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ANSI/IEEE Std 400-1980

(Reaffirmed 1987)

(Reaffirmed 1988)

IEEE Guide for Making

High-Direct-Voltage Tests on
Power Cable Systems in the Field

Published by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc 345 East 47th Street, New York, N Y 10017, USA

October 28-I 9 8 0 SH07914

A n American National Standard

IEEE Guide for Making High-Direct-Voltage

Tests on Power Cable Systems in the Field

1. Introduction type, but varying between types of insulation.

The establishment of such a ratio lacks scien-
tific basis and many engineers believe that the
1.1 Need for Testing. While cable is intensely direct test voltage should be related to the ulti-
tested by the manufacturer before shipment, mate dielectric strength of the insulation.
it may be subject to damage or improper Experience has shown that the application of
treatment in shipment or installation. Con- high direct voltage deteriorates sound insula-
sequently, further testing of completed in- tion very slowly, if at all, so the duration of the
stallations before being placed in service is direct voltage test is not highly important.
widely practiced. Additionally, many users Since the direct voltage strength of cable in-
find that with time alternating voltage will sulation approaches the impulse strength, it is
cause deterioration or defects or reveal damage logical to relate the direct voltage test levels to
- caused in manufacturing or installation which system BIL as shown in Table 1. For effective-
were undetectable by factory and installation ly grounded systems having a reduced BIL, the
tests. Hence, periodic testing after time in ser- test voltage to be applied shall therefore be
vice has been found t o be a useful practice. selected t o accord with the BIL rather than
Just as the factory and installation test volt- with the rated voltage.
ages are frequently too low t o detect minute Many users of appreciable quantities of cable
defects, maintenance test voltages have often apply tests t o newly-installed cables before
been found to be too low to locate defects placing them in service. The principle of main-
which subsequently failed in service. Since tenance testing, while not widely used at pre-
users tend t o mix cable types in service, it has sent, is found practicable, especially with
also become evident that the test voltage polymer-insulated cable, in reducing service
should be related to the circuit basic impulse failures from faults of the cable or its acces-
level (BIL) rather than t o the type and thick- sories. Such maintenance tests are found at least
ness of the insulation. These principles have partially effective in detecting cables which are
been followed in the development of this guide. approaching failure. With such procedure some
The traditional method of testing the insula- users note substantial reductions of service
tion of high-voltage cable has been t o subject it failures with polymeric cable systems [4].l
to a high alternating potential in the factory. Most users, however, do not practice main-
Because of the size and weight of the test trans- tenance testing.
former and equipment, it has not been prac- The decision to employ maintenance testing
tical t o employ alternating voltage testing on must be evaluated by the individual user, tak-
cable at its installed location. Many installed ing into account the costs of service failure,
cables have therefore not been tested, or a high including intangibles and the costs of testing.
direct voltage has been used. The supply unit This guide does not purport to require that
for the direct voltage may be relatively small testing be performed, either at the time of in-
and light, suitable for transporting to most stallation or periodically thereafter for main-
field locations. The direct voltage used has been ~

related to the prescribed alternating test volt- l N u m b e r s in brackets correspond t o those in the
age by a ratio, fixed for an individual insulation References, Section 3 of this guide.


Table 1 ,--.
Field Test Voltages for Cables up t o 69 kV System Voltage

Installation Maintenance
System Voltage System BIL Test Voltage* Test Voltage*
kV rms kV (direct voltage, kV (direct voltage,
(phase-to-phase) kV (peak) conductor t o ground) conductor t o ground)
2.5 60 25 20
5 75 35 25
8.7 95 40 30
15 110 55 40
25 150 80 60
34.5 200 100 75
46 250 120 90
69 350 170 125

*Maintained for a duration o f 1 5 min

( 1 ) Voltages up t o 70% of system BIL for installation and maintenance testing may be con-
sidered in consultation with the suppliers o f the cable and the accessories. (See 5.2.)
( 2 ) When equipment, such as transformers, motors, etc, is connected t o the cable circuit
undergoing test, voltages lower than the recommended values may be used t o comply with
the limitations imposed by the connected equipment.

