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Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 leftism

In the campaign other left extremist groups are involved in addition to the
"Antifa-NT", including the "Info group Rosenheim", "Contre la Tristesse" and "In
Search" (ADS).

NIKA took u. a. in the protests against the AFD-Bundespar- "Day X" teitag in
Augsburg and the AFD regional party congress in Nuremberg and at the
Munich great events "#noPAG" and the so-called. for NSU sentencing part. In
back of lead members of the Campaign for protests against the S20 Summit in

7.2.3 Anarchist groups

Anarchist group Munich (library sacrilege)


founding 2016

Seat Munich

In Munich, a group of anarchists who want to spread by journalistic activities

and the operation of a library anar chistische ideology. They opened in summer
2016 in Munich, the "Anarchist Library frequency vel". The term crime probably
goes back to the anarchist rule author Walter Borgius (1870-1932), who in his
work: "The school - a crime" is the school as a means of domination for
breeding obedient subjects. The library aims to provide "access to the thoughts
and struggles of other animal revolver forming".

The anarchistic group approves criminal and violent acts as a

means of destroying the existing order. Indeed in their library
anarchist street newspaper "Wanderlust", which linksextremisti-

specific offenses positively evaluated. By the end of 2018 30 education were announced the
publication published.

In an article in issue 29, the authors take the fatal shooting of a police officer in
France on egg nen 22 year olds wanted criminal who had tried to evade a
police check as an opportunity to justify fundamentally violent resistance to the
existing order:

leftism Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

If a police officer comes "our" district and believes with his uniform, badge, gun
and the protective him forced apparatus in whose name he acts, are rolling a
man the continental and harass to be allowed and this person ends up dead,
then our answer violence - then the answer of all young people, controlled and Justification of violence
oppressed must be violence. Violence against the violence that makes us daily and incitement to criminal
small. Violence against violence of the bosses, teachers, officials in the offices, acts
the soldiers and weapons manufacturers, the politicians who legislate against
us and set up cameras that can build prisons and mental hospitals in which we
are to be locked up.

(Error from the original inherited)

In connection with their criticism of the policies of Turkey and Germany as an

arms exporter, the authors speak of DA that only a "self-will and a brilliant idea"
were necessary "to stop the killing and to ckieren attā militarism" , This has
implicitly out the arson attack series in Munich, which was also directed against
the arms industry. The authors welcome the actions and calling indirectly those
on which want to engage against militarism to do it arsonists same.

Looking (ADS)


founding 2014

Seat Nuremberg

The group ADS sees itself as an anarchist grouping of. She is a member of the
"Federation of German chist_innen Anar-". The enemy of all anarchist currents
is the state. He is in anarchist thinking as repressive enforcing agent, which
must be resolved in favor of an economy free of domination and society
shattered. ADS leaning out of this ideology out fundamental principles of
freiheitli- chen democratic order, in particular Parliamentary ism and popular
sovereignty and the principle of multi-party from:

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 leftism

* Deputy interior models and the formation of political parties - are we reject, as
these positions contrary to our advantages of a society free of domination - as
in exploitative economic systems and in parliamentary usual. (...) We seek no
takeover, but the abolition of political domination.

The group was active in 2018, particularly in the fields of action

anti-gentrification and anti-fascism. On July 14, they participated together with
activists of the MLPD and SDAJ to egg ner demonstration of the DKP on "rent
down - wages up" in Nuremberg. ADS is the campaign "Nationalism is no
alternative" (NIKA) involved, a left-wing extremist hands-on campaign against
an alleged shift to the right in society.

leftism Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Scientology-Organisation (SO) Scientology Organization (SO)

activities SO reference in our tutoring area

SO front organization The Way to Happiness contacted police

stations and school in Bavaria

SO its own TV channel "Scientology TV" went on the air

Scientology Organization Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

The "Scientology Organization" (SO) is an inter- national

organization that is geared in part to financial gain and to another
system a global, unumschränktes Herrschaftssys- möch- build its
own ideas te. a system based on psycho-technologies and the
unconditional subordination of the individual totalitarian system of
government should come under Scientology leadership in the
place of the principle of democracy and fundamental rights.

The SO is not only a threat to individuals that threaten to fall into

the clutches tion and the influence of the organization, but also
the demo- cratic system of the Federal Republic of Germany and
the state guarantee of fundamental rights in question. Already in
his fundamental work "Dianetics" from the year 1950, the founder
of the SO, Lafa- pointed Yette Ron Hubbard, on the political
relevance sides toward ner teaching. According to him, to this
day unchanged and binding for all Scientologists Vorstellun- gen
a functioning exclusively according to Scientology guidelines
world to create advertising to. With hard psycho- and
socio-technical instruments, the organization wants to control not
only the individual, but through influencing on government,
politics and economy from entering into society,

Program and activities of the SO are incompatible with the basic

principles of our free democratic basic order.

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Scientology Organization

The "Scientology Organization"

- wants a Scientological legal system ren establish itself in

which there is no human and basic rights te,

- disregards human dignity (Art. 1 GG) and the principle of

equality (Art. 3 GG), since it admits only Scientologists rights

- disregards the fundamental right of free expression of expression, as

they critique with all (Article 5 of the Basic Law.) - will suppress means
- and illegal
- builds a totalitarian rule system including violence and
arbitrary rule.

The Supreme Administrative Court has found in its judgment of

12 February 2008 that

- there is clear indication that the SO pursued efforts directed

against the free-uniform democratic order,

- provide ample evidence that the SO seeking a social order

that overrides the central constitutional values ​or imposition of
controls on,

- Protection of the Constitution, the organization therefore -

with intelligence means - can make observations.

Scientology Organization Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018


Germany Bavaria

members 3400 about 1,200

Chairman Helmut Blöbaum Nina Malessa

founding Munich 1970 ( "Church of Nuremberg 1982 ( "Church of

Scientology Germany, Scientology Bayern e. V.")

Seat Munich Munich

(Dependent in Germany part organizations)

publications Freedom; Impact; Origin; source among others

The membership of the SO in Bavaria moves at about 1,200 people. In addition

to long-standing supporters of the SO are among young adults who have grown
up in their families with the ideology of the SO, remain loyal to the organization
and apply them also, and newly acquired members. Consistent government
information campaigns, prevention tion and critical views in the media have
made the SO and their objectives transparent to the public and make it difficult
for her to attract new members. Using front groups such. As the "Citizens
Commission on Human Rights e. V. "(CCHR), the organizational" Say NO to
Drugs - Say YES to life "or the organizational" The Way to Happiness "tried to
continue SO out


01.02 exhibition of the "Citizens Commission on Human Rights

Germany e. V. "(CCHR)

In Munich, an exhibition entitled "Psychiatry: Industry of Death" took place April

5 to 18 again the SO-Tarnorganisa- tion KVPM instead. In the exhibition was
trying to reach the visitor cher with a tendentious and manipulative view of
psychiatry emotional. Using display boards, films

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Scientology Organization

and discussions, the exhibition gives the impression goal of psychiatry was to
harm people with mental health problems in general.

Ten-day vigil The exhibition was supported by a ten-day vigil under the title "protest against
human rights violations in psychiatry - gen vigil to mark the killing spree in
Muenster, rampage by Psycho pills with hazardous side-effects?" Accompanied
in close proximity to the exhibition premises. Thus the KVPM that Amokfahrt
April 7 in Muenster tried talisieren for their agitation against psychiatry to
instrumented. When Amokfahrt had a 48-year-old who suffered from
psychosomatic problems trian, killed by a van four passers-by and then shot

Instrumentalization of The CCHR has been trying for several years to use violence with many victims
violence by KVPM for their own purposes of propaganda. Just saying, the perpetrator could from
psychological problems suffered men, is sufficient to include the tragic event in
their working gumentationsmuster against psychiatry. The aim of KVPM it is to
underline their claim, the only correct way to solve psychological problems -
know - the way of application to the teaching of SO. The organization is also
about a market Displacement: It considers psychiatry and psychology, and thus
the most psychotherapy offers as competition. The CCHR campaigns intend to
unsettle the population,

2.2 offensive public relations front organization "The Way to


The SO-front organization "The Way to Happiness" ( "The Way to Happiness

Foundation") operates since mid-2016 in Bavaria intensified public relations.
The goal is to "lichsein The Way to Happiness" to distribute a largest possible
SSE number of copies of the brochure. Form and content of the booklet are
innocuous at first glance, only the imprint of the "Scientology" founder L. Ron
Hubbard stated. be transported to the brochure rather trivial proposals and
Anleitun- gen for "Happiness," the Scientology ideology is holding corresponds,
but difficult to detect.

Scientology Organization Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

The SO tried using the brochure to make people supposedly problematic

symptoms or moods in her life carefully and to arouse interest in change or to
seek help. The aim is to motivate the recipients to contact the front group. Once
the contact details are present, they can be used to bring the people in the
medium term to the SO.

The organization sent the brochure to various Po lizeidienststellen in Bavaria

under the pretext that help re- socialization of offenders to offer. This action
remained without any response. End of the year was also known that a school
in Bavaria written and presenting a SO-speakers for a "neutral" information
about the contents of the SO ideology was offered. The Ministry of Culture wur- Attempts to establish
de about the attempted contact information. contacts with police and

In a separate Facebook group, the SO tries to Kampa gne - also through the
dissemination of photos of their actions - represent a success in order to
motivate the members to additional commitment. SO within the existing
statistical requirements for organizing public awareness ac- tivi ties and
attracting new members. It must be assumed that the increased action level
also serves to meet these requirements.

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Scientology Organization

2.3 SO-own TV channel "Scientology TV"

On March 12, the driven Scientology Fernsehsen- the "Scientology TV" was
filed with the satellite operator DirecTV to ERS th time on the air. "Scientology
TV" is available as a cable channel and streaming service. multiple formats that
deal with the founder L. Ron Hubbard and life as a Scientologist, such are sent.
As the series "Meet a Scientologist". The programs are produced in a film
studio in Hollywood / Los Angeles, the SO has already acquired the 2011th
2016 she founded the "Scientology Media Productions" (SMP) there.

The SO has fallen in recent years, the media and politics in the United States under
considerable pressure. The launch of "Scientology TV" is adopted as a counter-reaction of the
SO to state Aufklärungsmaß- and understand criticism of prominent SO-outs. The TV channel
allows the SO to spread their own views and supposed "truths" without having to ask critical
questions. So "Scientology TV" was advertised on egg nem Twitter channel of the SO under
the slogan "It's time to tell our story." The TV channels simultaneously represents also a tool to
CKEN anlo- new prospects and ultimately to recruit as members. To increase the number of
spectators, the organization adopted in May a "Executive Directive", in which the individual
"churches" (so-called. Orgs su3.) Prompted worldwide, at certain newspaper the program to
follow th "TV Scientology" on. On 8 October about started new seasons of series like "Inside
Scientology" and "Voices for Humanity" with a total of 60 new episodes. Viewers of individual
facilities of the organization is here, among other things, a "behind the scenes" granted,
including the training ship Freewinds and the British Center Saint Hill Manor in East Grinstead.
In addition to documentation tarfilme shown on alleged humanitarian projects of the SO.
including the training ship Freewinds and the British Center Saint Hill Manor in East Grinstead.
In addition to documentation tarfilme shown on alleged humanitarian projects of the SO.
including the training ship Freewinds and the British Center Saint Hill Manor in East Grinstead.
In addition to documentation tarfilme shown on alleged humanitarian projects of the SO.

The transmitter is also advertised in Bavaria by distributing flyers and in the

social networks Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. While lying on
viewer interest in "Scien- tology TV" no reliable information available, but leave
low Follower numbers of the corresponding Twitter- channel close to a rather
limited success.

Scientology Organization Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018


The SO is organized as an international business group and structured. All

facilities subject (RTC) in Los Angeles / USA despite apparent independence of
the strict command and disciplinary power of the "Religious Technology Center"
under the direction of David Miscavige, the successor of the founder of the
"Scientology Organization," L. Ron Hubbard.

Flag Service
Organization in
Clearwater, Florida

Core is the Church-area in "churches" (Org), missions and "Celebrity Centers"

is organized. Umbrella organization in Germany is the "Church of Scientology
Germany e. V. "(SKD), in Bavaria exist in parallel, the" Church of Scientology
Bayern e. V. "(SKB). Both the SKD and SKB have chen based in Munich. In the
SO hierarchy emissions are below the Org, they can offer only basic services.
All global missions under the leadership of the "Scientolo- gy Missions
International" (SMI), based in Los Angeles / USA. The publication of internal
mission rankings is to generate mutual competition between missions. The best
Lis- tenplatz receives the mission with the highest turnover, most
Neuanwerbungen or the highest amount of donations.

As part of its "Ideal Org" campaign aims to build world's SO in cities which they Campaign "Great
assess themselves as politically and economically loading deutsam, large and Germany"
representative offices (Ideal Orgs) or already existing larger. DIE se ideals orgs
should take political influence (including through locations in government /
parliament nearby). The opening of a

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Scientology Organization

Ideal Org is tied to certain specified Hubbard criteria in terms of size, number of
employees and equipment to. In an Ideal Org are all services of SO can be
offered under one roof. For financing these projects, the organization regularly
invites the by its members a donation.

Ideal Orgs in Berlin, In Germany there have so far three ideals orgs. The SO-being resident in Berlin
Hamburg and Stuttgart opened in 2007, since January 2012, it is also in Hamburg a Ideal Org. On
September 9, followed by the opening of a third German Ideal Org in Stuttgart.
So that the requirements of the international management of the SO were
fulfilled, the considers this project continues to be an important part of its global
expansion efforts. Strategic goal of SO is a "Great Germany". Therefore must
match the opening of new Ideal Orgs, u. a. are expected in Munich.

Since 1980 there in Munich a "Celebrity Center", which is intended for

celebrities and artists. The "Celebrity Centers" are to gain political leaders from
the business, media people, artists and other celebrities for Scientology in order
to use them for propaganda purposes.

3.1 Financing of the Scientology organization

The SO is financed in particular by the introduction of fee-based courses and

distribution of course materials. Whoever joins the SO must tread a precisely
prescribed training path to rule on Scientology over- scaling, the "Operating
Thetan" (OT) to be. From ERS th to the last course to be expected at a cost of
several hundred thousand euros. In addition, the increasing pressure depends
on the members to make donations. Depending finanziel- ler performance of
the individual the level of the single donation varies between a few hundred to
several hundred thousand euro. The donations pressure is increased by the
fact that the members of the SO are susceptible to blackmail: some of the
courses is the so-called auditing, a psycho-technique, when supporters of the
SO all the information required to reveal to the most intimate details of their
lives. This makes it available to the SO transparent people and ultimately be
compromised. Currently, the SO attempt to acquire the necessary financial
resources for the creation of an Ideal Org in Munich, and therefore called on the
members to additional donations.

Scientology Organization Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

3.2 Under organizations ScientologyOrganisation

The "World Institute of Scientology Enterprises" (WISE) is a franchise similar

association of companies that are bound by license agreements to the SO and
work according to their methods. WISE has to infiltrate the economy and the
goal of making a profit by selling SO management techniques in companies.
WISE company can be found in all industries. Especially business and
personnel consulting, coaching offers and the real estate industry are the focus
of the organization.

The SO has management academies and their own workshops for business
with seminars on topics such as motivation, efficiency, organization,
communication and management of Statistics.

Use the "Associaton for Better Living and Education" (ABLE), the SO tries to
present itself as a social organization. ABLE to include u. a. the supposed aid
organization for drug addicts "Narconon", the campaign "Say No to Drugs - Say
YES to life" and the training program "Applied Scholastics" which is
senenbildung active in the field of children and adults.

