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Quiz no # 2 cs 101….

Best of luck all students by

ateeQa invincible……..:0
A parallel port is use to connect a …………… Printer
Scheduling is performed by __________ of operating system Kernel
An HTML document is developed in a plain-text editor called ……… Notepad
Different parts or components of a computer system use _____ as a communication Buses
URL stands for: Uniform
TCP Stands for: ransmissio
n Control
______ are personal computers that are designed to be easily transported and Portables
SCSI stands for: Small
Teraflop stands for: Trillion
An html file is saved with extension …………… .ht
Which set of tags is valid for <table>? <table>
<tr> <td>
Which one of the following units can be called as the brain of computer ALU
microprocessor? (Arithmeti
c & Logic
First computer designed for commercial applications was: UNIVAC 1
____ is an application program that provides an interface between user's computer Br
and world wide web. owser
Assume that we want to create a text box which is invisible from the user and Hidden
should only be used to provide data to the web server. Which of the following
attribute will be used to make it invisible?
Intel 4004 processor based on.........bits 4
An anti virus software that only works for 3 months is an example of Trialware
_____________. software
Tim Berners-Lee was the inventor of: WWW
Frenchman, named Joseph-Marie Jacquard, invented________________ for storing Punched
weaving patterns for automated textile looms (“khaddian”) Cards
The name of the First Microprocessor was: Intel 4004
Super Computers are used in: Atomic
The Semantic Web is an idea of: Tim
Which of the following is an output as well as input device? Modem
An anchor tag consists of two parts: action and label. HREF
<a href="">Virtual University! </a>
In above example, which of the following is action part?
The default “bullet” for unordered lists is a ____________ disc
Monitor is an example of __________devices Output
Quantum Mechanics is the branch of _______ ; which describes the activity of Physics
subatomic particles.
Which of the following is a computer storage device that saves and retrieves the Hard Disk
data when required?
Operating system installed in a cell phone is a type of Single user operating system
Bit is originated from……………… Binary
Information available on the web is: Mostly Free of any cost
Which Power in voltages in DC is not supported by power 10 and + 10 V DC
supply of the PC?
VULMS is an example of _____________ software. Educational
The name of first electronic computer that stored entire Harvard Mark 1
program in its memory was:
USB stands for: niversal Serial Bus
WinRAR software is an example of ___________. Utility software
First computer that could not only manipulate numbers but UNIVAC 1
also text data as well was:
Web is a unique invention by humans in terms that it is: ccessible to all humans
Which one of the following is not a type of list which we add Simple list
on a web page ?
MS word is an example of _____________. Shrink wrapped software
Assume that you are developing a washing machine. In your Real time operating system
opinion, which operating system will be better to fulfill
requirements of a washing machine?
Choose the correct html to left-align the content inside a td align = “left”>
_______ can perform at or near the currently highest Supercomputers
operational rate for computers.
Which attribute/attributes will we use to limit the capacity of Maxlength=”20”
a text box to 20 characters?
Byte is a combination of…………… 8 bits
What are the conditions that must be fulfilled in order to use ll of the given choices
Which one is the best-known developer of supercomputers? Cray Research
How can you make a list that lists the items with numbers? <ol>
Trialware Softwares are used for short period
Tianhe-2, or Milky Way-2 the world's fastest supercomputer is China
developed and owned by ________.
........ can store both data and addresses. General Purpose Registers
ROWSPAN is used to extend the current cell to some columns
Assume that we want the text “Save” to appear on a button, ype
which attribute of the INPUT tag will be used to do that?
The first programming language designed for the non- isual Basic
technical users, was:
Which tag is used to create a list item? <li>
The name of very first computer was: ABC
___ is the example of a Web browser Google
To move from one page to other page on the web, a hyper Of blue color and underlined
link is given which is:
The name of person, who designed the first Analytical Engine, Charles Babbage
Which of the following are essential HTML tags required in all <HTML>,<HEAD>,<BODY>,<HEA
web pages? DING>
Which one of the following is a really fast port that lets you Fire wire
connect computer peripherals and consumer electronics to
your computer without the need to restart?
Processor is also known as: CPU
Altair 8800 was based on _____ processor Intel 386
Which category of computers lie between Workstation and Minicomputer
Mainframe computers?
_______ is used for amplification, and has three terminals. Transistor
Linux is _______ type of operating system Single user
Vacuum tubes were replaced by: Transistors
Which of the following tag is used to make text Bold? <B>
Punched cards were replaced by: Magnetic
Without ___________, a web site is read only Form
A hyper link in a web page by default appears as: ……………. Blue and
The last famous electromechanical computer was: ENIAC
There is a battery on the mother board to: Save
n when
is OFF
Boolean variables can only have _________ values Binary
What will replace Transistors? Quantum
Registers that hold read-only values are known as......... Constant
Smallest unit of storage is: Bit
integrated circuits can be classified into Both
The name of the first “program-controlled” machine was: Harvard
Mark 1
You have learnt about tags, recalling Head Tag, Which one is correct? <HEAD>
CD stands for: Compact
Which one of these is NOT an example of storage devices? RAM
Deep Blue was the name of: Computer
Celeron is type of : Processor
Processor is also known as: CPU
All the ideas of Babbage Analytical Engine were included in: Harvard
Mark 1
HTTP stands for: Hyper
A user plug in sound card in computer system, __________ is required so that the Device
sound card can perform its tasks. driver
......tag is used to create a link in webpage. <A> </A>
Babbage’s Analytical Engine could store information permanently in: Punched
A communication protocol is a __________that governs the flow of information Set of
over a network. rules
“The number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles every two years” it is Moore's
stated in........ Law
To select a single option from multiple options we use __________ control. Radio
...... has slots to contain the different PCI cards Mother
___ is a related collection of WWW files that includes a beginning file called a Web Site
Operating system talks to and manages devices through ___________. Device
___________ performs all the controlling and management activities in a computer Operating
system. system

