Oct 2010 Newsletter

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Combat Logistics Regiment 2

Newsletter October 2010

Upcoming Events
Saturday 23 October CLR 2/
From the Regimental Commander
GSMT spouses LINKS. 8:30—
3:30 at the LINKS classroom by the It is now October, so hopefully we have all gotten into some rhythm of school, sports,
Chapel on Midway Park. Your scouts, and other activities that tend to at least drive the schedules of the Escalante
Marine will get a day off if you at- family. For many, it is also the time where you and your Service Member start look-
tend the entire session. On site ing at what will be coming up over the next 6 months to a year that will affect family
child care available free of charge. life. As many of you may know already, our higher headquarters, the 2nd Marine
Please call 451-1299 to register
Logistics Group (MLG), will be deploying to Afghanistan this coming spring to serve
then let Tracie know at
tracie.newman@usmc.mil as the Logistics Command for the Marines deployed there. With that, many of the
commands within the MLG will also be deploying. While CLR-2 does not appear to
Saturday 29 October Mike’s
Farm Hay ride and Hot dog
be one of those right now, there will be times where we will be assigning members of
Roast. 4:30 p.m. Meet us there the Regimental Staff and General Support Motor Transport Company to rosters for
for a hay ride through the pumpkin deployment. It becomes confusing as Marines and Sailors move from one command
patch and a hot dog roast after- to another for these events. What I want to do this month is give you some background as to the different
wards. Children (and adults if you types of deployments your service members may be assigned to.
want) wear your costumes and
we’ll have a favorite costume con- Many of the members of the Regiment can easily be assigned to one of the Combat Logistics Battalions
test! (CLB’s) that belong to CLR-2 (CLB 2, CLB 6, CLB 8). These deployments are normally 6 months in dura-
4 November 2d MLG All Ranks tion, but training and work-ups will take place prior to actually deploying which may require time away from
Ball Goettge Memorial Field Camp Lejeune. These battalions each have Family Readiness Officers (FRO) as well, and your contact infor-
House 6:00 p.m mation will be forwarded to them by our FRO, Tracie Newman. The important piece to remember here is that
Christmas Party Tuesday 30 Tracie needs your accurate info in order to forward it. The Marine Expeditionary Units that deploy on ships
November. 5:30—8:30 at the from Camp Lejeune also have CLB’s attached to them, and the same training and deployment requirements
Goettge Memorial Field House.
and duration, as well as Family Readiness support also exists (6 month deployments with training prior to).
So who wants to cook the day after
you come back from Thanksgiving We are also asked to fill deployment rosters for other battalions within the MLG that will deploy, specifically
leave??? Not me! Come out to 8th Engineer Support Battalion (8th ESB), 2nd Maintenance Battalion, and 2nd Supply Battalion - again nor-
the Christmas party at the field mally for 6 months. In the event that Marines and Sailors are medically evacuated back to the United States,
house and we’ll feed you, entertain we can also send replacements to that command. These Marines will only deploy for the rest of that deploy-
you. ment with the unit that needs them.
Watch out for a new date for the
GSMT Family meet and greet. Members of the Regiment can also be assigned to either the 2nd MLG or II Marine Expeditionary Force
(IIMEF) staffs for the upcoming deployment to Afghanistan. However, unlike the CLB’s these deployments
will be for 1 year, with a 2 week time period for leave back in the states during the deployment. And, as we
all know, ultimately this effort in Afghanistan will be turned over to the Afghans themselves, and we are very
involved with that effort, through training Afghanistan National Security Forces or serving on the international
staffs that oversee this work. These deployments vary, with some only being 6 months and others being 1

Throughout all of this movement and deploying, it is important to remember that YOU WILL ALWAYS
HAVE A HOME WITH CLR-2. Our FRO, Tracie Newman, will always be able to field your questions and
point you in the right direction. Please do not hesitate to pick up the phone and call her for any questions you
have as your Marine or Sailor is assigned to deploy.