tenance. It sets forth the consensus of present- 2. Definitions and Terminology

ly-known good practice in testing methods,
with interpretation of results. It is hoped that
use of this guide will increase the fund of 2.1 Impulse Voltage
knowledge on the subject and result in more basic impulse level (BIL). Impulse voltage
meaningful testing procedures and methods. which electrical equipment is required t o with-
1.2 Purpose. The purpose of this guide is: stand without failure or disruptive discharge
(1)t o provide uniform procedures for per- when tested under specified conditions of
forming highdirect-voltage acceptance tests temperature and humidity. Basic impulse
levels are designated in terms of the crest volt-
and maintenance tests on power cables (includ-
ing accessories) in the field -
age of 1.2 50 p s full wave impulse voltage
(2) t o provide guidelines for evaluation of the test [2].
test results 2.2 Current
(3) to define terms which have a specific absorption current. Current resulting from
meaning in the guide charge absorbed in the dielectric as a result of
polarization [ 31 .
1.3 Scope. This guide presents procedures and
test voltage values for acceptance and main- capacitance current. Current which charges the
tenance highdirect-voltage testing of power capacitor formed by the capacitance of the
cable systems. It applies to all types of in- cable under test [ 31 .
sulated cable systems rated between 2000 V
conduction (leakage) current of the cable in-
and 69 kV and intended primarily for the
transmission or distribution of power. It is not sulation. Current resulting from conduction
intended t o apply t o communication cables, through the insulating medium or over surfaces
control cables, high frequency or other special (such as terminations). Corona discharge from
purpose cables. external energized elements will be indicated
It is recognized that the procedures and tests as conduction current.
outlined here may be applied t o cables outside direct current (dc). Unidirectional current; as
this scope and that information of some value used in this guide, the term denotes a practical-
may thereby be obtained. ly nonpulsating current [ 31 .


A 2.3 Voltage ing of Cable 5 t o 35 kV. IEEE Transactions on

high direct voltage. A direct voltage above Industry Applications, vol IA-11, Nov/Dec
5000 V supplied by test equipment of limited 1975, pp 654-663.
[5] MORRISON, W. G. and LEE, R. H. Test-
rated voltage. For cables, either single-conduc- ing of Cable Systems for Improvement of Re-
tor or multiple-conductor, the rated voltage is liability. Conference Record of the Industrial
expressed in terms of phase-to-phase voltage of and Commercial Power Systems Conference,
a three-phase system. For single-phase systems Milwaukee, Apr 1972.
a rated voltage of fi the voltage t o ground
should be assumed.

4. General Considerations
2.4 Field
The term field or in the field refers generally
t o apparatus installed in operating position. 4.1 Environmental Influences
However, it may include material not yet in- 4.1.1 Temperature. The dielectric strength of
stalled or material that has been removed from some cable insulations is reduced at elevated
its operating environment. temperatures. This necessitates a reduction of
the test voltages at higher temperatures.
cable accessories. Those components of a cable Temperature gradients in the cable insulation,
system which cannot be readily disconnected caused by heat dissipation from the conductor,
from the cable and which will be subjected to can result in unusual potential distribution
the full test voltage applied t o the cable system. upon application of a high direct voltage.
4.1.2 Atmospheric Conditions. High humid-
2.5 Tests ity and conditions favoring condensation on
acceptance test. A test made after installation exposed surfaces can affect test results to a
- marked degree. Contamination of termination
but before the cable is placed in normal service.
This test is intended to detect shipping or in- surfaces can greatly increase conduction cur-
stallation damage and t o show any gross de- rent and reduce flashover levels. Relative air
fects or errors in workmanship on splicing and density affects the measurement of test voltage
terminating. by gaps or similar means and the flashover at
terminations. At elevations higher than 3300 f t
maintenance test. A test made during the op- (1000 m), over-insulation of terminations is
erating life of a cable. It is intended t o detect required t o withstand both working voltages
deterioration of the system and t o check the and prescribed test voltages. Wind can cause er-
entire workmanship so that suitable mainten- roneous current readings as in 6.2.
ance procedures can be initiated. 4.1.3 Extraneous Electric Fields. Although
field tests on cable are often made in the vicin-
ity of energized equipment, extraneous elec-
trical fields will have little influence on direct
3. References voltage test results. Due to the stress and ioni-
zation of air between the circuit on test and
3.1 Standards References nearby energized circuits, it is possible that
[l] IEEE Std 141-1976, Recommended Prac- flashover may occur. When spacing is marginal,
tice for Electric Power Distribution for Indus- unusual precautions may be required to pre-
trial Plants (IEEE Red Book) vent this. Such precautions may include in-
sertion of grounded shielding t o protect ad-
[2] IEEE Std 4-1978, Standard Techniques for jacent circuits in service.
High Voltage Testing
4.2 Test Equipment
[3] IEEE Std 62-1978, Guide for Field Testing 4.2.1 High-Direct-Voltage Test Set. The test-
Power Apparatus Insulation voltage source should:
(1) provide the maximum (negative polarity)
3.2 References [ 31 test voltage required, plus some margin
[4] LEE, R. H. Installation Problems and Test- (2) provide means of increasing voltage con-


