Verfassungsschutzbericht: Bavarian Ministry of The Interior, Sports and Integration

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Bavarian Ministry of the

Interior, Sports and Integration


Human dignity is inviolable. To
respect and protect it is the duty of
all state authority.

Art. 1 para. 1 Basic Law

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern
Dear citizens,

in our free and democratic state of law, the protection of civil and human rights plays an important role.
The dignity of the individual and the guaranteed freedoms are at the heart of our free democratic basic
order, on their protection of the state, with its Institutes - nen committed. It is no coincidence that the
Basic Law prefixing enshrined in Art. 1 the inviolability of human dignity as the basis of our law all other
fundamental rights guarantees. With Art. 1, the Basic Law makes unmistakably the fundamental
departure from any form of tyranny or totalitarianism significantly. The unlimited commitment to human
dignity is the unshakable basis of the fundamental rights and freedoms granted in the Constitution.

However, the fundamental rights and freedoms can only develop if they are put into practice confidently
from the citizens their full effect as core components un- Serer democracy. With the freedom of the
individual and the acceptance of responsibility for one's life is therefore inextricably linked. While
protecting and supporting the state where help is needed, but otherwise respected the different lifestyles
of its citizens.

The world and humanity by extremists other hand, is a completely different. -selective or theocracies,
communist colleagues or anarchist societies is no room for the recognition of individual liberties even for
democracy itself - in the desired course of "leader."

The majority of the population is aware of the dangers posed by extremist group-pierungen, fully aware
and assigns them to the extent they spread open in the societal discourse their ideologies, confident
back. This is partly a credit to the many years of education and information work of the constitutional
sungsschutzbehörden federal and state.

Nevertheless, it is undeniable that places an alienation of the fundamental values ​of democracy and will
be held from democratic system itself, looking to take advantage of the extremists. This development
has to be taken by politicians as warning signs seriously.

The complexity and multifaceted, intertwined in a globalized world are much higher demands on the
responsible actions of individuals, as was the case in the past. This can lead to a sense of orientation
and helplessness and of being exposed to an impenetrable "system." At the same time a part of the
population see with their concerns and needs of the "big politics" no longer understood or has that
politicians care only about the interests of the "elites" and the mechanisms of demo cracy the impression
- apparently - to kön- contribute anything concrete problem solving local nen. Such a development
involves the risk that the total democracy and the freedom it offers the individual, be underestimated and

This lack of communication between the oft-quoted "elites" and the "little guy" to make a wide variety of
groups and parties advantage. In a simplified view of the world they suggest that only they are willing or
able to recognize the sorting gen of the population and to solve, so fit precisely to the expectations of
democracy disappointed in themselves.

The promise to give people with seemingly simple solutions again the action sovereignty over their lives,
is a vehicle to bring their ideology bit by bit, to let insidiously seep into the formation of opinion and
democracy into disrepute for extremists. They often put in on issues that are not placed overall at first
glance directly with extremism in conjunction and are also controversial in society. You move here the
limit of thinking and what can be said with the aim to increase acceptance for their ex-extremist
demands. of course they disguise it the fact that in a country as they wish no room for individual
development, their own opinions or the rights of minorities.

The importance of modern media and social networks for this development can not be underestimated
here, but meet them in non-extremists and extremists - the latter not readily apparent - each other. The
so zialen networks greatly favor the formation of echo chambers in which to find like-minded people,
even those with anti-constitutional disposition, together. The constant exchange with like-minded people
can create the impression that the (silent) majority of the population share one's views.

In extreme cases, this can for. lead as to the fact that perpetrators from the extreme right or the related
scene believe to enforce an alleged majority will by image reason people because of their outer
appearance, defame their language or religion or attacking. The increasingly open siver expectant
agitation by left-wing extremists against the rule of law, its laws and institutions led some to violence
against state repre- sentatives when lawful acts such. make as deportations or identity checks.

Abandoning the constitutional protection as a genuine early warning system of democracy is to take
politics and the public about the attempts by extremists education to the opinion influence, inform and
indicate dangers that can result from it.

constitutional protection to employees and staff of the Bavarian State Office for encryption and its
President deserve for their commitment to the core values ​of our democracy, our respect and our

Joachim Herrmann Gerhard Eck

Minister of State Secretary

Dear citizens,

Social media connect millions of people around the world. but they also open up new opportunities for
extremists to make their extremist offerings on the market of opinions connection enabled, beasts to
recruit followers and sympathizers, and to network with each other. The anonymity of the Internet leads
in part to the fact that a delimitation of the language has arrived and incitement and hatred grow.

So therefore the - While it is, for example, the neo-Nazi party, "The Third Way" above all, a kind of
"purity of doctrine": precisely this connectivity is what newer right-wing extremist groupings such as the
"Identitarian movement" (IB) aimed to cultivate nationalist-Nazi ideas and consistently represented -
pack the identitary their anti-constitutional ideology in a new language and provide them with unusual,
modern Aktio nen. This makes them want to slip under the erected against right societal threshold. Your
active power does not come as a priority by the actions themselves, but by their media marketing.

Connectivity is also a central aspect in the use of social media by left-wing extremists. They accompany
democratic initiatives and campaigns Towards the right-wing extremism, militarism and gentrification and
aim to redefine these terms and to distinguish itself as a socio-political actors. In connection with the
topic of anti-gentrification go Linksextremis- th violent action against defined by them "co-responsible" of
gentrification, z. As against real estate companies.

Jihadist propaganda on the - tailored audiences and uses the low-threshold access social media - mostly
young. 2018 was to be observed here is that the jihadist organizations, such as the "Islamic State" (IS)
was "public relations" decentralized and increasingly relied on unofficial media channels to spread their
propaganda. About Messenger services nen longer-term communication structures kön- be set up to
recruit followers to radicalize and to guide them in attacks.