The "Commission for violations of psychiatry against human rights e. V.

"(CCHR) defamed with the standard and tendentious criticism medical
psychiatry and to know claims for himself, to turn tens true way to cure mental
illness. The KVPM initiative "Youth for Human Rights" is to inspire young
people to the themes of the SO and counteract members pay declining co. That
the KVPM tion a Teilorganisa- the SO is not disclosed at their events. Visitors
and potential buyers are deceived specifically about actual targeting and
ideological orientation.

Within the strictly hierarchical structure of the SO, there are numerous service
monitoring equipment and its own secret, the "Office of Special Affairs" (OSA).

These are to collect information on critics, government members and other opponents, evaluate and
use as leverage. The OSA unit for Germany ( "Department of Special Affairs - DSA"), although
structurally at the "Scientology intelligence OSA

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Scientology Organization

Church Germany e. "Settled, but in autumn 2012 at the headquarters of the"

Church of Scientology v Bayern e. Moved V. ". Hubbard saw in the OSA mainly
the goal:

... to bring authorities and ... mental models or companies in a state of complete
compliance with the objectives of the SO. ... This is done by high-level ability to
Steue tion and - if it is not given - by being moved below ability to overwhelm.

(Hubbard statement dated 15 August 1960)

In general, SO facilities occur predominantly openly and not try to conceal its
connection to the SO. In addition, the SO but operated organizations also
secondary and camouflage that can recognize at first glance are not related to
the SO, but with which messages to un- terschiedlichen social and political
issues are to be transported. The SO is active in several topics with front

These fields are usually characterized by two aspects of: There is a relatively
broad consensus in society, in which the SO classifies such. As the fight
against drug abuse. The SO is trying in this way to get to people who need help
are in a life crisis and are more suggestible, z. As drug addicts, the mentally ill,
criminals or students with poor school performance. Tutoring services offer
partly obscured, but also partly of-fen according to Scientology rules running
courses for children and adults. Children are thus introduced early subtly and
playfully in Scientology thinking.

In Bavaria "Learning Academy" in Munich-Milbertshofen and the work "tutoring

Scientology tutoring and Language School in Zirndorf" with the SO-Technology "Applied
Scholastics". On the websites of both institutions is mentioned as the author of
the learning method of Scien- tology founder L. Ron Hubbard indeed, but it is
claimed that "Applied Scholastics" neither part of a Sciento- logy Church is still
financial ties with such converse. This interested parties are deliberately misled.
"Applied Scholastics" is a trademark whose rights belong to the "Religi- ous
Technology Center" of the Scientology organization. Thus, "Applied
Scholastics" not part of a Church of Scientology, but very much part of the
Scientology organization.

Scientology Organization Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

thus the SO makes conscious use of front organizations to reach even those
who initially are opposed to the SO. The aim of the SO is, by establishing
permanent contacts with people who can be integrated at a later date in the SO
itself and the associated costly rate system.

Front organizations of the Scientology organization

logo designation

World Institute of Scientology

Enterprises (WISE)

Citizens Commission on Human

Rights e. V. (CCHR)

Association for Better Living and

Education (ABLE)

Youth for Human Rights e. V.

Applied Scholastics

Say NO to Drugs - Say YES to life e. V.

The Way to Happiness


Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Scientology Organization

3.3. Means of contact

The SO institutions try to in various ways a first contact.

- Events and information booths in the inner cities

- Response to the road with an offer to make a personality lichkeitstest

- Sending of advertising material

- Benefits for companies to management techniques and courses on
personality change
- Offers on the market tutoring
- Contact record on social networks like Facebook and YouTube

Scientology in social With state put up profiles on social networks and video clips on YouTube to try
media the SO and their camouflage organizations to reach especially young people.
The SO addressed to the typical for this age group concerns and problems.
They benefited particularly divided by young co, who grew up in SO-dominated
parental homes. These young people for whom the SO is a natural part of their
lives, provide a picture of the SO, which has a young, modern and thus
zielgruppenaffin and is suitable; on the other re young people reindeer to
interessie- at least for the organization. Young people are in their world feel
picked and win the feeling that the SO understand their problems better than
others. The ultimate goal is,

but the organization also holds to the classic methods of contact.

She makes use of socially relevant, current topics men. Thus, the Scientology
Church tried Bayern e. V. within the framework of an "open day" to take
advantage of what is happening in Chemnitz in August for themselves. After a
homicide, which was allegedly committed by an applicant, it came in Chemnitz
to attacks by right-wing extremists. The SO sug- gerierte, including fears of
foreign infiltration and racism a solu- to offer sungsmodell.

Scientology Organization Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018


In the past several senior beziehungswei- se prominent SO members for

different reasons have left the SO. In addition, several international publication
published cations former Scientologists about their experiences in the SO.
Dropouts who actively consult the public against the SO are defamed
"antisocial" to her as "oppressive" or "insane" people and must persecution with
supply, expected threat and blackmail. The SO also does not stop at the family
and the personal environ- ment of those affected support. All dropouts and
those affected STE hen nationwide numerous institutions and private initiatives
available that offer a first seeking advice pedagogical-psycho- cal advice,
support and crisis assistance.

Further information on the SO, a glossary for scien- tologischen language as

well as the addresses of counseling centers can be found on the website of the
Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Bavarian
State Ministry of the Interior, Sports and Integration.

confidential phone

Victims and outs of the SO and to relatives of SO members, the Bavarian

State Office for the Protection of the Constitution maintains a confidential
telephone; there hints SO can be given: Phone: 089/31201 296

For more information and advice: Bavarian Ministry

of the interior

brochure The Scientology System

The Scientology
The brochure is currently being revised and 2019 seem new ER. questions and answers

protection Economic,
Cyber ​Alliance Center (CAZ)
Spionageabwehr, Wirtschaftsschutz, CAZ

Technical means win as Instrument of spying important

Attacks against information infrastructures accept Number

and complexity

Increased incidence of APT campaigns and

Attacks on network infrastructure in 2018
Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Intelligence services of many countries have the task of

developing auszuforschen politics, economy, science and military
of other countries. Your goal is either to use the knowledge itself
or to have the opportunity to place to sabotie- other states. Here
are German interests also spied world, both in Germany. And
electronic attacks on communications from government entities
belong to the general repertoire of foreign intelligence services.

Political and military espionage is schafts- to the foreign,

European and alliance policy and the economic and energy
policy of Germany tet ausgerich-. How intense a state operates
business and science espionage, depends on its own economic
situation. WE economically developed countries niger spy
primarily products and manufacturing processes and want to get
the lowest possible cost to benötig- tes expertise. Economically
highly developed countries that themselves have high
technology, want to go to strategic formations home, the better to
make their own economy in global competition beyond.

Industrial espionage causes in Germany

annual losses in the billions and put jobs at risk. Just Bavarian
firms and higher education institutions are because of their
innovative power chen in virtually all industries and research
areas in the field of view of foreign intelligence services.
Particularly at risk are small and medium-sized companies
developing cutting-edge technology or produce, as this often is
not exclusively protect ranging from espionage attacks.

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ

To gain access to information, including loading authorities,

universities and business enterprises are increasingly attacked
electronically. Such handles can purchase a variety of authors
and objectives have. It is essential, therefore, preventive defense
mechanisms in the political and military as well as animals to be
implemented business and science that develop regardless of
the origin of the arrival grip protection.

Therefore, the Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the

Constitution provides companies with targeted prevention offers
for counterintelligence in the context of its economic activity
protection ready. Has focussed on the defense is also electronic
attacks, the rum since July 2013 from cyber alliance cen- Bayern
(CAZ) is perceived.

In addition to espionage activities, some countries seek to gain

possession of technologies for nuclear, biological or chemical
weapons of mass destruction with the required delivery systems

Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018


Foreign intelligence services work regularly camouflaged in Germany. The

starting point for their espionage activities are often called. Legal residencies,
the representative offices of foreign states are well organized inside Germany legal residencies
(economy or Consulate General for. Instance Embassy) or semi-official (z. B.
Press Agency) in the official. There foreign intelligence services disguise their
employees who raise various methods information itself or support intelligence
operations from their home countries. The tasks of the foreign rule intelligence
personnel also involves evaluating the Internet and attend events to establish
contacts with numerous interlocutors. can onageaktivitäten subject of Spi- z. B.

Procurement methods of foreign intelligence services

open procurement conspiratorial procurement

- Analysis of open sources - Use of human sources

- Talk levies - Use of technical means
- Participation in the economy - Circumventing restrictions on exports

Espionage against Germany is led still throughput with both human sources as
well as with technical means. Both are done optionally open or konspirativ.

The camouflage as a journalist, economic or commercial attaché offers many

ways to gen of information on gelan- such. As at trade shows or conferences.
Suction. "Illegal" intelligence nationals who are long used in the target country
are equipped with a false identity. The unmasking of these "illegal" by the
counter-intelligence is only possible with a large operating expense. A possible
diplomatic status protects intelligence service members at unmasking from
prosecution, leaving only the expulsion to.

A special focus of intelligence activities are targets of parties, political

institutions, government agencies, companies and research institutions. The Targets of espionage
most unsuspecting people are often through clever conversation

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ

Victims of espionage activities. Quite often disguised intelligence service

members can already obtain sensitive information in this way.

Social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn to play a major role meantime for
Anwerbeversuche foreign intelligence services. These can be initiated directly
from the respective countries and controlled. Alleged knowledge entists,
recruitment agencies or headhunters to socialize evidenced in its personal
profile interesting people.

then takes place, for example, an attractive job offer with subsequent invitation
to the country, affected the risk of intelligence initiation are exposed. Even
members of diplomatic missions, Behördenvertre- ter, company employees or
students with residence abroad or are traveling can be for Zielper- son of
foreign intelligence services. Home advantage offers a wide range of
monitoring and control capabilities to target persons Toggle award at a suitable
opportunity. So compromising situations will include creating bought or used as
leverage. It is also intended as a solicitation to ostensibly friendly basis.

Espionage activities carried out in further increasing extent by technical means.

The interception of domestic communications can thereby take place knot
abroad also about servers or Internet.

Also this legal residencies can be used. Remote register reconnaissance

measures against German interests are performed by diplomatic missions in its
vicinity. Particularly affected are talks with mobile phones, WLAN or Bluetooth
connections, laptops or tablets here.

The targets can be diverse, ranging from sabotage critical infrastructure spying,
Targets of copying or modification of data, the acquisition of a foreign electronic identity
espionage and the misuse or sabotage of foreign IT structures to the acquisition of
production and control means. Attacks done, for example from the outside
through computer networks or manipulated hardware such as USB sticks.

Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Also in Germany are particularly politics, administration and business in the

spotlight intelligence-controlled Cy beran handles. Here are the areas of foreign
and security policy, finance, and military and armaments for attackers of great
interest. It must be held a strategic approach that increases regularly on special
occasions. Senior decision makers and their immediate staff to be tempted, for
example, in advance of summits by cleverly overall staltete emails to open the
provided with a malware attachment and thus cause an infection of the
systems. The attacker hopes so early spy out the planned strategic approach to
the summit,

Cyber ​attacks also in the fields of business and research from the perspective
of foreign intelligence services, a Fit a suitable espionage agents. Individual
intelligence services verfü- gen on a legal basis and thus to strengthen the
government contract, its own economy with intelligence means. The thus
caused in Germany macro- economic losses are significant: It is estimated that
the illegal outflow of intellectual property leads to a loss of several billion euros.
In particular, companies in the industry defense, aerospace, the automo- and
research institutes are involved.

Are cyber attacks known to the anonymity of the Internet makes it difficult to
identify and prosecute offenders. but can be repeatedly won important clues
about the origin and cause of these attacks by fo- rensische analyzes. For
information on what one intelligence back- ground the constitutional protection
authorities are responsible.

01.01 Russian Federation

Task of Russian intelligence services is in addition to the political and the

economic interests of Russia rule accelerate worldwide. The Russian economy
has benefited to a great extent from the fact that all Russian intelligence
services are required by law to conduct economic espionage. Soot country
uses mainly three intelligence services. The total number of employees of all
Russian intelligence services moves is estimated at an average six figures.

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ

Civilian foreign news service (SWR)

The SWR is responsible for espionage in the fields of politics, economy,
science and technology. He also conducts research of objectives and working
methods of Western intelligence services and security agencies and to also
makes use of electronic communications intelligence. To obtain information of
the SWR is called. Illegal one, that intelligence officers who are smuggled using
false identities in the long term in the target country and there participate
unobtrusively as possible in social life.

Domestic news service (FSB)

Main tasks of the FSB, the civil and military espionage are defensive. For this,
the FSB has extensive powers. Also, foreign nationals may be advised to the
attention of the FSB and systematically monitored when they use in soot
country Internet or telephone. The FSB has access to the traffic that is handled
by Russian providers and access to databases Russian telephone companies.

Military foreign intelligence (GRU)

The GRU has the task to investigate the entire security policy and military
spectrum. For this he spied Federal from deswehr, NATO and other Western
defense structures as well as militarily useful technologies.

1.2 People's Republic of China

The "Communist Party" (CCP) continues to stabilize their claim to power

targeting the extensive security apparatus one. The intelligence services should
contribute to maintain social stability while promoting economic interests.

For the procurement of advanced technology from the West China relies on
large-scale espionage in the fields of economy, science and technology.
Chinese intelligence services try the high-tech location Bavaria corresponding
know-how, especially in the fields of renewable energies, to procure electric
mobility, environmental technology, information and military technology. For this
they never use in the first Li- contacts with representatives of government
agencies and companies or scientists to gain access to sensitive information.

Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Besides intelligence service employees at legal residencies China continues to

gather information living in Germany Chinese one staying here as engineers,
visiting researchers, trainees or students. For the recruitment and levies China
uses the contacts of visa applicants to consulates or embassies and their stay
in the county of origin Hei, for example, to family visits. Outside the German
business in China will be monitored closely, especially in the use of telephone
and Internet. Here entrained electronic media be spied overtly or covertly. By
analyzing the electronic media intelligence services gain knowledge, which they
can use as leverage to move western business travelers to cooperate.

Chinese intelligence services develop espionage activities not only of

diplomatic facilities, or through traveling intelligence officers who carry out
meetings with their agents in Germany or in neighboring countries. Speeches
and Anwerbeversuchen are a German citizen to a greater extent in China itself
exposed. About the dangers of the business flyer explains "overall business Anwerbeversuche
trips abroad" of the Bavarian State Office for constitutional protection on. and Bavarian State Office for State

scientific institutions or so-called think-tanks are used as a cover for concealing


our range your contact business trips

the occasional message service union background of the speech. Intelligence
• gnawing awareness of management and employees to

Wirtschaftsspio- and know-how protection

Team business protection

Lichen Anwerbeversuchen see themselves both employees of Bavarian

For questions and messages to economic protection and -spionage:

Phone: 089 31201-500 E-mail:

• Lectures in the company on all aspects of economic


high-tech start gieunternehmen as well as employees of international

• Education about specific risks and protective measures in

Auslandsrei- sen
Confidentiality in business

Phone: 089 31201-234 E-mail:

Einrichtun- gen suspended. The emergence of China as a confident player in
• Individual consultation in the design and optimization of your

measures Kow-how protection Cyber ​Allianz Zentrum Bayern

international politics goes hand in hand with inten- sivierten educational efforts
For questions and messages to electronic attacks: Phone:

• Building a long-term security partnership 089 31201-222 E-mail:

towards inter- and supranational organizations in China locally.

