BARRY HOLT/Honda Default Notice

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RN 369 330 565 CA


filo o rtsb fr.uttonut ft epublt c :f elersl G o b er nment

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tl)e true unu De lwe "flsturut rpeoptes -Mefts ottbe ![.unu
\> -I.S.L.A.M.-\>
Registered mail # RN 369 330 565 CA

From: Stanley Ewis Dey ex-rel. EVRIS STANLEY Account Number: # 218594834
Clo 19 Madison Street Date of Discovery and Disclosure 20191512
North America Mailing Date:2O 19 I 4 I 1 5
Non-Domestic, Non-Resident Exhibits:0
Postal Code Exempt [L6S 3C3]


Documentation and Resolution Department, etc.
North America [CANADA]



I am a descendant of the Great Pharaohs of Kemet, and the Moabites and Canaanites. I am exercising all of my rights at this time and
ot all times. Wherefore, I, Stanley Evris Dey, Ex. Relatione [EVRIS STANLEY, EVRIS M STANLEy], make a Lawful Entry oF
flffidavit and Public Notification of Lawful Claim and Declaration to be Published for the Public Record and anywhere I deem i]
necessary or so choose.

SlallW rvlis Dey. Herein 'Affiant' been duly sworn, declares by Affidavit that of the non-response of the parties
BARRY HOLT, doing business as "Chief Financial Officer" and HONDA CANADA FINANCE INC. Bank, to my
Affidavit; "WRIT OF DISCOVERY AND DISCLOURE" and according to lawful procedure of reply via registerei mail
and witnessed by a third parly, are hereinafter in full agreement regarding the following:

1. THAT Affiant is competent to state the matters included in his declaration, has knowledge of the facts, and declare
the best of his knowledge, the statement made in his affidavit are true, correct and not meunt to mislead;

2. THAT BARRY HOLT doing business as CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER. is participating in a commercial enterprise with his co-
business partners (or employees), including but not limited to HoNDA. CANADA FINANCE INC. Bank." hereinafter collectively
referred to as "Mpggb!,,;
3.THAT, nothing in this affidavit shall be interpreted as consent to Foreign Jurisdiction at any time, and that Affiant at no time has
willingly, knowingly, intentionally, or voluntarily agreed to subordinate their position as cred:ito., through signature, words, actions or

4. THAT, Affiant is not parfy to a valid contract with Respondent that requires Affiant to perform in any manner, including
but not
limited to payment of money of accounts to Respondent orland CANADA FnqANCu fNC. gank.

5. THAT on March 18, 2019 at9:03 am, Respondent or an Agent of Respondent, accepted an Affrdavit/WRlT OF DISCOVERy
AND DISCLOURE, registered mail document number RN 369 331 036 CA, questing proof of claim as to an alleged loan,
contract account number # 218594834. to prove ofwhat was loaned; bank money, bank credit, or exchanged substance Jr specie

Oboriginal and Jndigenous 9eoples' Documents: .A/orthwest 4mexem I .ltorth AfT ica L.Llorth Ameiica I '{ihe ,filoroccantmpire'
'.femple of the .44oon and Sun': Non - Domestic, Non - Residenl Non-subject
- Continental United States:
Being the Rightful Heirs and Inheritors of the Land.
Page I of3
RN 369 330 56s CA

alleged to have been issued from your HONDA CANADA FINANCE INC. Bank,
and other various proof of claim to support a
valid Lawful contract as outlined in the following quoted unnumbered nine (e) paragraphs
below in bold italics:

"HONDA CANADA FINANCE INC. Bank, through its Representatives or Assigns, is hereby .Requested, to Disclose
produce the ooriginal Promissory Note' being lawful, legible and verifiabte proJf and to
oi evidence (exposing the front and the back)
and marked with the Account Number, #218594834, with the clear signatures of the Lender(s)
and all the evidence associated
with the original Loan, indicating the exchan_ge of Substance or Specft alleged to have been issued
from your HONDA
CANADA FINANCE INC. and given to the Borrower Stanley Eviis oey eirel. EVRIS STANLEy.

HONDA CANADA FINANCE INC. Bank, through its Representatives or Assigns, is hereby 6Requested,
to produce any and
all 'Allonge' or Riders; any 'Bills of Exchange'1 and any oiher 'Promissory Nole(siiS,
lexposing thefront(s) and the back(s)
complete with any 'Affixations' or 'Allocations' attached to, or associated with, tire no..ower,s 5Original promissory
and used for tEndorsements'.

HONDA CANADA FINANCE INC. Bank, through its Representatives or Assigns, is hereby ,Requested, to produce and
disclose all Bookkeeping Journal Entries associated with the alleged Loan given to the
Borrower Stanley Evris Dey ex rel.
EVRIS STANLEY' Include all the complete names, the addressei, the locaiions, and the business
contacts of all the acting
Trustee(s), Feoffers and / or the affirmed Surety Holders.

