SMRFD Draft Meeting Minutes - May 21 2019

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Story Mill Rural Fire District

Board of Trustees Meeting – May 21, 2019

Meeting brought to order – 6:25 PM (1825 hrs)

Present – Dan, Linda, Andy, Tom, Kathy

Order of Business:
1) Welcome to new member Andy Epple.

2) Approval of Board Meeting Minutes from August 22, 2018

Tom made a motion of approval, Kathy seconded - Approved by Board. Andy abstained as
he was not present at the meeting.

3) Treasurer’s Report –
a. Check written by Treasurer to pay insurance
b. Signature sheet circulated and signed by Trustee’s to authorize and sign checks
c. Oath of office forms handed out – they need to be:
i. Signed in front of a notary, and,
ii. Delivered to the County Elections Office.

4) Budget – this was prepared by Linda and discussed by Trustees. It is required to be taken to
the Treasurer’s Office by May 23, 2019.

5) Elections – elections for FY 2020 completed at this meeting.

Chairman – Dan
Vice Chair – Kathy
Treasurer – Linda
Secretary – Tom (newly appointed/volunteered)

6) Set next meeting for May 2020, roughly the same time.

7) No open discussion and there was no public comment.

8) Kathy voted to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dan. Meeting adjourned.

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