All mentioned phenomena of time, however, the following applies: In closed circles virtual enemy may
arise and solidify. This can trigger or radicalization approximately gradients even accelerate.

At the scene of the Reich Citizenship and self-manager is particularly clear how important is the
exchange in the digital world for the followers of this ideology. Here they can mutually confirm that a
rogue company "BRD GmbH" exists or an alleged "constitution", for example, from 1871 or 1913,
continuing applies. It becomes dangerous especially when the threshold drops to use violence against
representatives of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Protection of the Constitution has adorned the task of extremists and their ideologies to be identified, to
unmask and present them as what they are: enemies of the constitution that give our country at risk and
aim to undermine the foundations of our democracy and our society, and thus attack.

The Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution, we have responded to the new
challenges by further strengthens the investigative work on the Internet as well as our education and
prevention work in the context of films, lectures and reports continuously expanded and adapted adhere
to a changed Mediennutzungsver- have.

The great task mierungskampagnen in social media hate speech, aggression and Diffa- to respond,
certainly can not afford the Protection of the Constitution alone. In addition to the safety authorities and
the platform operators every single ne is asked to look closely to deal with it and to take against hate,
incitement and defamation clear position. We must not leave the extremists the debates on the net.

Munich, May 2019

Dr. Burkhard Körner

President of the Bavarian State Office for the Protection of
the Constitution

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018


Information for Protection of the Constitution 18

1. Protection of the Constitution as an early warning 19

Second statutory mandate 19

Third information gathering 23

4th Control of the constitutional protection 24

5th Cooperation with the police 25

6th Information and prevention 25

Islamism 32
1. Persons potential in Bavaria 34

Second Islamism in Germany 34

Third structures 36
3.1 legalistic Islamism 36
3.1.1 Milli Gorus movement 37
3.1.2 Furkan community 40
3.1.3 Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) 41
3.1.4 Islamic Association in Bayern. V. (IVB) 42
3.1.5 The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and its influence in Germany 44
3.1.6 German Muslim community e. V. (DMG) (formerly. Islamic Community in
Germany eV (IGD)) 46
3.2 Salafism 47
3.2.1 origin 47
3.2.2 ideology 48
3.2.3 Persons potential 50
3.2.4 Travel movements and returnees 52
3.2.5 recruitment and propaganda 55
3.2.6 Salafist aspirations in Prison 60
3.2.7 Migration movement in view of Salafism 62
3.2.8 stop action and perpetrator profiles 63
3.2.9 executive measures 66
02/03/10 Islamic State, al-Qaida and other terrorist structures 69
3.3 Other Islamist terrorism 75
3.3.1 HAMAS (Islamic Resistance) 75
3.3.2 Hezbollah (Party of God) 77
3.4 Other banned organizations 78

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

foreigners extremism 80
1. Persons potential in Bavaria 82

Second Conflict and violence potential 82

Third structures 84
3.1 workers party (PKK) 84
3.2 Turkish Left 89
3.2.1 DHKP-C (Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front) / Devrimci Sol (Revolutionary
Left) 89
3.2.2 Turkish Communist Party / Marxist-Leninists - Partizan wings (TKP / ML -
Partizan wing) 90
3.2.3 Marxist-Leninist Communist Party (MLCP) 91
3.3 Turkish right-wing extremists: Ülkücü movement ( "idealists" movement)

Right-wing 94
1. Persons potential in Bavaria 96

Second potential for violence 98

2.1 force-oriented right-wing extremist scene in Bavaria 99
2.2 Violence against Refugees 100
2.3 NSU Trial 102
2.4 Right-wing extremist motivated crime and violence 104

Third Right-wing extremist topics and forms of action 106

3.1 Right-wing extremist topics 106
3.2 Right-wing extremist forms of action 115
3.2.1 Cross-party activities 115
3.2.2 Right-Wing Extremist Bürgerwehr- and patrol actions 116
3.2.3 Right-Wing Extremist Activities at events 119
3.2.4 Activities to strengthen the sense of community and recruitment
3.2.5 Martial Arts Events 122
extremists 3.2.6 International contacts Bavarian law 123

4th Internet, music, publishing and distribution structures 126

4.1 Right-wing extremists on the Internet 126
4.1.1 activities and strategies 127
4.1.2 educational work of the Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BayLfV) in
the area of ​Internet and Social Media 129

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

4.2 Right-wing extremist music 130

4.3 Right-wing extremist sales structures 135
4.4 Right-wing extremist Internet radio and -TV 136
4.5 Right Extremist Publishing 137

5th Property search and acquisition 138

6th Right-wing extremist parties 140

6.1 National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) 140
6.2 Party The Third Way (III. Way) 146
6.3 Party RIGHTS - Party referendum, sovereignty and homeland security

7th Party Independent right extremist organizations 156

7.1 Identitarian movement Germany (IBD) 156
7.1.1 symbolism and ideology 158
7.1.2 networking strategies 159
7.1.3 structures in Bavaria 159
7.2 Pegida-Munich - the promotion of civic concern e. V. (Pegida-Munich)
7.3 Citizens' Initiatives 163
7.4 Other right-wing extremist organiza tions 165

8th. Neo-Nazism and fellowships 167

8.1 Neo-Nazi groups 168

9th Right-wing extremist youth scenes and subcultures 170

Reich citizenship and self-managers 174

1. persons potential 177

Second ideology 178

2.1 ideological similarities 178
2.2 Scene internal ideological conflicts 178

Third typical activities 179

3.1 application for citizenship cards and use their own documents
3.2 behavior towards justice and administration 181
3.3 Commercial activities called. "Milieu manager" 182
3.4 Stammtische and seminars 182
3.5 National and international contacts 183