Attanasoff-Berry Computer the first computer that used: Binary

Grace Hopper of US Navy develops the very first_______compiler Low-level
__ contains the name of the protocol required to access the resource, a domain URL
name that identifies a specific computer on the internet and a pathname on the

A 1.5 G. HZ Microprocessor approximately contains: 25 Million Transistors

Digital computers possess two neutral states _______ and On & Off
Who wrote the first program for Analytical engine? Babbage
Which language had been used by the US department of Ada
_________ are set of Rules & Regulations that provides Protocol
communication in a network.
Which of the following tag defines header cell in an HTML <TD>
To select multiple options in a list we use _________ Check box
VGA port is use to connect ………………device Monitor
Which of the following translate a high level language code Compiler
into machine understandable code?
In this URL , what identifies the com
domain name?
The first GUI Web browser was available in: 1993
Given the HTML code, My email.
My email.

Read the code carefully and tell what out put browser will
A communication protocol is a __________that governs Set of rules
the flow of information over a network.
To select multiple options in a list we use _________ Check box
An HTML document is developed in a plain-text editor Editor
called ………
Choose the correct html to left-align the content inside a td valign = “left”>
The world first communication network was: ARPANET
We use operating system for _______________. All of the above
All the ideas of Babbage Analytical Engine were included in:
The Name of first computer ABC stands for: Attanasoff-Berry Computer
Which of following components were present in analytical Memory, Processor, input and
engine? output unit
The program which was first computed on world's first Bernoulli’s sequence
computer was:
Integrated circuits can be classified into Both
The last famous electromechanical computer was: Harvard Mark 1
Disk operating system is _______ operating system Command driven
Which one of the following is “built-in” computer memory ROM
containing data that normally can only be read , not
written to?
Digital computers possess two neutral states _______ and On & Off
__________ is database management software. MS Access
Bit is originated from……………… Binary
NIAC was the first ______ Computer Electronic
Analytical Engine was a machine of which type: programmable
In this URL , what identifies the msn
domain name?
.....tag is used to create a link in webpage. <A> </A>
Transistors take place of vacuum tubes, because transistors All of the given choices
Computer directly understand the ___________ language machine
Monitor is an example of __________devices Output
ENIAC was able to perform: 6,000 Operations/sec
Which one of the following Operating Systems has highest Linux
security ?
The MS DOS operating system came bundled with: BM PC
Boolean variables can only have _________ values Binary
The difference between <P> </P> and <BR> tags is that: <BR> goes to the next after next
An integrated circuit is made up of.......... Silicon
Which of the following tag defines header cell in an HTML <TH>
System Bus helps in communicating to: All of the given choices
Super Computers are used in All of the given choices
Which of the following keyword is used to jump out of break
switch statement as soon as a match is found?
The Main benefit of object oriented design is _________ Reusability
Which one of the following operations can not be Create graphics
performed using java Script?
Spaghetti Code Design methodology is ________. not desirable in large projects
and has more complexity to
________ translates high level language to low level All of given
language line by line.
Detailed plan of SW life cycle specifies two things that are Required resources and
the ____________ expected deliverables
In Software "Design" phase two important considerations Architecture design and detailed
are __________. design
No user interaction with the computer while the program is Batch Programs
running, these type of programs are called _________
In ___________, a system is designed by fitting together a Object oriented design
collection of independent and self-contained components
Integration Testing is done__________. after implementation phase
According to a popular heuristic, success is defined by The user
Architecture design is _________ design. High Level
hat will be the result of the following formula in 30
Spreadsheet application ?
SUM(A2:A3) =_________(Assume that A2 =10 A3 = 20)
Which of the following is not an advantage of client side Reduced server load
In ___________, a system is designed by fitting together a Object oriented design
collection of independent and self-contained components.
In spreadsheets, cell address B10 means _______. Row 10, Cloumn B
Some of the things that JavaScript can do! Choose incorrect Read – Modify
option from following
Actions that occur as a result of user’s interaction with Events
browsers are called __________.
_____________ loop is a flow control statement that Do-While
allows code to be executed repeatedly based on a given
Boolean condition.
hotWeather = (Temperature == 40); Boolean

