Best Practices Responses

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Blended Learning 1. STATION ROTATION 2. ACTIVE LIST 3. FLIPPED CLASSROOM Google Drive Schoology
Kahoot E-module Short Film Making Utilizing the new Media Hall

Adoption of technology in teaching Grades 3-6.

We are using Hyperlink and Interactive Quizzes in the development of the lesson

Interactive Quizes are used in teaching lessons

Use of Interactive Software in Education, Blended Learning

Adaptation and adoption of ICT integration in classroom teaching

1.Utilization of internet-based instruction (Rachel Pi) in Grade VI class 2. Use of interactive powerpoint
presentation during assessment evaluation process. 3. Manipulation of computers

We used blended learning through the used of ICT in facilitating the daily teaching of teachers.

Utilization of Web applications in teaching different subject areas.

The school integrates ICT in each lesson (SWF, Developer, PPT presentation). Moreover, google form is
also used in the survey for the topic to be discussed in LAC sessions and in evaluating it. Learners are
also encouraged to make outputs using technology like making flyers/brochures and making their own
group presentations using the PowerPoint. Teachers, on the other hand, make their own presentations
and interactive activities for their learners.

The use of ICT integration especially the school had already installed and equipped with 75% Smart LED
television. The existence of starbooks also benefit the students especially in their research work

The use of technology visualization techniques in instruction of some of the teachers in school such as
graphical illustrations, pictures, texts presented on a powerpoint, downloaded interactive
demonstrations, audio and video presentations, web applications like Kahoot, Plickers, Hot Potatoes and
SWF files.

Utilizing technology in instruction such as presenting graphical illustrations, pictures and texts on a
power point with hyperlinks, and using web applications such as Kahoot and Hot Potatoes.

Teachers are using PowerPoint in all subject areas.

1. ICT Integration in all subject area 2. Easier and faster communication

The integration of ICT in the class- the use of powerpoint, SWF, DEveloper, hyperlink, videos, interactive
Peer Coaching in ICT Integration among teachers

Curriculum Integration of the culture and traditions of the community

The school uses the KUD (Know-Understand-Do) Plan wherein the use of ICT is integrated. The teachers
also use offline and online quick assessment tools such zipgrade, plickers, hot potato. Community-based
projects are also given to the students with ICT integration just like documentaries, vlogs and

Integration of technology in every subject if needed.

The use of LED television in presenting and discussing the lessons.

The integration of ICT in all subject areas particularly reading.

1. The use of zipGrade in conducting a paper and pencil test 2. Utilizing quizziz and kahoot for assesment
and group activities 3. The use of quipper for lesson implementation and evaluation

Powerpoint presentation, computers, televisions, Multimedia

The children are given interactive activities using technology.

Using interactive activities through powerpoint

1. Using Kahoot , plickers and zipgrade 2. Integrating videos and augmented reality

The use of technology enables the learners to develop their 21st century skills more efficiently and
effectively. Through the use of interactive activities modeled in the Substitution, Augmentation,
Modification and Redefinition (SAMR) teacher-learner interaction is enhanced. ICT applications such as
EDMODO, Class Dojo, Flickers, Playposit, Google form, Zipigrade, Quizziz and among others were utilized
by the teacher to facilitate teaching-learning process easier especially that most of the Bangui NHS
classrooms are equipped with Smart TV and LED Projectors.

Use of IT equipments

Use of powerpoint presentation, LED TV, projector



ICT classes once every week

Learners are able use the interactive learning materials; Kahoot, Hot Potato, SWF , can create
powerpoint presentation with hyperlink for their report on class disccusion as on output. Learners are
happy in manipulating the DCP units provided by the Department Batch 40 and 42.

Integration of arts and culture in all subject areas


The best practices of our school for Technology in education is the involvement of computer learning in
all subject areas by letting them do some basic computer works.
The use of ICT for an interactive vocabulary. Film viewing in line with the topics.

PowerPoint presentation strategy, online interactive games integration, downloaded videoclips

enrichment activities.