4th Current activities in Bavaria 184

4.1 sent fictitious Reich Citizenship Court "Global Common Law Court" letter to
Bavarian police headquarters 184
4.2 activities, an official known Reich citizen in Lower Franconia 185

5th potential for violence 185

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

6th Reich Citizenship groups in Bavaria 187

6.1 Safety jeopardize efforts 187
6.1.1 People's State of Bavaria (formerly State of Bavaria) 187
6.1.2 Official German Heritage Association, German Heimatbund, human
Heimatbund 188
6.1.3 hometown "community Chiemgau" (home company Chiemgau) 189
6.1.4 Constituent Assembly 190
6.2 phenomenal domain right-wing 191

Protection of the Constitution Relevant Islamophobia 192

1. Pegida Munich - The original 195

Second Pegida Nuremberg / Pegida means francs 199

Third Citizens' Movement Pax Europa e. V. - Bavarian Association (BPE Bayern)


leftism 204
1. Persons potential in Bavaria 206

Second Militancy and potential for violence 206

2.1 Left wing extremism motivated arson series in Munich 208
2.2 Left-wing extremist actions against parties 210
2.3 Work G20 summit in 2017 214
2.4 crime and violence 216
2.5 preventive measures of the secret 218

Third Ideological roots of extremism Links 219

4th Left-wing extremist topics 222

5th Internet and music 228

5.1 Left-wing extremist propaganda on the Internet 228
5.2 Left-Wing Extremist Music 229

6th Left-wing extremist parties and associations 230

6.1 Open extremist structures in the Left Party. 230
6.1.1 Anticapitalist Left (AKL) 230
6.1.2 Left Youth [ 'solid] Bavarian Association 231
6.1.3 The Left. Socialist-democratic students association (THE Linke.SDS) Bavarian
Association 232
6.1.4 Working Group on Cuba Sí (Cuba Sí) 232
6.2 German Communist Party (DKP) and environment 233
6.2.1 DKP 233
6.2.2 Socialist German Workers Youth (SDAJ) 234
6.2.3 Association of Victims of the Nazi regime - Association of anti-fascists
and anti-fascists (VVN-BdA) 235

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

6.3 Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD) 237

6.4 Arbeiterbund for the reconstruction of the CP (AB) 238
6.5 Munich Alliance Against War and Racism 239
6.6 Rote Hilfe e. V. (RH) 240

7th Autonomous, post autonomous and anarchists 243

7.1 Description / background 243
7.2 groupings 245
7.2.1 Autonomous groups 245
7.2.2 Post Autonomous groups 252
7.2.3 Anarchist groups 256

Scientology Organization (SO) 260

1. persons potential 263

Second Actions and activities 263

01.02 exhibition of the "Citizens Commission on Human Rights Germany e. V. "(CCHR)
2.2 offensive public relations of the Tarn organization "The Way to Happiness"
2.3 SO-own TV channel "Scientology TV" 266

Third organization structure 267

3.1 Financing of the Scientology organization 268
3.2 sub-organizations of the Scientology organization 269
3.3. Means of contact 272

4th dropout 273

Counterintelligence, economic protection, cyber

Allianz Center (CAZ) 274

1. Espionage activities of foreign intelligence services 277

1.1 Russian Federation 279
1.2 People's Republic of China 280
1.3 Other Intelligence Activities 283

Second Business protection 284

Third Cyber ​Alliance Center Bavaria (CAZ) 286

4th proliferation 291

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Organized crime (OC) 294

1. Rocker crime 297
1.1 General 297
1.2 Bayerische OMCGs 299
1.3 Bayerische rocker similar groupings 300
1.4 Impact of Kutna ban 301
1.5 threat situation Bund / Bayern 302
1.6 Phenomenon Horizontal aspects 303
1.6.1 connections of rockers in the right-wing extremist scene 303
1.6.2 Rocker and weapons permits 304

Second OK from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 305

Third OC groups from the Balkans and Turkey 306

4th Italian Mafia 307

In the spotlight 310

attachment 320
Graphics: number of supporters and acts of violence 320

keyword index 321

Extremist organizations and groups 326

Photo credit 334

imprint 337

Information for Protection of
the Constitution
Information for Protection of the Constitution

Protection of the Constitution as an early warning

statutory mandate

information gathering

Control of the secret service

Cooperation with the police

Information and prevention

Protection of the Constitution in Bavaria Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018



The Federal Republic of Germany is a value-bound, alert and defensive

democracy after its constitution. The state can use se- Henen repellents such
against efforts to eliminate the free democratic basic order, the measures in the
Constitution. As a party or club ban.

This presupposes, however, that he would do such efforts or activi- which are
as extremist or anti-constitutional designated net, can detect in time. This is
where the task of the secret one as an early warning system to protect the free
democratic basic order and to protect the existence and security of the federal
government and state governments.


The functions and powers of the secret service are defined by law exactly. The
Federal Constitutional Protection Act (BVerfSchG) governs the federal and
state as part of the secret to fulfilling tasks together and is also the legal basis
for the work of the Federal Office for Constitutional Protection. In addition, there
are special constitutional protection laws in all countries.

In Bavaria, the Bavarian Constitutional Protection Act (BayVSG) govern the

duties and powers of the Bavarian State desamtes for Protection of the
Constitution, which is based in Munich and is directly subordinate to the
Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, Sports and Integration. the for

Photo: Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Munich

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Protection of the Constitution in Bavaria

August 1, 2016 came into force Bavarian Protection of the Constitution has
been adjusted with effect from July 1, 2018 current developments of the
supreme court law. So private Lebensgestal- was inter alia to protect the core
area of ​processing and new rules of professional secrecy and create overall a
detailed legal basis for long-term observations. The law also contains
provisions for close cooperation of the secret police and security authorities Si
and clear legal framework conditions for the use of agents and greater
harmonization of regulations with federal law.