• Assistance with suspicion or security incidents


Further information and publications:


free Publisher: Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution
Security risk for
Knorrstr. 139, 80937 München

Layout: Bavarian State Office for State Protection

Print: Data Druck GmbH, 89278 Nersingen

Photo credits Cover: © Vision AD_Fotolia_86745046_X

Was standing: August 2015

Recruitment tests can be for more than two years on social networks like Recruitment attempts in
Facebook, LinkedIn and Xing DETERMI- len. Affected more than 10,000 social media
German heads of state are here to date with nationals from the perspective of
Chinese intelligence services interesting activities such. As in the fields of
foreign and security policy. Using fake profiles the Chi- forensic intelligence
disguised as an employee of "think tanks", as scientists or members of Chinese
authorities. Sometimes they also act as headhunters or manager of a
consulting firm. In the communication they pretend to

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ

an interest in the particular field of work, and show Inter- eat in the exchange of
information. The other message-official initiation is then guided transit when
traveling to China. Ahead of a cleverly designed invitation that appears
harmless, but very attractive done. Locally, the contact is gradually recognized
as intelligence.

If such cases are known in Bavaria, made by the constitutional protection

authorities as part of their prevention work sensitization talks, z. As in the fields
of economy and state administration.

Fishing expeditions of Another focus of Chinese intelligence services is the strong fight against
opposition opposition forces of de- the government avoid any hazard to the state order
feared. The internal unity of the state and its territorial integrity provides for the
governance, in particular by the so-called. Threatened "five poisons". These
members of the meditation movement "Falun Gong" and members of the demo
include kratiebewegung. Even the proponents of statehood of Taiwan and the
striving for independence Volksgrup- groups of Tibetans and Uyghur be
counted for this purpose. In Munich, the most important organization of the
Uyghur abroad is established with the "World Uyghur Congress" (WUC).
Currently, up to one million Uyghur detained in Chinese re-education camps
and according to press reports.

Ministry of State Security (MSS)

The Chinese MSS service the world's largest civilian intelligence with both
defensive and active espionage activities in Germany and abroad. In matters of
national security, the MSS plays a central role. It is responsible for combating
threats to public order and equipped in this area of ​law enforcement. In
Germany loading it strives to sustainably information from the fields of politics
and economics and peeking out of opposition Chinese groups.

Ministry of Public Security (MoES)

The MoES is responsible for ensuring public safety and order and can for this
purpose rely on the regulatory and criminal investigation. Furthermore, the
MoES has

Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

intelligence special forces with a similar range of tasks such as the MSS. It collects
information on population groups from the perspective of the "Chinese Communist Party"
(CCP) are classified as subversive and abroad. Moreover, controlled and censors the
MOEs the media and the Internet traffic.

Military intelligence (MID)

The Chinese intelligence services support China's long-tig-scale program to strengthen
military capabilities, the People's Liberation Army. The MID is the Joint Staff Department
of Intelligence Bureau of the Central micro litärkommission subordinated and operates
worldwide offensive. He sent military attaches and liaise with off foreign forces. The MID
is for the procurement of infor- mation in charge, the fen external security of China
betref-. These include structure, strength and equipment of foreign forces. But espionage
targets are also politics, science and technology of other countries. The fight regimekriti-
shear efforts inside and outside China consulted in the context of the general commission
of the CCP to the tasks of the service.

610 office
The so-called. Office 610 is subordinate to the Central Committee of the CCP and is
active in Germany and abroad. Main task is to track and monitor the dissident meditation
movement "Falun Gong". Although the service is a party organ, his state administrative,
judicial and police authorities to work.

1.3 Other Intelligence Activities

The "National Intelligence Organization" (MIT) plays in the Turkish security architecture a
central role. It is equipped with Exekutivbe- making powers. Its powers have been
expanded considerably in recent years. In addition, a staff of around 1,500 employees
mehrung done full-time members to about 6,000 to 7,000. Also, the subordinate
relationship has been reorganized. The previously dents the Turkish prime minister
associated service is now directly responsible to the President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The office of prime minister was abolished in the wake of the constitutional referendum in
the door kei 2,017 dents. The MIT thus acts past a control by Parliament or other

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ

In Germany is the spying and tracking of exile political activities which are
punishable under Turkish law, the focus of the espionage activities. Since the
failed coup attempt and the "Gülen" movement is the MIT in besonde- ren

Islamic Republic of Iran

The Ministry of Intelligence of the Islamic Republic of Iran (MOIS) That the
head of the intelligence service with ministerial rank belongs as a civilian
domestic and foreign intelligence service, the most important news service of
Iran and is a key instrument of political leadership to secure the claim to power.
Iran's Cabinet , highlight the crucial importance of the MOIS.

are known in addition to the MOIS and the Revolutionary Guards Intelligence
Organization (RGIO), the Auslandsaufklärungs- and domestic defense ministry
of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and the Security and
Intelligence Organization of the Army. A special unit of the IGRC form the Quds
Brigades, responsible for military operations abroad.

Germany continues to stand in the focus of the message service union

education activities. This includes information from the foreign and security
policy as well as business and scientific communities. Another focus is the
monitoring and control of opposition groups at home and abroad.


Espionage in Germany causes damage every year billions of euros, costs jobs
and valuable know-how advantage. Company this risk and the negative effects
associated are often not in detail consciously. Prevention and Awareness can
fen have the remedy here. As part of the counter-intelligence, it is therefore
particularly important to the Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the
Constitution, to inform Bavarian companies and universities to raise awareness
and advise. It offers on the topics of proliferation, economic and scientific
espionage cost-free information and services - of confidential talks in
companies and universities to lectures on the occasion of specialized
information events. Based on these prevention activities are the construction
and maintenance of a

Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

confidential security partnership, the transmitter exchanges allow sitive

information between companies and universities and the Bavarian State Office
for the Protection of the Constitution in crisis senfall.

Regarding the scam "CEO-Fraud" (also known as "Chief fraud" or "fake Decrease in CEO-fraud
president") affected and interested companies were so-good advice or attacks domestically
assistance in economic protection. Currently, it seems as if successfully carried increase in attacks abroad
out attacks in the country decrease, while companies increasingly find the
same attacks on parts of companies, branches or business partners abroad.
The BayLfV is due to its confidential integrated security partnership with the
company as a point of contact for issues available, which is not immediately
apparent whether it is intelligence or criminal activity. If a situation is identified
as critical Minelle activity, please refer to the competence of the law
enforcement agencies.

Since 2010 the "Initiative economic protection" of the Bavarian Ministry of the
Interior, for sports and integration with the Bavarian State Ministry of Economy,
state development and energy. As part of the joint commitment ments under
the theme "Economic protection Wirtschaftsförde- is rung" were also in 2018
conducted several information sessions on the topics of economic protection
and electronic attacks. At the largest European IT Sicherheitsmes- se it-sa in
Nuremberg, the Bavarian State Office for Constitutional was sungsschutz with
its departments economic protection and cyber Allianz Zentrum Bayern (CAZ)
skriminalamt together with the landing and the State Office for Security in
Informa - tion technology as represented in previous years with a joint stand.

The information portal is also operated by the

Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution in the context of this
initiative. The visitor enters there is a virtual company in which he offered the
entire consulting, contacts and publications and links on the subject of
know-how protection and find electronic attacks. The information portal has
been converted to HTML5 and now offers technical adjustments optical and

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ

Improvements content. It is aimed in particular to co workers, security or IT

managers and executives of Bavarian companies and is equally suitable for
in-house sensitization.

Companies that have in connection with orders of the Federal or a Land of

handling classified information (classified information) are subject to the
so-called. "Security Services". This ensures the uniform protection of classified
Document Security information in commercial enterprises. Contact for all companies handling that
have their headquarters in Bavaria, the Bavarian State Office for the Protection
of the Constitution. The aim of the confidentiality service is to recognize not
only intelligence attacks and zuwehren off, but preventive tively counteract
them through targeted measures. Contacts with companies handling are a
valuable network for preventive counterintelligence. In several cases, it has
already succeeded by information security protection supervised companies
electronic attack patterns to detect. This also affected companies were
informed early on others may.


Digital networking society is steadily increasing. Just the number of networked

devices and thus the poten- len engagement surfaces increased according to
market research firm Gartner in 2017 by 31% to around 8.4 billion Electronic
attacks on foreign intelligence services thus more attractive: They are relatively
easy and inexpensive to realisie - reindeer, are subject to low risk of detection
and have a high probability of success.

Electronic attacks are targeted measures with and against IT infrastructures to

gather information (cyber espionage) or injury (cyber sabotage). You can take
place both over the Internet and through manipulated media. attacked the
buying is often a so-called. "social engineering", for example, through social
networks, advance. Here, potential victims are pried. Are suitable persons
selected supports are the se specifically targeted to functions or sensitive
information in this way to get directly into the corporate network.

Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

The CAZ in the Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution Cyber Allianz Zentrum Bayern hotline: 089
31201-222 Mail: www.

since its inception in July 2013 as a trustworthy and competent partner for
our range
Electronic attack

Zentrum Bayern!

companies, operators of critical infrastructure, (CIP) as well as scientific and

• Raising awareness of management and employees

• Individual lectures and discussions in the company or in college

• education about risks and protective measures

research institutions in the prevention and awareness of electronic attacks with

• presentations at fachspezi fi c information events

• Assistance in case of damage or suspicion

• Building a long-term security partnership

espionage or sabotage background established. By building a relationship of neutral


trust with numerous companies and institutions ( "Sicherheitspart- nership") free Published by Bayer. State Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Knorrstr. 139, 80937 München
Photos: Cover © mind scanner - Fotolia.com_57398129_X, page 1 © Balint Radu - Fotolia.com_59611864_XV, Page 2 © BayLfV, page 4 © Minerva Studio -
Fotolia.com_56924288_X, page 5 © psdesign1 - Fotolia.com_67193192_X

could be achieved in that report more and more elimination Affected cyber
incidents voluntarily to the CAZ and seek advice there preventively or to follow
up on incidents.

The CAZ is divided into three pillars:

- forensic technical analysis

- intelligence assessment
- Communication and networking.

are of the economy reported incidents in which it points Anhalts- for a targeted
attack, are first evaluated from forensic point of view. The same applies to
targeted attacks on government agencies that are analyzed. The technical
results of the analyzes to continue to flow in the second column of the CAZ, in
which there is an intelligence review.

To attacks from nachrichtendienstlichem background the CAZ advises together

with the concerned business enterprises in confidence about how to proceed.
The results are collected in the CAZ and processed internally. In addition to the
those affected companies also get others potentially affected by a similar attack
Companies, Information ons anonymously to the identified attack patterns. This
protection mechanisms can be optimized and attacks are effectively blocked.
These warnings are increasingly in demand by both Bavarian companies and
increasingly by companies outside Bavaria.

While the 2017 nen by numerous ransomware cam- as NotPetya and

WannaCry was marked, recorded the CAZ 2018, an increase of APT attacks
(Advanced Threat, persisting tent, German: prominent persistent threat).

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ

increase of The special feature of APT is ality addition to the high professionalism and the
Advanced Persistent wide range of tools and methods of attack in the fact that such attacks over a
Threat- (APT) attacks longer period, sometimes for years persist. The goal is to be able to move
undetected possible lichst long in the sacrificial system, peeking order to
exclude sensitive information over the entire period or to do harm. APT groups
usually act on behalf and / or with the assistance of states and their intelligence
services with the aim to steal data, sabotage operations or to attack and
destroy infrastructure.

One of the most famous APT campaigns, the beginning Any artwork least to
Attacks from Russia, 2004 goes back and continues today, is known as "Fancy Bear" (or APT28)
China and Iran titled surgery. This is also
attributed to, among other things, the attack on the internal network of the
Bundestag in May, 2015. Presumably APT28 is controlled by state Rus-
specific locations. For this particular speaks the previous victim selection or
behind it intelligence interest and a number of other technical features and

The CAZ could also, be increased attacks on network infrastructures,

particularly from Russia observation during the year 2018th The selection of
victims leads to the assumption that especially the energy sector currently is in
the interest of the attackers.

The quality of the attacks has increased significantly. Straight from the People's
Republic of China are currently not so much, but all the more determined more
targeted attacks. Thus beispiels- not more attacked the victims directly, but
their service provider. These attacks are not noticeable for the real victims
because the traffic to the service provider continues to function supposedly
easily. The attackers kön- nen so much longer and operate with higher damage

Attacks Iran that are processed at CAZ since 2014 under the name "oilrig /
Cleaver" and who in 2017 led to the initiation of an investigation of the attorney
general, also continue to increase and are directed NE ben the economy in the
first place against the scientific and research.

Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Foreign intelligence services and groups shall serve in their contract up, adjust
their instruments and methods again and again to current technical and social
developments of. Increasingly, they use tools and a Angriffsme- methods that
are known from cybercrime, and groove-zen this to conceal intelligence

Partner of the CAZ

To fulfill its tasks, the CAZ works closely with weite- ren facilities. At the federal
level, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BFV) and the
Federal Office for Si reliability in information technology are (BSI) key partners.
The CAZ heard since its inception as "institution in the special public interest"
(INSI) the "National Alliance for Cyber-Security", making it part of the German
security architecture.

At the country level, the CAZ is an important component of "Ini tiative Cyber
​Security", which was launched in 2013 as part of the Bavarian Cyber ​Security
Strategy. Other institutional pillars of the "cyber security initiative" are the
subject area cybersecurity at the Bavarian Staatsministeri- to the Interior,
Sports and Integration and the Department 54

- Cybercrime in the Bavarian state police.

The CAZ liaises with the cybercrime center of gravity Commission departments
Munich and Nuremberg. In addition, an exchange with the newly established for
December 1, 2017 the State Office for Security in Information Technology (LSI)
takes place, which is responsible for the protection of state information systems
and consultation to municipalities, public companies in the critical infrastructure
sector and citizens.

A long-standing cooperation connects the CAZ with the Chambers of

Commerce (IHK) as well as the economic and security organizations. Even in
the higher education and research there are a variety of security-related

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ

In 2018 newly launched brochure "Bavaria on the net - but secure" by the
Bavarian Ministry of the Interior, Sports and Integration For interested
individuals and corporate men an overview of risks in cyberspace, information
on measures to protect themselves and the responsibilities and accessibility of
the most important official contact in Bavaria.

Economic protection and cyber Allianz Zentrum Bayern Bavarian State

Office for State Protection Knorrstraße 139, 80937 München

E-mail: Telephone:
089/31201 222

E-mail: Telephone:
089/31201 500

Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018


Proliferation is the illicit proliferation of nuclear, biological and chemical

weapons of mass destruction or the products used to make them, as well as
corresponding weapon delivery systems, including the requisite know-how.
tung weapons the production of mass destruction and their proliferation poses a
serious threat is of world peace and international security. It is to be feared that
proliferation-sensitive mass destruction nichtungswaffen States to use in case
of armed conflict or threaten their use for political goals.

Suction. Risk countries such as Iran, North Korea, Syria and Pakistan are trying
to supplement their conventional weaponry by the production of weapons of
mass destruction. To the necessary know-how and corresponding components
fen to be procured, these states seek business contacts with company men in
the high-technology countries such as Germany to manufacture.

The strict legislation and the effective Exportkontrol- len in Germany put the
procurement of relevant goods high hurdles. therefore risk state changes its
procurement methods continuously to avoid any export control procedures and
to deceive German companies and Wissenschaftseinrich- obligations. For this
purpose they set up in Germany often camouflage company, ship the products
via uncritical third countries or make false statements to the manufacturer or
DEALER HAS. They minimize the risk that illegal export is covered listed, and
avoid the imposition of an export ban.

