Classroom Technique and Procedure

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Classroom Technique and procedure

Imperative drills are the major classroom activity in TPR. They are used to elicit physical actions
and activity on the part of the learners. Convensional dialogues are deleyed until after about 120
hours of instruction. Since they are highly abstract and disconnected; and to understand them
requires a rather advanced internalization of the target languange (Asher,1998 : 95)

Learners have the primary roles or listeners and performers they listen attentively and respond
physically to command from the teacher. Where the teacher plays an active and direct role, the
director of the stage plays in which student are the actors (Asher 1998: 43).

The procedures are as followa:

1. Review
2. New commands
3. Other items introduced
4. Physical respond
5. Role reseva;
6. Reading and writing


Total physical response develops on the basic of the observation and interpretation of how
children acquire mother tongues then Asher sees second languange leraning should be similar in
process to the child first languange acquisition.

TPr, Therefore, gives emphasis on the existence of action (physical movement) in its teaching
technique and the role of comprehension in second lamguamge acquistision.

With regard to its syllabus,material , and procedure, TPR is often critiied as being ineffective for
teaching more complex sentence structure and grammar.

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