Semper Fidelis,
Col Escalante

CO and Sgt Maj preparing

to board the Osprey for Ft

Family Readiness Officer-

Time has flown by since the
Regiments return a few months Greetings CLR 2 Friends and Family!
ago. We came back and hit the
ground running. Upon our arri- As always, if you are new to CLR 2 welcome to our family! The theme of this quarter’s news-
val, some of our Marines imme- letter is understanding how we deploy. If you read the CO’s message he explained the
diately began the check-out “green side” component very well so that we can all understand how our Marines deploy here
process and either got out of at CLR 2 and in the 2d MLG. So, what does that mean to you, a family member of a Marine
the Corps, or have transferred who may deploy at any given time?
to new duty stations. There are
only a handful of Marines still here who made the As your Family Readiness officer it is my job to be the point of contact between you and the
Commander for all communication related to family readiness. That means readiness to
Afghanistan deployment. New faces are arriving
deploy and readiness to serve as a family member of a Marine or Sailor attached to us here
everyday and the Regiment continues to march. at home also. I am also a resource for your needs as they pertain to family issues. While I
can’t solve your problems I can point you in the right direction to help you not only solve them
Also during this time, we welcomed back the warri- yourself but also become proactive in an attempt to avoid those pitfalls we sometimes run into
ors from CLB-6. CLB-6 had a very successful as families in the military.
deployment, and we are extremely proud of the
hard work they did while in harms way. They are As the CO explained, when your Marine or Sailor deploys he/she will likely go with one of our
now returning from their well deserved block leave Battalions (CLB 2, CLB 6, or CLB 8) or with another 2d MLG unit. When they attach to this
other unit to deploy, it is usually a temporary assignment to last for the duration of the deploy-
period and are getting back into the groove and
ment. This means your Marine and you will return to CLR 2 after the deployment is over. For
beginning to already look forward to their next this reason I will not only transfer your info to the deployment FRO, but I will also retain it so
deployment. I would like to welcome their new that I don’t lose contact with you. The deployment FRO will always keep you informed of
Commanding Officer, LtCol Rizzo and his family issues related to the deployment such as when and where to be for send offs and returns,
into the Regiment. pre, mid, and post-deployment briefs, and events held for deployed family members. I, on the
other hand, will also continue to keep you informed of what’s going on here locally, invite you
Replacing CLB-6 in Afghanistan was CLB-2, an- to CLR 2 family events, and still be a resource for you when issues arise here at home. For
other one of our units. These brave Marines are those of you with deployed Marines and Sailors, you have two FRO’s. That is a good thing
for all of you! Sometimes I think that all this moving from one unit to another is a little confus-
doing amazing things everyday, and continuing to
ing. For this reason I like to retain you in my CLR 2 family so that there is some consistency
build on the success of CLB-6. LtCol Wolford and in the whirlwind of PCS, PCA, TAD, and deployment cycles.
SgtMaj Linch are taking great care of the Marines
over there. We look forward to their coming home Now on to what matters…upcoming events:
Saturday 23 October CLR 2/GSMT spouses LINKS. 8:30—3:30 at the LINKS classroom
CLB-8 is already well into their pre-deployment by the Chapel on Midway Park. Your Marine will get a day off if you attend the entire ses-
training program and will be well prepared for the sion. On site child care available free of charge. Please call 451-1299 to register then let
Tracie know at tracie.newman@usmc.mil that you will be attending. Lunch will be provided
challenges that await them. CLB-8 went over with
and we need an accurate count!
the Regiment last April time frame and will return
to see what all has been accomplished since they Saturday 29 October Mike’s Farm Hay ride and Hot dog Roast. 4:30 p.m. Meet us there for
left. Hard to believe they are already preparing to a hay ride through the pumpkin patch and a hot dog roast afterwards. Children (and adults if
go back again. you want) wear your costumes and we’ll have a favorite costume contest.

I can honestly tell you that in my 28 years of ser- 4 November 2dMLG All Ranks Ball Goettge Memorial Field House 6:00 p.m. Tickets are
vice I have never been more impressed with the $28 each and should be bought by 20 October.
professionalism, work ethic, and can do attitude as
I have seen displayed here at CLR-2. Your Ma- Christmas Party Tuesday 30 November. 5:30—8:30 at the Goettge Memorial Field
rines motivate me with their accomplishments House. So who wants to cook the day after you come back from Thanksgiving leave??? Not
every day. me! Come out to the Christmas party at the field house. There will be food, games, karaoke,
live entertainment, door prizes, clown and face painting and let’s not forget a visit from
Semper Fi, Santa himself! Join us to kick off the holiday season!
SgtMaj Chaplick
Please see the margins of these pages to find more events offered by MCFTB and CREDO!

And lastly please be sure to call or email me with any questions you may have or if you need
assistance finding a resource!
SgtMaj at Rolling Thunder
Thank you.


Tracie Newman
Family Readiness Officer
910-450-6660 (office)
910-382-9264 (BB)
Don’t forget CLR 2 has a Face Book Page!
Check it out at:
Following Our Consciences Fully, Without Fear
Chaplain David Alexander

In a survey taken this fall (September 2010) on “the conscience” by a major news organization, nearly everyone polled said that they
had “significant trouble living up to their consciences day by day.” I’d like to say a few words about this trouble, which I think that we
all experience, and which I think affects the way we all approach our lives at home and at work to some extent.