Between the international community and Iran negotiations on Iran's nuclear

program on 14 July 2015 with the adoption of the "Joint Comprehen- sive Plan
of Action" (JCPoA) were completed. Iran agreed in significant restrictions and
controls its nucleic arprogramms to. In return, it was agreed to lift the sanctions
imposed for the nuclear program gradually aufzu-. The Federal Office for the
Protection of the Constitution and the Bavarian-specific State Office for State
Protection continue to observe whether Iran complies with the closed in July
2015 agreement consistently and sustainably.

In the field of missile technology / missile program, which is not covered by the
provisions of JCPoA, proliferation-sensitive procurement efforts are still

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ

Cooperation of the secret with the economy

Bavaria is a leading high-tech location worldwide. The procurement efforts of

target group the proliferation States aimed in particular SMEs and university activities. To
medium business and prevent proliferation, the Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the
science Constitution, therefore, works closely with industry and academia. It provides
information in lectures and sensor sibilisierungsgesprächen proliferation
businesses at risk of the dangers of a possible transfer of critical technologies
and supports with individual measures in suspected cases. This allows different
procurement have already been eliminated fung efforts.

The end of 2017, the Higher Regional Court in Munich (OLG) has an Austrian
Conviction for violating and a German national WE gen commercial contravention of the Foreign Trade
the Foreign Trade Law Law (AWG) and others sentenced to prison terms of one year and ten months
and one year and seven months. The prison sentences were suspended. The
inputs draw of Taterträge of around 1.8 million euro was arranged by the OLG.

Ahead of the subject offenses, the Bavarian State Office for the Protection of
the Constitution sensitized to - judged comparable later - Managing Director
and Sales Director of a resident of Bavaria company extensively on possible
violations of the AWG and their criminality. Regardless of those persecuted th
both leaders their efforts to export an electron beam welding machine (ESSM)
in Iran. The Customs Office has ensured the machine and initiated negotiations
communicate more ER. There were extensive efforts to conceal the actual
buyers in Iran, among others was faked, that the end user is a company in
Malaysia. The ESSM in question is suitable for the production of launch

The processing performed by the Bavarian State Office for State Protection
measure awareness has helped in the results significantly influenced the
condemnation of the two leaders.

Counterintelligence, economic protection, CAZ Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

The Constitutional Protection registered always cases where risk states are
trying to abuse an international cooperation in the field of science and research
in order to gain proliferation-relevant know-how. DA at are mainly universities,
colleges, scientific che institutes, research companies and research
departments and training areas of industry focus. The constitutional protection authorities of federal and state


To raise awareness of the issue of proliferation that provide constitutional

protection authorities of federal and state governments in the brochure
"proliferation - we have responsibility" available, which is primarily aimed at We have a
companies that produce proliferation-related products. responsibility
proliferation 1

Organisierte Kriminalität (OK) Organized crime (OC)

Membership in OMCGs show in Bavaria

slight decline

Rocker Similar grouping "Ottomans Germania BC" nationwide

banned - in Bavaria only one
Chapter in Swabia affected

Arrest of a Mafia family in Bavaria

in connection with a series of attacks in Naples Extradition to
Organized crime Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Organized crime (OC) occurs when planned commit serious

offenses sev- eral people to make a profit or to gain power. For
this they turn to violence, use overall schäftsähnliche structures
or try to manipulate police policy, administration, judiciary, media
or business (see. Art. 4 para. 2 Bavarian constitutional protection
act). By OK damage to billions caused in Germany alone for

Mastermind of the OK threaten the foundations of unse- rer

society by want to put the power of a criminological tional
organization by force, money and mas sive influence. In Bavaria,
the constitutional protection for the observation of OK is
responsible to educate their activities at an earlier stage than is
possible by police and prosecutors since 1994th This an
important gap in the fight against OK was closed.

People who belong to the OK or move to de-ren environment,

keep a low profile and conspiratorial. Therefore, the elucidation of
these structures requires a systematic and long-term
observation. To already possible "insider knowledge" in the run of
crime to the ultimate get, intelligence agents can be used if
necessary. Structural investigations provide a basis for political
zeiliche process and can support current gen Ermittlun-.

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Organized crime

The Bavarian State Office for State Protection works closely with
the OK departments of the police together switched on and
cooperates away due to the internationally networked OK
structures with security agencies across national or state
borders. Within a working group of the European domestic
demand directed services Bavaria has the Koordinierungsfunk-
tion for Germany and is a central point of contact for foreign
intelligence services.

Organized crime Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018


Rocker crime includes all crimes of single or multiple members of a rocker

group whose Tatmotiva is tion directly related to the membership of this group
and solidarity to see to her.

1.1 General

The "Motorcycle Outlaw Gang" by the American law enforcement agencies turn
out name (OMCG) are world implications of the broad mass of the motorcycle "Outlaw Motorcycle
club (MC) borders off, although they pursue even criminal activities in individual gangs" (OMCG) and
cases of application the police significant Rockergruppie- can but does not rocker similar groupings
understand as the main motivation of its existence. In addition to the operation
in various fields of OK common motorcycle exits still represent an important
part of club life in OMCGs is this training rides -. So-called "Rides" - leading
some across national boundaries and thus also serve the international network
of clubs.

the "Hells Angels MC", "Bandi- dos MC", "Outlaws MC", "body MC", "Mongols
Motorcycle Club" and the "Rock Machine MC" currently assigned to the
OMCGs Germany. In Bavaria also the "Trust MC" occurs.

In recent years nationwide crowded groupings such as the "United Tribune"

and the "Ottoman Germania BC" in the fields of activity of the established
clubs. They resemble the classic rockers groupings in their martial appearance,
the strict hierarchy and the insular group behavior.

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Organized crime

Motorcycles playing for rocker similar groupings usually no or only a minor role.
Striking is the large fluctuations in membership are paid on WAIVED groups.
Individual groups are growing rapidly, but lose their members sometimes very
quickly. members of the unstable potential co is a key differentiator of the
established clubs.

The OMCGs refer to themselves as "one-percenters". This refers to bikers
(motorcyclists), which describes itself as "out-laws" (Lawless) see and reject
the existing legal system. Also in Bavaria commit members of this OMCGs
perverletzung typical OK crimes such as drug trafficking, threat or pERSonal.

Under the "Color" the borne by the respective groupings back badge is
understood that breaks down into three parts. About the Club logo, which is
mounted centrally, aeration there is the "top-rocker", the name of the grouping.
The "bottom rocker", the place or the region where the group can be found, is
located at the bottom.

"Chapter / Charter"
The respective local groups are referred to by OMCGs and rockerähn- union
groupings usually called "Chapter", only the "Hells Angels" speak of "charter".

Currently, about 1,500 people are attributed in Bavaria the police to be

Persons potential regarded as relevant rock scene (2017: 1,600). Compared to previous years, is
decline slightly currently detect a slight downward trend in Bavaria. Furthermore, in ro- cker
similar groups, a high proportion of young Män- partners is recorded with a
migration background from the Freefight-, Boxsport- and bodybuilding scene.

Organized crime Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

1.2 Bayerische OMCGs

Hells Angels MC
In Bavaria, there are nine "Hells Angels" -Charter. In addition to three charters
in Greater Munich has offices in Hof, Nuremberg, Traunstein, in space
Chiemsee in Niederbay- s and since 2018 in Lindau.

As supporters groupings (so-called. "Supporter") of the "Hells Angels MC" are

active in Bavaria, the "Red Devils MC", the "Blood Red Section MC" and in
space Lindau grouping "back-yard Bloods".

Charter of the "Red Devils MC" currently exist in Ansbach, Munich and
Traunstein. The charter Lindau of the "Red Devils MC" broke up in February,
his place was the grouping of "Backyard Bloods".

The "Hells Angels MC Hof City" can still on the sup- port of nine charter of
"Blood Red Section MC" fall back, of which seven rings in Greater yard, one in
Thue and one in Saxony. In a case currently before the Bavarian Administrative
Court in Munich action, several members of the "Blood Red Section MC" turn brought an action against

against the mention of which in this Annual Report 2016. A decision in the case Verfassungsschutzbericht

is still pending. 2016

Bandidos MC
The "Bandidos" have in Bavaria on Chapter in Allersberg, Bad Königshofen,
Bamberg, Arch, Deggendorf, Ingolstadt, Munich, Nuremberg, Passau Starnberg
and Wörth. d. Do- nau. The latter emerged in 2018 from a spin-off from Chapter
bow. All chapters have their own Suppor- ter-groupings. The Chapter
Allersberg and Nuremberg advertising supported by the "Zapata MC". The
"Mexican Rebels" are active in Starnberg and pastures. All other chapters are
supported by the "Gringos MC". Meanwhile Chapter located in Bad
Königshofen, Bamberg, Arch, Munich, Oberpfaffenhofen and Starnberg.

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Organized crime

MC Board
In Bavaria, there are ten chapters of "body MC" with diver- sen supporter
groups. Chapter consist u. a. in ammonium mountain, Ansbach, Munich,
Nuremberg, Regensburg, Schweinfurt, Straubing and Würzburg. The section of
Germany "body MC" was founded in 1972 in Mannheim and is currently 80
chapters nation's oldest and largest OMCG. Also the world's "body MC" one of
the largest OMCGs. Often the term "Black Seven" and the number 7 are used
for the "body MC" because the word "committee" made up of seven letters and
is the "G" is the seventh letter of the alphabet.

1.3 Bayerische rocker similar groupings

United tribune
In Bavaria, there are currently five chapters of "United tribune" in the regions of
Augsburg, Ingolstadt, Landsberg a. Lech, Nuremberg and Ulm / Neu-Ulm. The
Chapter Landsberg was newly founded in Au- gust. The Chapter in Munich and
Rosenheim were dissolved. The resolution of the Chapters Munich is out
disputes with the "Hells Angels MC Munich Area" back, which reclaims sole for
the Munich area Gebietsansprü- che. A takeover bid by Supporter grouping of
"Red Devils MC Munich Area" was not perceived by the "United Tribune".
Start-up and dissolution However, there were occasional overflows from "United-Tribune" members of
of chapters various chapters to the "Hells Angels MC Munich Area".

The end of 2017 led internal disputes of the "United tribune" in a serious
personal injury offense in the Nuremberg area. As part of the investigation,
there was of arrests of individual members in Italy and Austria during the year.

In a case against the leadership of the "United tri- buns" -Chapters Ingolstadt
stuffs for trade in narcotics, anabolic agents and unlawful possession of
weapons were punished imprisonment, partly on probation imposed. As a result
of this process, the President of Ulm Chapters was arrested in April. The
process for drug trafficking, loading trugs and counterfeiting began in October
before Landge- report Ellwangen. The jury is still out.

Organized crime Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

The founder of the "United Tribune", an ex-boxer leads that group-pe of his
native Bosnia from. The members are to be found both in the milieu security
and doorman area and in the red light.

Ottomans Germania
The Interior Minister has banned organizations on July 10, the rocker style
grouping "Ottomans Germania BC" including their partial and prohibited from
any activity. The ban is based on § 3, paragraph 1 of the Associations Act,
since the purpose and activities of the association "Ottomans Germania BC"
violate criminal laws. From the club a serious threat to individual legal interests
and the general went out. The association has not sued within the statutory
period for bringing proceedings against the restraining order. The ban is Prohibition of the Ottomans

therefore legally binding. Germania BC

At the time of the ban on "Germania Ottomans BC" in the Federal Territory had
16 chapters, divided between the federal states Baden- Wuerttemberg,
Bavaria, Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate. In Bavaria the chapter "Ottomans
Germania BC Nomads" was affected by the closure cases exclusively. It had at
that time more than 13 known by name members who were residing mainly in
space Gunzburg and in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

1.4 Impact of Kutna ban

As a "cowl" means the vest in the scene on which the respective identification
of the group are located. With effect from 16 March 2017 amending the
Vereinsge- Act came into force, the fung also affect the Bekämp- rocker crime
has. , The change means in practice that nationwide the badges of
Rockergruppierun- gen already no longer allowed to be shown in public, when
a local area group (so-called. Chapter or charter) this group was banned after
the law on associations. In these cases, the use of symbols in issue in the
materiality of the same shape in public is now punishable.

Any public use of this characteristic How-derzuerkennenden badge banned

Rocker groups is punishable. "Any use" includes the use of individual prohibited
badge on the front and / or back of the cowl, but also for example on T-shirts or
in the form

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Organized crime

adhesives of tattoos as well as in any method of attachment on up,

motorcycles, consumer goods, grave stones, websites or clubhouses. The size
of the figure is irrelevant.

After the "body MC" filed on February 26, also Regional Deve- representative of
the "Hells Angels MC" and "Bandidos MC" constitutional complaint with the
brought an action Federal Constitutional Court of Karlsruhe one against the amendment of the
against the cowl ban Law on Associations, which prohibits them from their club badge publicly to
before the Federal wear. Pending a decision by the Rockergruppierun- affected try to keep as far
Constitutional Court as possible the ban gen. Only occasionally there were complaints by the police
in Bavaria.

After the members of the "Bandidos MC", members of the "Hells Angels MC"
identifiers are 2,018 regionally in Bavaria with a "spare habit" and new
occurred. The co-members of the "Bandidos MC" show since July 2017 with
the capital letter "BMC" in red and gold on the back. In Munich, members of the
Charters' Hells Angels MC Munich Area "with the red lettering" HAMC Munich
Area "made their appearance.

1.5 threat situation Bund / Bayern

High-profile disputes between the classical OMCGs were in the past,

predominantly in the context of power itself raised or instructions
bietsansprüche and internal disputes take place. DA also weapons and other
dangerous items at were used.

In general, the situation in the Federal Republic is currently rather quiet. einge-
of the Federal Constitutional Court against the backdrop filed a constitutional
complaint against the amendment of the Law on Associations, they behave
tactically motivated more reticent.

Violent clashes in the Nevertheless, it comes to regional violence. Such a violent confrontation took
federal territory place on April 24 in Cologne using firearms between members of the "Hells
arrival gels MC" and "Bandidos MC". Two members of the "Bandidos MC" -
including the "president" of the Chapters Cologne - were causing serious, but
not life-threatening injuries. In Bavaria, there were no similar incidents 2018th

Organized crime Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Following a violent confrontation in May 2016 in the courtyard of the "President" Criminal convictions of

of the "Hells arrival gels MC Hof City" was sentenced by the district court Hof President of the Hells Angels

because of dangerous bodily harm to a prison sentence of two years on parole MC Hof City and against

on 28 February. He also has to pay 6,000 euros to a charitable organization. members of the Hells Angels

The defendant conceded at the hearing, to have beaten a member of the rival MC Munich Area

"body MC" with a baton. Another member of the "Hells Angels MC" received a
suspended sentence of seven months for aiding and abetting the dangerous
bodily harm. Against other members of the "Hells Angels MC" the case against
monetary conditions has been set.

On June 12, the "Hells Angels MC Munich Area" was prepared by the Munich
District Court a membership sentenced to a prison term of six years for
attempted manslaughter. Against two other members of this group were issued
prison sentences of one year and six months and one year for grievous bodily
harm. The judgments are final. The defendants were found guilty of having
attacked on 12 February 2017 injured in a Tabledan- ce restaurant in Munich
Schillerstraße after initially verba- len disputes physically. The Geschädig- te
suffered injuries from punches and kicks. One attacker also inflicted several
stab wounds and cuts to an arm and abdomen him with a knife carried.

