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Alliance Margaret M.

Bloomfield High School

7907 Santa Fe Avenue Huntington Park, CA 90255
Office: (323) 537-2060 | Facsimile: (323) 537-2044 |

Teacher: D. Tejeda
Room: 217
Phone: (323) 537-2060
Office Hours: Day 3:45-4:45 pm

AP Spanish Language and Culture

Course Syllabus 2018-2019
Course Description
The AP® Spanish Language and Culture course is a rigorous course taught exclusively in Spanish that requires students to improve
their proficiency across the three modes of communication. The course focuses on the integration of authentic resources including
online print, audio, and audiovisual resources; as well as traditional print resources that include literature, essays, and magazine and
newspaper articles; and also a combination of visual/print resources such as charts, tables, and graphs; all with the goal of providing a
diverse learning experience. Students communicate using rich, advanced vocabulary and linguistic structures as they build proficiency
in all modes of communication toward the pre-advanced level. Central to communication is the following premise from the
Curriculum Framework: When communicating, students in the AP Spanish Language and Culture course demonstrate an
understanding of the culture(s), incorporate interdisciplinary topics (Connections), make comparisons between the native language and
the target language and between cultures (Comparisons), and use the target language in real-life settings (Communities).

Course Outline
Units or Themes Timeline

Tema 1: Families and Communities / Las familias y las comunidades Semester 1

Tema 2: Families Science and Technology / La ciencia y la tecnología Semester 1

Tema 3: Beauty and Aesthetics / La belleza y la estética Semester 1

Tema 4: Contemporary Life / La vida contemporánea Semester 1

Tema 5: Global Challenges / Desafíos mundiales Semester 2

Tema 6: Personal and Public Identities / Las identidades personales y públicas Semester 2

Course Expectations
Students are required to engage in real-life activities outside the classroom to enrich their Spanish language and culture experiences.
They complete entries that interest them throughout the year for their Language and Culture Portfolio. Options include but are not
limited to: attending an art exhibit, musical show or play; preparing a meal while following recipes written in Spanish; regular
correspondence through email, Skype or FaceTime with heritage speakers in a Spanish-speaking country; viewing of important events
involving target language speakers. Additionally, you can also tutor and teach students enrolled in Spanish 1 at BHS. Students must
provide acceptable evidence of their engagement if they would like to receive credit for this requirement.

Materials and Supplies

Students are required to use the following throughout the course:
1. 3-Ring Binder
2. Dividers
3. College Ruled Lined Paper
Alliance Margaret M. Bloomfield High School
7907 Santa Fe Avenue Huntington Park, CA 90255
Office: (323) 537-2060 | Facsimile: (323) 537-2044 |

​ adder of Behavioral Expectations

Students learn best when the classroom runs smoothly and efficiently where students are focused and on task. If students need to be
redirected, the teacher will do the following:
● Level 1: Verbal Warning
● Level 2: Student-Teacher Conference
● Level 3: Parent Contact and Classroom Consequences
● Level 4: Referral to the administrators

Grading Policy
Students are graded based on their mastery of the standards tested on every summative assessment. Students may receive multiple
grades on one assessment since every standard receives a separate grade. Semester course grades will be calculated based on the
average of all assignments.

Students will​ no longer receive Life Skills grades​ in Behavior, Work Completion, Working in Groups, and Participation. Homework
and Class participation/classwork count as part of a student’s overall academic grade.

Assignment Score Calculations

Assessment Score Assessment Score Descriptor
The student has ​exceeded​ the achievement standard and demonstrates progress towards
mastery of the knowledge and skills needed for the course.
The student has ​met​ the achievement standard and demonstrates progress towards mastery
of the knowledge and skills needed for the course.
The student has ​nearly met​ the achievement standard and may require further development
to demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed for the course.
The student has ​not met​ the achievement standard and needs substantial improvement to
demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed for the course.
X Excused missed assignment or standard not taught.
S Accommodation/support not provided for students with disabilities.
Assignment not submitted, not reflective of the course material, and/or blank (which
includes only having a student’s name on the paper) and is a grade of zero.
Ethics violation and is a grade of zero. Additional consequences will apply per the
Parent-Student Handbook.

