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On previous holidays, My family and I have been travelling to the island of Langkawi. We
were there for 4 days and 3 nights. Before we were on holiday there, my mother and father
were on vacation Kedah first. When they had been there, me and my other family members
went to vacation on the _________________. We were there for 4 days and 3 nights. Before
we were on holiday there, my mom and dad were on vacation Kedah first. When they had been
there, me and my other family members went to vacation on the island of Langkawi. We
arrived in island in the evening. We did not check in the hotel first, but we went to our first
destinations is Cable Car. The cable car has three stops destination that we had to through. It’s
quite scary when we rode it. We had use the cable car to climbing up and down.

After we went to Cable Car, we rested ourselves and pray at hotel. At night, we are
having dinner together at Telaga Seafood Restaurant. This restaurant provides Westerns food,
Arabian food and Malay food. We ate a lot of food that my parents ordering to us. After we
finished our dinner, we take a chance to window shopping and walking at row of shops that
have in there. A lot of shops, sell, souvenirs, clothes, bag and many things that can we buy to
give to other people. But in first day, we just survey and window shopping before we decide to
buy it.

In second day, we breakfast at the hotel and started our journey at Langkawi Island. My
sister had already booking our boat to go around in Langkawi Island. The islands that available
in Langkawi Island is like ” Pulau Kasut” , ” Gua Buaya” , Gorilla Island , Lady Island and a lot of
island that have in there. But in we also went to swimming at Private Island. This island we can
swimming but have a time that we can swim at there. In evening, we’re going to “Dayang
Bunting Island” there is the most beautiful island in the Langkawi Island.

In third day, my sister already go to the shopping and bought the things that she wanted
give to her friends. At Langkawi Island, the price of the chocolate,clothes and souviners is
cheaper and there have duty shop that we can bought chocolate,cigarette and perfume. But for
me, i just bought some of chocolate for my friends and my ownself. There’s so many brand of
chocolate that we can buy it at there and for those who really likes the chocolate surely cannot
decide what type of chocolate they want to buy it. Our next destination is going to factory of
sea cucumber and at there we can see how the process see cucumber was made.

On the last day, before we’re going to go back home we decide to lunch at Langkawi
Island because want to ate at “Rojak Hafiz”. Most of people said ” Rojak Hafiz” is the most
famous rojak stall at Langkawi Island and taste of rojak was supper awesome and source of the
rojak is so delicious. After all of us done with lunch, we rushed to the jetty and our tickets at
3:30p.m . This is the most best ever family trip in my life eventhough my parents didn’t bring us
to overseas for enjoy our holidays but for me the most important things is when my family can
give some space and spend their times to made this family trip succesful.

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