1.6 phenomenon Horizontal aspects

1.6.1 connections of rockers in the right-wing extremist scene

The Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution continues to
pursue possible links between rockers and right-wing extremists. An
established for this purpose in May 2012 working group, the function, located at
the interface between the specialist departments Organized crime and
right-wing extremism, presented so far not establish structured cooperation and
ideological rapprochement between the two scenes in Bavaria. But
notwithstanding consist selectively overlaps personnel exceeded between the
rocker and the environment rechtsextre- extremist scene dating back mostly to
business interests or personal relationships.

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Organized crime

Mostly, these are persons who take leading positions switched or are active in
right-wing extremist mail-in right-wing extremist parties and groups.

Sascha Roßmüller is a member of the "Bandidos MC sheet" while in December

NPD regional chairman in Bavaria. In addition, another NPD functionary from
Lower Bavaria in addition to his party affiliation also a member of the "Gringos
MC soil gen", a supporter of the club "Bandidos MC".

Also were found in Bavaria with several people within the rock scene tattoos
that have clearly right-wing covers.

1.6.2 Rocker and weapons permits

to identify individuals from the rock scene and right-wing extremists who
operate security company or work in this area, is another important goal of the
Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution existing working
group on the interface between the Fachbe- rich OK and right. In close
cooperation with the police and other security agencies by the legal weapons
ownership of such companies or their employees are counteracted.

During the audit of the weapons legal reliability of a so-called. "Prospects," a

candidate on a permanent membership at the "Hells Angels MC" in Nuremberg,
was issued by the City of Fuerth as competent Waffenbehörde in August a
revocation notice for all weapons law permits. In addition to the delivery of
weapons possession card and the "small gun license" the person concerned
was asked saturated a calculation to leave All registered firearms and related
ammunition, or to make this so useless that they should be classified not as
subject to authorization, and to prove this , Against the revocation decision
before has ben recreational, has not yet reached a final decision on.

Organized crime Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018



In the CIS, a large number ethnically embossed kriminel- ler groups has been
established. They have international networks and commit crimes especially in
the areas ality Eigentumskrimi-, drug and arms trafficking, smuggling, extortion
and money laundering Schutzgeld-.

Of particular importance within this criminal groupings is the world up to 1000

"thieves in law" to which have enforced as leaders of the OK scene of the CIS.
The term "thief in law" dates back to the 1920s, when genes prevailed in Soviet
prisons and Latin like, the so-called. Gulags, the leader of the criminal
Strafgefan- against the leader of the political prisoners and so gained the upper
hand. These criminal leader nann- now ten "thief in law" and presented with the
"thieves laws' own code of conduct on. This provides that conflicts with your
own authority - if necessary by force - be regulated and there is no cooperation
with the police and judiciary.

In Bavaria could in recent years stays of "thieves in law" are detected.

One of these "thieves in law", which has repeatedly been in Bavaria, traveled to Thief sentenced in the law in

the US to pursue his kriminel- len activities there. In June 2017 he was arrested the United States to 45 years

in the US together with 33 other members of a criminal syndicate Rus- rule. in prison

The Federal District Court dis- TRICTS of New York sentenced in November to
a 45-year-olds gen imprisonment as well as a compensation payment of more
than 2.5 million US dollars.

In March, another thief in law, who stayed in the room Neu-Ulm up, could be
deported because foreigners law infringe- SSE to his native Moldova. In
addition, there for about a year, a ban on entry into the Schengen area.

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Organized crime


In Bavaria, several criminal networks from Southeast Europe and Turkey are
active. These are usually ethnically homogenous in their structures, that is,
people of other nationalities are not included in the rule. The members of the
networks often have the same birth or a common military training.

Albania has evolved in recent years to the largest marijuana supplier in Europe.
Already the Communist era as an export commodity (drugs) was planted
reasonable in Albania hemp. The resulting after the collapse of the communist
regime vacuum have used criminal groups to open up new sources of profit.
The Albanian criminological tional networks have control over cultivation and
trafficking of cannabis grown in the country firmly in her hand. You have now
established throughout Europe.

Türkische Gruppierungen sind vor allem im Rauschgiftschmug- gel und -handel

mit Kokain und Cannabis aktiv. Darüber hinaus konnten folgende Delikte
festgestellt werden: Eigentums- und Fälschungskriminalität, Steuer- und
Zolldelikte, Glücksspielde- likte und Wettmanipulationen sowie Kriminalität im
Zusammen- hang mit illegalen Inkasso-Eintreibungen. Besonders wichtig für die
kriminelle Szene sind die Verbindungen in die jeweiligen Heimatländer.
Strukturermittlungen des Bayerischen Landesam- tes für Verfassungsschutz
ergaben, dass die Drahtzieher oft im Ausland sitzen und von dort aus ihre
kriminellen Aktivitäten in Deutschland steuern. Die erzielten Gewinne
investieren sie oft in Immobilien und Unternehmen außerhalb von Deutschland.
Den Kauf wickeln sie über Strohmänner – meist Verwandte – ab.

Organisierte Kriminalität Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018


Die vier einflussreichsten kriminellen Gruppierungen in Italien sind

– „’Ndrangheta“ in Kalabrien
– „Camorra“ in Kampanien
– „Cosa Nostra“ auf Sizilien
– „Sacra Corona Unita“ in Apulien.

Diese Mafiasyndikate sind zwar nach wie vor verbunden mit ih- ren jeweiligen
süditalienischen Herkunftsregionen, operieren bei ihren kriminellen Aktivitäten
jedoch international. So sind auch in Deutschland und Bayern immer wieder
Besuche von Autoritäten aus Italien festzustellen, die den Aufbau der Clans und
den rei- bungslosen Ablauf in Deutschland kontrollieren. Der geschätzte
Jahresumsatz der vier Syndikate beläuft sich auf rund 140 Milli- arden Euro.

Im Rahmen der globalen Ausbreitung sind viele Familienclans seit etlichen

Jahren in Deutschland sesshaft. In Bayern können derzeit mehr als 130
Personen den vier großen italienischen Ma- fia-Syndikaten zugeordnet werden.

Die „’Ndrangheta“ hat ihren Ursprung in der Region Kalabrien. Dieses Syndikat
ist hierarchisch gegliedert, und seine Mitglieder sind oftmals blutsverwandt. Ihre
strengen Regeln und ihr Treue- schwur lassen wenig Raum für Kronzeugen,
die gegen die Or- ganisation aussagen. Die Betätigungsfelder der
„’Ndrangheta“ liegen im Drogen- und Waffenhandel, der Geldwäsche, in der
Schutzgelderpressung und in der Müllentsorgung. Die „’Ndrangheta“ ist
weltweit aktiv.

Dies belegt auch die von den italienischen Strafverfolgungsbe- hörden über
mehrere Jahre hinweg durchgeführte „Operation Aemilia“. Im Januar 2015
führten diese Ermittlungen in Italien und anderen europäischen Ländern zur
Festnahme von 160 Per- sonen, die Mitglieder des der „’Ndrangheta“
zugehörigen Gran- de Aracri Clans sind. Ihnen wird u. a. Organisierte
Kriminalität nach Art der Mafia, Geldwäsche, Drogenhandel, Erpressung und
Infiltration der öffentlichen Verwaltung vorgeworfen. Während der Ermittlungen
wurden auch Bezüge nach Bayern bekannt.

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Organisierte Kriminalität

Eine in Augsburg ansässige Person wurde festgenommen. Mitt- lerweile werden

in Italien acht Anschlussverfahren geführt, die auch die Verhaftung des
Clanchefs Nicolino Grande-Aracri und dessen Brüdern zur Folge hatten.

Im Dezember fanden im Rahmen eines internationalen polizeili- chen

Großeinsatzes in mehreren europäischen Ländern Festnah- men und
Durchsuchungsmaßnahmen gegen mutmaßliche An- gehörige der „’Ndrangheta“
statt. Dabei wurden auch in Bayern mehrere Objekte durchsucht.

Mit dem Begriff „Camorra“ bezeichnet man die italienischen kri- minellen
Organisationen in der Region Kampanien, in der Provinz und der Stadt Neapel.
Diese Region ist seit Jahrzehnten in zwölf Zonen eingeteilt, die von mehreren
Clans beherrscht werden. Ihre Deliktsbereiche erstrecken sich unter anderem
auf Drogen- und Waffenhandel ebenso wie auf Schutzgelderpressung, Pros-
titution, Zigarettenschmuggel und illegale Müllentsorgung. Die kriminellen
Aktivitäten der „Camorra“ in Bayern liegen haupt- sächlich in den
Deliktsbereichen Rauschgiftkriminalität, Geldfäl- schung und
Eigentumskriminalität, darüber hinaus im betrügeri- schen Verkauf von
verschiedenen Plagiaten.

In Bayern konnte ein in Italien mit Haftbefehl gesuchter Clanan- gehöriger der
Camorra identifiziert werden, der in Verbindung mit einer Anschlagsserie im
Frühjahr/Sommer 2017 in Neapel gebracht wird. Die Person wurde im Mai von
der Polizei festge- nommen und nach Italien überführt.

Cosa Nostra
Die „Cosa Nostra“ ist eine kriminelle Organisation mit straff hier archischem
Aufbau, ausgelegt auf die Gesamtkontrolle ih- res Territoriums und gezielte
Einflussnahme auf wirtschaftliche und politische Aktivitäten. Dies erreicht sie
unter anderem durch Schutzgelderpressung und Durchdringung des staatlichen
und ökonomischen Systems. Bestehend aus mehreren Mitgliedsfa- milien, folgt
sie strikten Regeln und Statuten. Sie operiert von Sizilien aus.

Sacra Corona Unita

Vor den 80er-Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts gab es keine Organi- sierte
Kriminalität nach der Art der Mafia in Apulien. Durch die aus den
Nachbarregionen ausgeübten Einflüsse der anderen drei Syndikate kam es zu
starken Veränderungen und letztlich zur Gründung einer Organisationsstruktur
nach dem klassischen

Organisierte Kriminalität Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Muster einer mafiösen kriminellen Vereinigung: die „Sacra Co- rona Unita“
(„Heilige Vereinte Krone“). Sie wird auch gerne als „Vierte Mafia“ bezeichnet.
Ihre Deliktsbereiche sind der Waf- fen-, Rauschgift- und Menschenhandel
sowie Prostitution und Zigarettenschmuggel.

Bayern wird durch die apulische OK hauptsächlich als Rückzugs- raum genutzt.
In Bayern liegen die legalen Geschäftszweige der italienischen Mafia vorrangig in
der Gastronomie. Zu den illega- len Betätigungsfeldern zählen Rauschgifthandel,
Geldwäsche, Erpressung und Zinswucher.

Im Blickpunkt Im Blickpunkt

Für Extremisten sind der Auftritt in sozialen Medien und der

Einsatz unterschiedlicher digitaler Kom- munikationsformate
fester Bestandteil ihrer Propa- ganda- und
Beeinflussungsstrategien. Angesichts der niedrigschwelligen
Verfügbarkeit und enormen Reichweitenpotenziale digitaler
Medien verfügen Extremisten heute damit über zuvor nicht
geahnte Möglichkeiten zur Streuung ihrer Agitation und zur
Rekrutierung neuer Anhängerschaften. Sie ver- suchen auch,
sich die Funktionslogik sozialer Me- dien zunutze zu machen,
beispielsweise die Ent- stehung sog. „Echokammern“. In
abgeschotteten Diskursstrukturen teilen und bestätigen hier poli-
tisch Gleichgesinnte die eigene Meinung, die sich dadurch immer
weiter verfestigt. So können Mei- nungen und Debatten in
einzelnen „Diskursblasen“ durch systematische Verbreitung von
Hetzbeiträgen und Falschmeldungen angeheizt werden.

Diese extremistisch beeinflussten digitalen Teilöf- fentlichkeiten

können schließlich Ausgangspunkt für sehr unterschiedliche
Radikalisierungsverläufe und Extremistenprofile sein: von
organisationsunabhän- gigen Einzelpersonen, die straf- und
verfassungs- schutzrelevante Inhalte aktiv im Internet verbreiten,
über Personen, die ohne vorangegangenen real- weltlichen
Kontakt zu einer extremistischen Szene quasi ad hoc schwere
Straftaten begehen, bis hin zu Kleingruppen mit terroristischer

Im Blickpunkt Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Extremistische Akteure sind daher bestrebt, gesell- schaftliche

Diskurs-, Informations- und Meinungs- bildungsprozesse zu
stören, zu manipulieren und für ihre Zwecke zu missbrauchen.
Ihre Beeinflus- sungsstrategien sind in Bezug auf technologische
Rahmenbedingungen anpassungsfähig. Extremis- ten sind
ununterbrochen auf der Suche nach alter- nativen Formaten und
Trends, die es ihnen er- möglichen, neue Zielgruppen zu
erschließen und Restriktionsmaßnahmen von Plattformbetreibern
und staatlichen Stellen zu umgehen.

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Im Blickpunkt

Rechtsextremisten nutzen das Netz und seine Möglichkeiten zur „virtuellen

Erweiterung“ ihres herkömmlichen Ansprache- und Propagandarepertoires. Sie
pflegen Onlineauftritte, um neue Mit- glieder und Anhänger zu werben, sie
mobilisieren online für Ak- tionen und Kundgebungen, sie verbreiten in Form von
Postings und Kommentaren ihre verfassungsfeindlichen Botschaften und Parolen
in sozialen Netzwerken und sie nutzen Messenger- und Chatdienste mit
möglichst hohen Verschlüsselungs- und Anony- misierungsstandards zur
szeneinternen und überregionalen Ver- netzung und Verständigung.

Während rechtsextremistische Strategien im Netz einerseits auf die

Beeinflussung von Teilen der Gesellschaft abzielen, existie- ren andererseits
auch extremistische Strategieansätze, die un- mittelbar den
gesamtgesellschaftlichen Diskurs und den ihm zugrundeliegenden
freiheitlich-demokratischen Wertekanon als Ganzes im Visier haben. Bei
diesem Ansatz handelt es sich um eine weitaus subtilere und gleichzeitig
weitreichendere Vorge- hensweise. Im Vordergrund steht hierbei die Maxime,
gesell- schaftlich zustimmungsfähige rechtsextremistische Sprach- und
Ideenkonstrukte zu produzieren und zu verbreiten.

Ziel rechtsextremistischer Öffentlichkeitsstrategien ist es vor al- lem,

Verschiebungen im gesellschaftlich akzeptierten Sagbaren hervorzurufen.
Gerade gesellschaftliche Debatten um Einwande- rungs- und Flüchtlingsthemen
eignen sich aufgrund ihrer emoti- onalen Aufladung besonders, rassistische
Deutungsmuster und extremistische Narrative wie „Umvolkung“ oder „Volkstod“
in den gesamtgesellschaftlichen Diskurs einzuspeisen. Im Rahmen von
Begriffsumdeutungen und -besetzungen, sprachlichen Ver- schleierungstaktiken
oder Verschiebungen sog. Sagbarkeitsfel- der soll das bürgerliche
Begriffsrepertoire mit extremistischem Sprach- und Gedankengut infiltriert

Zentral ist zudem das Bemühen um eine Erosion der Abgrenzung und klaren
Unterscheidbarkeit zwischen demokratischen und rechtsextremistischen
Positionen, um letzteren mehr Akzeptanz in gesellschaftlichen Debatten zu
verschaffen. Rechtsextremis- ten sind hierbei auch bestrebt, die
demokratischen Aushand- lungsprozesse und rechtsstaatlichen Verfahren, die
hinter der Identifizierung und ggf. staatlichen Sanktionierung rechtsextre-
mistischer Inhalte und Sachverhalte stehen, insgesamt in Frage zu stellen und
deren gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz zu schwächen.

