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1. Preamble
2. Circular from management office and Bishops’ council
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Youth Election
5. Church structure /strengthening the offices
6. Church constitution /discipline
7. Posting of Pastors

MINI/4/19: Preamble
 Arch Bishop put meeting to order then offered an opening prayer at 0005hrs.
 He then welcomed members to the meeting and the 11 King also did the
 Thereafter the Arch Bishop handed over to the Chairperson (Hosea
Migwambo ) to continue conducting and controlling the meeting.
 He, the chairperson took sometime also to welcome members to the meeting
as well as explaining to the member those who were allowed to be in the
meeting as per the church’s constitution.
 They would be the only people /members allowed to contribute in the
 He then apologized to the member for having called the meeting at a
different place as opposed to the usual place, WYCA.
 Thereafter he allowed members to do self introduction which was done as
per the list showing member present above.

MINI 2/4/19: Circular from Management office and Bishops’ council.

 The content of the circular was read and explained to the member vividly
step by step and they unanimously resolved it as it was with some few
additional inputs they put in place.
 The content in summary stated that;
I. There would be an appointment of an internal auditor.
II. There would be different church contributions/payments made by
members within a year, every year as follows;
a) MICH:
Every an adult church member would pay sh.200 annually by August every year, while
children pay sh.30 each.
The fund goes directly to the National office for infrastructural development of the church
and any eventuality.
Hence no any deduction is made on it.
Very strict constitution would be put in place on how to spend it eg through the synod
meeting to ratify its withdrawal and spending.

Every church member would contribute sh.50 per month.
It would be collected by church ministers who would in turn hand it over to the pastorate’s
secretary and finally the secretary hands it over to the National office on monthly basis.
The money collected would be spent on the human resources, church development rewards
and appreciations/salaries of church leaders (Jodolo) as follows;
 Church account and welfare -25%
 Arch Bishop – 20%
 II King – 5%
 Bishops – 10%
 Pastor – 10%
 Lay leader – 10%
 Women leaders – 10%
 Individual churches – 10%
The II King would go round to dioceses to collect tithe in any form including receipt
accompanied by Bishop of the area (that diocese).
The @ sh.50 paid for tithe is the minimum amount. A member can pay as much as he/she

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