For the State Office in the budget in 2018, a total of approx. reported 552
places for civil servants and public employees in the public service. The total
budget in 2018 was around 39 million euros.

The Constitutional Protection collects information on safety and hazardous

anti-constitutional activities domestically and evaluates them. This original
observation mission are essentially

- Efforts that are directed against the free democratic basic order, the
existence or security of the Federation or a Land,

- unsafe or intelligence activities for a foreign power (sabotage and

- Aspirations that threaten by use of force or directed at it acts preparatory
foreign interests of the Federal Republic of Germany,

- Aspirations, which can damage against the idea of ​understanding among

nations, especially against the peaceful coexistence of peoples, are addressed,

- Policies and activities of organized crime.

As "aspiration" is defined politically specific, targeted and expedient directed

behavior, which aims to eliminate the existence or security of the Federation or
of a country or constitutional principles of the free democratic basic order or be
put out of validity. Sol che aspirations posed by groups or Einzelperso- nen.

Main focus of the secret is the loading observation of extremist organizations, ie

mainly the analysis of their objectives, activities, strength, structure and

Protection of the Constitution in Bavaria Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

financial circumstances. Also the members and supporters must be recorded

inevitably. But the loading observation by extremist individuals is permitted. As
an extremist or subversive efforts are observed in Bavaria:

- Islamism
- foreigners extremism
- Right-wing
- Reich citizenship and self-managers
- Protection of the Constitution Relevant Islamophobia
- leftism
- Scientology organization.

The observation mission of the secret service also includes extremist activities
on the Internet, for. As in blogs and forums. But here is an "automatic"
allocation of anomalous nymen posts in blogs or forums charges imposed on
operators not legally permissible. Only when a politically motivated, overall the
free democratic basic order gen-looking aspect is attributable to determine the
observation mission is protection of the constitution opened.

Following a landmark decision of the Federal Constitutional Court from 2013 to

the conditions and limits of observation of deputies by the constitutional
protection is the observation of members of parliament by the constitutional Observation of
protection authorities because of the past is interference with the independent deputies
mandate of the deputies (Art. 38 para. 1 sentence 2 GG) only under strict legal
conditions permitted. is overlooking the importance that recognizes the
fundamental law of the free mandate to-to apply a strict standard to the test of
proportionality. An observation unjustifiable, overriding interest in protecting
freedom-union democratic order is considered by the Federal Constitutional
Court particularly given, when a deputy abused his position to fight the freiheitli-
che democratic order or they fought actively and aggressively. In
implementation of this law, the observation of three members of the AFD after
their election to the Bavarian state parliament has ended the year 2018/2019.

In Bavaria, the fight against organized crime (OC) has since 1994 not only for Organized crime
the police, but - for the protection of the constitutional order - even the
constitutional protection.

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Protection of the Constitution in Bavaria

This work includes areas of illegal arms and drug trafficking, racketeering and
money laundering. The Bavarian Constitutional Protection clarifies as to where
the police or public prosecutor not yet legally able to act, and so makes a
valuable contribution to the fight against criminal structures.

People who belong to the OK or keep up in their environment, act very

conspiratorially. The elucidation of these structures ren requires a systematic
and especially long-term observation, which also requires the use
nachrichtendienstli- cher agent. Are the constitutional protection concrete
evidence for criminal structures and offenses, advertising to those given
economy for further investigation to the police and the public prosecutor.

counterintelligence Another object of the secret is the spy defense, that the defense of espionage
by the intelligence services of foreign states against Germany. Major targets
are the political, military technology and business. The Bavarian State Office for
the Protection of the Constitution observed the activities of foreign intelligence
services, collecting informa- tion and analyzes them to z. B. to protect German

Established in July 2013 Cyber ​Alliance Center at Bayerische State Office for the
Protection of the Constitution supports company men and operators of critical
infrastructure in the prevention and defense against targeted cyber attacks.

In addition, the Bavarian State Office has a number of co-operation tasks where
participation it hinzugezo- as Fachbe- rater in decisions on the merits of another authority is
tasks gen for constitutional protection. The existing or acquired on the occasion of the
participation request findings in the decision of another authority incorporated
with. Among the tasks of participation intelligence and sabotage protection

The confidentiality includes measures to prevent unauthorized persons from

secret in the public interest entertainment sensitive information and documents
-. So-called encryption classified information - can examine. Classified
information is available in authorities, but also in private companies that are
working on behalf of the state.

The material confidentiality deals with the organizational and technical

requirements that advertising created the need to classified information against
unauthorized access to

Protection of the Constitution in Bavaria Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

protect. The personal security protection includes safety over testing of persons
who are to be entrusted with a sicherheitsemp--sensitive activities. The security
check by the Bavarian security clearance (BaySÜG) to ensure that only reliable
persons are used in which there are no circumstances that pose a security risk.

The Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution brings the
outside his findings through further Beteiligungsaufga- ben one, especially in
naturalization and aufenthaltsrecht- union decisions. It is at the inter-agency
working group "Birgit" involved (Accelerated identification and return of potential
attackers from the area of ​Islamist rule Terrorism / Extremism).

In addition, the Bavarian State Office has the task of granting official
information as part of the loyalty check of applicants for the public service chen
in individual cases for constitutional protection. In addition, it transmits relevant
insights in the context of background checks after the air Safety Act and the
Atomic Energy Act.


the Bavarian State Office must to fulfill its legal mandate to collect information
for State Protection and evaluate this information and, if they are necessary,
save. This information is obtained for far primarily made of open sources (eg.,
From the Internet, from newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, programs,
brochures and extremist genetic at public events organizations). Some of the
information received by the Protection of the Constitution by using intelligence
methods. In particular:

- the use of agents (people who sungsschutzbehörde the Constitution itself

does not belong, but because they belong to the respective observation
object "Scene-findings" provide a fee)

- observing suspicious persons (Observation), and

- hidden images and sounds.