Im Blickpunkt Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Rechtsextremistische Akteure, die mit ihren Onlinekampagnen auf die

gesellschaftliche Mitte abzielen, versuchen, ihre verfas- sungsfeindlichen Inhalte
und Botschaften meist im Rahmen von seriös anmutenden Formaten zu
verschleiern. Dabei passen sie die Aufmachung ihrer Formate – von hip und
jugendaffin bis hin zu intellektuell oder gar journalistisch anmutend – an die
jeweili- gen Zielgruppen und Adressatenkreise an.

Ein Beispiel dafür ist die „Identitäre Bewegung Deutschland“ (IBD): Sie
versucht, ihre auf ethnisch, völkisch-abstammungs- mäßigen Kriterien
fußenden einwanderungskritischen und islamfeindlichen Positionen unter
Anwendung einer politisch möglichst unverfänglichen Sprache zu vermitteln. Ihr
Ziel ist es, herkömmliche negative Assoziationen und gesellschaftliche
Abwehrreflexe gegenüber rechtsextremistischen Ideen und Parolen zu
überwinden. Durch neue, vermeintlich elaboriertere Begriffs- und
Theoriekonstrukte sollen diskursive Hintertüren ge- öffnet und
Sagbarkeitsfelder erweitert werden. Statt dumpfen Parolen wie „Ausländer
raus“ fordern die IBD-Aktivisten daher „Remigration“ und „klare
Umkehrungsmaßnahmen der Migrati- onsströme“, statt „Deutschland den
Deutschen“ zu skandieren, skizzieren sie das Ideal einer Staats- und
Gesellschaftsordnung unter der Prämisse der ethnischen und kulturellen
Homogenität, statt des neonazistisch konnotierten Konzepts der „Umvolkung“
beschwören sie die Gefahren des „Großen Austauschs“. Vor- würfen, sie
würden Rassismus, völkisches und antidemokrati- sches Gedankengut
predigen, widersprechen sie scharf und entgegnen diesen, indem sie ihre
Ideologie und Kampagnen mit euphemistischen Formeln wie
„Ethnopluralismus“ oder dem Kampf für eine „echte, direkte Demokratie“
etikettieren. Die vi- suelle Gestaltung der jeweiligen Social-Media-Formate der
IBD spricht dafür, dass ihre Kommunikationsstrategie besonders auf junge
Menschen (vornehmlich mit hohem Bildungsniveau) aus- gerichtet ist.

Rechtsextremisten wollen erreichen, dass Themen, die Anknüp- fungspunkte für

ihre extremistische Propaganda sowie gesell- schaftliches
Polarisierungspotenzial bieten (z. B. Migration, Aus- länderkriminalität, Islam), die
öffentliche Agenda bestimmen. So produzieren sie Beiträge zu einschlägigen
Themen, bringen die- se in sozialen Netzwerken unter Verwendung
verschiedener Me- dienformate wie #Hashtags und Memes in Umlauf und
erhöhen deren Sichtbarkeit durch koordinierte Verfahren (Mobilisierung von
Trollen, Einsatz automatisierter Reichweiteprogramme etc.),

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Im Blickpunkt

was die Reichweite von bestimmten Themen und diesbezügli- che

Meinungsbilder simulieren soll. Dabei werden die eigenen Botschaften in den
politischen Informationskreislauf eingespeist und sich dessen
Multiplikatoreneffekte zunutze gemacht.

Im Islamismus können hauptsächlich zwei Spielarten von Dis- kursstrategien

identifiziert werden: Während Salafisten ver- mehrt darauf abzielen, sich
konsequent gegenüber den Werten der demokratischen Gesellschaft
abzugrenzen, verfolgen lega- listische Islamisten und deren Organisationen die
Strategie der zivilgesellschaftlichen Einflussnahme und Täuschung, um ihre
extremistischen Ziele durchzusetzen.

Legalistische Islamisten präsentieren sich im öffentlichen Dis- kurs als

vermeintlich weltoffene und gemäßigte Religionsver- treter mit
zivilgesellschaftlichen Anliegen. Sie umschreiben ihr Handeln und Wirken nach
außen hin mit demokratisch an- schlussfähigen und unverfänglichen Werten
und Begrifflichkei- ten, um gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz zu erreichen. Zum einen
wollen sie sich so Zugang zum öffentlichen Diskurs verschaffen, um im
Rahmen gesellschaftlicher Debatten und Entscheidungs- prozesse ihre
Positionen und Botschaften platzieren zu können. Zum anderen soll sich die
damit einhergehende öffentliche Auf- wertung und Anerkennung in letzter
Konsequenz auch auf die staatliche und rechtliche Bewertung ihrer Aktivitäten

Im Zentrum der Strategie steht die Bezugnahme auf Werte wie Religionsfreiheit
oder Menschenrechte, die jeweils als Bestand- teile eines weitaus größeren
Ethikkatalogs präsentiert werden. Dass es sich hierbei in der Regel um reine
Schutzbezeichnungen und –behauptungen handelt, wird oftmals erst deutlich,
wenn man sich mit den Inhalten und Botschaften beschäftigt, die vor allem
innerhalb der jeweiligen Gruppierungen und Bewegungen kommuniziert
werden. Hierbei wird erkennbar, dass die jewei- ligen Gruppen und Akteure
eine strikt islamistische Agenda verfolgen und eine Ideologie propagieren, die
universellen Wer- ten wie der Gleichheit aller Menschen oder dem Gedanken
der Völkerverständigung grundsätzlich widerspricht und als Ziel die Gründung
und Förderung von islamistischen Gesellschafts- und Staatsordnungen verfolgt.

Ein Beispiel für öffentliche Täuschungsstrategien legalis-

tischer Islamisten ist die Umbenennung der „Islamischen Ge- meinschaft in
Deutschland“ (IGD) in „Deutsche Muslimische Gemeinschaft“ (DMG) Ende
2018. Die IGD gilt als wichtigste und zentrale Organisation von Anhängern der

Im Blickpunkt Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

„Muslimbruderschaft“ (MB) in Deutschland. Einer Presseveröf- fentlichung

zufolge soll die Umbenennung in DMG Ausdruck der Verbundenheit mit der
deutschen Gesellschaft und deren Wer- ten sein, eine inhaltliche Veränderung
gehe damit nicht einher. Aus diesem Grund muss davon ausgegangen werden,
dass die DMG weiterhin darauf abzielt, ihren politisch-ideologischen Ein-
flussbereich in Europa und Deutschland auszuweiten und lang- fristig einen
islamistischen Staat zu errichten.

Politische Salafisten versuchen, eine angeblich gesellschaftlich weit verbreitete

Islamfeindlichkeit zu suggerieren, wodurch bei Muslimen – gerade denjenigen,
die Diskriminierung erfahren haben – letztlich der Eindruck erweckt wird, dass
die deutsche Gesellschaft den Islam als Ganzes ablehnen würde. Unter Be-
zugnahme auf diese vermeintliche Ächtung des Islam durch staatliche
Instanzen oder auf ein vermeintlich islamfeindliches gesellschaftliches Klima
kann jegliche (kritische) Diskussion über religiöse Aspekte grundsätzlich
abgelehnt werden. Was bei den Muslimen bleiben soll, ist das subjektive
Gefühl von Ohnmacht gegenüber einer vermeintlich „islamfeindlichen“
Öffentlichkeit. Ausgrenzungs- und Diskriminierungserfahrungen fungieren als
Anschlussmoment für die salafistische Propaganda und sollen zur Stärkung
des Bilds einer muslimischen Schicksalsgemein- schaft führen. Die
vermeintliche Lösung der Salafisten: Die unbedingte Loyalität gegenüber dem
salafistisch ausgelegten Islam und die Lossagung von allem, was dem Weltbild
der Sala- fisten widerspricht.

Als Beispiel für diese durchaus emotionale Diskursstrategie kann der

Twittersturm #NichtOhneMeinKopftuch im April genannt werden, der als
Reaktion auf ein mögliches Kopftuchverbot an Schulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen
für Mädchen unter 14 Jahren ins Leben gerufen wurde. Organisator der Aktion
war die sala- fistisch beeinflusste Gruppierung „Generation Islam“. Mit der
harmlos wirkenden, emotionalisierenden Twitter-Aktion konnten auch solche
Muslime angesprochen und mobilisiert werden, die zwar nicht der salafistischen
Szene angehören, sich aufgrund er- fahrener Ausgrenzung aber dennoch mit
der Thematik identifizie- ren können. Die vermeintliche Ablehnung des
Kopftuchs sollte das Vertrauen in die demokratische Gesellschaft zerstören und
die Abgrenzung von derselben fördern – was bei konsequenter Fortführung
einen Weg in die salafistische Radikalisierung bilden kann. Wie anschlussfähig
die Aktion war, wurde daran ersicht- lich, dass der Hashtag
#NichtOhneMeinKopftuch zeitweise Platz drei auf der tagesbezogenen
Trendliste von Twitter in Deutsch- land belegte.

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Im Blickpunkt

Jihadistische Salafisten adressieren die gesamte Gesellschaft. Sie zielen darauf

ab, durch Anschläge und Anschlagsdrohungen ein Gefühl der Angst zu
verbreiten und islamfeindliche Haltungen in der Öffentlichkeit zu erzeugen bzw.
zu verstärken, um so wie- derum größeren Zulauf von Sympathisanten und
Anhängern zu erhalten. So werden die Attentäter in der explizit für eine junge
Zielgruppe aufbereiteten IS-Propaganda als „Märtyrer“ glorifi- ziert und die Taten
als notwendiges Mittel im Kampf gegen die „ungläubige“ Gesellschaft legitimiert.
Jihadistische Terrororga- nisationen wie der „Islamische Staat“ (IS) bekennen
sich regel- mäßig zu den Anschlägen, auch wenn die Sicherheitsbehörden eine
Anhängerschaft des Selbstmordattentäters nicht immer zweifelsfrei nachweisen
können. So verstärkt der IS seine globa- le Bedeutungs- und Wirkmacht und
erreicht damit sein Ziel, sich als vermeintlich übermächtigen Gegner
darzustellen und Angst in der Gesellschaft zu verbreiten.

Der Linksextremismus postuliert teils per se weithin anschluss- fähige Werte und
Positionen wie Gleichheit und Freiheit, verab- solutiert diese jedoch und
interpretiert sie auf seine Weise um: Soziale Gleichheit in der Lesart der
Linksextremisten steht über den individuellen Freiheiten und beschränkt
persönliche Frei- heitsrechte wie das Recht auf Eigentum. Im Gegensatz zum
liberalen Freiheitsverständnis in der Demokratie verstehen Anar- chisten und
autonome Linksextremisten Freiheit als ein Gesell- schaftsmodell, das frei von
jeglichen Herrschaftsstrukturen ist.

Indem positiv konnotierte Begriffe wie Gleichheit und Freiheit genutzt werden
und die linksextremistische Umdeutung nicht offen zu Tage tritt, versuchen
Linksextremisten, gesellschaft- liche Anerkennung und Akzeptanz zu finden, um
ihre Organisatio- nen im Diskurs unangreifbar zu machen. Im Vordergrund steht
jedoch weiterhin das Ziel, die Beseitigung der freiheitlichen de- mokratischen
Grundordnung herbeizuführen, um dann die eige- ne Gesellschaftsordnung zu
errichten. Linksextremisten nutzen auch den breiten gesellschaftlichen Konsens
gegen den Rechts- extremismus für ihre politischen Ziele, die weit über die
Bekämp- fung des Rechtsextremismus hinausreichen. Antifaschismus im
linksextremistischen Sinn beinhaltet auch die Ablehnung der parlamentarischen
Demokratie. Ihre Aktionen dienen zum einen als verbindendes Element
innerhalb der eigenen heterogenen Szene. Zum anderen werden dadurch
Anschlussmöglichkeiten an demokratische Diskurse eröffnet. Die letztlich
antidemokra- tischen und antifreiheitlichen Ideen sollen möglichst im gesamt-
gesellschaftlichen Konsens platziert werden, um extremistische Gesellschafts-
und Zielvorstellungen umsetzen zu können.

Im Blickpunkt Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Im Bundesgebiet finden nur selten Demonstrationen unter aus- schließlicher

Beteiligung von Linksextremisten statt. Von ihnen bediente Themenfelder
haben oftmals eine hohe Anschlussfä- higkeit an das nichtextremistische
Spektrum. Bekannte Aktions- felder von Linksextremisten wie z. B.
Antifaschismus, Antiras- sismus, Antimilitarismus und Antigentrifizierung stehen
wie viele andere Themen auch gleichzeitig im Fokus demokratischer Akteure
und Initiativen. Diese werden bewusst gewählt, um die Wahrnehmung und
Wirkung in der Öffentlichkeit zu steigern. Aufgrund der gemeinsamen Themen
kommt es dadurch oftmals sowohl zu Überschneidungen bei der Mobilisierung
für Veran- staltungen als auch in der Folge zur Teilnahme von Linksextre-
misten an demokratisch organisierten Protesten und Veranstal- tungen. So
können Linksextremisten ihre Botschaften in den gesamtgesellschaftlichen
Diskurs einspeisen und nichtextremis- tische Unterstützer als Potenzial für ihre
systemüberwindenden Ziele instrumentalisieren. Das Thema Gentrifizierung
benutzen Linksextremisten beispielsweise, um legitime demokratische Proteste
gegen zum Teil rasante Mieterhöhungen auch durch den Einsatz von Militanz
zu verschärfen.

Linksextremisten suchen u. a. in sog. Mitmachkampagnen den Schulterschluss.

Ein Beispiel dafür ist die Kampagne „Nationalis- mus ist keine Alternative“
(NIKA), die 2016 im Nachgang eines bundesweiten Treffens autonomer
Gruppen in Frankfurt/Main entstanden ist. Dabei handelt es sich um eine
Initiative, bei der sich Personen unabhängig von einer
Organisationszugehörigkeit unter einem einheitlichen Identifikationsbegriff
beteiligen kön- nen. Mit Hilfe solcher Aktionsbündnisse und Kampagnen ver-
suchen Linksextremisten, tagespolitische Themen aufzugreifen, diese
perspektivisch in der linksextremistischen Szene zu ver- ankern und somit ihre
Anschlussfähigkeit an das demokratische Spektrum voranzutreiben.
Verfassungsfeindliche Inhalte werden im Rahmen von sozialkritisch
anmutenden Formaten verschleiert.