For the founding fathers of our country, conscience was seen as a guiding light in beginning the revolution from England. Men like
Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, although not adherents of any organized religion, believed in conscience as something that
people seem to possess from birth, a sense of right and wrong that is not simply “programmed by society,” and bears witness to some
kind of Universal Truth. In the Constitution, that Universal Truth is said to show us that all people are created equal, and have the
right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The founding fathers believed that we in America should be free to follow our con-
sciences, and were willing to give their lives for that ideal.

I don’t think that in the last 234 years following our consciences has suddenly become hard. I think that it was as hard in those colo-
nial times as it is today. Benjamin Franklin once wrote this, “…if you would live with ease, do as you ought and not as you please.”
He recognized that following conscience often involves us saying “no” to some other part of ourselves. As people we are not always
very good at saying no to what we think we want in the moment, even if somewhere we know that it is wrong. Saying no to ourselves
does not come naturally, but it gets easier with practice, and it is the secret to maintaining a clean conscience. We all discover at
some point that a clean conscience is an incredibly sensitive and strong force for good in this world.

There are two obvious relationships we can focus on, no matter who we are, in the process of striving to keep our consciences clean.
The first is in relation to other people (especially our families), and the second is in relation to ourselves. Below is a table of ideas that
can help us prepare to follow our consciences every day, and it can also serve to help us examine ourselves at the end of every day.

In Relation to Other People In Relation to Ourselves

We can respect everyone that we meet as some- We can examine ourselves daily in a fearless manner,
one who is incredibly valuable, and has been born to try to find any wrong that we may have done
with the same “inalienable rights” as we have. against our conscience, which we have been given to
bring good into the world.
We can be humble and fair towards everyone as
much as it is possible, and try to gain good things In examining ourselves and our actions, we can use
for other people as often as we try to get good the following criteria:
things for ourselves.
1. Was it right in both impulse and intention?
We can try not to judge other people, and in no
situation humiliate anyone. 2. Was it right in the way we put it into practice?

We can tell the whole truth to anyone who seeks 3. Were we right in our attitudes after we acted? Did
guidance or advice from us, but try to avoid impos- we become arrogant with our success, for instance, or
ing ourselves as teachers on our own accord. did we maybe fall into despair if we failed?

We can be ready to sacrifice in order to promote 4. Was it done in the right time, with the right tone, in
peace, unless it is in the face of evil. the right place?

As we make these sorts of examinations, we will no doubt be struck by how often we fail to live up to our consciences on a daily basis.
But that’s okay. We just have to avoid falling into the two main traps people face after taking wrong turns - despair and indifference. It
does matter, and there is hope for growing stronger and reaching towards a strong and clean conscience. We learn to better follow
our consciences the same way we do anything of importance in this life: with patience, determination, and hope.

We identify the ways we fail to listen to our consciences, and then examine the situations, looking for ways we can guard ourselves
from temptation in the future, or thinking of how to listen more closely, or whatever it might be. If we are patient, and determined, we
will find that even our failures can fertilize the fields of our hearts.

Just something to think about…

~ Chaps

Congratulations to 1stSgt Combs on being awarded the Bronze Star for his actions in
combat related activities in Afghanistan.
Hello from Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

I am writing to you from the Romeo Training Area at this U.S. Army installation located two hours west of Jacksonville. A portion of
the General Support Motor Transport Company is here along with elements from other units throughout 2d Marine Logistics Group
supporting a large training exercise for 10th Marine Artillery Regiment called “Rolling Thunder.” The Marines are doing great work
transporting fuel, water, food and ammunition to the artillery units operating throughout the pine forests on this vast base. Our work
here is a necessary part of the development of our Marines, helping them build their skills as vehicle operators and maintainers,
while at the same time supporting units with medium and heavy lift vehicles in an austere environment.

When we return from “Rolling Thunder,” the company will step back into a busy fall schedule marked by the Marine Corps Ball, a
maintenance inspection, and the traditional holidays found during this time of year. On top of these events we are planning a small
field exercise on Camp Lejeune during December to keep our skills sharp. We will pass along more information regarding this event
as our plan matures.

Events like “Rolling Thunder” and our company field exercises are important to our Marines yet they demand considerable sacrifice
on the part of families. We appreciate the support you provide your spouse during these necessary separations.

As we move into the fall, we thank you for your continued support and offer best wishes to you and your family for a safe and happy

Semper Fi,

Maj Coleman

Register for
our CLR 2
Sat. 23 Oct.
October 23.
8:30—3:30 8:30—3:30.
Call 451– 1299.