Interventions in the privacy of posts and telecommunications (monitoring of the

post and telecommunications) are subjected Particularly severe constitutional

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Protection of the Constitution in Bavaria

The conditions may be taken in which the contents of a telecom munications

knowledge are regulated in an egg-related federal law, which is named after the
basic law of correspondence, posts and telecommunications "Article 10 Law"
(G 10).

roll instances a process with multiple independent Kont- ensures that will
intervene only in einge- this fundamental right if the specific reasons listed in
the Act are present. The same applies to the request for information in 2003
introduced obligations of postal and telecommunication services and for the use
of technical means to identify previously unknown mobile numbers. Particularly
strict constitutional backups also apply to the use of technical means in
residential and business premises as well as for the concealed access to
information technology systems. Such measures must be carried out on the
orders of a judge.



The activities of the Bavarian Constitutional protection is subject egg ner

manifold control. This includes the general of parliamentary control exerted by
the reporting obligation of the responsible Minister in relation to the parliament
within the framework of parliamentary questions, petitions etc. A special
committee of the Bavarian parliament, the parliamentary oversight committee
that monitors the work of the Verfassungsschut- zes. The G-10 Commission
shall review the measures for monitoring of postal and telecommunications as
well as the reliability and necessity of the information obligations of postal and
telecommunications service providers.

The administrative control is up to the ministers in the framework of the

administrative and technical supervision, and also the Bavarian state
commissioned ten for Data Protection and the Bavarian Obers- Court. These
checks are complemented by the ability to onerous measures, the
administrative tribunals to call. Finally, an inspection by the public is on the
Medienberichterstat- instead tung.

Protection of the Constitution in Bavaria Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018


The protection of state and constitution police and domestic intelligence work
closely together. The police and domestic intelligence agencies, however, are
separated from each other, constitutional protection authorities must be
affiliated with any police Dienststel- le (organizational principle of separation).
Task of the police is the prevention of threats as well as the investigation of
crimes. It has intervention and coercive powers (z. B. arrests, searches,
confiscate loading, etc.) and must intervene as soon as it receives evidence of

Protection of the Constitution, however, is responsible for the run-up to

enlightenment and has no coercive powers and not issue instructions right
opposite the police (law delegating Trennungsge- bot). Has the constitutional
protection sufficient evidence that make a security-legal intervention is required,
under- condemn the competent security authority. This will then decide
independently whether and what action should be taken.

this exchange of information is limited, however, by so-called. "informational

separation principle." This is based on egg nem judgment of the Federal
Constitutional Court in 2013. The court stated that, because of the various
tasks of the police and domestic intelligence agencies and the different powers
Information constitutional protection by the encryption exceeded the police only
in significant cases may be averages. Therefore, the BayVSG as BVerfSchG
contains exactly very differentiated arrangements for onsübermittlung of
information to the police.


Protection of the Constitution has to inform the mission of the government and
parliament and the public about activities and goats le anti-constitutional
organizations. To DIE sem purpose published the Bavarian Ministry of the
Interior, Sports and Integration in collaboration with the State Office for the
Protection of the Constitution that the annual reports of the security. Entrance
to the Protection of the Constitution report found aspirations for which there are
sufficiently sound evidence of extremism. A Verdachtsbe- reporting does not
take place in Bavaria.

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Protection of the Constitution in Bavaria

informed the State Office for State Protection and sensitized Siert on his
website, blikationen in events and own Pu. Additionally, through an information
film series to the changed media usage bill.

Lectures for As part of its public relations, the State Office for the Protection of the
multipliers Constitution also clarifies through targeted technical papers on current
extremist developments. These lectures are aimed primarily at multipliers
(schools, universities, training academies, support political education and youth
work, local, democratic citizens' initiatives, political parties). Protection of the
Constitution makes an important contribution to intellectual and political
confrontation with extremism and serves to safeguard the free and democratic
basic order.

In the area of ​right-wing extremism, the Bavarian State Office for the Protection
of the Constitution, among other things works with the "Landeskoordi-
nierungsstelle Democracy Live! Bayern against right-wing "and with the project
against right place" Bavarian Alliance for Tolerance - democracy and human
rights would protect "together. It also participates in training making and training
of other authorities, in particular the Bavarian police.

In 2009, the organization from the State Department be moved for protection of
BIGE the constitution "Bavarian Information Center against extremism" (BIGE) was
used as a central information and advisory office of the state government to
combat political extremism furnished. The object field of the BIGE comprises
the right and extreme left, the verfassungsschutzrele--relevant Islamophobia
and Reich citizens and Selbstver- Walter. The BIGE to support in these areas
phenomenon not only fighting extremism, but also the cooperation among
government authorities, strengthen communities, schools and social

For municipalities the BIGE offers extensive Beratungsleis- of obligations. Main

consulting area was in the past to prevent the purchase or use of property for
right-wing extremist activities and propaganda of right-wing extremists against
asylum seekers and their accommodation. Case Based operates the BIGE also
with the "Landeskoordi- nierungsstelle Democracy Live! Bayern against
right-wing "and with the project against right place

Protection of the Constitution in Bavaria Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

the "Bavarian Alliance for Tolerance - democracy and human dignity protect"
together. Beginning in December 2016 opened a department of the BIGE in
Nuremberg to the loading ratungsangebot for local authorities in the region to
improve ver.