tinuously or in small steps the indicator is in contact with each com-

( 3 ) have the capability of providing satisfac- ponent and indicating no voltage, a ground
tory voltage regulation connection should be applied t o the component
(4)have output sufficiently filtered t o pro- and remain attached at all times except when
vide an acceptably pure direct-voltage [ 31 test voltage is being applied. This applies t o
(5) provide voltage and current indications all unenergized metallic parts in the vicinity.
that can be read precisely. Resolution of 0.1 All ends of components being tested require
P A on the lowest current range is desirable. guarding from accidental contact, by such
4.2.2 Power Supply. A well-stabilized power means as barriers, enclosures, or a watchman a t
supply for the high-direct-voltage generator is all points. The ends require separation from
essential. Even minor variations in this supply all elements not t o be subjected t o test and by
will cause major variations in the output cur- distances not less than 1 in (2.5 cm) per 10 kV
rent indication. of test potential.
4.2.3 Discharge Resistor. A resistor with a re- Breakdown or terminal flashover may gen-
sistance not less than 10 000 R per kV of test erate abnormal voltage surges, so consideration
voltage may be used t o discharge the cable should be given t o the installation of suitable
after testing (see 5.2). This resistor shall be de- gaps at each end in series with a 50 s2 nonin-
signed t o withstand the full test voltage with- ductive resistor t o provide relief from such
out flashover and t o handle the discharge en- overvoltages. This resistor must be capable of
ergy without overheating. An insulating hook dissipating the energy stored in the charged
stick and a flexible conductor shall be pro- cable and must not flash over. Such a gap,
vided t o connect the resistor across the cable even at the test set end, may be necessary t o
terminal and ground. protect the test against transient overvoltages.
It may be desirable t o reduce corona current
4.3 Safety of Personnel. High-voltage testing of at the bare metal extremities of cable or
cables embodies all of the normal hazards as- terminations by covering these with plastic
sociated with working on energized circuits. envelopes, plastic or glass containers, or suit-
There are two facets involving additional haz- able electrical putty t o reduce or grade stress
ards. Cable circuits normally will have one or concentrations.
more ends remote from the test area. These
ends must be cleared and guarded for person- 5.2 Procedures. Disconnect all equipment not
nel safety. A circuit voltage indicator suitable t o be included in the test but leave all ground
for safe application t o an energized circuit connections intact. Prepare cable for testing,
is recommended. This is t o assure that circuits in accordance with 5.1. Clean insulator surfaces
are deenergized before starting the tests. Cables with a dry cloth and, if necessary (in severely
have high capacitance and dielectric absorp- polluted areas), apply silicone grease t o mini-
tion. Particular attention and special tech- mize leakage currents and prevent flashover. If
niques are required in discharging cables after necessary, wrap exposed conductor surfaces
testing t o eliminate personnel hazards. with several layers of polyethylene film to
Following application and subsequent dis- minimize corona. (See also 6.2.)
charge of a high direct voltage, a charge build- Check the operation of the test set in ac-
up can result in a cable from which the ground cordance with the manufacturer’s recommenda-
has been removed as a consequence of the very tions. Where concern exists about accidental
long time constants associated with absorption flashover, this check should include a voltage
effects. For this reason grounding procedures withstand test with a suitable margin. The cur-
are recommended in 5.2. rent indication can be checked by connecting
a short piece of small wire t o the test lead and
raising the voltage until corona is heard from
the ends of the wire. A microammeter of 0 t o
5. Test Method 10 or 0 t o 50 PA should indicate current. If
leakage current in the test equipment is sub-
stantial, this current should be measured and
5.1 Precautions. All components require de- subtracted from test current readings. This cur-
energizing before testing. Checking with a re- rent measurement may be repeated at the end
liable voltage indicator is recommended. While of the test.