One of the best practices of our school for technology in education is all teachers engaged with the use
of ICT in teaching where they applied their leanings for their LAC sessions where infact they are using
one of the best App (HOT POTATO) in their daily teachings for a more productive outcomes of their

one of the best practices of our school regarding technology in education is all our teachers are eager to
learn about the use of ICT in integrating it on their daily teachings.

Employing ICT integrations like using Powerpoint, Interactive Games for motivation and assessment, and
Video clips

The school 's best practices encourages teachers to exhibit 21st century learning through technology in
Education such as Computer-Assisted Instruction, Mobile Learning, Simulations using Apps, Project-
Based Learning in Researches, Educational Video clips and Presentations, Utilizing Online Platform Tools,
and many more.

The students are exposed to varied offline and online applications which they can use in doing their
projects such as online infographics making, adobe photoshop, adobe indesign for publications, and
adobe premier for video making/short film making, google classrooms also are utilized as flipped

Sometimes the teachers integrate technology in their lessons through SWF Files to be downloaded,
power point presentation through SAMR Model

Activity: demontrate new techniques and teaching strategies to engage learners of the new millenia.
Best practices: creating powerpoint slideshows with motion path animation and trigger,making
quizes/assessments through kahoot App,playposit and thinglink Activity: Teaching young learners their
mother tongue: strengthening culture,building identities. Best practices: production of contextualize
materials such as SIM,test questions and making products made from local materials. Strategies in
teaching- group instruction such as Teams Accelerated Instruction(TIA) and Learning Together(LT) think
pair share

1. Integrating ICT-based activities and interactive games like Hot Potatoes, Kahoot and "hyperlink
activities" in teaching. 2. Incorporating the "station rotation" in classes with limited devices. 3. 2. Using
google form/s for evaluating pupils' outputs.

Teachers of Nagbacalan Elementary School uses ICT Integration or Technology-motivated applications

like SWF, Plickers, Powerpoint presentations, interactive games and video clips in their teaching-learning






Blended Learning Interactive Materials Mock Calling

Contextualize reading materials for Grade 1 to 6.

Teaching beginning reading using computer-based Marungko Approach (Mother Tongue)

Lac Sessions on construction of modules and instructional material and practices explicit teaching

The use of word games to encourage students to read abd think critically. Using differentiated
instructions to address diversity of learners, using graphic organizers to understand the lesson better,
role playing to express themselves and to develop self-confidence

The use of internet, Facebook and youtube that caters positive online environment

1. Poem/verse writing and singing with a popular song tune 2. ICT integration- messenger submission of
outputs/posting on Facebook (outputs)

Localization of reading materials, each one teach one

Reading Power program and creative writing special class

Some of the best practices of the teachers are the production and utilization of contextualized and ICT-
based materials in teaching languages. ICT-based outputs relevant to the community are also produced
such as vlogs, infographics, commercials, etc.

The contextualization of learning materials particularly reading

1. Engaging students in stage play accompanied by microsoft applications such as powerpoint,light and
sound effects 2. Utilization of movie maker in developing and writing a script

First Step in Engaged Reading (FSER) and Thinking While Reading (TWR) - effective methodology to
promote literacy and preserve national customs and effectively accommodate the established national
curriculum School Based Reading Program - means of monitoring and evaluating the non-reader

The use of bridging in the teaching-learning process

1. Peer checking - giving every student the opportunity to connect their classmate's output paying
particular attention in grammar.

1. Use of Content Based Instruction that employs reading across curriculum. The integration of
interdisciplinary education develops analytical thinking, creativity and ethical business practices through
experimental discipline. 2. Employing Communicative Competence in Language Teaching such as : -
Linguistic Competence is the knowledge on the correct use of grammar, syntax and vocabulary of a
language -Sociolinguistic Competence- the knowledge of the use and respond to language correctly
given the setting, topic and situation. - Strategic Competence- methods on how to overcome language
gaps & to achieve conversational fluency & modify text for a group of people 3. Use of graphic
organizers such as knowledge map, concept map, story map, cognitive organizer, advance organizer, etc.
4. ICT - Integrated Teaching Materials - these innovative materials help teachers develop quality e-
content teaching tools and improve student learning