For activities of extremist organizations in the vicinity of schools and problems

with an extremist respect at school the BIGE is in cooperation with the Regional
Representative for Democracy and tolerance of Schulfa- milie implemented a
comprehensive concept to the side. The BIGE also participates in education
and training of other authorities, in particular the Bavarian police and
correctional. The existing when BayLfV since 2001 "Bayerische dropout
program" has been integrated with the founding of BIGE there. Here individuals
are accompanied by specially trained caregivers in their exit process from the
extremist scene.

The BIGE is an important part of the "Bavarian concept for action against
right-wing" is continuously developed and is isolated since its introduction in
2009 and contains a number of measures against right. In 2017 the "Bavarian
action plan against right" under the auspices of the Ministry of the Interior,
Sports and Integration, in cooperation with the State Minis was te- Ministry of
Justice, the former Ministry of Education and Culture, Science and Art and the
State Ministry of content reworded family, labor and graphically completely
redesigned. The aim of the update was to the state structures, procedures and
measures in Bavaria, in the three pillars of "prevention - Support - Power grab"
are conceptually embedded to connect to a concept Gesamtkon- and
comprising display. It was also concomitantly produced a brochure for the
information to a wider audience.

In addition to the extensive publicity of BayLfV a public awareness campaign by

the BIGE done. The BIGE operates together with the Bavarian State Ministry of
Education and Culture, the Internet portal "Together against extremism"
(, which was revised beginning of 2019. It provides to
users detailed specialist knowledge of the areas of legal and

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Protection of the Constitution in Bavaria

Leftism, verfassungsschutz relevant Islamfeindlich- ness, Reich citizenship and

self-managers available and keeps consulting and support services for affected
communities, schools and parents ready.

In cooperation with the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, Sports and
Integration successful brochures was re "No to Nazis and Co." reissued. The
brochure provides information on right-wing extremist agitation among young
people and adolescents, and informs about new manifestations as well as
goals, strategies and tactics of right-wing extremists on.

In the prevention center Salafism of the Bavarian Landesam- tes for State
Protection employees work who specializes in Islamism. At the locations in
Munich and Nuremberg they are for supply requests from all over Bavaria for
Verfü- and offer information events such as lectures, workshops and counseling

In order to recognize radicalization and recruitment mechanisms, staff in the

school and youth work, the administration, the police, the prison system and
probation are approximate and help the universities qualified. The offer is also
aimed at professionals and volunteers in the refugee work, security personnel
by larger companies and business associations as well as those coming into
contact in the social and family environment with the theme of Salafism.
supports the prevention center Salafism and also advises district offices,
municipalities and municipal Einrichtun- gen if notice these clues for Salafist
efforts locally.

The presentations and workshops backgrounds as well as current

developments in the field of Islamism and Salafism are taught and distinguish
between Islam as a religion and Islamism as an extremist ideology. In overall
spoke on site options for action are identified and jointly discuss a possible

Protection of the Constitution in Bavaria Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

In the new flyer "What to do about Salafism?" Informs the prevention center
Salafism about their various awareness-rungs-, advisory and training formats.
In the field of Islamism prevention, the Bavarian State Office for the Protection
of the Constitution is cooperating as part of the "Bavarian net- kit for prevention
DO AGAINST Salafism?

and de-radicalization against Salafism" with various government agencies in

center Salafism WHAT TO
The offer of the prevention

the areas of education, integration and social policy and youth work or the
penal system.

The network maintains its own Internet portal with infor- mation to
Salafismusprävention in Bavaria. Www. For
Interested persons affected and ne answers to your questions about Salafism

and vielfälti- ge advice, assistance and support programs. By early 2018 three
short films with the titles were "You think," "You are not alone" and as
"alienation" in selected Bavarian rule cinema as cinema advertising. They
include on the web site available. Overall,
more than 1.7 million people were able to be achieved and aware of the issue.

The issued by the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior, desamt for sport and Bavarian Ministry of the
Interior, for Construction and Transport

integration in cooperation with the Lan for State Protection brochures re

"Salafism - Prevention through information" contains ferrous ben information Salafism
Prevention through information Questions and answers

about Salafism also Informatio nen on counseling centers and contact persons
in the field of pre- prevention and de-radicalization, to which individuals Wen
can. The brochure is available online at

Tawheed ?
Salaf ? Shirk

Since April 2018 also another information brochures is re entitled "Islamism


recognize" is available. In the Bavarian State Office for State Protection

herausge- passed brochure of the focus of the presentation is on logos, images Islamism
and symbolic figures, which exhibit a high potency on trailer Islamist groups.
Logos symbols media
organizations Publications

Purpose of the brochure is to give the reader an important basic skill is to

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Protection of the Constitution in Bavaria

earliest possible detection of radicalization processes and extremist threats to

convey. The brochure is available online at

In the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution, there is also a phone NOTES, for
suspected cases and Salafismusprävention.

Bavarian State Office for State Protection

Postfach 450145, 80901 Munich Phone:

089/31201 0 (round the clock) Fax: 089/31201


Note phone for suspected cases and prevention Salafismus-

Telephone: 089/31201 480


Bavarian Information Center against extremism (BIGE) in the Bavarian State

Office for the Protection of the Constitution

Knorrstraße 139, 80937 Munich Phone:

089/2192 2192 Fax: 089/2192 2377


Protection of the Constitution in Bavaria Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Islamism Islamism

Unchanged high risk situation for Germany

Security authorities reported an Taking to decentralized

distribution and publication unofficial IS-Propaganda

New challenges for authorities by

potential returnees from the combat zones

strategic Withdrawal of the Salafi Da'wa (Missionierungs)

work from the public to the private sphere

Turkish-Islamist Furkan community also in Bayern active

Islamism Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Islam as a religion and its practice are not observed by the

intelligence. However, the statutory observation mission subject
to Islamic extremist (short form: Islamist)

ie religious and politically motivated organizations and individuals

glands with anti-constitutional Bestre-. Islam is an umbrella term
for a large number of different (sub-) streams, such as Salafism.