HONDA CANADA FINANCE INg Bank, through its Representatives or Assigns, is hereby oRequested,
to produce, disclose
and reveal the oDeed of Trust' associated with the original Loan and to reveal and disclose all other Notes
rilated in any other
way to the Borrower Stanley Evris Dey ex rel. EVRIS STANLEY.

HONDA CANADA FINANCE INC. Banlq through its Representatives or Assigns, is hereby oRequested, to produce
of the 'Insurance Policy' that was constructed, associated with, or put in place in,'or against, the BorrowerrJ ,promissory
Note' and associated with the Loan bearing the Account Number# 21g594g34.

HONDA CANADA FINANCE INC. Bank, through its Representatives or Assigns, is hereby oRequested' to produce
all oCall
Reports' and any other related 6Notes' or instruments made or constructea for the entire piriod covering thi

HONDA CANADA FINANCE INC. Bank, through its Representatives or Assigns, is hereby ,Requested, to produce the
documented evidence of the original oDeposit Slip' issued for the Deposit of the Borrower,s ,promissory
Note, and associated
with the Loan.

HONDA CANADA FINANCE INC. Bank, through its Representatives or Assigns, is hereby ,Requested, to produce the
'Original Order' authorizing the withdrawal of Funds from the Borrower's ,Piomissory Note, leposit Account.

HONDA CANADA FINANCE INC. Bank, through its Representatives or Assigns is hereby ,Requested, to produce the
'Account Number' and the Source from which the money came to 'Fund' the oiiginal ,Chick, given to the fuorrower,.,'

6. THAT, the Respondent had twenty-one days to answer, with proof of claim, point for point, however elected to stay
silent or
otherwise failed to provide said proof for discovery and disclosure;,,

7. THAT, On April 17,2019 at 9:08 am, Respondent or an Agent of Respondent accepted another Affidavit/ NOTICE
AND OPPORTUNITY TO CURE AND CONTEST ACCEPTANCE, registeied mail number RN 369 330 954 CA,
document number RN369331036cA, and again elected to maintain silence;

8. THAT Respondent was given ten (10) more days according to point number seven (7) supra, accumulating to
more than
thirry (30) days, and failed to counter/answer the writ of discovery, for which relief can be granted and has stipulated to
the facts and agreed to the undersigned averment, that no obligation exists, with regard to any performances or obligations
of the Affiant to Respondent or HONDA CANADA IINANCE INC. Bank, and that the failure of Respondent to prove
the fact that there is a Lawfully binding contract, lacks legal and lawful standing;

9. THAT, The Respondent is noticed that the Respondent is in Default, failed to contest acceptance and is in agreement
with Affiant and is an admission to the fact that everything in this Affidavit is true, correct, legal, lawful and is-now your
irrevocable agreement attesting to this fully binding agreement by acquiescence in any court in Norttr America

10. THAT, Respondent doing business as Chief Financial Officer of the Corporation of HONDA FINANCE
INC. bank
is noticed that all collections and payments of performance by Affiant shall cease and all obligations is heretofore,
discharged by operation of law. Respondent and HONDA CANADA FINANCE INC. Bank shall be forever moot, and has
4boriginal and Jndigenous geoples' Documents: .iforthwest Cmexem Lltorth &frica LAlorth (Lmerica I ,fhe fllnroccan €mpire, _
Continental United States
'9emple of the -44oon and Sun': Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non-Subject Being the Rightful Heirs and Inheritors of the Land.
Page 2 of3
RN 369 330 56s CA

'. ,:
. ,. ,. ,.:

creafed a pennanent and lrrevocable Estoppel by Acquiescence, forever barring Respondent and (HONDA
INC.) bank 0r any or all of irs agents, Principals, or assigns from bringing CANADA F-INANCE
any atdall claims, legal actions, orders, demand, Iawsuit,
cha"r:ges, levies, penalties, damages, interests, liens or
expenses whatsaever, againstthe living flesh and blood man,
ex relationship to the legal fiction, "EVRIS STANLEY or EVRIS Stanley Ewis Dey
M S TANLEY. It is important to recognize that this matter is now
Lawfully/Legally closed and properly settled withoul malice or rn ischief,
with sincerity and honor to wit.

In witness whereo{ I hereunto my signature this " i - tlay of nry- 2A$


Witness 1

Witness 2


I do hereby cerfi8i that on this day of 2419
the above-menrionod Affiant appear"d b"rore *e u ote.* the foregoing.
Witness my hand and seal:

YizirlJudge Imirah Amor 8ey

Rights Reserved. Without Prejudice.

Non-Commerciai Non-Assumsit.


4 -A=

"tlofihv{est&mexem/.itorldt{lfuicaliroxh{Imdtcal,She -Mnroccm tmpire' * Continentai
'Iicmplc of the;trfoon and sun': Non - Domeslic. Non Resident. r*on-Subji:ct -.Being the Rightfll Heirs and Inheritors
- of the Land.
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