- The ground lead for the test set should be At the completion of the test period, volt-
connected t o local ground or, in the absence of age can be reduced by returning the control
a local ground, t o the metallic shield of the of the high-direct-voltage generator t o zero and
cable. For ungrounded cable terminations, the permitting the cable t o dischare: through the
metallic shield should be connected t o local cable system and the test set. For cable lengths
ground, if available, during direct voltage test- exceeding about 1000 f t (300 m), the time re-
ing. Connect the high-voltage test lead t o the quired for this discharge may be burden-
first conductor or conductors t o be tested. Re- some. To expedite the process, a resistor, as
move the ground lead from the cable conduc- described in 4.2.3, may be placed between the
tor. When multiconductor belted or non- conductor and ground. This resistor can con-
shielded cable is tested, each conductor should veniently be built or supported on the end of
be tested separately with the remaining con- an insulating hook stick, the lower end of the
ductors grounded. resistor being grounded with a flexible conduc-
Before applying the test voltage, the cable tor. After the voltage is reduced t o 40% or less
system should be allowed t o cool to ambient of original value or a failure is experienced,
temperature (see 4.1.1 and 6.2). The initially the conductor should be solidly grounded (by
applied voltage shall not exceed 1.8 times the applying a flexible grounded lead by means
rated alternating-current phase-to-phase volt- of an insulating hook stick) and should remain
age of the cable. The voltage may be increased grounded until ready for service or further
continuously or in steps t o the maximum test testing. A retest should not be started until the
value. If continuously, the rate of increase cable has been grounded for a period at least
shall be approximately uniform and shall not four times the duration of the previous test.
be more than 100% in 10 s and not less than
100% in 60 s. If in steps, duration at each step
should be long enough for the current t o reach
a steady value (1min suggested) or t o show un-
6. Evaluation of Results
readably low current values. Current readings
at each voltage step should be taken at the end
of the step duration. Apply voltage slowly 6.1 Current-Time Relationships. The test cur-
enough t o prevent overloading the power rent will momentarily increase for each volt-
supply age increment due t o the charging of the
Maximum test voltage should be maintained capacitance and the dielectric absorption
for 15 min. Current magnitudes should be re- characteristics of the cable. Both of these
corded at 1 min and 15 min after the maxi- decay, the first in a few seconds, the latter
mum test voltage has been reached. more slowly, ultimately leaving only the
Recommended test voltages for cable systems conduction current plus any external surface
rated up t o 69 kV are set forth in Table 1. leakage or corona currents. The time required
When, in the opinion of the user, it is neces- t o reach steady-state current depends on in-
sary t o use more stringent test voltages, the sulation temperature and material. This time
higher level should be determined in consulta- could be of the order of hours for laminated
tion with the suppliers of the cable and cable oil impregnated insulation.
accessories. The maximum voltage applied t o If, without any increase in applied voltage,
cable systems should not exceed 70% of system the current starts t o increase, slowly at first
BIL. When considering these higher voltages, but at an increasing rate, gradual insulation
the user should be cognizant of the possible failure may be in progress. This process will
overvoltages that may result as indicated in probably continue until eventual failure of the
5.1 and Appendix B1. cable unless the voltage is rapidly reduced. Rub-
If the step method of voltage increase is em- ber and nonpressurized impregnated paper in-
ployed, a minimum of five steps is desirable sulations will usually exhibit this type of in-
when current readings are taken at each step. If sulation failure; other insulations rarely exhibit
any equipment is included beyond the cable this type of failure. One criterion of a satis-
and its terminations, the insulation strength of factory test in high-direct-voltage testing is a
-- such equipment must be taken into considera- decrease of current with time at a fixed voltage
tion. application. While this may be partially ob-