As a common feature of these trends, the following core

elements of Islamism herausstel- let len:

- "Islam" is not just faith and ethics, special countries

established form an all-encompassing life, based on the
Koran and the Sunna (tradition of the speeches and actions
of the Prophet).
- The Muslims are a religious and political unity (pan-Islamic
- Sharia (Islamic law) is a political and social MOORISH
organizing principle.
- Qur'an and Sunnah have spindles and "constitutional" and
binding model for political Han a future "Islamic state".

These extremist objectives are inconsistent with Non- controlling

the guaranteed in our constitution outdoor and human rights. The
efforts of Islamists are constitutional and integrationsfeind- Lich.
Violent Islamist terrorists have not changed a great danger for
the interior security of Germany. They pursue their goal to build a
totalitarian Islamic society worldwide. They rely on the supposed
duty of all Muslims to stand up to Western, ie "defend" "infidel"
influences, and call to participate in violent jihad.

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Islamism


Islamist associations were in Bavaria in 2018

attributable to 4,155 people (2017: 4,070). Among the membership strongest
groupings and currents continue to include, in addition to the "Milli Gorus"
movement with 2,900 followers, the followers of Salafism. Since 2013, the
number of Salafis- rose ten in Bavaria from 550 to 750 (year-end 2018 2017:

730) to. Of these 750 Salafists about 25 percent were attributable to the
violence-oriented spectrum.

2. Islamism in GERMANY

When Islamist movements in Germany it applies in principle to distinguish

between the different currents and their attitude to violence. While Islamist
Political and terrorists legitimize clearly the use of force, comparable political Salafists and
jihadist Salafism legalistic organizations have a largely non-violent approach to achieve their

Even currents of legalistic Islamism want ligion interpret the reform so and be
understood by all, conflict-free coexistence with dissenters seems impossible.
They insist on a strict reading of the Koran, which is independent of time and
place for all people valid and its contents and instructions that have been
reflected in Islamic law, can not be put into perspective. Taking advantage of
the ten of the German legal guaran- freedom they pursue a strategy of exerting
influence on politics and society.

However, they are in open contradiction to the free democratic basic order,
their values ​Islamists do not share in cen- eral points, which they partly verbal,
rarely fight mini- litant. Islamists keep strictly to the crowding-waste of religion
into the private sphere. After the confession "Islam faith and the state is" the
norms of sharia law must be enforced in all areas and at all levels. Islamism
served and revived a vested in the origins of Islam feeling of superiority of
Muslims as domestic partnership and True of the last and most sublime

Nationwide has noted a widespread heterogeneous infrastructure of Salafism.

Through the mediation of extremist attitudes and concepts in particular

Islamism Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Salafist ideology processes the breeding ground for Radikalisierungspro- that

can lead to terrorist acts. The boundaries between the political Salafism, which
dispenses with the exercise of direct violence to achieve its objectives, and the
jihadist Salafism, which advocates a direct and immediate term use of force,
are fluid. Way of permeability between the partial flows is favored by the
low-hierarchical structures Salafist networks.

Refugees can become the focus of the Salafist scene. In general offer, not least
the Salafist scene an opportunity th to the dissemination own ideology under
the guise of humanitarian aid refugees in Germany. As especially vulnerable to
Islamist Anwerbeversu- che unaccompanied minors foreigners apply (UMA),
who are looking are for social support.

Speeches by Islamists in or near Flüchtlingsunter- Places to Stay / n have Extremist recruitment

eased since the peak of the refugee influx 2015/2016. An organized approach of refugees declined
of Islamia extremist scene in Bavaria is not detectable. It can not be ruled out
that Islamists continue through in individual cases, try to win long-term refugees
to their ideology. The Bavarian State Office for Constitutional sungsschutz
informed u. a. with a folder about possible Anwerbeversuche of Islamists
among refugees.

Salafist propaganda activities are nationwide CAPS LOCK bar. Until the ban on
November 15, 2016 while the Koran distribution project played "LIES!" The
Salafist network "The true religion" (PWR) a special role. More propaganda
activities include information messages or Warenverkaufsstän- de other Salafist
groups, fundraising, Islam seminars, "Home Da'wa" (proselytizing) propaganda Salafist
in mosques or the so-called prisoners help. Central encryption propagation propaganda
paths Salafist propaganda are the Internet and instant messaging services.

From the international Islamist terrorism continues to expect a major threat to

the international community, it also provides for the internal security of
Germany - despite numerous manhunt success - one of the biggest threats is
the international Islamist terrorism occurs now very diverse in appearance.
Larger networks exist as autonomously operating micro groups to individual

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Islamism

The activities of Islamist terrorist structures in Germany range from the use of
Germany as a retreat and rest room on the recruitment, radicalization and
indoctrination of new followers to the planning and execution of terrorist attacks.


3.1 legalistic Islamism

Not violence-oriented, so-called. Legalistic Islamist group-pen trace their

extremist goals by political means within the existing legal system. A direct
hazard with regard to terrorist attacks in Germany is not made of such
groupings. Legalistic Islamists insist on a strict reading of the Koran, the rule in
their opinion, regardless of time and place for all MEN is valid. A non
relativizable, moral and legal che guide are the instructions that are included in
Islamic law, the Sharia, for them.

By lobbying legalistic Islamists influence trying to decision-making in politics

and society remov- men. They are pursuing a dual strategy: While they give
open, tolerant and open to dialogue to the outside, these organizations exist
domestic nerhalb anti-democratic and totalitarian tendencies.