in the above statement, the variable hotWeather is of type

In Spreadsheets, you can create relationship between two Formulas
cells by using _____.
______ is a comparison operator. ==
While writing properties and methods of an object it is Methods must have parenthesis
understood that_____________. ()
Objects are modified with ______ that are associated with Methods
that object.
Life cycle Thinking about the future phases generally lesser delivery time ; higher
results in ________and_______ . quality
In partitioning of program/module, it should be assured Independent
that partitioned chunks should be as _________ as
How many iterations would this "for" loop runs. 6000
for ( x = 6000 ; x > 0 ; x = x - 1 ) {
document.write ( x ) ;
According to heuristic, if you can’t explain it in 5
____________ minutes, either you don’t understand it or it
does not work.
_________ is not a property of the “document” object href
A data value that appears directly in a statement is known String Literals
as _________
Which of the following application is collections of cells Excel
forming rows and columns.
The heuristic “Programmers deliver the same number of The highest level language
Line Of Code” suggests that programmer should use
Efficiency is ______ to universality. Direct proportional
User requirements may be _______ and developers unambiguous; ambiguous
specifications are ________but both are for same system
that represents different point of view.
Heuristics suggest that a program or module should be 10 , 2
divided into a maximum of ______ parts and minimum of
________ parts.
In a System having many parts to be designed, one should None of the given
always do the _____ first.
According to a popular heuristic, success is defined by
In java Script the system sends _______to the program and Events
the program responds to these as they arrive.
avaScript is not a true object-oriented language, it is so A formal inheritance mechanism,
because it lacks two key features: Strong typing
Which are ___________ and ____________
Find the missing phase and correct sequence in the (a) Implementation , (b)
following detailed view of SW development life cycle. Integration

User Requirements ? Developer Specs ? Planning ? Design ?

(a) ______ ? (b) __________ ? Testing ? Opr. &
Maintenance ? Retirement

JavaScript Variables are ____________. Dynamically Typed

_______ give us the ability to manipulate data through Variables
reference instead of actual value.
Preliminary exploration of possible solutions, technologies, Concept and feasibility
suppliers are done in _____________ phase
The __________ reserved word allows a determined action Else
to be taken if the first condition is false.
____________ is also called top down design. Structured design
A data value that appears directly in a statement is known JavaScript Literals
as _________
Decompose the problem into subsystems and define their User requirement
relationships is done in __________ phase.
In Goal Seek there will be _____ boxes to fill in. Three
Through which operator we refer a property in Java Script? Dot (.)
Rule of thumb learned through trial and error is called Heuristic
In Software "Design" phase two important considerations Architecture design and detailed
are __________. design
Objects are modified with ______ that are associated with
that object.

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