Selbst seitens des gewaltbereiten linksextremistischen Spek- trums, in dem

einzelne Szeneteile nicht nur schwere Körper- verletzungen, sondern auch den
Tod von Menschen billigend in Kauf nehmen, wird versucht, im Rahmen von
Erklärungs- und Rechtfertigungsstrategien Akzeptanz innerhalb bürgerlicher
Krei- se zu erzeugen und Mitstreiter zu werben und zu mobilisieren. Autonome
Linksextremisten verklären ihren Kampf gegen die freiheitliche demokratische
Ordnung folglich zu einem Aufbegeh- ren gegen ein angeblich übermächtiges
und unterdrückerisches kapitalistisches System, welches seinerseits angeblich
„struktu- relle“ wie physische Gewalt gegen die Bürger anwenden wür- de. Die
Autonomen bemühen hierbei u. a. auch eine Strategie

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Im Blickpunkt

der Entmenschlichung und Diffamierung des politischen Geg- ners, aber auch
von Polizisten und anderen Repräsentanten des Staates (mit
Szenebezeichnungen wie „Faschoschweine“ und „Bullen“ oder Slogans wie
„Deutsche Polizisten schützen Nazis und Faschisten!“). Ihre Agitation spricht
diesen Gruppen Menschenwürde und Menschenrechte letztlich ab. Ihre Recht-
fertigungsnarrative sollen auch bei Nichtextremisten verfangen und – wenn
nicht zu unmittelbarer Akzeptanz – so doch zu einer weniger verurteilenden
Wahrnehmung linksextremistisch moti- vierter Gewalt im öffentlichen Diskurs

Die Nutzung sozialer Medien ist für die Kampagnenarbeit au- tonomer
Linksextremisten von besonderer Bedeutung. Soziale Medien erweitern eklatant
die Möglichkeiten, sich international zu vernetzen, zu mobilisieren und Aktionen
zu koordinieren. Im Vorfeld des Bundesparteitags der AfD in Augsburg starteten
autonome Linksextremisten die Kampagne „Augsburg für Kra- walltouristen“
und veröffentlichten im Internet einen „Reisefüh- rer“, der mehrere Angriffsziele
wie Parteibüros, Polizeiwachen und Stromverteilerkästen in Augsburg auflistete
und Vorschläge für gewaltsame Aktionsformen enthielt. Zusammen mit einem
Mobilisierungsvideo, in dem u. a. zu sehen ist, wie Polizeifahr- zeuge mit
Grillanzündern in Brand gesetzt werden, wurde dieser „Reiseführer“ in den
sozialen Medien verbreitet. Die Verbreitung von Anleitungen zu teilweise
schweren Gewalttaten ist eine übli- che Vorgehensweise in der autonomen
Szene. Die Herausgeber wollen damit zu Straftaten anstacheln und so Militanz
erzeugen. Das Internet eröffnet ihnen dafür einen Resonanzraum, der deut- lich
größer und anonymer ist als das Milieu, das früher durch die Druckausgaben
autonomer Szenemagazine wie „radikal“ oder „interim“ erreichbar war.

Sog. Postautonome, die eine breitere gesellschaftliche Akzep- tanz für die
eigenen autonomen Positionen erreichen wollen, verfolgen den strategischen
Ansatz einer spektrenübergreifen- den Mobilisierung und bilden ein Scharnier
zwischen gewaltbe- reiten Linksextremisten und gemäßigten Kräften. Hier ist die
„In- terventionistische Linke“ (IL) zu nennen, die mit dem Begriff des „zivilen
Ungehorsams“ suggeriert, dass gewaltsame Aktionen gegen den Staat und
gegen staatliche Vertreter legitim und not- wendig sowie vom demokratischen
Konsens gedeckt seien. Sie rufen zwar öffentlich nicht zu Gewalt auf,
distanzieren sich aber auch nicht davon. Hinter einer vermeintlich gewaltlosen
Haltung verstecken sie ihre verfassungsfeindlichen Ziele, damit ihre Posi- tionen
von demokratischen Akteuren anerkannt werden.

Im Blickpunkt Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

In der Szene der Reichsbürger und Selbstverwalter ist zu beob- achten, dass das
Verbreiten ihrer Ideologie und der extremisti- schen Inhalte dazu dient, sich
einerseits gegenseitig zu bestärken und andererseits neue Anhänger zu
gewinnen sowie Sympathi- santen in Verschwörungstheorien zu verstricken.
Reichsbürger suchen aber auch die Auseinandersetzung mit z. B. staatlichen
Vertretern, um Verwirrung zu stiften und die Gegner aufs Glatteis zu führen.

Reichsbürger wirken vorrangig nach innen, versuchen jedoch auch, neue

Anhänger von verschwörungstheoretischen Denk- weisen zu überzeugen.
Verschwörungstheorien helfen Szene- angehörigen und Interessenten dabei,
sich in einer komplexen, globalisierten Welt mithilfe von einfachen Erklärungen
und Wahrheiten zurechtzufinden. Das bietet Personen, die sich überfordert
fühlen von der Komplexität moderner pluralistischer Gesellschaften und die aus
verschiedenen Gründen unzufrieden mit dem staatlichen Handeln sind, eine Art
Krisenbewältigungs- strategie an.

Ihre verfassungsfeindlichen und verschwörungstheoretischen Inhalte streuen die

Reichsbürger insbesondere auch in den sozia- len Medien. Dadurch besteht die
Gefahr, dass die dort erreichten Zielgruppen aufgrund der Verstärker- und
Abkoppelungseffekte von „Echokammern“ und „Filterblasen“ den Anschluss an
öf- fentliche Debatten innerhalb der Gesellschaft verlieren und sich in eine
verschwörungstheoretisch geprägte Weltwahrnehmung verrennen. Zwar eint
Reichsbürger die grundsätzliche Ablehnung des bundesdeutschen
Staatswesens, untereinander konkurrie- ren sie aber um die Konstruktion der

Anhang Anhang


Anzahl der Extremisten in Bayern









2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Islamisten* * Der Rückgang 2014/2015 ist vor allem auf die Reformbemühungen innerhalb der
Sonstige ausländische Extremisten Rechtsextremisten IGMG zurückzuführen. Für das Jahr 2013 wurden erstmals nur die offen
Linksextremisten** Scientology-Organisation ** extremistischen Strukturen der Partei „DIE LINKE“ ausgewiesen. Aufnahme der
Verfassungsschutzrelevante Islamfeinde*** Beobachtung im Jahr 2013 Aufnahme der Beobachtung im Jahr 2016 und
Reichsbürger/Selbstverwalter**** *** fortschreitende Aufhellung des Personenpotenzials

Entwicklung extremistisch motivierter Gewalttaten in Bayern








11 11

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018




Ausländische Ideologie
* Statistik zu Ausländerextremismus enthält für die Jahre 2014–2016 Straftaten von
Religiöse Ideologie religiöser Ideologie.

Anhang Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018


Adil-Düzen (gerechte Ordnung) 37 Bakunin Michail Alexandrowitsch

Advanced Persistent Threat 287-288 219, 222

Aktionsbündnis „Fluchtursachen bekämpfen“ Bandidos MC (BMC) 297, 299,

249 302, 304

Al-Intiqad (Die Kritik) 77 Bayerische Informationsstelle gegen

Al-Manar (Der Leuchtturm) 77-78 Extremismus (BIGE) 26-27,

Alperen/Alperen-Genclik 92 30, 134-135, 139, 191

AL RISALAH, Online-Magazin von AQ Bayerisches Aussteigerprogramm 27

59 Bayerisches Handlungskonzept gegen

Anarchismus 219, 222, 244 Rechtsextremismus 27

Anarchisten 243-244, 256, 316 Bayerisches Netzwerk für Prävention und

Anarcho-Syndikalismus 222 Deradikalisierung gegen Salafismus

Antiatomkraft 223 29

Antifaschismus 223-224, 235, Bayerisches

245-246, 248, 255, 316-317 SicherheitsÜberprüfungsgesetz 23

Antigentrifizierung 208, 223, 225, 317 Bayerisches

Antiglobalisierung 223, 244 Verfassungsschutzgesetz 19-20, 295

Antiimperialismus 88, 223, 253 Benefizveranstaltungen 55

Antiinstitutionalismus 244 Beobachtungsauftrag des Verfassungsschutzes

Antimilitarismus 88, 223, 227, 239, 20-21, 33, 194 BIRGiT, Arbeitsgruppe

247, 254, 317 23, 55

Antirassismus 223, 246, 249, 317 Backyard Bloods 299

Antirepression 209, 223-225 Blood Red Section MC 299

Antisemitismus 38, 111, 146, 193 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der

Applied Scholastics 269-271 Informationstechnik (BSI) 289

Artikel 10-Gesetz 24 Bürgerinitiativen, rechtsextremistisch

Atilim 91 103, 115, 117, 125, 143, 163-165, 195

Auditing 268 Bürgerwehr, rechtsextremistisch

Ausländische Nachrichtendienste 116, 118,

22, 275, 277-279, 289, 296 Büro 610 283

Ausreisebewegungen 52-54

Autonome 205-213, 215, 217-218,

223-225, 230, 234, 236, 240,

242, 243-252, 254-255, 316-318

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Anhang

Camorra 307-308 G20-Gipfel 209, 214-215, 252-253

Chapter/Charter 119, 171-172, G 10-Kommission 24

298-302 Gefangenenhilfe 36, 61-62

Colour 298 Gefährder 23, 55, 66-67

Cosa Nostra 307-308 Geheimschutz 22-23, 286

Cyberangriffe 22, 60, 279 Geheimschutzbetreuung 286

Cyberarmee 60 Gelber Schein 180

Cyber-Allianz-Zentrum Bayern 22, Geschichtsrevisionismus 106

274, 276, 285-286, 290 Global Public Register Offenders and

Rapists 184

D Graue Wölfe 92

Da’wa (Missionierung) 32, 35, 44, Gremium MC 297, 300, 302-303

48, 55-56, 61 Gringos MC 299, 304

DABIQ (Online-Magazin) 59 Gülen-Bewegung 284

Defend Europe 116, 125, 132

Deutsche Annalen 138 H

Deutsche Geschichte 138 HAMC Munich Area 302

Diebe im Gesetz 305 Harvest of the Soldiers 58-59

Diktatur des Proletariats 219, 221, Hass-Musik 229

237-238 Hells Angels MC 171, 297-300,

302-304 Hochkommissar

E für Menschen rechte

Entrismus 221 185

Europäisches Institut für Herrschaftsfreie Gesellschaft

Humanwissenschaften (EIHW) 47 205-206, 219, 222, 243, 257-258

Homegrown-Terroristen 58

F Home Da’wa 35, 55

Flüchtlinge (Islamismus) 35, 42, Hubbard, L. Ron 261, 264,

62-63, 67, 76 266-268, 270

Fränkische Aktionsfront 136, 139

FSN Shop 136 I

Fünf Gifte 282 Ideale Org-Kampagne 267

Furkan Nesli Dergisi 37, 40-41 Imperialismus 37, 220, 226, 232, 252

Initialisierende Gewalt 207

Initiative Wirtschaftsschutz 285

Inlandsnachrichtendienst FSB

(Russland) 280

Anhang Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

INSPIRE (Online-Magazin) 59 L
Interim (Szene-Zeitschrift) 207, 318 Landesamt für Sicherheit in der

Intifada 76 Informationstechnik (LSI) 285, 289

Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Landeskoordinierungsstelle Bayern gegen

IRGC (Iran) 284 Rechtsextremismus 26

Islam-Infostände 55-56 Legalresidentur 277-278, 281

Islamfeindlichkeit, Lenin, Wladimir I. 220

rechtsextremistische 110, 193 Lies! Koranverteilprojekt 35, 66

Islamfeindlichkeit, Lone Actor 59

verfassungsschutzrelevante 21, 26, 28, Low-Profile-Angriffe 64

192-193, 195, 198-199

Islamismus, legalistischer 34, 36-37 M

Islamseminare 35, 55 Mafia 307-309

Maoismus 221, 237

J Marx, Karl 219

Jihad 33, 49, 51, 54, 58, 65, 71-73 Marxismus 219-220, 246-247,


K Marxismus-Leninismus 89-90,

Kalifat (khalifa) 52, 69-71, 78-79 220-221, 233-234, 238

Kapitalismus 37, 148, 151, 169, Massenvernichtungswaffen 276, 291 Mexican

219-220, 223, 226-227, 231, 252, 254 Rebels 299

Kameradschaften 96-97, 124, Milieumanager 182-183

139, 166-170 Milli Istihbarat Teskilati MIT 283

Klassenlose Gesellschaft 219, 237, Milli Gazete 37-38

253, 255 Militärischer Auslandsnachrichtendienst

Know-how-Schutz 285 GRU (Russland) 280

Kommunismus 37, 219-220, 231, Militärischer Nachrichtendienst MID

233, 249-250, 253-254 (China) 283

Kommunistische Partei Chinas (KPCh) Ministerium für öffentliche

280, 283 Sicherheit MÖS (China) 282-283

Kommunistische Partei Ministerium für Staatssicherheit MSS

Deutschlands (KPD) 233 (China) 282

Konfrontative Gewalt 207 Ministry of Intelligence of the Islamic

Konvertiten 50, 53 Republic of Iran MOIS 284

Kulturrevolution 221 Mobivideos (Mobilisierungsvideos)

KYBERNETIQ 59 212, 228-229, 251, 318

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Anhang

Mongols MC 297 P
Muhacirun (Auswanderer) 78 Parlamentarisches

Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz 227, 239 Kontrollgremium 24

Politically Incorrect (PI-News) 196

Postautonome 243-244, 246, 252,

N 254-255, 318

Nachhilfeinstitute 270 Proliferation 276, 284, 291-293

Nachrichtendienstliche Mittel 22-23, Prospect 171, 304

262, 279, 295

Nationale Allianz für Q

CyberSicherheit 289 Quds-Brigaden 284

Nationale Streifen 117-118

Nationalismus ist keine Alternative (NIKA) R

210, 255-256, 258, 317 Rätedemokratie 221

National-Zeitung/Deutsche Recht(s)konsulent 181-182

Wochenzeitung (NZ) 137 Red Devils MC 299-300

Nationalsozialismus 95, 113-114, 128, Relevante Person 67

140, 158, 163, 167, 170, 224 Religious Technology Center (RTC)

Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund (NSU) 267, 270

102-104, 253-254, 256 RESURGENCE, Online-Magazin von AQ

’Ndrangheta 307-308 59

Neonazismus 167-168 Revolutionary Guards Intelligence

Organization RGIO (Iran) 284

O Rock Machine MC 297

Obschtschjak 305 RUMIYAH (Online-Magazin) 59

Offen extremistische

Strukturen 206, 220, 230-231 S

Office of Special Affairs (OSA) Sacra Corona Unita 307-309

269-270 Salafismus 28-30, 33-34, 47-50,

Open Source Jihad 58 61-62, 200

Operierender Thetan 268 Salafismus, jihadistischer 34-35, 49

Organisierte Kriminalität 20-21, Salafismus, politischer 34-35, 49

294-309 Scientology TV 266

OSA 269-270 Scharia 33-34, 36-37, 39, 44, 46,

Osmanen Germania BC 294, 297, 301 Outlaw 48, 74, 195, 201

Motorcycle Gang (OMCG) Schwarzer Block 207, 214-215,

297-298 225, 240

Outlaws MC 297

Anhang Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Scientology Missions International (SMI) U

267 Umwelt & Aktiv 167

Security and Intelligence Organization United Tribuns 297, 300-301

of the Army (Iran) 284

Serxwebun (Unabhängigkeit) 84 V
Sicherheitsüberprüfung 23 Verbot des Freien Netzes Süd 136,

Skinhead-Bands 130-133 139, 146-147

Skinheads 98, 100, 135, 170-172 Verfassungsfeindliche Bestrebung

Social Bots 60 20, 33, 62, 136, 139

Social engineering 286 Verfassungstreueüberprüfung 23

Souveräne Bewegung 183 Verschlusssachen 22, 286

Sozialismus 72, 107, 200, 220-221, Vertrauensleute 20, 23

233-235, 237-238 Volksgemeinschaft 95, 107, 110,

Spionageabwehr 22, 274, 276-277, 113, 140-141, 193

280, 284, 286 Vorfeldaufklärung 25

Stalinismus 220, 237

Street-Da’wa 56 W
Strukturelle Gewalt 207, 243, 317 Wahhabismus 48

Supporter 299-300, 304 Warenverkaufsstände

Syrien-Rückkehrer 52-54, 65 (Salafismus) 35

Widerständiges Bayern

T 210, 227-228, 246-249, 251

Taghrib (kulturelle Verwestlichung) 44 Takfir Wirtschaftsschutz 274, 276,

72 284-285, 290

Tarnorganisationen 95, 164, 260, World Uyghur Congress (WUC) 282

263-265, 270-272

Tauhid 48 Y
Todesfatwas 43 Yeni Özgür Politika 84, 86

Trennungsgebot 25 Yürüyüs 89

Trotzki, Leo 221

Trotzkismus 221, 231, 254 Z

Trust MC 297 Zapata MC 299

Türk Federasyon Bülteni 92 Ziviler Auslandsnachrichtendienst SWR

Turner Diaries 98 (Russland) 280

TV5 (Türkischer Fernsehsender) 38

Twitter-Bomben 60

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Anhang



In dieser Übersicht sind die im vorliegenden Verfassungsschutz- bericht

genannten Organisationen und Gruppierungen aufge- führt, bei denen die
vorliegenden tatsächlichen Anhaltspunkte in ihrer Gesamtschau zu der
Bewertung geführt haben, dass die Organisation/Gruppierung
verfassungsfeindliche Ziele ver- folgt, es sich mithin um eine
verfassungsfeindliche Organisation/ Gruppierung handelt.

