Saint Francis University Loretto, PA 15940 Education Department Lesson Plan Format

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2/11/19 and 2/14/19


Loretto, PA 15940



Student Teacher Arlan Zelenky Grade 10

Subject Geometry _
Time Needed for Lesson 65 minutes Lesson Concept 6.5: Right Triangles

PA STANDARD(S) (Write out standards):

2.10.11.A: Identify, create, and solve practical problems involving right triangles using the trigonometric functions and
the Pythagorean Theorem.


What are the properties of right triangles?

How can we use these properties to find more information about right triangles?
How can we extend upon these properties in the last two sections in this chapter?


M11.C.1.4.1: Find the measure of a side of a right triangle using the Pythagorean Theorem (Pythagorean Theorem
included on the reference sheet).

OBJECTIVE(S) (Be sure to include all four parts):

The student will determine if two triangles are congruent with the correct rule (LL, LA, HA, or HL) or not possible
on the Notes Sheet with 75% accuracy.

Section 6.5 Notes Sheet
TI-84 Calculator
ACTIVITIES (There are three sections here):

OPENING (Introduction, purpose, hook)

 The teacher will ask students to raise their right hand.
 The teacher will ask students if they “swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me
 The teacher will say that this is an oath that you take when you are testifying in court of law.
 We want to be able to know and be able to use the properties of right triangles (emphasis on the word right)
without error.
 The teacher will mention the bolded parts of the objective in class as well as mentioning that we will “review
SAS, SSS, AAS, and ASA”.

BODY (Bulleted step by step/differentiation must be included)

 The teacher will go to the review section on the Notes Sheet and ask students which of the four (SAS, SSS, AAS,
and ASA) they believe proves that the two provided triangles are congruent. [Answer: SAS]
 The teacher will walk around the room to check for student understanding.
 The teacher will ask a student to provide their answer and ask the other students who agrees and who disagrees.
 Depending on the student answer, the teacher will clarify that the answer is SAS
 The teacher will explain that there are four rules that we need to consider when dealing with right triangles in
order to verify if the triangles are congruent
 The teacher will go through each of the four theorems found on the notes sheet. (The LL, LA, HA, and HL
 The teacher will go through examples 1 and 2 on the notes sheet.
 The teacher will ask students if they have any questions on those two examples.
 The teacher will then have students work on examples 3 and 4 at their seats for two minutes.
 The teacher will walk around and check for student understanding.
 The teacher will then call on two non-volunteers and have them give their answers to examples 3 and 4.
 The teacher will ask students if they have any questions on the last two examples.
 The teacher will mention the homework assignment found at the end of the notes
o Pg. 254 #7-12

CLOSURE (Wrap up and brief summary): How will you plan to restate the lesson objective?
 The teacher will summarize the four rules that we learned how to use in order to prove that two right triangles are
 The teacher will have students write a haiku poem describing at least one of the right triangle congruence rules.

 Student 1
o Will receive a copy of the completed Teacher’s notes for this section at the end of the lesson
 Student 2
o Will received reduced homework assignment (Pg. 254 #7-11) instead of (Pg. 254 #7-12)
ASSESSMENT: (How you will determine that student has mastered objectives?): Consider formative and summative
assessment measures for all levels of differentiation.
 The student will master the objective of determining if two triangles are congruent with the correct rule (LL,
LA, HA, or HL) or not possible through an informal check for understanding by the teacher as the teacher walks
around the room as well as a summative assessment check when students write a haiku poem on one of the right
triangle congruence rules.

SELF-ASSESSMENT/REFLECTION: (Complete this section if you have taught this lesson to peers or in clinical

I felt that this lesson went really well in the sense that each student had to demonstrate whether they did or did not know
the answer to a question. Each student was involved and were required to answer each question in the homework
assignment. I also liked how my homework average was 100% using this method. Each student required to try out the six
homework problems and attempt to provide a solution.

I do feel that this lesson should not have taken as long as it did. Since there were four different types of right triangle
congruence theorems (HH, HA, LA, LL), it took students a large amount of time to understand that these four theorems
are our options. Students appeared to be frustrated when they would state one of these congruence theorems (but not the
correct one). I feel that I would definitely incorporate a graphic organizer in this lesson so that students can understand the
difference between all four of the right triangle congruence theorems.

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