Overall Semester Grade Calculations

Semester Grade* Semester Score Semester Score Descriptor
A 3.70-4.00
Above standard on grade-level course content
A- 3.40-3.69
B+ 3.20-3.39
B 3.00-3.19 At standard on grade-level course content
B- 2.70-2.99
C+ 2.50-2.69
C 2.30-2.49 Below standard on grade-level course content
C- 2.00-2.29
NP 0-1.99 Far below standard on grade-level course content

* Note of GPA: To convert semester course grades to a UC/CSU GPA, we will use the following:
Alliance Margaret M. Bloomfield High School
7907 Santa Fe Avenue Huntington Park, CA 90255
Office: (323) 537-2060 | Facsimile: (323) 537-2044 |

Letter Grade GPA

A, A- 4
B+, B, B- 3
C+, C, C- 2
NP 0 (not counted towards GPA)

Mastery Learning:
Everyone can learn given the right circumstances because learning should be about mastering the standards and not about how
“bright” a person is. Mastery learning is a research-based instructional strategy that motivates students to be accountable for their own
learning. Final grades are based on the student’s level of understanding of a concept or demonstration of a skill at the end of a unit or
grading period. These include summative assessments, such as tests, quizzes, benchmarks, midterm/final exams, essays, research
papers, projects, performances, and presentations. Grades for assessments like class assignments and homework, allow students to
practice their understanding/skills. Students are required to complete their class assignments and homework because this is an
opportunity for them to practice their learning and prepare for summative assessments.

For the 2018-2019 school year, students may use mastery learning opportunities to re-take summative assessments to demonstrate
higher levels of learning. For each class students have, they may use their mastery learning opportunities a certain amount of times (as
seen and outlined in the chart below).

In order to use the opportunity, students must do the following: (1) complete and submit the summative assessment by the assigned
date and time; (2) initiate and have a teacher-student conference within the amount time outlined below; (3) make a plan with the
teacher of steps students will do to independently practice the standard(s), including attending teacher office hours/tutoring; and (4)
retake or resubmit the standards by an agreed upon date (5) students will be subject to point deductions as listed below for late work
Reassessment Policy
Grade Reassessment Policy

Grade 9 Students may request to reassess on assignments within ​three​ class periods of the assignment’s
return date.

Grade 10 Students may request to reassess on assignments within​ two ​class periods of the assignment’s
return date.

Grade 11 Students may request to reassess on assignments within ​one​ class period of the assignment’s
return date.

Grade 12 Reassessments for assignments​ will not​ be permitted. Students are expected to meet grading
and assignment deadlines.

​Late Work
To help establish a culture of accountability, consistency, and growth, the following late work policy has been developed.
Late work is the submission of an assignment beyond its original due date as a result of student non-completion.

Grade Late Work Policy Consequence

Grade 9 Students may submit late work for weighted summative assignments 0.3 score
within ​three​ class periods of the assignment’s original due date. deduction
Alliance Margaret M. Bloomfield High School
7907 Santa Fe Avenue Huntington Park, CA 90255
Office: (323) 537-2060 | Facsimile: (323) 537-2044 |

Grade 10 Students may submit late work for weighted summative assignments 0.6 score
within​ two​ class periods of the assignment’s original due date. deduction

Grade 11 Students may submit late work for weighted summative assignments 0.9 full-point score
within ​one​ class periods of the assignment’s original due date. deduction

Grade 12 Students may ​not​ submit late work for weighted summative N/A
assignments. Late work for weighted summative assignments will not be
accepted. Students are expected to meet grading and assignment

Cheating and Plagiarism

As college-ready students, you are expected to prepare for class by completing your assignments and studying for exams before
coming to class. Cheating and plagiarizing your assignments and assessments are unacceptable and do not contribute to your overall
learning. Whether an assigned project is in a visual, written or spoken format, students are expected to accurately reference all sources
of information consulted for the project. Students found cheating or plagiarizing ​will receive a zero for the assignment ​or assessment,
your parents will be contacted, and you will be referred to the administrators. Assignments found in violation of this outlined policy
will receive a grade of “E” for ethics violation. This assignment grade will remain on the student’s final report card. All students are
expected to adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Bloomfield Parent-Student Handbook found on the school website.
Student and Parent Signature / ​Firma del estudiante y firma del padre

Course: AP Spanish Language & Culture Teacher: D. Tejeda

I have read and understand the preceding information. I hereby express my dedication to my learning and my dedication to doing the
work that I need to do to be successful in this course.

_________________________________ _____________________________ _________

Student Signature Student Name (printed) Period

I have read and understood the preceding information. I will maintain an active role in my child’s education and encourage him or her
to work relentlessly towards his or her academic goals.

He leído y entendido la información anterior. Voy a mantener un papel activo en la educación de mi hijo y lo voy a animar para
trabajar implacablemente hacia sus metas académicas.

_________________________________ _________________________________________
Parent Name / Nombre del padre Relationship to Student / ​Relación con el estudiante

_________________________________ _________________________________________
Phone Number / ​Número de teléfono Email / ​Correo electrónico

_________________________________ _________________________________________
Preferred Language / ​Idioma preferido Preferred Communication / ​Comunicación preferida

_________________________________ _________________________________________
Parent Signature / ​Firma del padre Date / ​Fecha

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