scured by corona current, voltage regulation mitted for cables about 1000 f t (300 m) in
ir- -
and insufficient meter damping, the absence length.
of an increase in current with time is generally The insulation resistance characteristics and
a practical criterion for acceptance. (See also terminating conditions vary so widely that a
6.2.) statement here of absolute values of resistance
If, at any time during the test, a violent in- would be misleading. Comparison of resistance
crease in current occurs, accompanied by trip- values with those obtained when the cable sys-
ping of the test set circuit breaker, failure or tem was installed is useful.
flashover has probably occurred in the cable, All cable insulations exhibit a negative
a splice, or at a termination. A failure can be temperature resistance coefficient; increased
confirmed by the inability t o sustain the sec- temperature will therefore always result in
ond application of the test voltage. lower insulation resistance. Several types of
Even in the event of the indication described compounds used for filling cable terminations
above, it is practicable in some cases t o return exhibit much lower resistances and higher nega-
the cable t o service for a short period. This tive temperature resistance coefficients than
should be done only after determining that those of the oil-paper cables they terminate.
slowly increasing reapplication of the test volt- For this reason, terminations should be allowed
age does not initiate recurrence of the break- t o cool t o ambient temperature before testing
down within the cable or accessories before takes place. Some factory prefabricated termin-
reaching a safe value above the peak of the ators may also exhibit relatively low resistance
phase-to-ground potential. and moderately high negative temperature re-
6.2 Resistance Values. Readings of voltage ( E ) sistance coefficients.
and conduction current ( I ) observed during Humidity, condensation, and actual precipi-
the high-direct-voltage test may be used t o cal- tation on the surface of a termination can in-
crease the leakage current by several orders of
culate the effective insulation resistance ( R )
magnitude. Humidity also increases the corona
of the cable system by means of Ohm’s Law,
current, which is indicated in the total leakage
R = E/I. A useful relation is:
kV Wind prevents the accumulation of space
thousands of megohms = - charges at bare energized terminals. This results
in an increase of corona. A plastic envelope or
Calculating and plotting resistance vs volt- container tends to retain this space charge even
age, in conjunction with a step-voltage test, is in the presence of wind.
an aid in evaluating the insulation condition Additional current of the order of ten t o
and is frequently an even more sensitive several hundred times the cable conduction
indicator of approaching current avalanche current can be caused by equipment included
failure than is the dynamic behavior of the in the test beyond the cable and its termina-
microammeter itself. A substantial reduction tions.
in insulation resistance with increasing voltage When equipment in addition t o the cable and
is such an indication. This phenomenon should its terminations is included in the test, the
not be confused with the onset of external sensitivity required t o note approaching
corona. avalanche conditions outlined in 6.1 may not
The comparison of the calculated resistance be attained due t o the preponderance of the
of the three conductors of a circuit is a useful equipment leakage current. In such cases,
indicator of an anomalous condition of the in- avalanche or runaway conditions may be noted
sulation of one or more of the cables. Although only when the failure mechanism is far ad-
no clear guidelines for such a comparison can vanced. Reduction of voltage may not be pos-
be given, an anomalous condition is likely if sible before actual breakdown occurs.
this ratio of insulation resistance is greater than All of the above factors should be considered
3 t o 1for cables longer than 3000 f t (1000 m). when comparing or evaluating the apparent
Somewhat higher resistance ratios can be per- insulation resistance of a cable circuit.


-\ Appendix
(These Appendixes are n o t a part of IEEE Std 400-1980, IEEE Guide for Making High-Direct-Voltage Tests on
Power Cable Systems in the Field.)