Target legalistic Islamists is to Islamize first sections of the society. In the long
Long-term influence term, they aim to Umfor- tion of the democratic rule of law into an Islamic state.
strategy To achieve its objectives, operate legalistic Islamists cultural associations and
mosques, as this one hand serve to recruit members, on the other hand, the
spread of ideological logy. Through their umbrella organizations they try to offer
the state as the voice of the Muslims. Much of the ideological principles
legalistic Islamist organizational organizations is incompatible with the public
anchored in the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany principles of
democracy, the rule of law and based on human dignity political order,

Islamism Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Organizations in legalistic Islamism, the Turkish embossed "Milli Gorus"

movement that existie- leaders in Germany structures of the "Muslim
Brotherhood" (MB), the "Furman kan community," the schii- "Tablighi Jamaat"
(TJ) and table-Islamist groups.

3.1.1 Milli Gorus movement

members Bavaria: 2900

founder Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan

The result c.1970 in Turkey

Mouthpiece of Milli Gorus Milli Gazete (National

movement Newspaper)

The Islamist "Milli Gorus" movement is a collective term ting followers of the
late 27 February 2011 Turkish politician Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan. The aim
of the move- ment is first the secular state system (separation of church and
state) in Turkey with an Islamic state and social order with the Koran and the
unrestricted validity of the Sharia as the basis of the state and social life

Its stated long-term objective is also the global launch of an Islamic state and
social order along the lines of the old Ottoman Empire, led by the door kei. The
efforts of the "Milli Gorus" movement directed against the free democratic order
and against the principles of international understanding.

The "Milli Gorus" movement was founded in the late 1960s by the Turkish
politician Necmettin Erbakan. Central role in Erbakan's political thinking have
influenced him keywords "Milli Gorus" (National Vision) and "Adil Düzen" (just
fine). After the devel- of Erbakan oped ideology the world is divided into two
parts: on the one hand to the foot of religious-Islamic order on the Word of God
( "Adil Düzen"), on the other hand, in the Western order of violence and
oppression ( "Batil Düzen" = worthless Order). It was necessary to replace the Adil Düzen /
Western order by a "just order" for which the orientation of Islamic principles BatilDüzen concept
instead of man-made and therefore "arbitrary rules" was needed.

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Islamism

Overall, the "Adil Düzen" concept with the Grundprinzipi- s the free democratic
basic order is incompatible: the introduction of an Islamic social order would
end the principle of separation of powers, the rule of law, judicial independence
and the principle of democracy loading. The orientation of the "Milli Gorus"
movement to a sultan-like Turkish leaders figure shows nationalist dictator toric
trains and contradicts the republican structure of Germany as well as the
principle of democracy. In addition, the "Milli Gorus" movement represents an
anti-Semitism that leads to egg ner exclusionary discrimination against the
Jewish people and the Jewish religion and violates the human rights and the
Anti-Semitic principle of equal treatment.

The "Milli Gorus" movement in particular, the "Saadet Partisi" (SP - Felicity
Party) as a political representative of the movement, "Ismael Aga community"
(IAC), the ER bakan Foundation, the Turkish daily Milli Gazete, the door -
Kische television station TV5 and the "Islamic Community Milli Gorus" (IGMG)

Saadet-Partisi (SP)
In Turkey, the supporters of the Islamist "Milli Gorus" movement organized in
the SP since 2001 after the previous parties "Refah Partisi" (RP - Welfare
Party) and "Fazilet Partisi" (FP - Virtue Party) because of "anti-secular
activities", ie were for activities to make the separation of state and religion
reversed prohibited. The existing since 2013 Germany representing the SP has
also in Bavaria on structures such. As the Regional Association of Southern
Bavaria, based in Munich.

For the parliamentary elections in June in Turkey, the SP concluded with the
parties CHP and yi-Parti the Alliance "National Al- lianz" together, NEN to
overcome the 10 percent threshold to kön-. The SP received 1.3 percent of the
vote and was able to move with two deputies on the Alliance list in the

Islamism Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Islamic Community Milli Gorus e. V. (IGMG)

The headquarters of IGMG is based in Cologne with several neighboring parent
"territories". Below the "field level" are located a variety of "local associations".
In Bavaria, several clubs have links to IGMG. Regional focal points are in
Nuremberg and Munich.

Protection of the Constitution observed in parts of IGMG for several years now
signs of a separation process of the "Milli Gorus" movement in Turkey. but a
significant part of the trailer is based on the further Islamists-Nazi "Milli Gorus"

Milli-Goerues-Ahde-Vefa platform (MGAV) / Erbakan Vakfı

IGMG supporters who criticize the course of IGMG guidance as to back
holding, founded in 2012 tion under the motto "Ahde Vefa" (fidelity to the oath)
own organization. HAL you th strictly to the "Milli Gorus" ideology and oriented
to the son Necmettin Erbakan, Fatih Erbakan. Meanwhile, the grouping
"Erbakan Vakfi" (Erbakan Foundation) calls.

Ismael Aga Community (IAC)

The IAC is part of the widely ramified mystical brotherhood of "Naqshbandiya",
who was also the late leader of the "Milli Gorus" movement Necmettin Erbakan,
and is considered one of the more radical branches of the Brotherhood. In
Germany, the IAC was marked by the preacher Nusret Cayir, which called for
the introduction of Sharia law in Germany and the gender equality of women
declines. On 23 October 2015 Cayir was deported to Turkey. The
Administrative Court of Darmstadt said the deportation illegal and picked it up.
Until a possible re-entry from Turkey Cayir maintains contact with his followers
through video messages on the internet upright and spread while its
anti-democratic, directed against the rule of law and popular sovereignty
ideology in Germany.


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