More Good Info
Workshops are FREE for all military family members!
Call it quits with new TRICARE Smoking Quit line
Skills Assessment TRICARE's Smoking Quit line is now accepting calls! All non-
Medicare eligible TRICARE beneficiaries within the U.S. can
Learn how to market your skills Classes are from 1000-1200 on the fol-
lowing days: Thursdays, Oct 28th, Dec 2nd. get assistance with going "smoke-free" by calling the toll-free
quit line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends
Résumé Writing and holidays. Beneficiaries residing in the TRICARE South
Region can reach the quit line at 877-414-9949, North Region
Get tips on how to shine on paper can call 866-459-8766 and West Region can call 866-244-
Thursdays, October 7th, November 4th, December 9th. 6870. TRICARE's Smoking Quit line is a telephone support
Class times are 1000-1200. and referral service. Beneficiaries who call will be assessed
and receive guidance for a smoking cessation plan that fits
Federal Employment
their unique smoking habit.
Discover the "Road Map" to apply for these jobs Thursdays, October 14th,
November 18th, and December 16th. Class times are 1000-1200. DoD is offering a program to help Marines and their families
Interview Skills find in-home care. Marine families are eligible for member-
ships to Sittercity, which is fully paid for by DoD. Sittercity is
Practice here and nail it there! the nation's largest and most trusted website for finding qual-
Thursdays, October 21st, November 25th, December 16th. Class time is ity local babysitters, nannies, elder care providers, dog walk-
ers, housekeepers and tutors. Military families can now visit
*The 16 Dec Interview Class will be held from 1330-1530
www.sittercity.com/dod<http://www.sittercity.com/dod> to acti-
To register for any of the classes call Midway Park - Family Member Em- vate their paid membership today.
ployment Assistance Program (910) 451-3366 Classes are held at BLDG
LCH 4014E, Midway Park FMEAP (next to the theater) The National Military Family Association (Operation Purple
Camps) offer family retreats to the immediate family of ser-
Anti Virus Home Use vicemembers (all Branches) post deployment (3-15 months).
Please take advantage of the free software and ensure that your personal FOCUS also participates with activities for the Family Re-
drives are clean before plugging them into government assets. Thank you
treats. Here is the site, and recommend those interested read
for your assistance.
FAQ's, Eligibility Requirements, etc.
An interactive workshop designed to help individuals understand the proc-
ess involved in savings and investment planning. Participants will explore Pregnancy Exercise Class, Prenatal and Postnatal (up to 6
how to develop and maintain realistic savings and investment goals. TSP months), exercise includes Resistance training and Yoga.
rules, regulations, and benefits will also be covered. Class times are 1300 Open to all Eligible TRICARE Beneficiaries, Childcare Avail-
-1630. able at TT2 Fitness Center only. Register for Childcare in the
TT2 Fitness Center Playroom at TT2 Childcare Development
Classes will be on November 17th, and December 1st. Center 450-1681. Monday’s & Wednesday’s at TT2 Fitness
Center 1030-1130. Thursday’s at French Creek Fitness Cen-
ABC's of Buying and Selling a Home
ter 1530-1630. To register call: Naval Hospital Health Pro-
This popular workshop provides consumer education on buying and sell- motion & Wellness
ing a home. Come and learn about mortgages, interest rates, qualifying
procedures, VA information and more! We also have a reference library Attention Ed Center Students:
with books giving the pros and cons on buying and selling that you can
borrow. Starting Fri, 1 Oct, for a 30-day trial basis, Base Bus Service
th is adding the John A. Lejeune Education Center, Bldg 825,
Class times and dates are as follows 1800-2100 November 4 .
Stone St., to its route for Bus #1. These will be the daily bus
FREE CHILD CARE! stop times: 0901, 1139, 1437, and 1710 outside of Rm 221
Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 9:00am to 1pm. exit doors.
Age’s birth to 5 years old not attending school with proof of immuniza-
tions. No sick children will be admitted and program limited to one visit Click here for a schedule:
per week. Reservations are required up to two weeks in advance due to http://www.mccslejeune.com/LLL/Base%20Bus%201w%
space. 20Base%20ed%20center.pdf
For more information call: (910)938-5447

Pre-deployment Briefs
The Marine Corps Base Consolidated Legal Assistance Office
The Budget for Baby workshop will teach budgeting techniques & the has moved the Pre-deployment/Wills/Power of Attorney Briefs
impact a baby has on a family's finances. A FREE layette is available to from the Midway Park Theater to the Base Theater. These
all USMC/USN families who attend that class and are expecting a baby. briefs will be presented every Tuesday at 1300 can accommo-
The layettes contain brand name infant items and a handmade blanket. date up to 300 personnel. Units needing to schedule briefs for
Call 451-5346/5584 to register for the next class. their commands are encouraged to contact Sgt Averyl Smith

Check out the CLR 2 Google Calendar at:


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