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Consideratii generale privind debutul epocii moderne in sistemul relatiilor internationale.

The documentary shows other people who were involved in this procces like Ibrahim Sinik. He
is a famous journalist who was protected by gangster. He said how interrogate the communists
and how he changed thei answers to look like bad peoples. His missions was to do propaganda
for gangsters.
The documentary presents many scenes in which Anwar Congo and his friends shows how they
interrogated and kill communists. They had victims that they didn`t kill but blackmailed them
for money. In the documentary, as in the movie he is making, Anwar Congo looks to be in his
glory days in order to preserve the history the gangsters helped win.
The documentary shows other people who were involved in this procces like Ibrahim Sinik. He
is a famous journalist who was protected by gangster. He said how interrogate the communists
and how he changed thei answers to look like bad peoples. His missions was to do propaganda
for gangsters.
The documentary presents many scenes in which Anwar Congo and his friends shows how they
interrogated and kill communists. They had victims that they didn`t kill but blackmailed them
for money. In the documentary, as in the movie he is making, Anwar Congo looks to be in his
glory days in order to preserve the history the gangsters helped win.

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