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New airplane travels at twice the speed for half the price

How you can get where you need to be, faster

By: Elena
Recent studies have shown that one of the leading causes of pollution are
commercial airplanes, and if the use of them is not cut back, climate change will
be pushed forward by 7 years.
% Increase of Carbon emissions

0 2 4 6 8 10
Past Years of commercial use (2000)

The graph above shows the effect of other airplanes (blue) against Sky Fly’s airplane (orange) in
terms of the environment and their respective carbon footprints.

The new, critically acclaimed airline, Sky Fly, has new airplanes that reduce
the use of fuel and therefore reduce our carbon footprint dramatically.
The airline will fly to all major and capital cities around the world at half the
price at twice the speed because they use significantly less fuel.
This allows people to spend less on the traveling and more on the actual
holiday itself. The way the airplanes are designed allow them to have less
resistance when in the air so the cost to fly them are much lower than other
These planes have been tested for the last year and a half and have had no
problems with flying, landing, or departure. They will be permitted for
commercial use in the fall of 2020, with the company website up by January of
that year.
“The main goal of Sky Fly,” says Sarah Smith, CEO, “is to let people travel
the world more, safely and efficiently. Not to mention our airplanes are very eco-
friendly and reduce carbon emissions by 57% when compared to other airlines.”
Sarah Smith, along with this newspaper, urge readers to consider booking
with Sky Fly for your next trip. In terms of environmental factors as well as cost,
this airline proves to be the most beneficial.
For more information regarding this airline and other pressing news, check
out our website for daily updates on the things you need to read.

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