibodies.

Microchannel :

spotting : different pattern.

study interestngto assess of the behaviour of the cell in 3 dimensionnal matrix. the most ; cell
deposing on a flat surface. The concentration profiles : oxygene which is contant of the flat surface,
In tumour tissue : very often works in a very low concentration oxyfen, le métablisme est totalmeent

Disks of the cells. CELL SONT D2POSES ? ON PEUT STACKING ET ON PEUT FAIRE DU « D with gradient
of nutrient and dioxygene.

famous approch : cell core wich is a tiny agreage of tiny cells. The cells proliferate IF THE CEll is
mainting on suspension. They will be grow in sperical shape. You could mimic conditions cell in a
tumour tissus . Cells in the core. for studiing the tumpurmasse. YOU HAVE MICROFLUID channel ith
different compartiment you could different cell types.

cell embeedded in collagen gel. you could assess the potency of some tumour cell to create a
mestatic behaviour. The tumour cells caracterize the mestatic behaviour in microchip.

bY PATTERNING a different rigion. By using a mask, you photopolymerise which throught allowed to
light the polymerise the final layer.

hydronamic flocusing, quand tu as different couches de fluides ; The two layers of fluids never mixes
each others. The exchang is carrying by diffusing. La diffusion is slower. tu peux faire des reactions
entre deux fluides. le flow focusing.

You inject in the center of flow a certain fluid you want to gelify, (alginate), dans un autre fluid (
water bsed liquid containing calcium). on peut la géliifcation de l’alginate. LES EUX LIQUDIDES
stabilize pour former des monodisperse droplettes. it doesnt work very well. They can solubilize
each other. you get a layer of laminar gel like this.y

You have a additinal liquid with the white one. You sell core of red liquid, as a core of a capsule, you
form a shell made of the second liquid, disperded in the capsule

PLGA : made of polymers.

if the two liquid are non miscible. microgouttellettes. there are work as a single microreactor. The

calcium chloride and ... and formate nanoparticules. You form rodeline shapes.

MiCROfluidic preparation of organic nanoparticules and vesicles :

a film which is form by lipid and often contant an organic solvant.

you want to measure glucose : you can use approch with of the presence electrical current.

LE MAT2RIAL DU MILIEY ETRE UTILIS2 POUR LIER L4ANTIBODY. L’antibody can be se fixer au virus. Le
problem you caneven have a very low concentration of virus in a tissus in a bilogcal sample. Itcan be
triccled. even a virus bind the monoclonal antibodies.

Mechanobiology and micro/nano devices :

CELL CULTURE : mécanic transfuction of cells. tissus enginnerring. les cells

in a scare tissus formation . you have a ivasion of cells of immune cells tried to avoid infectio but
most importantly they want to generate tissue. TGF BETA fibroblast. close the holes.

these cells after words because of the release of the key factors. TGFB1 they trigger the
differenciation ; ils reagissent comme une masse. They are able external forces tot he extracellulaire
matrice in order to close the holes.

comment déterminer les forces : you have a certain cell qui est adhéré dans les trois dimensions
matrixe. Collagene and son and son. avec l’équation de Hook on doit connaitre le coefficient
d’élasticité. we can ssume the material is homogenous all other the sample. we could the same
fabrile mattrix. you have to calculate the displacement. Microparticules : rather : nanoparticules
embedded. The particules are fluorescents. as sson as you have a cell contraction. a surrounding
mouvement of the hydrogel. The particule will change the could massure particules by
particules what is is displacement. since you know the eleastic modulous, you can messure the
stress, the tension of this surrounding. You can quantifly what is the force.

Frontiers nanomachines :

the virus IS VERY nice nanomachine, he is clearly harmful. IT DOESNT fix anything. He is a tiny
nanospyders. The sodium potassium pmp, are full of anomachine , of nanoenginnerring. vERY
FAMOUS SODIUM POTASSIUm pump. We needthem in order to maintien the pontiel inside or
outside. in order to maintain osmotic pressure. It will be achievee.le sodium part du coté
extracellulaie et le potassium rendre dans l’intracellulaire. Combien d’ATP ?

Maxwell’s demon : if you look at the thermodynamics a tiny animal which in principle and close the

these motors are very good in term of thermodynamics.

non coding DNA :

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