Appendix A
Reasons for Testing

A l . Cable with Extruded Dielectric While expected improvements in cable per-

A l . l Acceptance. A high direct voltage test formance following acceptance and main-
made before placing a cable in service will tenance testing cannot be quantitatively indi-
normally reveal gross imperfections, almost cated for wide ranges of insulation materials
complete perforations of the insulation, im- and applications, one well-controlled test pro-
proper materials or practices used in splicing, gram [5] conducted over a period of ten years
terminating, etc, but will not indicate the small showed that service failures attributable to in-
imperfections that may exist from installation sulation deterioration in elastomeric cables
and handling (oversharp bending, etc) or built- could be largely eliminated with maintenance
in defects such as gaps in semiconducting tests repeated at intervals of one t o three years.
coverings. The acceptance test will, in most
cases, reveal defects that would otherwise cause
failure within a very short time. A2. Cable with Laminated Dielectric
A1.2 Maintenance Tests. Exposure t o normal A2.1 Acceptance Tests. As with cable with
- alternating voltage for a moderate period is re- extruded dielectric, an acceptance test before
quired before the progressive insulation de- placing in service normally reveals gross dielec-
terioration at imperfections can be revealed by tric defects, weaknesses or errors which would
high-direct-voltage testing. result in failure within the first year or so.
The action of corona at an insulation defect
weakens this portion of the insulation. The A2.2 Maintenance Tests. Laminated-dielec-
principle of periodic high-direct-voltage testing tric cable, when pressurized, is much less sus-
as a maintenance practice is t o apply a high ceptible t o progressive deterioration from par-
enough test voltage t o cause test failure of in- tial discharge action a t imperfections. When the
sulation which is so weak (and deteriorating) dielectric is not pressurized, however, migra-
as t o risk failure in service before the next test. tion of oil and the subsequent appearance of
Factors t o be considered are: voids in the insulation will permit degradation
(1)deterioration rate of insulation in service from corona action. A major cause of failure of
(2) interval between tests these types of cable is failure of the enclosing
(3) safe withstand voltage of sound cable in- sheath and ingress of water. This condition is
sulation aggravated by cyclic loading of the cable. How-
Deterioration rate is highly variable and not ever, actual failure does not occur immediately
amenable t o scientific analysis. Experience in- after a breach of the sheath. Insulation resist-
dicates that deterioration rates of defects and ance decreases and dielectric losses increase
damaged insulation are highest for new or progressively after the initial moisture encroach-
newly-installed cables and that a major propor- ment. Actual failure may not occur for several
tion of this deterioration is detectable by test months. The usefulness of maintenance tests
during the first three years of service. Relative- on this cable type depends largely upon the
ly frequent testing during the first three years frequency of the testing. Results published t o
will therefore detect the bulk of advancing date [5] indicate that intervals of less than one
deterioration, permitting longer intervals be- year may be necessary t o obtain substantial
-- tween tests after that time. improvements in service reliability.

Std 400-1980

Appendix B
Protection Against Possible Severe Voltage
Conditions due t o Flashover

B1. Possible Service Voltage Conditions. If dur- between conductors and shield are uncertain.
ing the course of a high-voltage test a flashover Cables and terminations could be subject to
should occur, either in the cable itself or at the damage or multiple failures when terminals are
terminations, voltage surges of a polarity oppo- not surge protected and an initial flashover or
site t o the test voltage are initiated. These failure takes place.
travel along the cable and produce reflections
at the terminals as described by travelling wave B2. Surge Protection Requirements. The ef-
theory. Before any reflections occur, the travel- fects of test flashover occurrences can be mini-
ling wave voltage tends to neutralize the cable mized by preventing reflections at the termin-
test voltage and relieve the prevailing voltage als. This could be accomplished by installing
stress. However, at an open-circuited terminal a protective device which will withstand test
the surge voltage doubles with the same polar- voltage but flashes over if subjected to a
ity and therefore produces a polarity reversal at voltage of opposite polarity of the same mag-
the terminal. This polarity reversal is subse- nitude or significantly less, say 60 or 70%.
quently imposed on the cable as well. While the Such a device can be connected to ground
maximum reversed voltage from conductor t o through a resistor approximately equal to the
ground would appear t o be less than equip- cable surge impedance, thereby minimizing
ment BIL, the effects of the reversals on stress reflections at terminals.


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