Organisationen/Gruppierungen aus den Phänomenbereichen „Organisierte

Kriminalität“ und „Spionageabwehr“ wurden nicht aufgenommen. Aus dem
Bereich „Scientology“ erfolgte keine Aufnahme der internationalen

Abu Sayyaf (Philippinen) 71

al-Qaida 49, 59, 69, 71-73

al-Qaida auf der arabischen Halbinsel (AQAH) 71, 73

al-Qaida im Irak 71

Al-Rahman-Moschee (Regensburg) 57-58

al-Shabab (Somalia) 71

Al Ummah Moschee (München) 42

Ansaar International e. V. (ehemals Ansaar Düsseldorf e. V.) 55-56

As-Salam-Moschee (Schwandorf) 57

Boko Haram 64, 70

Dawa FFM 66

Die wahre Religion (DWR) 35, 56, 66

Deutsche Muslimische Gemeinschaft e. V. (DMG), vormals Islamische

Gemeinschaft in Deutschland e. V. (IGD) 45-46, 314

El-Salam-Moschee (München) 57

Ennahda 44

Free our Sisters 62

Furkan-Gemeinschaft 37, 40-41

Furkan Stiftung für Bildung und Dienstleistungen 40

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) 49, 64

Hilafet Devleti (Kalifatsstaat) 78-79

Hizb Allah (Hizbollah/Hisbollah) 77-78

Iman 56

Anhang Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Internationale Humanitäre Hilfsorganisation e. V. (IHH) 76

Islamisch albanisches Zentrum Ulm –Qendra islamike shqiptare Ulm e. V. (IAZ Neu-Ulm)


Islamische Audios 66

Islamische Föderation München e. V. 57

Islamische Gemeinde Hof e. V. (IGH) 42

Islamische Gemeinde Nürnberg e. V. (IGN) 46

Islamische Gemeinschaft in Deutschland e. V. (IGD) 45-46, 314

Islamische Gemeinschaft Milli Görüs e. V. (IGMG) 38-39

Islamischer Staat (IS) 66, 69, 75, 316

Islamische Stiftung Regensburg 58

Islamischer Verein Augsburg e. V. (IVA) 57

Islamischer Verein für Kultur und Bildung (Schweinfurt) 42

Islamische Vereinigung in Bayern e. V. (IVB) 42-43

Islamische Widerstandsbewegung (HAMAS) 44, 75-76

Islamisches Zentrum Hamburg (IZH) 42-43

Islamisches Zentrum München e. V. (IZM) 46

Islamisches Zentrum Regensburg e. V. 58

Islamisches Zentrum Schwandorf e. V. 57

Islamisches Zentrum Weiden e. V. 57

Ismael Aga Gemeinschaft (IAC) 38-40

Jabhat al-Nusra (JaN) 49, 73

Jabhat Fath al-Sham (JFS) 73

Jaish al-Muhajirin wal-Ansar (JAMWA) 68

Junud al-Sham 68

Kaukasisches Emirat (KE) 74

Kultur- und Bildungszentrum Ingolstadt e. V. 79

LIES! Stiftung 35, 66

Millatu Ibrahim 66, 70

Milli-Görüs-Ahde-Vefa-Plattform – Erbakan Vakfi 39

Milli Görüs-Bewegung 34, 37-39

Muslimbruderschaft (MB) 37, 40, 44-47, 76, 315

Nordkaukasische Separatistenbewegung (NKSB) 74

Saadet Partisi (SP) 38

Sächsische Begegnungsstätte (SBS) 47

Salahuddin Moschee Augsburg 57

Somalischer Verein für Kultur, Familien, Jugendliche und Integration in Bayern e. V.


Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) 37, 41-42

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Anhang

Tanzim Huras al-Din (THD) 73

Taufiq-Moschee (München) 57

Tschetschenische Republik Itschkeria (CRI) 74

We love Muhammad 56

World Wide Resistance – Help e. V. 56



Arbeiterpartei Kurdistan (PKK) bzw. Volkskongress Kurdistan (KONGRA GEL), ehemals Freiheits-

und Demokratiekongress Kurdistan (KADEK), Gemeinschaft der Kommunen in Kurdistan (KKK),

Vereinigte Gemeinschaften Kurdistans (KCK)


Demokratisches Kurdisches Gesellschaftszentrum Deutschland

e. V. (NAV-DEM) 85

Föderation der Arbeiter aus der Türkei e. V. (ATIF) 90

Föderation der Arbeiterimmigranten aus der Türkei in Deutschland

e. V. (AGIF) 91

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland e.

V. (ADÜTDF) 92


Konföderation der Arbeiter aus der Türkei in Europa (ATIK) 90

Konföderation der unterdrückten Migranten in Europa (AvEG-Kon) 91

Marxistisch-Leninistische Kommunistische Partei (MLKP) 91

Revolutionäre Volksbefreiungspartei (DHKP-C) 89-90

Türkisch Kommunistische Partei/Marxisten-Leninisten – Partizan Flügel

(TKP/ML-Partizan Flügel) 90-91, 238, 242

Turan e. V. 93

Turkos MC 93

Ülkücü-Bewegung 83, 92-93

Verband der Türkischen Kulturvereine in Europa e. V. (ATB) 93

Young Struggle 91

Aktivitas der Burschenschaft Danubia München 124, 166

Ansgar Aryan 136

Bayerische Schießsportgruppe München e. V. (DBSSG) 163

Blood & Honour 100, 172-173

Bürgerinitiative A (BIA) e. V. (BIA-Nürnberg) 143, 163-164

Anhang Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Bürgerinitiative Ausländerstopp Augsburg (BIA-Augsburg) 164-165

Bürgerinitiative Ausländerstopp München (BIA-München) 103, 115, 125,

163-164, 195

Bürgerinitiative Soziale Alternative Oberpfalz e. V. (BiSAO) 165

Bürgerinitiative Soziales Fürth e. V. (BiSF) 165

Burning Hate 132-133

Combat 18 (C18) 100

Das Zeughaus 136

Der Dritte Weg (III. Weg) 9, 96-97, 100, 103, 107-108, 110-111, 113-115,

117-118, 120-124, 128-129, 131-132, 137, 146-150, 153, 165, 167-169

DIE RECHTE 96-97, 99-100, 132, 154-156

DIM Records 136

Druckschriften- und Zeitungsverlag GmbH (DSZ) 137

Eskalation 133

Faustrecht 133

Final Resistance 136

Freie Kräfte Berchtesgadener Land 169

Freies Netz Süd (FNS) 136, 139, 146

FSN Shop 136

FSN-TV 137

Gesellschaft für freie Publizistik e. V. (GfP) 165-166

Hammerskins 171-172

Hard as nails 134

Identitäre Bewegung Deutschland (IBD) 109-110, 116, 129, 132, 156-158, 313

Junge Nationaldemokraten/Junge Nationalisten (JN) 134, 142, 145

Kameradschaft Aryans 168-169

Kameradschaft Altmühltal 169

Kameradschaft Gau Wendlstoa 169

Kameradschaft Unterfranken (KSU) 170

Kodex Frei 133, 172

Lunikoff 131, 134

Midgard e. V. 166-167

MPU 133

National Born Haters 134

Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschland (NPD) 96-97, 100, 103, 107-109,

111-112, 114, 117, 119, 125, 128, 131-132, 134,

137, 140-146, 156, 160, 164-165, 167, 195, 304

Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund (NSU) 102-104, 253-254, 256

Nordwind 133

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Anhang

Oldschool Records 136

Oldschool Society (OSS) 99, 171

Patriotic Store 136

PEGIDA-München – zur Förderung staatsbürgerlicher Anliegen e. V.

(PEGIDA-München) 103-104, 115, 162-164, 195

Prolligans 133

Radio FSN 137

Revolution auf Sendung 137

Ring Nationaler Frauen (RNF) 145-146

Schanddiktat 131, 133

Schwarze Sonne Versand 114, 136

Soldiers of Odin Germany Division Bayern (SOO) 118-119

Stützpunkt Mainfranken (III. Weg) 118, 149-150

Stützpunkt München/Oberbayern (III. Weg) 149, 151

Stützpunkt Nürnberg/Fürth (III. Weg) 149, 152

Stützpunkt Oberfranken (III. Weg) 149-150

Stützpunkt Ostbayern (III. Weg) 149, 153-154

Stützpunkt Schwaben (III. Weg) 151

Sturmtrupp 133


Untergrundwehr 134

Versand der Bewegung 136

VGB-Verlagsgesellschaft Berg mbH 138

Vikings Security Germania Division Bayern 119

Voice of Anger 171-172

Weisse Wölfe Terrorcrew (WWT) 99

White Rebel Boys 133

White Youth 173

Wikingerversand 136

Wodans Erben Germanien – Division Bayern (WEG) 118-119


Akademie für Menschenrechte (Stade/Niedersachsen) 185

Amt Deutscher Heimatbund 183, 188-189

Bundesstaat Baden (umbenannt in Republik Baden) 188

Bundesstaat Bayern (umbenannt in Volksstaat Bayern) 186-188

Bundesstaat Sachsen 188

Bundesstaat Württemberg (umbenannt in Volksstaat Württemberg) 188

Deutscher Heimatbund 183, 188-189

Anhang Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Exil-Regierung Deutsches Reich (Exilregierung) 191

Exilregierung Deutsches Reich 191

Freistaat Preußen 188

Global Common Law Court 184

Heimatbund der Menschen 183, 188-189

Heimatgemeinde „Gemeinde Chiemgau“ 189

Heimatgesellschaft Chiemgau 189

Kommissarische Reichsregierung 178, 182, 191

Republik Baden (vormals Bundesstaat Baden) 188

Staatenbund Deutsches Reich 188

Verband der Deutschen Recht-Konsulenten

(Kaarst-Vorst/Nordrhein-Westfalen) 182

Verband Deutscher Rechtssachverständiger und Rechtskonsulenten 1871

(Belm/Niedersachsen) 182

Verfassunggebende Versammlung 190

Volksstaat Bayern (vormals Bundestaat Bayern) 186-188

Volksstaat Württemberg (vormals Bundestaat Württemberg) 188

Bürgerbewegung PAX EUROPA e. V. – Landesverband Bayern (BPE Bayern)

195-197, 200

PEGIDA München – Das Original 195, 198

PEGIDA Nürnberg/PEGIDA Mittelfranken 195-196, 198-200

Michael Stürzenberger 195-201

AGIR – Demokratische Jugend 251-252

Anarchistische Gruppe München (Bibliothek Frevel) 222, 256

Antifa-NT – Autonome Antifa München 254-256

Antifaschistisches Aktionsbündnis Nürnberg (AAB) 211

Antifaschistische Linke Fürth (ALF) 246, 248, 254

Antikapitalistische Linke (AKL) 230-231

Antikapitalistische Linke München (AL-M) 239-240, 254-255

Arbeiterbund für den Wiederaufbau der KPD (AB) 221, 231, 238-239

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cuba Sí 232

Auf der Suche (ADS) 222, 246, 256-258

Contre la Tristesse 252, 256

Deutsche Kommunistische Partei (DKP) 206, 220, 233-236, 239-240, 258

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Anhang

DIE LINKE. SDS 206, 220, 230-232

Föderation deutschsprachiger Anarchist_innen 257

Frauenverband Courage e. V. 237

Freie Deutsche Jugend (FDJ) 225, 231

Infogruppe Rosenheim 251, 256

Interventionistische Linke (IL)

Aschaffenburg/München/Nürnberg 243, 248, 252-253, 318

Jugendantifa Fürth (JAF) 248

Jugendverband REBELL 206, 237

Kinderorganisation ROTFÜCHSE 237

La Resistance – antifaschistische Jugendgruppe Ingolstadt (LARA) 246-249

Linksjugend [’solid] 231-232, 246, 248

Linksunten.indymedia. 228

Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands (MLPD) 206, 221, 237-240,

246, 258

Münchner Bündnis gegen Krieg und Rassismus 239-240

Offenes antifaschistisches Plenum Rosenheim 252

Organisierte Autonomie (OA) Nürnberg 234, 245-246

Perspektive Kommunismus 254

Prolos 246-248

Revolutionär Organisierte Jugendaktion (ROJA) Nürnberg 217, 246-248

Rote Hilfe e. V. (RH) 240-241

Sozialrevolutionäre Aktion (SRA) 248, 250-251

Sozialistische Alternative (SAV) 231

Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterjugend (SDAJ) 206, 211, 234-235,

239-240, 246, 254, 258

Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes – Bund der

Antifaschistinnen und Antifaschisten (VVN-BdA) 206, 235-236

Anhang Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Applied Scholastics 269-271

Association for Better Living and Education (ABLE) 269, 271

Celebrity Centre München e. V. 267-268

Department of Special Affairs (DSA) 269-270

Der Weg zum Glücklichsein 263-265, 271

Die Lernakademie (München-Milbertshofen) 270

Jugend für Menschenrechte e. V. 269, 271

Kommission für Verstöße der Psychiatrie gegen

Menschenrechte in Deutschland e. V. (KVPM) 263-264, 269, 271

Nachhilfe- und Sprachenschule in Zirndorf 270

NARCONON Bayern e. V. 269, 271

Sag Nein zu Drogen – Sag Ja zum Leben 263, 269, 271

Scientology Kirche Bayern e. V. (SKB) 263, 267, 269-270, 272

Scientology Kirche Deutschland e. V. (SKD) 263, 267, 269-270

World Institute of Scientology Enterprises (WISE) 269, 271

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018 Anhang


Seite: 19 Foto: BayLfV

Seite: 27 Broschüre Bayerisches Staatsministerium des Innern, für Sport und Integration

Seite: 28 Broschüre Bayerisches Staatsministerium des Innern, für Sport und Integration

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und Integration

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Seite: 290 Broschüre Bayerisches Staatsministerium des Innern, für Sport

und Integration

Seite: 290 links: Broschüre Verfassungsschutzverbund; Mitte und

rechts: Broschüren BayLfV

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Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018

Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2018


Herausgeber: Bayerisches Staatsministerium des Innern, für Sport und Integration Odeonsplatz 3,
80539 München

Redaktion: Abteilung Verfassungsschutz, Cybersicherheit in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bayerischen

Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz
Gestaltung: IKW team GmbH, München
Stand: Mai 2019
Druck: StMI (Pressefassung);
gedruckt auf umweltzertifiziertem Papier

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