Remedial Reading, 3 Words A Day

Use of contextualized reading materials; Remedial reading program


Annual School English Festival, Enhanced Reading Program (Reading Buddies

Ilokano culture performing arts every quarter

Speak your language

Read-a-thon, spelling bee

Every Child a Reader Program and Read-a-Tone program for those learners in the frustration level and
non readers in the intermediate, special reading time for primary grade level

The school implements the program where "Every Child is a Reader"

we adopted the program Every child is a reader.

Creating reading materials, using flashcards for spelling, involving pupils in different writing and
speaking activities.

The best practices of the school for curriculum innovation in Languages are the following:Conducting
Reading activities for Reading Month Celebration, Peer Reading, English Enhancement, Simulation
Activity for Oral Communication, Spoken word poetry composition and film-making, Information drive
on concepts of MIL through photo booth, Making Movie Poster, Online quizzes and many more


All teachers have their remedial reading plan and materials for reading especially those in the frustration
or non passer in reading.

Integrating ICT-based activities and interactive games like Hot Potatoes, Kahoot and "hyperlink
activities" in developing and enriching the pupils' vocabulary and google form/s for evaluating their

The school initiated the Adopt-a-reader program for teaching reading and improving reading skills of
non-readers and slow readers.


MTB should be taught as a subject and if possible it will not be used as the primary medium of
instructions to most subjects in Kinder to Grade 3


There should be a stronger Internet signal provider in the area


Hope to have curriculum innovation also in the near future

Broaden knowledge about curriculum innovation especially in Languages


Our school at present is adapting ICT integration in all grade levels through our LAC Sessions.

The use of ICT integration in teaching.

Using the Rachel Pi in the intermediate classes

ICT room was established and all rooms are provided with smart television to be used in teaching.

We are still working on some curriculum innovations particularly on contextualization and localization.

The incorporation of value formation to students especially nowadays students are engaged in life in a
technology rich world.

Curriculum innovation is at its best where there are ready to use gadgets for every learner.

On going establishment of 21st Century Learning Environment Model.

we dont have such ,thats why if we may have the chance to attend such trainings for improvement we
are willing to attend

The practice of Organic Farming

MTB should be taught as one subject

Energy Ed Kit is used in science , math ,mapeh as enrichment tool

Making use of the teacher-made contextualized instructional materials

This SY we have started the e-MODELO (Enhancing Morality, Devotion, Excellence, Love). This is under
the Three Acts of Goodness of the Fo Guang Shan Foundation which conducts wholesome activities for
the ethical development of the students. This SY, the teachers use the KUD Plan instead of the DLL.

Peer Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS) for struggling readers

through the use of localized materials through ICT Based for the curriculum innovation.

Contextualization of reading materials

Our stakeholders gave support for the provision of ICT equipment like TV, tablets, and printers which are
used in teaching-learning.The school's laptop is on its configuration for the Rachel by the Division ICT
Officer. The school conducts LAC session on ICT integration. The teachers are trying to have the ICT
integration in their classes.

The school's laptop is on the process of configuration for the Rachel.The teachers try integrating ICT in
their subjects. The LAC Session helps teachers to teach each other. The stakeholders provide support to
the provision of ICT equipment.

Teachers should design/ formulate activities that could arouse students’ interests and let them create a
healthy discussion about a certain topic in which as a teacher you check on whether most of your
students would/could understand the lesson. If it appeared to be a good avenue for students to learn
more then it’s a good innovation for education and for as long as the students are provided with the
luxury of materials and internet connection.

There should be a separate subject for Computer Technology since this is one of the
subject/competency that was integrated in other subject.

Integration of arts and culture through teachnology-based

Encourages pupils to join computer class offered by Private entities to improve their ICT skills

For us to improve and do more about our best practices in our school, we should have a stable internet
connection to carry out activities for technological innovations and innovations on Languages

Organic Gardening Technology/ BIG

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